Beiyang 1917

Chapter 273 Completely tied to the chariot

~ri date:~October 10ri~

"The problem of the source of soldiers is easy to solve. As long as you can have a good meal at the moment, you can recruit as many soldiers as you want on both sides of the Volga River!" Kolchak is not worried about the source of soldiers.

Hearing this, Wang Geng narrowed his eyes, stared at the Supreme Consul of the All-Russian Temporary Zhengfu in front of him, and said after a while, "Your Excellency the Consul, remember that I reminded you at the beginning, you should think about why the number of Red Army in Soviet Russia on the opposite side is increasing. More and more, but your White Guards have encountered a bottleneck and cannot expand rapidly! This is not a simple problem of food, of course, it will not work without food!"

"Isn't it because of the lack of food? Serving as a soldier eats food and serves as a soldier. There are a lot of demobilized soldiers from Tsarist Russia returning home. If there is enough food, I can at least pull up a team of 50 people!" Kolchak said puzzled.

"It's not just as simple as food, do you remember the slogan of the Bolsheviks on the other side?" Wang Geng said tirelessly.

"The slogan of the Bolsheviks? There are no Bolsheviks in my White Guard. Are you talking about "peace, bread and land"? The Bolsheviks here are all factories owned by the public and the surplus grain collection system. Their propaganda has reached this point Completely bankrupt!" Kolchak's brain was not slow, and he remembered the loudest slogan that the Bolsheviks chanted during the revolution last year.

"Your Excellency the Consul, don't you understand what our Commander-in-Chief means? Land is the lifelong pursuit of peasants. The real weapon of the red Soviet Russian regime opposite is the land decree, which deprives rich peasants and landlords of their land and nationalizes it." , and then distributed to landless peasants for farming! That’s why there are so many poor and hired peasants who joined the Soviet Red Army!

What are you and your political response?A single spark can start a prairie fire, but not to mention killing and killing can solve the land problem and the treatment of workers in factories. Don't forget that industrialized bourgeois countries have the most workers! "

Wu Peifu, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, is at this moment pointing out the top Russian consul, who is still not enlightened.

"Well, the land of the rich peasants and landlords is not snatched. How can you say that it is confiscated? Even in your China and Japan, the land of the rich peasants and landlords cannot be confiscated just like that?" Kolchak asked doubtfully, This guy really hasn't seriously studied the vigorous "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and "Temporary Regulations on Land Management" in the east of the Ural Mountains and in northern China!

"Your Excellency Kolchak, although the decrees and policies west of the Ural Mountains are the internal affairs of your All-Russian Provisional Government, at this very moment, since we want to fight side by side, I have to make such a request, that is, in the All-Russia Provisional All areas controlled by zheng fu must carry out land reform similar to what we have done in China as soon as possible, and alleviate the class and social contradictions in the countryside as soon as possible. Pull the poor and hired peasants over! This is the biggest trump card to defend your regime!"

Wang Geng looked at Kolchak seriously and said, he didn't want to arm and train ten Russian divisions, and in a blink of an eye they all went to the Soviet Red Army on the other side for the sake of land. To consolidate Kolchak's regime, he must be allowed to Land reform should be carried out as soon as possible in the territory. The state will buy back the land owned by individuals exceeding the quota and lease it to landless farmers for farming. Of course, the means of exempting land tax for three years must also be used. Farmers and Rural Support!

"I can't do this. The people following the temporary government of Russia are almost all the nobles, capitalists, landlords, rich peasants and their children and family members from all over Russia. At this time, I told them that they would confiscate more than 40 acres of land per capita. What's the point of leaving only 40 mu of land for those who have at least hundreds of thousands of mu of land in their hometown? My zheng fu must not do the kind of thing that crosses the river and demolishes bridges. In fact, they follow the all-Russian temporary zg fu , and precisely because we inherit and protect the principle of the sanctity of private property!"

Kolchak was not stupid, he understood in a blink of an eye that Wang Geng wanted to force him to carry out land reforms in the areas he controlled, and he shook his head in opposition.

"Your Excellency the Consul, I am deeply disappointed in your stubbornness, but I have to remind you that the countries of the Allies also protect the private property of the common people as sacred and inviolable, but the land and the class struggle and social conflicts surrounding the land have reached the point of no delay Besides, you and your government are buying land that exceeds the quota from landlords and rich peasants instead of plundering and confiscating it. In exchange for other cash, bonds and equity”

Wang Geng's tone was a little cold. He didn't expect Kolchak to be so stubborn that he couldn't see the situation clearly. The Soviet Russia on the opposite side played the card of the land law. To resist the invasion of the Bolshevik movement, it is necessary to ease the situation in the rural society. Take action on contradictions, and solving the land problem is the top priority!

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, what you said is easy. I have only 120 million square kilometers of land left in the temporary Russian government, which is still in jeopardy. It is not as good as your China, which has received aid from Japan and the United States, and dug out oil by itself. I take it Why buy the land of the landlords and rich peasants you mentioned, and how much arable land is only 120 million square kilometers? It is not enough! Forcibly take away the land of the landlords and rich peasants with worthless bonds, what is the difference from plundering ?”

Kolchak's eloquence is quite good at the moment, and what he said is so eloquent that it sounds like it can't be completely unreasonable.

