Beiyang 1917

Chapter 246 The situation is not optimistic about Soviet Russia

"Zinoviev! You are responsible for the rebellion of the commander of the Eastern Front! It was you who insisted on using that Muraviev as the commander of the Eastern Front. It turned out that this almost ruined a newly formed Red Army. The main force! You are responsible for this!"

The meeting room was full of smoke, and Bukharin was spitting and yelling at Zinoviev on the opposite side!

"Why didn't you say that when you appointed Muraviev as the commander of the Eastern Front? Who said that the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries are the objects of our solidarity? And who said that Muraviev is a proven revolutionary general ? Who said that Muraviyov made great achievements when he was appointed as the commander of the Petrograd garrison during the October Revolution?!"

Not to be outdone by Zinoviev's counterattack, this guy is more convinced and respected by Ulyanov and Trotsky, but he is not at all interested in Bukharin, the party theorist, and Muraviev The rebellion was beyond all expectations, and it also brought unexpected losses to the first front troops formed by the Red Army.

"Everything must look forward, Comrade Bukharin, uniting the Left Socialist Revolutionaries is a central strategy, and it cannot be decided by any individual. The most urgent task now is to appoint a new commander of the Eastern Army as soon as possible and stabilize the troops as soon as possible. , Stabilize the Eastern Front!" Trotsky waved his hands.

On the issue of appointing the leftist revolutionary Muravyov as the first commander of the Eastern Front, Trotsky was the one who overcame all opinions. In other words, Trotsky was the person most responsible. At this time, the Bolshevik Nettrotsky was the only big man who could sit on an equal footing with Ulyanov. He also created the Red Army with one hand and was called the father of the Red Army. .

"Who else is qualified to be the commander of the Eastern Front Army? After Muraviyov's rebellion, the leftist revolutionaries in the army were almost wiped out, and many division commanders and brigade commanders were vacant. Who is qualified to be the commander of the Eastern Front? The entire Eastern Front is a mess now!"

Bukharin murmured that the suppression after the rebellion was a matter of course, and the expansion in the process of eliminating rebellion and suppression was an unavoidable pit. At this moment, the generals who were not of Bolshevik origin were in danger. The generals who turned from the Partisans to the Bolsheviks were also skeptical.

Both Moscow and Petrograd had small-scale sao rebellions accompanied by Muraviev's rebellion. Of course, they were ruthlessly suppressed by military means by the Bolsheviks, but the sequelae left were also quite serious. All the early senior generals of the Red Army were from Tsarist Russia. Those who have been transformed in the army pose a serious question to the central yang of Soviet Russia, what kind of talents are worthy of trust?

"I heard that the commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front, M. N. Tukhachevsky, was resolute in smashing the Mulayov rebellion. He was a loyal and brave Bolshevik. How about handing over the Eastern Front to him?" Kamenev asked tentatively.

One of the main reasons for the failure of Mulayov's rebellion was that this guy was too confident. He only brought a regiment of guards and broke into the station of the 1st Army in Simbirsk. That place was the hometown of Comrade Ulyanov, and the Bolshevik organization The power of the army is quite strong, and finally suppressed Muraviyov's rebellion in one fell swoop with a Hongmen banquet.

"It wasn't long before the 1st Army was temporarily formed, and the number of troops was not large. Tukhachevsky was too young, only 25 years old, and why didn't Muraviyov go to other armies to stir up rebellion instead of going to the Bolsheviks? Strong Simbirsk?

The large number of leftist Socialist Revolutionary generals in the 1st Army is a key factor. Although Commander Tukhachevsky was very determined in smashing the rebellion, it is indisputable that the 1st Army has now lost its combat effectiveness. In fact, at this time, Tukhachev's task is to gather and restore the 1st Army as soon as possible. I think it is too hasty to be the commander of the Eastern Front Army commanding the five armies! "

Kamenev frowned and made a long dissenting speech, with quite good reasons.

