Beiyang 1917

Chapter 349 Yegorov who coincides with each other

"Commander! You and the political commissar will take the 2nd and 5th divisions to the northeast, and I will take the 1st division and the artillery company's heavy machine gun battalion to the northwest to lure the enemy!" The bearded division commander Hai Xin finally gritted his teeth and stood up. As soon as this remark came out, Slavin felt warm in his heart, while Blumberg breathed a sigh of relief.

As far as Blumberg, the political commissar of the Army Group sent by Moscow to monitor Slavin, first of all, he is not confident that he can lead two divisions to deal with the complicated situation in front of him. One guy. .If he defected to the coalition army and Kolchak, even if his political commissar of the group army withdrew to the left bank of the Volga River, he might have to be court-martialed by Moscow for dereliction of duty and negligence!

The other two division commanders didn't hold their breath anymore. If they said that none of their divisions were willing to leave their commander and act alone, but when things came to an end, it would be a dream to expect political commissar Blumberg to provoke the enemy. Rusky and Constantine only looked at Slavin, waiting for him to make a final decision.

"Then I'll take Hai Xin's 2st Division to the northwest to attack and lure the enemy, and the political commissar will take the 5nd and [-]th Divisions to the northeast to intersect. No matter how lively the fighting is in the west, you just cover your heads and intersperse. You can run this night. Run as far as you can, stop moving at dawn, disperse and conceal, and guard against enemy air reconnaissance and air strikes is the key to this retreat. I heard that the coalition forces used the radio direction finding installed on the reconnaissance plane when they wiped out the guerrillas in Siberia Equipment, so after we start operations tonight, the radios of the whole army remain silent, and absolutely do not turn on the power! It is strictly forbidden to turn on the power before withdrawing to Bolgar!"

Slavin's tone was very severe, and his eyes swept back and forth on the faces of several division commanders and political commissars.

Political commissar Blumberg finally couldn't help asking, "How can we accept Moscow's instructions when the radio is not turned on? How can we communicate with other armies about the enemy's situation, and how can we communicate with ourselves?"

Several division commanders also nodded, with the same doubts in their eyes. Obviously, they were a little skeptical that the coalition forces could find themselves by detecting radio signals in the air through reconnaissance planes.

"No contact! Now that Moscow has disbanded the Southern Group Command and authorized each group army to decide its own action plan, the situation is obviously very serious. If we want to withdraw smoothly, the less entanglement with other group armies the better, and the more scattered the targets are, the better , After setting off tonight, in the words of the Chinese, everyone will cross the sea with their own abilities, and if they run back, they will be victorious!" Slavin said firmly.

Seeing that the political commissar and several division commanders were still a little uneasy, Slavin squinted and shouted, "I am the commander of the Fifth Army. It is my order for the entire army to keep the radio silent after departure tonight. Anyone who violates the order will be exposed." The goal led to the failure of the breakout, and I will never spare him! Moscow will blame me in the future and I will bear the responsibility alone!"

When the commander of the group army said this, the others had nothing to say and could only nod their heads in agreement. Seeing that the breakout plan had been finalized, political commissar Blumberg couldn't sit still, and found a reason to say that he needed to pee urgently. Go to the hut, first push the door and go out.

Slavin sneered in his heart, knowing that his political commissar must have slipped to the Army Group Telecom Room to send a secret telegram to Moscow. , asked in a low voice,

"It is very important to go into battle lightly. Once you move, you can't stop. The coalition forces are different from Kolchak. They strictly abide by the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War and tell the soldiers not to be afraid of being injured or falling behind. There is no need to have a psychological burden. The wounded on the march can... put down their weapons and wait for the other party to take them in! Remember what I said, and keep the green hills alive without worrying about no firewood! Everyone must live to see the day when their ideals come true!"

The division commanders obviously heard the deep meaning from Slavin's instructions, and nodded silently, and several division political commissars also remained silent. The question of whether to devote oneself to the cause or follow the crowd has always been unwilling to think about it for them. However, the power of soldiers and the masses is infinite, and at that time we can only play by ear!

In this way, the Fifth Army quietly set its own breakout plan. For Slavin, this is all he can do for the troops. As for the future, no one knows. Deep in Slavin's heart, In fact, they have gradually lost confidence in the future of the Soviet Russian regime and the future of the Eastern Front Army.


"Comrade Yegorov, what should we do? Moscow is simply directing blindly. We rushed reinforcements so far away, and we were beaten back after being attacked by others. How can we fight in the future?" It was Kniagnitsky, the political commissar of the Army Group. Yegorov was relieved after delivering the telegram from Moscow, but when he turned around, he began to feel hypocritical.

