Beiyang 1917

Chapter 303

In all fairness, Tukhachevsky's order was very timely. After all, this guy is one of the best generals in the Soviet Red Army. He has a high degree of grasp and sensitivity on the battlefield. At this time, let three infantry divisions who have been killed by the opponent's intensive artillery fire to launch an attack, which is undoubtedly a dead end. The few thousand meters of wilderness that has been withdrawn will become a hell on earth. -

So Tukhachevsky made up his mind quickly, using one division to feint to attract firepower, and withdraw the remaining two divisions from the line of fire. As for the cannons of the 12 companies on his side, they swarmed forward for me, even if Even if it can attract some firepower from the opponent's high ground, it can also save some infantry from withdrawing.

Lezhevski quickly came back to his senses, and quickly followed the order!This is the first time he realizes that Tuhe Chevsky, a young man, can rise from a company commander to a group army commander. In addition to being appreciated by Ulyanov, this guy really has a group commander The keenness and courage necessary for the Communist Party members!In other words, iron and blood are ruthless!

However, it is clear that the Ufa White Guards' artillery attack was premeditated for a long time. Just after the Fourth Army issued an order to send a division to charge and the two divisions retreated, the roar of large-caliber heavy artillery rang out from the riverside of Ufa City. Wu Peifu The 150 heavy howitzers in the southeast of Ufa City under the command began to show off.

"It's over!" Tukhachevsky's heart sank suddenly. The enemy in Ufa still has 150-caliber heavy howitzers ambushing in the southeast corner of the city. Judging by the intensity of the artillery fire, there are at least 9 heavy howitzers in the artillery positions of the opponent's city. "It's over...these three infantry divisions are completely over!" Tukhachev muttered to himself, and a layer of mist could not help but float in his eyes.

A shell of the 150 heavy howitzer weighs 36 kilograms, while a shell of the 75 field gun weighs only 6 kilograms. The power difference between the large-caliber heavy artillery and the 75mm caliber field cannon can be imagined. There are more than 30 Ufa defenders in three directions. The artillery fire from the artillery company completely enveloped and covered the first position occupied by the Red Army in the southeast. Not to mention rushing out and withdrawing, a heavy grenade exploding among the crowd in the field could kill dozens of Red Army soldiers.

The officers and soldiers of the remaining infantry divisions of the Fourth Army on standby at the rear of the position were also stunned by the sudden change on the front line. These were Soviet Red Army soldiers who were born as poor peasants and workers. Fighting, this is the first time they have seen how cannons dominate the outcome and fate of the battlefield!

In less than 30 minutes, the three Red Army infantry divisions occupying the first-line trenches of the White Guards suffered more than half of the casualties under the dense artillery fire of the other side, and the rest curled up in the trenches and the huge craters and dared not move indiscriminately. Whether to attack or retreat has obviously surpassed their perception and ability, and they can only lie on the ground with their heads in their hands to avoid the screaming and flying shrapnel in the air. -Many people were temporarily deaf from the ears of the huge explosion, and they sat on the ground in a daze and muttered to themselves, not knowing what they were talking about!

The senior commanders of the Suonan Group witnessed everything that happened in the position through the binoculars behind the position. During the 20-minute artillery attack by the opponent, the artillery battery that the Fourth Army had worked so hard to pull away with a carriage had just moved to The launch position, but the 4 field artillery companies can only hit the edge of the opponent's Hexi Highland, and they are quickly exhausted by the accurate and dense counterattack artillery fire from the opponent's highland. As for the mountain artillery company, they can't rush at all, Lezhevs Gritting his teeth, Ji ordered the remaining seven mountain artillery companies to withdraw to their original positions.

"Tell them to fight on their own! Fight on their own!" Lezhevski shouted at the orderly behind him!The hidden meaning of fighting each other in the Soviet Russian Red Army is that the soldiers can decide for themselves whether to die for the country or to save the country!Of course, this is also a private unwritten rule of the Fourth Army, which was inherited from the Tsarist Russian army. After the Red Army implemented the political commissar system, this unspoken rule has not been used for a long time.

The telephone lines leading to the front-line trenches had long been blown up by intensive artillery fire. At this moment, the group army could only use the sound of trumpets and flags to convey the orders of the group army headquarters to the soldiers on the front line!

After a while, the artillery fire from the White Guards on the opposite side gradually subsided after a long-distance salvo, and the tweeter of the Ufa defenders' second line of defense sounded:

"Russian compatriots on the opposite side, you have been surrounded by our artillery fire. According to the order of our Ufa campaign headquarters, as long as you stay where you are, we will suspend the artillery fire. The all-Russian temporary government and White Guards give preferential treatment to prisoners , as long as you lay down your weapons, we will let the past go, and guarantee the safety of your personal life and property. If anyone resists to the end, he can only talk to our cannons."