"Let Vatsitis go. He was the commander-in-chief of the Bolsheviks during the October Revolution. He is both a staunch Bolshevik and a military expert. Comrade Trotsky is in charge of the overall situation in Moscow. I think Yoyovatsky Comrade Si is a very good candidate. As for Tukhachevsky, let him practice for a while. After all, he was captured by the Germans in the Tsarist Russian army for a while, and he only served as a company commander when he came back. The burden of the army commander is quite heavy for a young man like him!"

Ulyanov touched his shiny forehead, turned from the map, and said to Trotsky, chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council.

"Well... Comrade Vatsitis is the only one left, and I agree with Comrade Ulyanov's suggestion!" Trotsky hesitated, and finally agreed to this candidate.

Since the two big bosses agreed, the other central committee members stopped groaning. Although Kamenev almost volunteered to take on the burden just now, since Comrade Ulyanov had a new idea, he would come back again. It's okay to wait, anyway, the challenge of the Eastern Front is so huge, Kamenev actually has no idea that he can take on this burden by himself.

"The Eastern Front is the key to our life and death. The Ural Mountains and Siberia are our strategic rear. Comrade Trotsky, I suggest that you personally care about the reconstruction of the Eastern Front Army and, as soon as possible, enable the Eastern Front Army to switch to counter-offensive. Kolchak must be driven back, and Kazan must be taken back!"

Ulyanov waved his fists and stared at Trotsky sharply and firmly.

"Comrade Ulyanov, you are right. I will personally accompany Vatsitis to take office in the Eastern Front, organize the team as soon as possible, and transfer to the counterattack as soon as possible, but the shortage of food and fuel is getting worse. , Moscow must do everything it can to guarantee logistical supplies!"

Trotsky's tone was firm, but he glanced at Kamenev who was next to Ulyanov. At this moment, he was the chairman of the Moscow Soviet and the actual person in charge of the logistics work.

"You can rest assured that the order to bring all food and fuel to the unified deployment of the state was issued half a month ago, and the order to form the Red Army was issued a month ago. The important thing is to implement it. Kamenev, Zinov Yefu, the two of you should focus on this work, and you should cooperate with Dzerzhinsky's Cheka. Don't be soft-hearted to all the enemies who fight against the Soviets. I know that there is not enough food, but what should we do? Can we feed us? enemies starve our comrades?"

"Comrade Chairman, the members of the Ministry of Agriculture are all leftist Socialist Revolutionaries. They oppose our surplus grain collection system and obstruct the implementation and implementation of orders in the countryside. What should we do?" After a while, it was blended in every now and then.

"Comrade Bukharin, an order is an order. In order to defend our political power, someone must pay the price and sacrifice, and this matter will be handed over to Comrade Dzerzhinsky!" Ulyanov waved his hand, speaking sternly the way.

"The situation in the south is also quite serious. Krasnov and Denikin have colluded to occupy the North Caucasus and the Don River Basin. Comrade Joseph is organizing the Tsaritsyn defense line. However, the enemy's strength on the southern front is far greater than ours at this moment. The situation Not optimistic!"

Having finalized the candidate for the commander of the Eastern Front, Trotsky turned his attention to the Tsaritsyn defense line. During the October Revolution in Krasnov, he was the commander of the cavalry army who was loyal to the temporary government and was ordered by Kerensky to lead The army attacked Petrograd in an attempt to subvert the revolution, but was defeated by the heroic Bolsheviks, and Krasnov was also defeated and captured.

After promising not to oppose the Soviet Union, this guy escaped and was released by the Bolsheviks. After returning to the Don River, he raised the banner against Soviet Russia, pulled up a North Caucasus Cossack White Guard, and appointed himself the commander-in-chief, Denikin It is his deputy.

The main attack direction of Krasnov and Denikin's White Guards is Tsaritsyn. Only after taking Tsaritsyn can they go all the way north and join the Kolchak White Guards in the direction of Kazan.

Of course, the ultimate goal of the White Guards is Moscow.

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