Beiyang 1917

Chapter 242 Prospect and Present

Land is the greatest yearning for farmers in any country. The vast and sparsely populated Northern Federal Autonomous Region of China, together with the equally sparsely populated Outer Mongolia, Suiyuan, Chahar, Rehe, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, will become China's new land laws in the future the first beneficiaries.

Compared with the "Land Decree" in Soviet Russia, where all power was vested in the Soviet Union, and all land and house assets of landlords and rich peasants were nationalized and distributed to farmers for cultivation, the "Provisional Regulations on Land Management" that Wang Geng tried in the north was reformist. new attempt.

Landlords and rich peasants are of course unwilling. Why should the land that they accumulated for generations suddenly exceed 40 mu per capita be bought by the state?Is it okay not to sell?

In this regard, for the former Russian landlords and rich peasants in the newly recovered and established Northern Federal Autonomous Region of China, they had no choice at all. They chose to become Chinese nationals, become Chinese citizens, and continue to own their own land and land in Siberia. Assets are the choice of most local Russian landlords and rich peasants.

If you don’t join China, you have to keep your Russian nationality, and you become an expatriate. According to the management regulations of the Northern Federal Autonomous Region of China, foreign nationals are prohibited from owning land in China, because China is not a Russian colony. In addition, it is not open to foreign investors, at least the arable land is absolutely not open.

There is no reason, you can choose to go back to the Soviet Russia, which is implementing the wartime system of all harvests and surplus grain collection. Of course, if you return to Soviet Russia, you will not be able to own your own land, because the Soviet Russian land law announced All land will be confiscated and distributed to landless farmers for cultivation.

As for Heilongjiang, Jilin, Chahar, Rehe, Suiyuan, and Outer Mongolia, they are also places with vast land and sparse population that urgently need to be developed. Therefore, although some landlords and rich peasants resisted the "Provisional Regulations on Land Management", they were still in the hands of the participating troops. In the face of brilliant achievements and iron-blooded wrists, all struggles seem so fragile and pale. < fu In the "Interim Regulations on Land Management" that was tried out in the north, the land of landlords, rich peasants and property-owning classes was redeemed by the state with the seven-year northern development bonds issued by the Republic of China, rather than directly confiscated and plundered, from the perspective of protecting private property , from the perspective of easing land annexation and avoiding the spread and development of the Soviet-Russian doctrine in China, the "Interim Regulations on Land Management" promulgated by the Chinese government seems quite wise and timely.

This is a real plan for a rainy day. Of course, the country’s financial burden will increase, but the social conflicts in the entire northern countryside will be greatly eased, and the farmers who leased their land from Zheng Fu will be protected to the greatest extent under the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" increased income and living standards.

Not to mention the introduction of the preferential policy of exempting land tax for three years in the entire Northern Federal Autonomous Region, which not only made the vast majority of the original Russian residents in this land choose to stay, but also chose to become Chinese nationals, and made the landless peasants in the mainland However, the poor and hired farmers in provinces that have not yet implemented the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" chose to go north to reclaim wasteland and immigrate. The <broadcast is coming soon, and the whole immigrant tide is rushing to the north in order to seize time, and the whole of China is immersed in a happy and hectic atmosphere.

In the military operation "Defend 18 and Recover the Homeland", the Chinese participating army dispatched a total of four divisions. During the two-week battle, they advanced along the railway line and annihilated nearly 3 Russian troops, of which nearly 8000 were killed or injured. , captured nearly 20000 people, seized 198 Maxim machine guns, 346 artillery pieces of various types, and nearly 15000 rifles of various types.

The casualties of the participating army were about 3000, of which 895 were killed and 2200 were injured. All the soldiers who died were regarded as martyrs, and their family members received a one-time pension of 2000 yuan. In addition, the most important thing is that the families of the martyrs also received The parents, children and spouses of the martyrs will also receive a monthly support allowance of 20 yuan.

