Beiyang 1917

Chapter 247 The Supreme Consul of All Russia

~ri date:~October 09ri~

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"Comrade Joseph is in Tsaritsyn. Although the situation is difficult, I believe he can stabilize the front line!" Ulyanov's face was serious, but he did not lose his footing.

There are about 120 Soviet infantry and cavalry in the Tsaritsyn area, and more than 3 artillery pieces. This army is composed of several scattered troops. Several units of the Ukrainian 5rd and [-]th Army in Rizin.

"On March 3, the Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District was formally established. Joseph served as chairman, and Voroshilov and Minin served as members. Under their leadership, a lot of work was done to organize the defense of the city: several new divisions were formed, Detachments of workers were established and measures were taken to consolidate the rear."

On March 3th, the army in the Tsaritsyn section was divided into three sections (Ust Medvedecki, Tsaritsyn and Salisk), a reserve team was established, and field fortifications were built in close proximity to the city : 24-2 bunkers, and barbed wire fences were erected around the perimeter of the railway branch line around the city (via Gumlak, Voroponovo and Salipta, about 3 kilometers long), and the Volga River Fleet was transferred to ensure inspection Rizin's defense. "

Pointing to the map next to the map on the wall, the one who explained was Comrade Ulyanov's loyal comrade-in-arms, the 33-year-old central committee member Sverdlov!

雅可夫·米哈伊洛奇·斯维尔德洛夫1885出生——1901年16岁时加入俄国社会min zhu工党。1905-07年在乌拉尔从事党的领导工作。曾多次被监禁和流放,长达12年。1912年起任中委。1917年起领导zhong yang书记处,1917年11月8ri当选为全俄中执委会主席,此刻他同时还是革命军事委员会的军事委员。

"I think it is necessary to form a second front army on the basis of the North Caucasus Military Region as soon as possible. How about calling it the Southern Front Army?" Trotsky obviously had plans long ago.

"I agree with Comrade Trotsky. Although the situation on the southern front is not as dangerous as the eastern front, it must not be careless. Krasnov and Denikin on the southern front have completely occupied the Don River. There are Cossacks. My hometown is close to the North Caucasus and Ukraine, and the enemy has quite a few supporters in the local countryside, so don’t be negligent!”

Kamenev was the first to agree with Trotsky's suggestion, but he was thinking in his heart that it would be better for him to become the commander of the Southern Front?

"Yes! I think it is obviously not enough for the Red Army to form a unit of the Eastern Front Army. The Southern Front Army guards the southern gate of Moscow and faces the enemy who has occupied Ukraine and the Caucasus. It must have a strong army! Trotsky Comrade, have you considered the candidate for the commander of the Southern Front?"

Ulyanov was obviously also aware of the seriousness of the situation, and readily agreed to Trotsky's suggestion.

"This... I still stick to my original point of view. In the process of forming the Red Army, we need a large number of professional military personnel, that is, those generals in the Tsarist Russian army who firmly support the Soviets and Bolsheviks. Rebels like Muraviyov put nearly [-] mid- and high-level military personnel in the Red Army into separate books!"

While waving his arms to strengthen his tone, Trotsky cast his reproachful eyes on Dzerzhinsky.

In the process of eliminating the counter-revolutionaries of the Eastern Front Army, there was an inevitable tendency to expand and implicate too much. Many non-Bolshevik generals who were executed did not actually rebel with Muraviev, but it was because they were born in the old Tsarist Russian army. He did not join the Bolsheviks, and was killed and purged by mistake.

"Hmm, what you said makes sense, Comrade Trotsky, the central government's policy has not changed. The regularization of the Red Army cannot be done without military talents. The doors of the Soviets and Bolsheviks are always open to revolutionary generals who demand progress. Of course , We will never show mercy to the enemies hidden in the revolutionary ranks! Well, what do you think of the commander of the Southern Front?"

Comrade Ulyanov knew that Trotsky had nowhere to vent his anger at the Cheka's excessive campaign against the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was not so much defeated by Kolchak as it was by Kolchak. Muraviyov lost his combat effectiveness after being suppressed by the expansion of the counter-insurgency. Groups of troops defected to Kolchak with non-Bolshevik generals.

