Beiyang 1917

Chapter 297 The Indomitable Cavalrymen

Discovered by the air pre-warning plane of the coalition forces, the 13th Cavalry Division, which was roundabout in the north, had not yet finished crossing the railway. Weapons and artillery, whether it is an artillery battle or a machine gun confrontation with the armored train, are at a great disadvantage. Seeing that the situation is not good, Markov ordered the entire division to evacuate to the east, away from the attack of the White Guards armored train on the railway line.

When the 13th Cavalry Division ran all the way in disgrace, and when they ran eastward to the bank of the Belaya River and were blocked by the wide and fast river, they were less than 20 kilometers away from the railway line. When they stopped to count the troops, they were already on the armored train Two battalions were lost under the scorching fire attack. Markov sent scout cavalry to reconnaissance along the river to the northwest and southeast, while looking for a suitable place to cross the river.

Although forcibly crossing the wide Belaya River is not included in this battle plan, for a senior cavalry division commander like Markov, who was born in the Fifth Army, it is necessary to take one step and see three steps. Of course, the 13th Cavalry Division encountered The battle report of the armored train attack was sent back to the Southern Cluster Command as soon as possible, and Tukhachevsky must be consulted on how to fight next.

But in front of the long iron-clad train on the railway and the machine guns and artillery on it, the 13th Cavalry Division obviously lacks enough heavy weapons to deal with it. If Tukhachevsky ordered his division to attack the armored train, Marko Husband doubts whether he has the courage to accept orders

Soon, the call back from the Southern Group Command came. In the telegram, Tukhachevsky severely accused the 13th Cavalry Division of lacking fighting will and courage. He was frightened by the iron armored train of the White Guards. Ski asked Markov to lead the cavalry division to resolutely overcome difficulties and find ways to destroy the railway, so that the armored train could not function, and even asked the cavalry division to seize the armored train and use it to attack Ufa

In the end, the commander of the Southern Group asked Markov's political commissars at all levels of the cavalry division to play the role of exemplary warheads, resolutely overcome the rightist sentiment of some generals in the team, carry forward the fine traditions of the red Cossack cavalry, defeat the armored train, and seize the northwest direction of Ufa railway bridge, and the capture of Ufa

"It's an idiotic dream. Tukhachev's 14 infantry divisions and 33 artillery companies can't do it. How can my remaining 7000 cavalry do it? The infantry on the White Guards armored train has at least one regiment's strength. , there are so many cannons on this armored train, and the machine guns are so dense, how do you get close? It is completely unrealistic and blind command." Markov tore the telegram into pieces two by one, and tore off his collar , with an angry face livid

"Master, I think, let's find a place to rest and find a place where we can cross the river. Otherwise, we will be caught between this railway and the Belaya River. It's really hard to fly. Besides, the whole division has been away all night. How can you fight if you don’t close your eyes and take a break to eat?” Markov’s political commissar Nils said from the side {book friend upload}

"What about the orders of the commander of the cluster and the group army? When the time comes, you, the political commissar, will be blamed?" Markov squinted at his old partner

"What does it matter? The war is in chaos. It is said that after sending the report, it was attacked by an enemy plane. The transmitter was damaged. I did not receive a call back from the group army. I just stood by the transmitter. We will only copy and accept this telegram. , but did not send a response signal at the end to indicate that the acceptance is over." Political commissar Niels said with a smirk

"How can we do that? After leaving the radio station, our eyes are darkened, and we don't even know where the cluster and army are. What should we do if we need to report the situation?" Markov called

"I said, Commander, don't hold it up. I'm not from the Cheka, and I won't let you alone. When we need to send a telegram to the group army and the group, we will send it again. Could it be that the telegraph machine If it's broken, it won't be repaired?