In all towns and cities in the Northern Federal Autonomous Region of China, monuments to the fallen soldiers of the Model Army and cemeteries for martyrs have been erected. Since China has taken back these lands, it has never planned to give up!

In addition to Chinese becoming the official language of the Northern Federal Autonomous Region, Russian has also become the second official language. All notices and documents are available in both Chinese and Russian versions. The local schools teach both Chinese and Russian. In Wang Geng’s words, Said that there is absolutely no discrimination against the local ethnic minorities. In March 1918, in the Far East and Siberia, residents of the Russian ethnic group accounted for more than 3% of the total local population.

In this new land, the Northern China Federal Autonomous Region has four levels of government: villages, towns, counties, and autonomous regions, and will gradually achieve general elections within three years. Village committees, town councils, county councils, and autonomous region councils will be elected before the end of the year Prior to this, the civil servants of the four levels of government adopted a parallel system of appointment and election.

The entire Northern Federal Autonomous Region had a population of 1918 million at the end of March 3, which was only equivalent to the population of Beijing at that time. This objectively created conditions for the Chinese government to try out new administrative divisions and institutional management methods.

In the first draft of the constitutional revision by the Constitution Drafting Committee chaired by Xu Shuzheng, China will choose to be restructured into a federal country like the United States, rather than a centralized country with all central yang, and each province and autonomous region will gain great autonomy and Legislative power, only national defense, foreign affairs, and military are under the control of the fu, and the provinces and autonomous regions have obtained sufficient autonomy and legislative power within the framework of following the constitution.

<The establishment and revision of the fu-level parliament, of course, everything is still under discussion. After the factions lose the opportunity to compete with the central yang-level army in the military, they will do their best in parliamentary politics. Their own factions and doctrines seek status and development space.

As for whether it is a presidential system like the United States or a cabinet system like Britain and France, there is still no conclusion at this time, and the debates among the various factions are very fierce. The presidential system can relatively maintain the stability of each political term, but it will inevitably require a government. Strong leaders come to be in charge, and the cabinet system is easier to develop min zhu and avoid du cai.

In the new Beiyang after the re-unification of Zhiwanfeng, if you choose to continue to maintain the current cabinet regime, then the mainstream tendency is Duan Qirui as the president, Feng Guozhang as the vice president, and Xu Shuzheng as the cabinet prime minister. After half a year of hard work, and with the actual support of Duan Qirui and Wang Geng, the Anfu faction headed by Duan Qirui and assisted by Xu Shuzheng has become the party most likely to win the majority in the next parliamentary election.

As for Wang Geng, the red-hot and purple commander-in-chief of the Chinese army, he has been boasted together with Ludendorff of Germany as the best military commander of the time. he!Because he is the father of the model army who participated in the war!

Cao Kun can seek the position of the chairman of the Senate. Many of the overseers who have retired and are no longer leading the army have the opportunity to become senators representing the provinces. Unexpected words will be handed over to the southern party members. In Wang Geng's words, China still needs a different voice. The existence of opposition parties is an inevitable social reality. We can only face up to, guide, unite them, and spur ourselves.

Of course, if a presidential system similar to that of the United States is finally chosen, Duan Qirui will become the only candidate for the presidency, Feng Guozhang will become the speaker of the Senate, Cao Kun will become the vice speaker, and Xu Shuzheng may become the president's cabinet in addition to the minister of the army. Any minister in the army, and Wang Geng is the Minister of the Army who does his part. In fact, this guy is qualified for the Ministry of Army.The role of any minister of the Ministry of Finance and Foreign Affairs.

Of course, it is only the beginning of April 1918. It is too early to say all this. For China, it is time to establish and consolidate the regime and control of the Northern Federal Autonomous Region, complete the naturalization of local Russian residents and start to implement the "Land Management The Interim Regulations are a top priority.

According to the calculations of the Department of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, in the next month, more than 30 mainland immigrants will move their families northward into the Northern Federal Autonomous Region of China, and more than 50 immigrants will enter Suiyuan and Outer Mongolia. , Chahar, Rehe, Jilin and Heilongjiang.

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