Beiyang 1917

Chapter 298 1 half is sea water 1 half is flame

On July 1918, 7, the Battle of Ufa entered the second day. The Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army South Group began to attack the positions in the northwest and southeast of Ufa early in the morning. The iron-clad train leaving in the direction lost radio contact after the attack. Although the two cavalry divisions in the south may have been spotted by the coalition reconnaissance planes in the sky, there are only a few White Guards who guard Ufa! Book*

Tukhachevsky, the commander of the Southern Group, is still full of confidence in taking Ufa. As long as Ufa can be taken, he will be able to close the Ural Pass before the coalition forces east of the Ural Mountains send troops westward, and then they will be able to Turn around and wipe out the Kolchak gang in Kazan, which has lost support

Tukhachev's confidence does not only come from the three cavalry divisions sent out to make a detour. The highlight of the attack is still on the frontal battlefield. Chevsky is not the case

According to the test results of the first battle yesterday afternoon, there will be a total of four to five artillery companies in the Ufa defenders in the northwest, and six artillery companies in the southeast. Chevsky is not a reckless guy, this guy decided to strengthen the artillery to the southeast of Rzhevsky's Fourth Army

As a result, the Fourth Army of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front, which took on the offensive task in the southeast, was supported by eight artillery companies reinforced by the First Army. In addition, the entire Second Army of Ma Xin had two divisions, two artillery companies, and a machine gun. Battalions were also assigned to Rzhevski's southeast attack direction

In this way, on the front of the defense line of the Petrovich group in the southeast of Ufa, the attacking Soviet Red Army reached 8 infantry divisions and 20 artillery companies.

Although the arrangement was so arranged, it was the Northwest Cluster that started first. After all, Tukhachev's First Army was one of the main forces of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army. The defeat of the 24th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army yesterday did not affect the Soviet Red Army. Morale dealt a fatal blow. Today, with the fire support of 13 artillery companies, the First Army rolled up its sleeves and launched an attack on the opposite b. Pepelyaev's position

b. Pepelyaev's Northwest Group has a total of 8 artillery companies. In the artillery battle with the opponent's 13 artillery companies, although relying on the advantages of terrain to fight very tenaciously, there is obviously a gap in the number of artillery between the two sides. It is not so easy to make up for. The artillery battle officially started at 8 o'clock in the morning. Half an hour later, Pepelyaev lost more than one-third of his 48 mountain artillery, and nearly 20 artillery pieces lost their combat effectiveness. _)

The 13 artillery companies of the Soviet First Army on the opposite side lost more than 30 cannons, but in any case, the artillery of the Soviet Red Army in the northwest gradually gained the upper hand. Fortunately, the First Army came from afar and carried a small number of shells. , and because the attack in the northwest direction was not actually a decisive attack, although the infantry of the First Soviet Russian Army also started to attack, the fire support of the artillery group behind them was the same as that of the White Guards on the opposite side. sparse down

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the Soviet Russian First Army has launched a ground attack on the Northwest Line of Defense, and Pepelyaev called to request heavy artillery reinforcements," the combat staff reported behind him.

Wang Geng had been watching through the telescope for quite a while. Tukhachevsky's style of play was obviously different from yesterday's. At this moment, on the ten-kilometer-wide position of the northwest defense line, the Soviet Red Army launched an attack from three directions. The troops invested in one direction were probably only one infantry regiment, and they stopped advancing 1000 meters away. It means to fight a protracted war

"Tell Pepelyaev, tell him to calm down, the enemy artillery opposite him has only 13 artillery batteries, and it is not worth exposing the existence of the Ufa heavy artillery group. Tell him to withdraw the remaining artillery from the position and let it go. The enemy is attacking," Wang Geng said without turning his head.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the Fourth Army of Soviet Russia on the southeast defense line has launched an artillery attack on our position. The firepower is very strong, with at least 20 artillery companies." After discovering the traces of the two cavalry divisions detoured from the south by the Su Onan Group early in the morning, Major General Tian Jun, the director of Wang Geng's war room, led an armored battalion to the Hedong Highland position behind the southeast line of defense to take charge of the command.

"Tell Sergey to withdraw the first-line troops from the trenches and traffic trenches to the second line of defense like yesterday, and give up the first line of defense to the opponent. The artillery of the Field Artillery Regiment should not rush to fight back and wait for the Soviet Russian infantry It won't be too late to call after you come up," Wang Geng ordered.