"Repeat, only if you lay down your arms, we will give preferential treatment to prisoners. In the future, Russia will be unified, and you will be able to reunite with your parents and relatives! Contribute to the peaceful construction of the country! We only ask you to lay down your arms. We will not force you to violate your beliefs, but you must Put down your arms, any rash action will cause meaningless losses, the All-Russian Provisional Government and the Ufa White Guard strictly abide by the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, and absolutely guarantee the safety of personal life and property of prisoners of war!"

"These sons of bitches! How dare you dare to persuade them to surrender! It's a shame!" Tukhachevsky snapped the whip in his hand, his teeth itching with hatred!

The positions of the two armies were deadly silent!The White Guards in the second-line position over there looked relaxed, and many people gathered together to light cigarettes. Of course, they didn't dare to expect the Soviet Red Army on the opposite side to surrender. After all, there are more than a dozen divisions behind their positions. We can fight like this, the first is that the positions are well arranged, and the second is that the machine guns and artillery have the upper hand, and the terrain is too disadvantageous for the opponent.

The remnants of the Soviet Russian infantry division huddled together in the trenches of the first-line positions looked at each other and saw that the artillery fire behind them also stopped. Under the threat of such powerful cannons from the other side, it was obviously impossible for reinforcements to come to meet them now. It's like giving a big gift to other artillerymen.

Two of the commanders of the three infantry divisions in the first-line positions were killed and one was seriously injured. The political commissars of the three divisions died long ago on the way of attack and retreat. The three infantry divisions had more than 4000 casualties when they occupied the front-line trenches. .

At this moment, more than half an hour of White Guard artillery fire plowed in and out like a plow. The casualties were more than half. The 300 meters before and after the position was a death zone. Adding the casualties in the trenches, at least 8000 people were killed and 2000 were injured. However, there are only about 6000 or [-] lucky ones who are intact.

Rzhevsky quietly gave his political commissar a wink, and the political commissar of the Fourth Army, Heveshin, understood it and turned around quietly.

Here, Tukhachevsky and Ma Xin were both ashen-faced. They didn't know how to end it for a while, so they sent all the remaining five divisions to rush to flatten the opponent's defense line with crowd tactics?Under the bombardment of nearly 10 cannons from the opponent, especially under the bombardment of the 150-caliber heavy howitzer, this is undoubtedly suicide, and even if it can advance to the Ural River, so what?Two of the opponent's three artillery groups are on the other side of the river. The wide Belaya River and the Ural River are an insurmountable natural danger. Unless the opponent's artillery shells are exhausted, this road will not work at all!

"Comrade Commander, you can't deploy five more divisions just to save the rest of the people in the position! Keeping the green hills alive, we don't have to worry about firewood. We are responsible for the lives of the Red Army soldiers!" Rzhevski felt heavy I persuaded Tukhachevsky, who was about to go berserk.

Tukhachevsky himself was captured on the Eastern Front in the Tsarist Russian army, and spent a long time in the Tsarist Russian prisoner-of-war camp in Germany. Of course, this guy knows that laying down his arms as a prisoner when he cannot resist According to the practice of the * army, the Tsarist Russian army put down their weapons and took them as prisoners of war, but at this moment, I am a glorious Bolshevik. The fact that the Red Army soldiers put down their weapons makes people shudder!

The Cheka and the political commissars are the ones who can directly report to the Supreme Military Council!

"Comrade Rzhevsky, I order that the southeast front stop attacking, and the divisions retreat five kilometers to re-establish positions. Before the new combat plan is issued, the entire line stops attacking, retreating five kilometers to establish a reliable position! Break away from the opponent's heavy artillery I will leave it to you here! I will go back to the headquarters of the southern group to command the operations in the northwest direction! Comrade Ma Xin and I will go back to the headquarters of the group!"

Tukhachevsky obviously turned his head very quickly. I can't continue to memorize this mess and the scapegoat. The remnants of the infantry division in the position must not surrender when I am here. Ski to carry the burden himself!

As for taking Ma Xin away, he was completely afraid that he would be sued by this kid in front of Sdrviyov in the future, so he would be taken out as a favor!

Ma Xin had a sad face and a heavy heart, but when he heard Tukhachevsky say this, he couldn't understand what he meant, and nodded hurriedly. Over there, Tukhachevsky had already left surrounded by the guards. The servant hurriedly patted Rzhevski on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, and then the old man blushed, and immediately led his guards to chase after the commander of the Southern Group.

The two infantry divisions of the Second Army quickly followed their army commander and withdrew to the northwest.

"Damn it! Tukhachevsky is going too far! This is clearly to make our army take the blame!" Heveshin, the political commissar of the Fourth Army, who has always been good-tempered, had just returned from issuing orders, but saw Tukhachev Fusky and Ma Xin had already run away, and they couldn't help but yell!

"Comrade Commander, I have issued an order to the remaining commanders and fighters of the infantry division in the position with the semaphore, asking them to decide the tactics and direction of the breakout according to the specific situation, and the group army will no longer control the remote control!" Ki said in his ear.

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