Chief of Staff Stepin glanced at the political commissar, lowered his voice and asked his commander,

"Comrade Yegorov, I didn't expect that even Ekh and Rzhevsky surrendered to the coalition forces. Now that Moscow has disbanded the Southern Group and authorized the retreat of the various armies, how do we go? Just buried the remains of more than 6000 sacrificed soldiers What about the remaining 12000 lightly or severely wounded?" Stepin frowned, and it was obvious that the Ninth Army's huge wounded burden was the heaviest among the Soviet Red Army armies on the right bank of the Volga River.

"The Red Army has no tradition of abandoning the wounded. Of course, the wounded are withdrawing with the main force!" Before Egorov could express his opinion, political commissar Kniagnitsky couldn't help but yelled, thinking to himself, could this guy Stepin? Like abandoning the wounded and slipping alone?

Yegorov glanced at his political commissar, and thought to himself, what time is this tmd? The Rzhevsky group was defended and surrounded by Chernigovka, which stayed in Ufa because of the large number of wounded. Surrendered after running out of ammunition and food, it would be a joke if we could still break through with more than 12000 wounded!

"Breakthrough is obviously the only option. Gathering together looks like a powerful force, but in fact the target is bigger. During air strikes, they are all the enemy's live targets. Since Moscow disbanded the southern group and let the groups withdraw by themselves, then we have nothing to do You can be polite, the whole army is lightly packed, with five days’ worth of dry rations, and we will act when it gets dark! Prepare to break through!” Yegorov’s voice was low and slightly tired.

"How do you break through the siege? One-third of the army is wounded, and there are not enough stretchers to carry the wounded. How do you break through the siege separately?" The political commissar yelled.

Yegorov ignored it at all, walked to the combat map by himself, looked at it for a while, raised his head and said, "Moscow told us to withdraw to Samara, and take back Samara with the Tenth Army going north, and then cross the border." Cross the Volga and go back to the left bank!"

Chief of Staff Stepin stood up and objected, "We left a brigade of troops stationed in Samara, and they were taken over without even a warning. I think the main force of the coalition forces occupying Samara must not be underestimated." Opponent! What did you say that we have a group army to recapture Samara? It's just a fool's dream!"

The political commissar Kniagnitsky immediately jumped out and objected, "Comrade Stepin! Please pay attention to your identity. As the chief of staff of the army group, how can you criticize Moscow's strategic policy indiscriminately! What will the political commissars of the division commanders think?" Sihun forgot that he also said that Moscow was directing this matter blindly, and he opened his mouth like a Bolshevik political commissar.

"My idea is this: send a division of 7000 troops on the first route, lead the heavy machine gun battalion and all artillery companies, disguise the main force of the group army, cover the retreat of the lightly wounded in the direction of Samara, and attract the attention of the main force of the coalition forces. The main force of the five infantry divisions on the second route all retreated southward with light equipment, and on the third route, Budyonny’s cavalry division retreated to the southeast! Let’s take a detour to Tsaritsin in the direction of the Urals!”

Yegorov's idea coincided with that of Slavin of the Fifth Army. They both broke through the encirclement and disguised the main force along the way to lure the enemy to feint and attract the attention of the coalition forces. The main force did not go west but south and southeast. Pick the link where the coalition forces are weak and retreat in roundabouts.

"I agree with the commander's plan! Surprise is the only way to win. If the main force wants to jump out of the enemy's encirclement, it must break the rules. If they get together, how can they escape with such a big target?" Chief of Staff Stepin's eyes lit up, and he firmly supported Yegoro Husband's thoughts.

Political commissar Kniagnitsky saw that the commander and the chief of staff were on the same front, and he had to give up after muttering a few words. The ensuing question, who will command the division pretending to be the main force?That road was basically a narrow escape. Unless the main force of the coalition forces did not launch a pursuit, with so many wounded and artillery and heavy weapons, the marching speed would not be able to increase.

"I'll take this division! The commander and the political commissar command the main force of the five divisions of the Southern Army, and Comrade Budyonny's special cavalry division can act alone!" Chief of Staff Stepin took up the burden without hesitation, and Ye Ge who was on the side Rove and Kniagnitsky couldn't help feeling hot!

Political commissar Kniagnitsky blushed and said, "Comrade Stepin, then you must be careful, we are waiting for news of your successful arrival in Samara!"

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