Beiyang 1917

Chapter 281 Who Can Invulnerable?

The strategy developed by the Allied Forces Command for b. Pepelyaev and his defensive troops is to attract the opponent's attack with a weak frontline force, but to suppress and kill the opponent with strong firepower, which will give the attacking side a false impression That is, there are many cannons in Ufa that are not weak in firepower, but the number of defenders in Ufa is small and the morale is low. Use human aviation to charge up in one go. Don't be afraid of casualties. When Ufa is defeated, just capturing these cannons will greatly strengthen Su The strength of the Russian Red Army.


The trenches of the third position have breast walls half a meter high on one side, and lower compacted roadbeds on the other side. At that time, they will be equipped with 12.7-caliber Browning heavy machine guns; Behind the wide trenches, the 360-degree rotating turret on the armored vehicle is just a little higher than the ground, which does not affect the world and vision, and avoids exposure to the greatest extent. It can also drive and move to the direction that needs to be strengthened at any time, or avoid dealing with those who slipped through the net. The attack of artillery fire.

As for dealing with cavalry attacking at all costs, the criss-cross trenches and deep ditches between the second and third lines of defense will make the cavalry rushing up find themselves falling into the Shura field, three consecutive lines separated by two meters Intermittent and irregular anti-tank trenches three meters deep and four meters wide will make Soviet Russian cavalrymen become lambs waiting to be slaughtered as long as they fall off.

Of course, the barbed wire fences in front of each line of defense were pulled up like deer villages. Although the Soviet Red Army was almost an organized armored force, Wang Geng knew that Russia was one of the first countries to use armored vehicles. Little Ulyan Nove stepped on an armored vehicle when he gave a speech.

The Ufa defenders, who didn't know what happened, were grateful that only three coalition engineering regiments were sent to help repair the fortifications with mechanized equipment, but they were panic-stricken when they were told that the defense of Ufa would be dominated by White Guards and volunteer divisions. It is inconvenient for the coalition forces to intervene in the situation west of the Ural Mountains. Of course, from the calm and composed expression on Commander-in-Chief Pepelyaev's face, someone with a keen eye can tell that the coalition forces east of the Ural Mountains must be It is only right to have a commitment to the all-Russian interim government in Ufa.

Otherwise, what is the huge military base in the northeast of Ufa built for? Although I don’t know how many planes there are, the sound of plane engines rumbling in the sky every night has not stopped for half a month, and the reconnaissance planes of the coalition air force Every time they go out, there are 4 formations conducting uninterrupted reconnaissance of the depth of the Volga River Basin, and it is impossible to be sightseeing.

Whether the coalition forces west of the Ural Mountains will help in the battle to help defend Ufa has been rumored for half a month, but there is no certainty, but seeing the three engineering regiments sent by the coalition forces, they are very familiar with using bulldozers and forklifts to help. The posture of digging trenches and positions, maybe the coalition forces really can't send ground troops to help?

Then some people began to speculate that it would be no problem for the coalition to send some planes to help out. Don’t those d4 reconnaissance planes also have machine guns and can hang bombs? Air force support, Tsarist Russia’s air force is small in number, and the domestic revolutionary aircraft and pilots for a year and a half have been in disarray. Either they voted for Denikin, or they are lying in an airport hangar because of the lack of spare parts and maintenance personnel. sleep soundly.

Moreover, since the coalition's planes appeared in the Volga River Basin, the Soviet and Russian planes that were occasionally seen were almost wiped out in several encounters and air battles. In the Volga River Basin, the sky belonged to the White Guards, oh no, it belonged to the coalition forces. Although their aircraft actually had the mark of the West Siberian Autonomous Government painted on it, everyone knew that it was the coalition air force.

Lieutenant General of the Cavalry, Deputy Commander of the Ufa Garrison, and Front Enemy Commander of the Southeast Group of the Ufa Defense Line Alexander Petrovich is a little confused about the defensive formation arranged by Pepelyaev. His [-]th Ural Cavalry Division is a mobile force , If it is used for positional warfare, it would be a waste. Moreover, cavalry never know what defense is. Defense is the dirty work done by infantry divisions.

Alexander Petrovich's southeast group had to defend a 7-kilometer-wide front. Pepelyaev allocated two White Guard infantry divisions and one volunteer division to the southeast group. The rest had to rely on his cavalry division. According to Petrovich, put a volunteer division on the first line of defense, two White Guard infantry divisions on the second line of defense, and his own Fourth Ural Cavalry Division as a mobile force on the flank of the third line of defense.