On the Hexi 201 high ground of the southeast cluster defense line, Sergey spat hard, and gave an order to the combat staff behind him:

"The First Division of the White Guard Infantry withdrew from the first-line position, pay attention to conceal the front-line position, leaving only the artillery observation post, the field artillery wing, prepare to lock the position of the opponent's artillery group as soon as possible."

Here, under the bombardment of 20 artillery companies and 120 mountain cannons of the Soviet Fourth Army, the White Guard infantry divisions guarding the front line dragged their machine guns and retreated along countless traffic trenches. A group of division commanders and political commissars of the Fourth Army were stunned

"Comrade Commander, the White Guards have been defeated by our artillery fire, so seize the opportunity to launch an attack." A division commander couldn't hold back and asked to fight.

"Don't worry, order the artillery group to blow out the barbed wire fence in front of the opponent's position first." On a small high ground, the deputy commander of the Southern Group and the commander of the Fourth Army, Rzhevsky, observed a few kilometers through the telescope. Outside the White Guards positions that kept raising explosive points, while giving orders

"Comrade Commander, the White Guards on the opposite side are a bit weird. Yesterday, their three artillery companies fired accurately. Why are they so quiet today? Could it be that we were frightened by our 120 cannons?" Fourth Army Political Commissar Hevezin whispered to the side

"The artillery fire density of 20 artillery companies is indeed not to be underestimated. Since the establishment of our Red Army, I am afraid that no group army can have the cannons of 20 artillery companies at the same time and use them on one battlefield." Ma Xin, the commander of the second group army, was on the side. Obviously a little proud, my second army has been strengthened to the southeast attack direction, and the battle is progressing so smoothly, why can't people breathe a sigh of relief?

"The artillery stops shooting," Rzhevsky, who had been observing the situation on the other side, suddenly ordered

"Stop the artillery, stop the shooting!" The combat staff officer of the group army hurriedly grabbed the phone and shouted at the artillery group.

"Why stop shooting? Comrade Rzhevsky!" Ma Xin and Rzhevsky's political commissar Heveyshin shouted together, and the surrounding division commanders and political commissars were puzzled

"At the moment, there is not a single person left in the front line of the opponent's position. The barbed wire fence in front of the position has also blasted countless gaps. What are you doing with wasting shells? Originally, the base number of shells we carried was less. The main attacking infantry divisions sent a regiment of troops to attack, and dispatched six artillery companies to prepare to advance with the infantry." Rzhevski explained while giving orders

I understand that the White Guards on the opposite side are too cunning. Their cannons are on the high ground behind the position. Our current artillery position can cover the frontline positions, but it can’t reach the artillery positions behind the opponent and cannot destroy his artillery group.” South Group Staff Officer Chang Ma Xin was the first to come to his senses

The Ufa garrison built three lines of defense in the southeast. The third line of defense is at the foot of the 201 highland. The second line of defense is 1000 meters ahead, and the first line of defense is 1000 meters ahead. The White Guard artillery set on the high ground The position, the 76mm mountain artillery can hit as far as 4000 meters in front of the first line of defense. At this time, the artillery position of the Soviet Fourth Army is more than 5000 meters away from the first line of defense of the White Guards. It is really out of reach on the high ground 7000 meters away

Of course, the White Guard's mountain artillery on the high ground couldn't reach the opponent's artillery group because of the range, so they didn't fight back at all. Instead, they withdrew from the first line of defense and waited for the Soviet Red Army to grab them. As for the traffic trench, on the second line position A machine gun can guard a traffic trench

The maximum range of the 1902-type 76mm field artillery in the artillery company of the Soviet Red Army is close to 8 kilometers. If you want to say that you can hit the high ground to a certain extent, the artillery company is because the field artillery is heavy and the mountain artillery is light. The relationship between her technology is not easy to master, the number of field artillery in the artillery company of the Soviet Russian Red Army only accounts for half of the mountain artillery


Of course, the 75mm caliber 7100-type mountain artillery equipped by the Chinese participating army and the Japanese army artillery unit has a maximum range of 190609 meters. Only the Russian 76 1902mm mountain artillery can match it in range. Most of the mountain cannons were lost on the battlefield against Germany in the past four years. At this moment, whether it is the Soviet Russia or the White Guards, most of the artillery equipped are 1904 and [-].

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