Beiyang 1917

Chapter 302 The decisive Tukhachevsky

"Tell me your reason! If it is not sufficient, I will never agree!" Tukhachevsky squinted his eyes and stared at the commander of the Fourth Army. But Lezhevski had the intention of retreating first?

"In the two days of battle, it is obvious that we have more people and fewer White Guards, but the White Guards have established positions, and the density of machine gun firepower is much stronger than ours. I thought we had more cannons than the other side. Now it seems that the other side Even if our artillery companies are smaller than ours, they are also limited.-

And they are on the high ground, the same artillery can shoot farther than us, and the artillery of the White Guards is much more well-trained than ours. This afternoon, the opponent's field artillery fired to the maximum range, and it can still maintain a good distance 7 kilometers away. The accuracy of this kind of beyond-line-of-sight attack is still far behind our artillery. "

The deputy commander of the Southern Group and the commander of the Fourth Army, Lezhevsky, spoke heavily. The field artillery of the nine artillery companies on the highlands in the east of the river can at least cover between the first and second positions in the southeast position. This means that Although my three divisions occupied the first-line trench abandoned by the opponent after 9 casualties, but if they attacked the second trench 4000 meters away, they would be attacked by more than 1000 artillery companies from the opponent. The artillery can't reach the opponent.

"The point is, we don't have many shells left, unlike the White Guards on the opposite side, who keep firing shells as if they don't need money! So I suggest that the front-line military committee of the group should carefully consider the next battle plan! If we continue to fight like this, the prospects are not optimistic!" Lezhevski's tone became firm, and he looked directly at his cluster commander Tukhachevsky.

"Comrade Ma Xin, what do you think?" Tukhachevsky turned to ask Ma Xin, the chief of staff of the group and the commander of the Second Army, with a sullen face.

"The Second Army resolutely supports the decision made by the Front Military Committee of the Southern Group. If we want to fight, we will fight to the end. If Ufa is not captured, how will we explain to Moscow? More than half of the troops and artillery on the battlefield on the Eastern Front have been strengthened to the Southern Group. If Withdraw back in such a desperate manner, I suspect that many people will want a military court!"

The slogan of the group chief of staff Ma Xin rang loudly, but he was thinking in his heart, anyway, it was your advice to Zhong Yang that Tukhachevsky wanted to take down Ufa.

"Comrade Rzhevsky, if you also strengthen the 13 artillery companies of the northwest offensive group, can you take down the opponent's southeastern defense line? Of course, there are not many artillery shells left! At least I have at least two artillery companies there The cannon was lost in the artillery battle in the afternoon!" Tukhachevsky hesitated again and again, feeling that he was still a little unwilling to give up the attack. &&

"If the artillery of the whole group is strengthened to the 4th Army, we can take down the opponent's southeast line of defense by gritting our teeth, but the city of Ufa is still on the other side of the Ufa River and the Belaya River. Such a wide river must be in the opponent's city. It is also impossible to attack the urban area under the cover of artillery fire, unless Ufa is surrounded into an isolated city and the artillery is exhausted, we have little hope of success!" Rzhevsky's answer obviously disappointed the group commander .

"According to you, how should we fight? Could it be that we have lost 10% of our troops in the past two days and have been pulled down? ... I can't explain this to Moscow! Can you explain it to Comrade Trotsky?" Hachefsky's voice hardened.

"In my opinion, we can change the siege of Ufa, withdraw the battle line to the range of the opponent's highland artillery, wait for the opportunity to lure the snake out, and then encircle and annihilate them! Before that, we have to find a way to put the opponent all day long." Get rid of the buzzing reconnaissance plane, otherwise our every move will be in the eyes of the other party, and this battle will be difficult!" Lezhevsky couldn't help but blush when he said the word "siege".

Here Ma Xin has already called out, "Siege? How to siege? The northwest is the railway line patrolled by armored trains, and the southeast is the wide, deep and fast-flowing Ufa River. How to siege?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff! What's the use of shouting?" Tukhachevsky obviously understood the meaning of Rzhevsky's words. The siege was obviously just an excuse for the Moscow telegram, but it was to lure the snake out. It's really a way to fight in the wild.

