Beiyang 1917

Chapter 304 Someone died in battle, someone put down their weapons

Soon, the sound of the call to withdraw troops was blown on the position behind the Fourth Army. The remaining three infantry divisions of the Fourth Army followed the retreat of the Second Army and began to retreat to the rear. There were not many shells left. The six mountain artillery companies of the Chinese army were at the forefront, followed by the heavy machine guns of the two horse-drawn machine gun battalions.

The remnants of the three infantry divisions left in the position were obviously abandoned by the group army, and there were cries and abuse on the position, and many soldiers who could still move couldn't help but jumped out of the trenches and ran to their own positions. The reckless move ushered in the warning shot of the White Guard artillery group on the high ground behind. Nearly a hundred shells fell and exploded at the same time 300 meters behind the position. The fastest running Red Army soldiers were directly torn and blasted by the shells. fly.

The remaining soldiers either lay down in place on the field full of wounded and corpses, or retreated back to the front line trench of the White Guards!

On the opposite side of the White Guard's position, the voice of the tweeter sounded again:

"The High Command of the White Guards in Ufa once again announced:

As long as you lay down your arms, we will give preferential treatment to the prisoners. It is very unwise to try to escape or fight like a cornered beast. The main force of your army has already retreated, and they have given up on rescuing you. Now, please lay down your weapons. Get treated like a prisoner of war and accept the protection of the Geneva POW Convention!

In yesterday's battle, your wounded in the northwest have been taken back to your positions with our permission, so don't doubt our sincerity, fellow Russians!We are relatives on the same land. Although we may hate each other now, blood is thicker than water. Sooner or later we will be relatives like before!Please lay down your arms, all the wounded who lay down their arms, we will allow your medics and stretcher teams to take you back to your positions later, but only if everyone lays down their arms! "

The cordial and proficient Russian from the tweeter echoed over the position. Due to the charge and attack of the Fourth Army regardless of losses, especially the firepower attack by the four front-out field artillery companies on the high ground and the second position, the White Guards on the second line The casualties also exceeded 4, but this is negligible compared to the huge casualties of the three Red Army infantry divisions on the opposite side.

Finally, new changes appeared in the remnants of the three infantry divisions trapped in the frontline trenches. There were messy gunshots in many places on the position. It was the political commissars at all levels who tried to put down their weapons and walk out of the trenches with their hands held high. People, and then the commissars were torn to pieces by the bullets of the Red Army soldiers who had decided to lay down their arms.

If one person stands up, there will be a group of people standing up. Many people give themselves good reasons, just to let their injured comrades go back, so what if they are prisoners of war once!After all, there were only a little over 5000 healthy soldiers on the battlefield, and more than [-] wounded were injured. This account can be justified no matter what. The ones who can't justify it are those stubborn political commissars. Damn, I didn't fall under the artillery fire of the White Guards Now, to be enforced by his own political commissar on that bullshit battlefield discipline!

As the saying goes, strike first is the best. Since the political commissars and the Chekas are not merciless in shooting at their own people, is it possible that what I am holding is a fire stick?

Soon there were messy and intensive gunshots from the position, and then groups of Soviet Russian Red Army walked out of the trench with their hands raised high, and behind them were the dead bodies of Cheka and political commissars.

The remaining nearly 6000 soldiers of the Soviet Fourth Army put down their weapons and walked towards the second line of the White Guards with their hands raised high. The retreating soldiers of the Fourth Army a few kilometers away turned their heads and watched silently as their comrades became Captured by the White Guards.

After 20 minutes, Sergey and Petrovich's southeast line of defense guns finally completely subsided. The White Guards captured nearly 6000 remnants of the three infantry divisions of the Fourth Army who had laid down their weapons, and sent a regiment to recapture the [-]rd infantry division. frontline positions.

At the same time, the retreating Fourth Army received a report of the lightly wounded who had been released from their homes. Lezhevsky blushed and turned around and sent a medical team and carriage back to the front line where the blood was still splattered just now. Position, under the surveillance of the White Guard machine guns, began to rescue the lightly and seriously wounded who retreated to themselves.

If it is said that the 24th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army, the main division that launched the attack, was disabled during the attack of the First Group Army of the Southern Group of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army in the northwest direction yesterday, then today in the southeast direction, it has been strengthened and has 20 troops. Artillery batteries and the Fourth Army's offensive group of eight infantry divisions also suffered heavy losses.

The three main divisions that launched the attack were almost wiped out. Nearly 10000 people were killed, 14000 were wounded, and 6000 were captured. Of the 20 artillery companies, only six mountain artillery companies were left intact. It was exhausted in the battle, and half of the 4 heavy machine gun battalions were lost.

After Tukhachevsky withdrew the two divisions of the Second Army, the Fourth Army was left with only three understaffed infantry divisions. In addition, there were 3 lightly and seriously wounded returned by the Ufa White Guards. The cavalry division who crossed the river from the south to follow Ufa's back road was also heard from.

The loss of the White Guards in the southeast of Ufa was that the infantry lost 2500 people in the second position under the enemy's artillery fire, of which 800 were killed and 1700 were injured. More than 30 Maxim heavy machine guns were lost. Then 4 mountain artillery companies were lost, and the field artillery companies had almost no losses.

The deputy commander of the Ufa garrison, the former enemy commander of the southeastern group defense line, the cavalry lieutenant general Alexander Petrovich and his chief of staff Sergey Mikhainovich became famous in the first battle and became the temporary governor of the entire Russia. Fu is a well-known god-man among the generals of the White Guards!

Of course, at the Ufa Church General Headquarters, Utsunomiya Taro, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, was also very happy, and the offensive and defensive battle in the southeast direction was a complete victory. The huge contributions of the two field artillery regiments are inseparable. Even the riverside 150 heavy artillery group in the urban area commanded by Wu Peifu that played a decisive attack is also the 54 150 heavy artillery regiments of the three ** field artillery regiments of the Japanese Third Army consist of!


Major General Tian Jun, the director of Wang Geng's war room, commanded well on the Hedong Highlands. He used a field artillery regiment plus a regiment of White Guard infantry to severely damage the mixed Soviet First Army Group Army that came from the south to attack. The cavalry division, the Soviet-Russian mixed cavalry division that attacked the Hedong 203 highland under intensive artillery fire, eventually suffered more than 6000 casualties, and only one regiment left the battlefield.

The battle on the second day of the Battle of Ufa coincided with the battle on the first day. The progress made by the Soviet First Army in the northwest direction was to dig a shallow trench that was abandoned in the afternoon at a distance of 2500 meters in front of the opponent's position. , and in the artillery battle between the two sides, Pepelyaev's 8 artillery companies lost 3, and the 13 artillery companies of the First Army lost 2. The gap is not too big.

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