In my opinion, we have to silence the radio, and then try to find a larger piece of woods to hide in, otherwise, the reconnaissance plane marked by the West Siberian Autonomous Government in the sky is buzzing and staring at it like a fly but trouble"

Although the political commissar Niels was born as a Bolshevik, his family used to be an aristocrat. Although he has betrayed the master of his family and class now, in this world, who knows what will happen tomorrow, at least for now he has to find a way to survive

"Old man, I think we can't go south to Ufa and throw ourselves into the trap. I went to Ufa before the war. The wide Belaya River is like a natural and dangerous moat. If the railway bridge cannot be taken, you can go to Ufa from the north. It is absolutely impossible to rush across the river under artillery fire. In my opinion, we should simply go north, and then think of a way to cross the Belaya River and jump to the right bank, so there will be much room for maneuver.” Markov fumbled on the map For a long time, he looked up at his political commissar and said

"Okay, let's do this. Let's find a place to cross the river, and then go around from the northwest of Ufa. Maybe that's the rear. The White Guard's defense is relatively empty. We can find an opportunity to cut off the Siberian Railway line, or attack the other party's transport train. Finally, we You can even go around and go to the south to join the two cavalry divisions that detour on the south road." Political commissar Nils is obviously very active

"Just do this, order the whole division to mount their horses and march northwest along the river, and we'll take Kazan." Markov gave the order in a nonsensical manner, and the soldiers of the 13th Cavalry Division were also used to their division commanders and political commissars. As for the commanding style of his partner, he quickly packed up and got on the horse, gnawed on black bread and drank cold water, and galloped towards the northwest

The detour troops on the southern road were obviously much luckier. They didn't have the machine guns and artillery bombardment of the crazy armored trains in front of them, and they didn't cross the wide Belaya River. A team of young men with good water quality swam nearly 800 meters across the river, and then pulled up ropes on the river. Obviously, there was no such condition for building a pontoon bridge. The two cavalry divisions could only ride horses and swim with ropes

In this way, the two 12 76mm caliber mountain guns that were specially strengthened for the cavalry division could not get through, but if there were no guns, what would they do to beat the White Guards on the Hexi Highland when they occupied the high ground under the city of Ufa? While crossing the river bitterly, the engineer battalion dismantled the carriages and assembled rafts, and came back from logging in a small forest 2 kilometers away. After more than two hours of tossing, the troops and cannons finally crossed the Biyala River

Although the engine sound of the buzzing reconnaissance plane could be heard overhead from time to time, fortunately, the opponent did not launch a ground attack, nor did it attract any fighter jets or bomber squadrons, but obviously, the detour of the cavalry division had fallen into the sight of the White Guards. Vasilyev, commander of the [-]st Cavalry Division of the Fourth Army, sent a telegram back to ask for instructions, saying that the detour on the south road had been detected by the opponent's reconnaissance plane, whether to continue crossing the river and proceed as originally planned

As a result, Tukhachevsky called back and cursed, saying that the reconnaissance plane of the coalition forces on the other side of the mountain had appeared above the Soviet Russian Red Army when they just crossed the Volga River from the Southern Group. A patrol of the enemy's reconnaissance plane can scare away the heroic Red Army soldiers

At the end of the telegram, the commander of the Southern Group strictly ordered the First Cavalry Division and the Mixed Cavalry Division on the south road to seize the opportunity and march northward at a lightning speed to seize the highland in the east of the river before the Ufa White Guards reacted. Cannons bombard the White Guards' line of defense in the west of Hexi. Whether a breakthrough can be achieved in the Battle of Ufa today depends entirely on the performance of the detour troops on the southern route.

Vasilyev had a bad nose and cursed in his stomach, but the order had to be carried out. Anyway, it was the mixed cavalry division of the 1st Army that was going to seize the Hedong highlands. His own [-]st cavalry division just took a detour to the northeast of Ufa Find a way to cut off the Siberian Railway

After crossing the Belaya River, the two cavalry divisions divided up and marched northward. The mixed cavalry division of the First Army moved northwest along the right bank of the Belaya River, while Vasilyev's [-]st Cavalry Division headed northward. run away

The battle on the second day of the Battle of Ufa gradually kicked off

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