Beiyang 1917

Chapter 280 Three Lines of Defense in Ufa

Ufa is located on the Ufa Peninsula at the junction of the Belaya River and the Ufa River. The Kamala River traverses the north, and its winding tributary to the south is the 1430-kilometer-long Belaya River. Into the vast Volga River, Kazan is at the junction of the Kamala River and the Volga River.

The Trans-Siberian Railway from Kazan to Chelny on the Kamala River is on the north bank of the river, and after arriving at Cherny, it crosses the river through a railway bridge and turns to Ufa in the southwest direction. The meandering Belaya River is on the The railway line runs in the northeast, the river and the Siberian Railway face each other in the near section, and the far section is more than [-] kilometers away.

The backbone of Kolchak's entire Kazan and Ufa defense lines is the Siberian Railway across the Kamala River in Cherny, where the Kolchak White Guards in the direction of Kazan have three divisions of troops, Cherny itself It is a strong fortress facing the river, and on the southwest side of the Siberian Railway line, there are countless swampy areas, which also become a natural barrier, guarding the main artery of the Siberian Railway.

The vanguard of the Fifth Army of the Eastern Front hit here as far as possible in May, trying to cut off the Trans-Siberian Railway from Cherny. As a result, the armored trains and trains of the White Guards coming from Ufa and Kazan The heavy bombardment threw away the armor and armor, and almost lost a division's troops in the vast swamp when they withdrew.

From the second half of June to the beginning of July, the five White Guard infantry divisions retreating to Ufa from the right bank of the Volga River and the Ural Fourth Cavalry Division retreating from the direction of Orenburg were not the whole force to defend Ufa.

In the process of clearing the walls and evacuating from west to east throughout June, Pepelyaev recruited three Ufa volunteer infantry divisions in Ufa, which is almost the entire population of Ufa who chose to stay. Most of the young and middle-aged people, in 18, the total population of local residents in Ufa was only about 45. In fact, in Wang Geng's previous life, this one of the most important cities in the Ural region had a population of only 1918 million.

Each of the three Ufa volunteer divisions has only about 1 people. The weapons in their hands are the Japanese 1918 large covers transported by the coalition forces from the east of the Ural Mountains through the Siberian Railway. In [-], Japan was quite entangled Don't equip American equipment with China's unified standard. Looking at the major countries in the world, the infantry weapon standard must be its own system, but it is nothing more than a different caliber. The American field rifle is simply an improved version of the German Mauser.

The advantage of Japan's [-]-cap rifle is that the trajectory is straight and easy to aim, and the manual rifle is actually easier to prevent beginners from shooting out the bullets in the gun indiscriminately. Of course, the [-]-cap with a flash The bright bayonet still feels like a forest of swords and guns in the sun. The volunteer division who has trained for less than half a month expects these recruits to be able to shoot the guns more accurately, which is purely yin.

In the words of Wang Geng, commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, jokingly with his deputy chief of staff Utsunomiya Taro, the [-] Ufa volunteers who were urgently armed are very young and strong, a bit like the Japanese with bamboo guns in the Warring States Period of Japan Nongbing-Ashigaru!Fighting against the wind can be arranged densely to scare enemies in the distance or to cut off people's heads to get merit, but fighting against the wind will definitely disperse.

"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, the descendants of the Tatars in Ufa are not at a loss in strength. If you train them well, they may be stronger than farmers and soldiers. If you are more fanatical, at least they will be a consistent work!" Taro Utsunomiya One of the current hobbies is to accompany the King of China to discuss people and events in the Warring States period in his own history. For example, Nobunaga is very feminine, for example, the city has actually dated several men and so on.

"Be more fanatical, this is easy, the emperor is not hungry and sends soldiers, isn't it, we have a lot of favors to give away!" Wang Geng smiled with a confident look, the king of China is now in a group of Japanese division heads and this Udu In Miyataro's eyes, the image is the out-and-out Chinese contemporary Zhou Yu!Feather fans and towels, where you talk and laugh, the old man will be wiped out.