As for getting rid of the opponent's reconnaissance plane, Tukhachevsky didn't get angry at one point. First, his troops lacked anti-aircraft weapons. It's not enough at all, besides. . .What Tukhachevsky is most worried about is destroying the opponent's reconnaissance plane. If the coalition forces send bombers to retaliate and intervene from the air, it will be difficult to say the price that the southern group will pay!

At this moment, the sound of rumbling cannons came from a distance, and after a while, Hewissing, the political commissar of the Fourth Army, broke in with a solemn expression on his face.

"White Guard artillery fire has blocked the rear of the three infantry divisions on the front line. Ammunition and food cannot be delivered now! The wounded cannot be evacuated!"

Tuhe Chevsky, Ma Xin and Rzhevsky were shocked when they heard the news. They rushed out of the house, and surrounded by the guards, they dismounted and went straight to a small hill in front of the village, where Rzhevsky lived. Offensive command position, open terrain, good vision.

Looking through the binoculars, as expected, the artillery fire of the White Guards on the Highlands suddenly increased, and began to bombard the densely packed three infantry divisions in the front-line trenches. and reinforcement, but the opponent's shooting accuracy is quite reliable, every shell that fell into the trench set off a bloody storm, taking the lives of many Red Army soldiers!

"This sound is wrong! The sound of artillery is so dense! The enemy's artillery on the high ground has at least 10 companies. This is too bad. We have been fooled by the White Guards!" There are at least 10 or even more artillery companies firing at the Hexi Highlands of the White Guards on the opposite side, which is not the same as the six companies that were said before and were half disabled!

"To transfer our artillery, we must suppress the artillery positions on the opponent's high ground, or else the three divisions will be finished!" Tukhachevsky shouted sharply back.

This is right on point. If the Fourth Army's artillery can reach the opponent's high ground, it must advance at least 1 kilometer further. This 1 kilometer road can be completely covered by the opponent's field artillery that intercepts the shooting. Although there are 12 artillery companies left, there are only 4 companies with long-range field artillery, and the others are mountain artillery, which are not enough to threaten the enemy field artillery groups on the high ground.

You can't even see the target, so how can you shoot straight?Moreover, the 1904 76mm mountain artillery of the Soviet Russian Red Army has a maximum firing range of only 5500 meters, and it has to be pushed forward for three kilometers to fire the shells to reach the edge of the highland.

"Comrade Commander! I think these three divisions should be withdrawn and covered with artillery and machine guns at the same time. They must be withdrawn! Otherwise, they will be squeezed into this 10-kilometer-long trench and suffer shells, and they will lose it in half a day!" Le Revsky yelled anxiously.

Almost every shell of the White Guards that fell into the trenches caused huge casualties, which was a huge blow to morale. Some Red Army companies couldn't bear to be passively bombarded, so they couldn't help but jumped out of the trenches and launched a charge. As a result, they were shot by the hot Maxim machine gun All the bullets fell in the middle of the two positions.

At this moment, in the distance of sight through the telescope, white mist could be seen rising from the highlands east of Belaya River behind the opponent's highlands. The sound of rumbling guns came from a farther direction, and then three infantrymen of the Red Army In the trench occupied by the division, countless shells burst out with screams, and the artillery fire falling on the position was nearly doubled.

"The enemy's artillery on the Hedong Highlands has also opened fire. At such a long distance, it must be a group of field artillery firing. Judging by the density of the bomb explosion, at least six field artillery companies have strengthened their artillery fire!" Chief of Staff Ma Xin looked at the binoculars. While observing the position, he murmured.

"Rzhevsky, you are fully responsible for today's situation!! The enemy on the opposite side has at least 20 artillery companies and cannons beating your three infantry divisions! What are you doing in a daze, order all your All the cannons fired at the enemy's second position, and then let the division in the middle attack! All rushed to attract the enemy's firepower! The two divisions on both sides of the position retreated for me! Did you hear that! Put smoke in the withdrawn position The shells interfere with the sight of the opponent's artillery!"

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