Here, nearly 15 White Guards have gathered under the banner of Kolchak, while the Eastern Front has only more than 7 active forces left. If the team is not organized to stabilize the front, Nizhny Novgorod, the most important military industry Both the base and the stronghold of the Eastern Front may not be able to defend.

"I suggest Comrade Sergin be the commander of the Southern Front Army. He is a military expert and the first batch of generals who joined the Bolsheviks from Tsarist Russian generals. As for the Comrade Voroshilov recommended by Joseph, he can be the commander of the army group below. Let’s practice, we must respect the objective laws, if a regiment commander is placed in the position of the commander of the front army, that is not promoting him, but ruining his career!”

Trotsky knew that Comrade Joseph, who was far away in Tsaritsyn, did not take himself seriously, and did not report anything to himself, the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council. Instead, he sent a telegram directly to Ulyanov, talking about the It's a trivial matter. On the Tsaritsyn front, comrades in the army responded that Comrade Joseph knew nothing about military affairs, but he threatened senior generals in the army with shooting at every turn, so Trotsky opened his mouth at this moment.

"Okay! The Red Army wants to train its own generals, but it can't shut out military experts. The commander of the Southern Front will appoint the Comrade Sekin you mentioned, and I will explain it to Comrade Joseph! As for Voroshilo Husband, he still has opportunities in the future."

While reassuring Trotsky, Ulyanov agreed to the candidate proposed by Trotsky.

In the next few days, the newly appointed Vatsitis rushed to Nizhny Novgorod accompanied by Trotsky. While taking office as the commander of the Eastern Front, he formed two more worker divisions to enrich the army. Khachevsky's 1st Army.

Speaking of the formation of troops in the early days of the Soviet Red Army, it was a situation of huge designations and titles and a small number of personnel. Take the 1918st Army of the Eastern Front rebuilt in early April 4 as an example. Volunteer units fighting against the counter-revolutionary Czechoslovak Army and White Guards were formed.


In April 1918, the total number of the 4st Army of the Eastern Front Army was only equal to one reorganized division of the Chinese participating army. As for the firepower, it was even worse. It is scarce.

Fortunately, the new commander of the Eastern Front, Vatsitis, is a lucky general. After he took office, he actually stabilized the situation on the Eastern Front and defended Nizhny Novgorod, which was under attack by the Kolchak White Guards. Trotsky The command train stopped at the railway station to supervise the battle. The First Army and the Third Army jointly repelled the attack of the White Guards, and pushed the front back to Cheboksary in one go.

The reason is not that the Eastern Front has been reborn, but that there is an internal problem on Kolchak's side.

To put it simply, Kolchak's great military victory in the Siberian Provisional Autonomous Government some time ago and the number of White Guards following him swelled to as many as 15 people. The social revolutionaries and constitutionalists of Wang's temporary government in Ufa's Siberia formed a situation where they made great achievements.

In early April 1918, the Siberian Provisional Self-Government Zheng Fu conspired to overthrow Kolchak's military power, which forced the former admiral to preemptively return to Ufa directly from Kazan, and launched a military coup to overthrow Ufa. Provisional self-government zheng fu.

On April 1918, 4, Kolchak announced in Ufa that he had become the supreme consul of Russia and established the military government. Soon the generals of the Caucasus White Guards, Denikin and Yudenich, both recognized his regime. Wang Geng's previous life was more than half a year earlier. Of course, the result of this guy's retreat from the Kazan front and back to Ufa to carry out a coup d'état also gave the Eastern Front of Soviet Russia a chance to breathe.

When Kolchak returned to Kazan from Ufa and was preparing to organize a new round of offensive in the direction of Moscow, the Eastern Front Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army was besieging Kazan. At this time, the combined number of the five armies of the Eastern Front Army recovered. When it reached more than 10, and the cannons and machine guns were strengthened, Kolchak's White Guards could not gain the upper hand for a while, and a stalemate formed between the two sides on the front line of Kazan.

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