"Your Excellency Kolchak, don't forget that you still have the gold bond issued by the Bank of China. It is enough to buy the land of landlords and rich peasants. You also said that the 120 million square kilometers of land is not much, so what are you afraid of? !” Wu Peifu said coldly from the side.

"Your Excellency the Consul, don't forget that there is still a lot of land west of the Volga River waiting for you and your regime to recover. At that time, are you afraid that the land will not be enough? The land under the control of the Bolsheviks on the other side, the landlords and rich peasants Almost all of them have been wiped out, and when you recover, the land without owner will be directly nationalized, and the issue of redemption you are worried about will not exist at that time!" Utsunomiya Taro stroked his beard in the The yinyin way on the side.

Kolchak was taken aback when he heard the words. In this way, he was really stupid. Because of the surplus grain collection system in the places controlled by the Bolsheviks, many rich peasants and landlords in the countryside were wiped out. It is not bad to say that. , Recovering those lands without spending gold to redeem them, why not kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing Kolchak's obvious intentions, Wang Geng seized the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot:

"Your Excellency, your army can only truly become the soldiers of the people on this land when it defends its own land. Similarly, isn't it the greatest expectation of your followers to march westward for the land and recover the lost land? , as for the source of the redemption funds, you don't have to worry at all. In this war-torn 1918, Zhongyuan and Chinese bonds are your best choices. Bond's Expatriates Offer Permanent Residency Guaranteed!"

Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya Taro looked at each other, thinking that it would be a pity not to be a businessman because of the commander-in-chief's method. The typical one is the master who can turn straw into gold bars. Isn't the bond the strongest in the world except the United States and Japan!

Just like this, Kolchak, the supreme executive officer of the interim government of Russia, finally stepped on the pace Wang Geng set for him. In the war room of Wang Geng's coalition headquarters, Kolchak represented the whole of Russia. Temporary zheng fu, Wang Geng represented China-zheng fu in the Allies, and the two parties reached the following agreements and secret treaties:

1. The all-Russian interim government will carry out land reform in the country one after another. The specific operation method is based on the experience of northern China. The part of the land owned by individuals exceeding 40 mu per capita will be redeemed by the government with half of cash and half of gold bonds. In view of the depreciation of the Russian ruble It is beyond imagination, the cash used for redemption will use Chinese yuan, and the gold bonds will also be issued by the Bank of China, and the interim government of Russia will use the gold from the Kazan treasury as collateral to obtain Zhongyuan and the gold bonds issued by the Bank of China .

2. The Allies, with China and Japan as executors, will provide weapons and equipment for no less than ten divisions and train these ten divisions for the all-Russian temporary government. At the same time, before the end of the Russian Civil War, the ten newly formed The Russian division will be organized by the Chinese Army and will be under the unified command of the Chinese-Japanese-Russian coalition forces.

3. The eight-hour work system for workers will be implemented throughout Russia and the treatment of workers will be guaranteed so that they and their families can live a life of food and clothing. Zheng fu will provide basic food stamps for every household in the city. When the rural areas will The "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" are implemented, and all land enjoys preferential measures of exempting land taxes and all taxes for three years, provided that this land is included in the territory of the All-Russian Temporary Zheng Fu.

Considering that it is not safe to transport gold on the 8000-kilometer railway line, Wang Geng’s coalition forces rushed to repair a large airport east of Ufa, and within ten days, they transported 1600 tons of gold from Kazan to Ufa by special train. The gold was transported back to Beijing by 6 Handley Page V25 planes with a load of 1500 tons each.

The gold bonds that were urgently issued by the Bank of China and the Bank of Communications were transported back to the front line in Ufa. China has leapt to become the world's largest gold reserve country. Since there are strong banknotes and Chinese yuan that are easy to use, in fact, who would exchange them for gold and keep them in their pockets?All China, the Northern Federal Autonomous Region, and the Great Plains of West Siberia only circulate the Chinese yuan. At this moment, even Ufa and Kazan are gradually circulating the hard Chinese yuan instead of the ruble that has been reduced to waste paper.

Wang Geng's coalition forces went abroad for the first battle, but what they won was a political and economic battle, which completely tied the Kolchak regime to the chariot of the Sino-Japanese Alliance!

King of China has once again become the focus of world attention!

Of course, because the Kolchak regime signed a secret agreement with Zheng Fu in China, the rumor that 1600 tons of gold was transferred to Ufa was released, but the gold in Ufa was transported back to Bei Jing by Chinese planes Strictly confidential.

At the same time, the White Guards on the right bank of the Volga River began to retreat towards Ufa, and the local people also evacuated in groups to the west of Ufa. On the surface, it seemed that the Kolchak regime could not resist the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army. Offensive, began to shrink the troops and planned to retreat.

In view of the fact that the gold in the Kazan treasury has been transferred to Ufa with great fanfare, the Soviet Russian central yang's order to the front-line Eastern Front instead required that while Kazan besieged, the main force should be sent to cross the river from Simbirsk and advance to Ufa as soon as possible. The slogan is to take back the gold of the Russian people looted by the tsar!

The development of the situation on the Volga front gradually fell into the pace expected by the coalition forces.

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