The commander-in-chief of the Ufa garrison, Pepelyaev, got a trick from the Allied Command. The first trick is to boost morale. The Ufa garrison has five White Guard infantry divisions, one Ural fourth cavalry division and three Ufa volunteers. Division, the entire army has a total of more than 9 people, and the all-Russian temporary government promised to defend Ufa and win this battle.

All officers of the troops participating in the war in Ufa will be promoted to one rank, and each soldier of the army will receive a free and brave medal, and get the right to cultivate [-] acres of high-quality fertile land in the Volga River area for five years, free of land tax for these five years, and, It does not affect the latest land management regulations issued by Zheng Fu, which stipulates that per capita land ownership shall not exceed [-] mu. At the same time, if the [-] mu of land has been cultivated for five years, it will be permanently owned by the cultivator!It also does not account for the [-] mu of arable land per capita!

For the soldiers who died in this battle, the reward of the forty acres of meritorious land will be inherited by his family!

Although it is an empty favor, both sides of the long Volga River are currently occupied by the Soviet Red Army, but it still boosts the morale of the 9 Ufa defenders and screams!Russia is an agricultural country, and the working class who can run with Soviet Russia have become the Red Army. They work in factories all day long and patrol the streets at night. They will support the frontline battlefields at any time. !

However, the vast rural areas and peasants in Russia are content with the status quo and defending food and land in Baojiawei Village is the inner pursuit and bottom line of several generations of landlords, rich peasants and middle peasants. Inspired by the two big killers "Regulations", the poor and farm laborers who were unwilling to take the risk of leaving home to engage in violence also joined in this struggle to defend Ufa, defend the temporary government of the whole of Russia, and defend the nation.

If it wasn't for the evacuation, if it wasn't for the fear of scaring the Soviet Red Army back, Pepelyaev would have liked to form eight or ten such volunteer divisions in one go. In the warehouse next to the hangar of the field airfield, at least ten volunteer divisions can be equipped with Ri-type rifles urgently transported through the Trans-Siberian Railway.

In fact, the field airfield in Ufa has become a huge coalition barracks and warehouse, but it is listed as a military restricted area within a radius of ten miles. No one knows what is hidden in this barracks. The coalition air force planes that are constantly taking off and landing, Ufa Airport has actually become a station on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The coalition forces have set up platforms and even laid branch railway lines to allow military trains to drive directly into the camp area, just like in a car Yabinsk and Omsk were the same when the base camp was established.

Three volunteer divisions and five White Guard infantry divisions have been sweating profusely for the past half month to dig fortifications. The entire circular defense line in Ufa is divided into three lines. The first line is six kilometers away. For the optimal range of the gun, the second line of defense is set at 75 kilometers away, and the third line of defense is set at 3 kilometer away.

In fact, this is the first defensive operation of the coalition forces, and the criss-cross trenches are the undisputed defensive weapon. The range of the Japanese-type 75mm 8350-type field artillery of the coalition forces is as high as 2 meters. Wang Geng set the first line of defense at Six kilometers away is already quite polite, which means that the field artillery group [-] kilometers behind the third line of defense can provide fire support to the first line of defense!

Due to the extension of the Ural Mountains, the terrain in the southwest of Ufa is a gentle slope that gradually decreases. The five White Guard infantry divisions and three volunteer divisions, plus the excavators, bulldozers and transport trucks equipped by the three engineering regiments of the coalition army, were sweating profusely. The hard work resulted in the formation of a spectacular ring-shaped defensive trench network in the southwest of the outskirts of Ufa within half a month, with a depth of six kilometers and a length of more than fifteen kilometers.

Of course, the real trench network project is mainly located in the two-kilometer defensive zone between the second line of defense and the third line of defense. As for the first line of defense, only two circles of barbed wire were pulled, and real and fake minefields and traps were laid. Makeng plus bamboo sticks or something, the Soviet Russian Red Army is in short supply of artillery at the moment, and the shells are not luxurious enough to prepare firepower for six hours or even a week in a row like the Allied Powers and Allies on the Western Front.

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