The nominal commander-in-chief of the Ufa campaign, Pepelyaev, equipped the southeast group with six White Guard artillery companies, including four 6mm caliber field artillery companies and two 75mm caliber mountain artillery companies, each with six artillery pieces. There are only 75 pieces in total, which is one-third of the few artillery families in the Ufa defenders.

In fact, because the Ufa Volunteer Infantry Division hastily formed an army within half a month, it has never been on the battlefield, so it must be used as cannon fodder for people on the front line. In the end, the defense task of the first position of the southeast cluster , It was still given to the White Guard Infantry Division-Ural Iron Man Division♀ There are almost 9000 people in this division, many of whom are veterans of the Tsarist Russian army, and many of them are Cossacks who have lost their horses. Although the discipline is poor, the combat effectiveness is still quite good.

The Ufa [-]st Volunteer Division and another White Guard infantry division - the Volga Peasant Division clung to the second front. Alexander Petrovich and his chief of staff Sergey Mikhainovich were both battle-tested Veteran, the Maxim machine guns of the law enforcement team are set up behind each position, and those who retreat without order will be shot and killed!In fact, this is the order of all Ufa White Guards.

The tweeters on the telegraph poles above the city kept shouting slogans!Behind you is Ufa. You cannot retreat. Only if you win this battle will you have a future. If you lose this battle, you will be doomed. For your motherland, for your people, and for the future of the [-] acres of land in the Volga River Basin , bloody battle to the end!

The Northwest Group under the personal command of Pepelyaev is equipped with two White Guard infantry divisions and two Ufa volunteer divisions. As for the artillery, there are eight White Guard artillery companies, five field artillery companies, and three mountain artillery companies. , a total of 48 cannons, the Russian artillery is relatively backward and bulky, these wild cannons relying on horse-drawn horses are relatively slow to transfer positions.

The remaining White Guard Infantry Division and Ufa Volunteer Division, as the general reserve, were deployed behind the third line of defense, ready to support the front line at any time. More than one line of defense was drawn between the three lines of defense and each position. wired phone.

The remaining residents of Ufa were also organized into countless volunteer ambulance teams and worker picket teams. The tents and ambulances of the field hospitals in the city behind the front line were all in place. The entire city enforced a strict curfew and martial law, and their identities were suspicious. Unknown people will be interrogated at any time, and once they are found to be spies infiltrated by the Soviet Red Army, they will be pulled to the corner and shot!

The city of Ufa is actually located at the junction of the Belaya River and the Ural River. The meandering Belaya River surrounds the southwest of Ufa, forming a huge S-shaped buttocks, or this can be called a big bear mouth. Also, the Northwest Cluster line runs northwest along the Trans-Siberian Railway above the bear's nose, while the Southeast Cluster line winds southeast from the bear's jaws.

The place in the middle is sunken in until it reaches the river bank, and it is almost undefended. The 1500-meter-wide Belaya River is the best line of defense, and the highlands of Ufa City on the other side of the river are the best artillery positions. The city is in a state of martial law, and no one knows how many cannons have been deployed on these two high grounds. They only know that the rumble of cannon tests has not stopped for half a month.

On July 1918, 7, the Soviet Russian Eastern Front was advanced by the three cavalry divisions of the forerunner of the Southern Group to a place ten kilometers southwest of Ufa after being strengthened. It also suffered a loss. The first-level White Guard Cossack cavalry reconnaissance losses in several directions were heavy, and less than one-third of them ran back.

However, Ufa's losses were soon compensated. The forward battalion of the Red Army Cavalry Division, which had underestimated the enemy, was blocked by barbed wire and deer villages in front of the first line of defense, and was then swept down by the Maxim machine guns of the White Guards on the ground. Hulala yelled Ula and rushed up to a battalion. In front of the 400-meter-wide position, almost half of them were swept down by 4 Maxim water-cooled heavy machine guns with cross-firing power from the White Guards. More than half of the Malays, less than a company of troops remained in a battalion, and the battalion commander and political commissar who led the charge were all killed.

The contact battle on the front line gave the Ufa White Guards on the defensive side a surge of courage. It turned out that the Soviet Red Army who just called Ulla was not invulnerable!

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