Beiyang 1917

Chapter 350 The Retreat Plan


"Lezhevsky is a traitor! Aihe is a scum! They all put down their arms and surrendered to the coalition! The face of the Soviet Red Army made them both lose their faces!" Tukhachevsky slapped the table and shouted!

"It's useless to talk about it now, so hurry up and discuss how to withdraw? Moscow is simply nonsense. It also disbanded the Southern Group Command and told our second and fourth armies to retreat in the direction of Jieqiuxi. We are now more than 100 meters away from Bavredu Kilometers, could it be that the main force of the coalition forces who have eaten the North Army of Aihe will sit back and watch us retreat all the way west?!"

After Ma Xin finished reading the telegram, he was a little out of breath. As the deputy commander of the group, he didn't even sit on his ass, and the southern group was disbanded. At this moment, the Second Army only has 2 divisions. Bolgar, think of it as a death trip.

"Time is running out now. Since Rzhevski put down his arms and surrendered, the main force of the coalition forces will soon come to us from Ufa. In my opinion, the four divisions of the Second and Fourth Army retreat westward. On the one hand, go to Bavly to supplement the food and ammunition brought by the Ninth Army, and on the other hand, attract the main force of the coalition forces in Ufa."

With the disbandment of the Southern Group, Ma Xin, an army group with only two divisions, naturally still has five infantry divisions and half a cavalry division. The First Army Tukhachevsky seems to regard himself as the backbone of everyone again. Sitting directly on the main seat, he arranged a battle plan for the rest of the three army groups.

Ma Xin puffed his cheeks and didn't gnaw his breath. Hervey Xin, the political commissar of the Fourth Army, felt a little guilty and unable to hold his head up because of Lezhevsky's surrender to the coalition forces. There were only two dissatisfied members of the Fourth Army. The division of the corps is short of food and ammunition, so he also lowered his head and talked, let's see Tukhachevsky's arrangement!

Tukhachevsky was happy to see that neither Maxin nor Hewishin objected to his arrangement, and then said,

"The whole army still has five days' worth of food left. If your four divisions retreat westward, you can reach Bavley in two days. In this way, two days' worth of food can be allocated to the First Army, and the First Army will divide its troops. There are two routes, one goes east to stop the main force of the coalition forces that are chasing, the other goes southeast to the south of Ufa, detours south along the Ural Mountains, and finally goes back to the Volga River from the Kazakh grassland! Problem, find a way to solve it on the grassland!"

Originally, Ma Xin and Hewissing were still full of displeasure, and felt that they had become a bait to attract the main forces of the coalition forces to pursue them. Now that they heard that Tukhachevsky was going to send the first group army to the east to stop the main forces of the coalition forces, they let this The two looked at each other, and were a little at a loss for words for a while. Since Tukhachevsky had put the burden on the shoulders of the First Army, it was obviously self-defeating to speak out against it.

The matter of the retreat has been settled in this way. Ma Xin and Heweixin commanded the four divisions to retreat westward at night. !

Whether it was Slavin or Yegorov, including Tukhachevsky, they all ordered to move after nightfall, and the whole army kept radio silence!The last telegrams sent to Moscow stated that they must compromise and surrender to the enemy, and they must bring the team back to the left bank of the Volga River!


Under the persuasion of his old partner Ech, Rzhevsky finally faced the reality and ordered the [-] soldiers in the Chernigovka encirclement to lay down their weapons and surrender to the coalition forces. Wang Geng met Rzhevs immediately Ji, Ehe, and the political commissars of the division commanders who had laid down their weapons together consoled them a bit, considering that Ufa is still a battlefield, and it is difficult for these Soviet Red Army prisoners who have just laid down their weapons to face their former comrades in arms.

The coalition command ordered to transport more than 23000 Red Army wounded and more than 7000 prisoners of war and 3 people to Chelyabinsk, east of the Ural Mountains, by overnight train. , although we can’t say how good the conditions are, but at least they can meet the needs of survival, and the medical conditions are better than Ufa. Of course, prisoners of war other than the wounded still have to be screened after rest and sent to work in mines and construction sites. Nervous, they have to earn that ration for themselves!

All prisoners of war above the cadre level of the Soviet Red Army were arranged separately in the officer prisoner-of-war camp. They were picked out from ordinary prisoner-of-war camps and returned to them. Of course, when they will be able to get freedom and where is the future, these are questions worth pondering for everyone who has just stepped into the prisoner-of-war camp.

Of course, the highest ranks in the prisoner-of-war camp are the commander of the Fourth Army Rzhevsky and the chief of staff of the Fifth Army Ekh. Moscow declared that these two former senior Red Army commanders were traitors, traitors and enemies of the people, The relatives of these two generals who stayed in Moscow were arrested and tried by the Cheka, and all adult immediate family members have been shot!Of course, neither Lezhevski nor Aihe would believe these news at the moment, and Wang Geng was not in a hurry. The truth cannot be faked, and the fake cannot be true. There will always be a day when they believe it.

To say that Wang Geng had expected that Moscow would make up his mind to retreat, but it was a bit unexpected that Moscow could directly disband the Southern Group and order the various armies to disperse and break through to independently decide the next move.

After the Rzhevsky Group laid down its weapons, Wang Geng ordered the Fourth and Fifth Cavalry Divisions of the Second Ural Cavalry Army to advance eastward to catch up with the main force of the Southern Group. The first division followed the two cavalry divisions and advanced eastward, preparing to push from the east to the southern group of the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army that encircled the Milner line.

However, after the 3 people in the Rzhevsky group put down their weapons, they counted the prisoners and collected the weapons to arrange transportation. It is not a small project to transport more than 20000 wounded from Chernigovka, 400 kilometers away, back to Ufa. Wang Geng used [-] Dodge one-and-a-half-ton trucks from the Third Automobile Regiment of the Allied Army Logistics. On the one hand, they transported a division of Russian recruits to Chernihivka and got off, then picked up Rzhevsky's wounded and returned to the city, and then transported them to Chernigovka. The second Russian recruit division goes to Chernigovka.

This rotation took most of the afternoon, and Rzhevski's [-] prisoners and wounded were transported back to the city and sent to the train, while the three Russian recruit divisions set off from Chernigovka, followed by the early The four divisions of the Ufa First Army, which set off in an hour and a half, moved eastward.

When Rzhevski's [-] Red Army wounded saw a brand-new Japanese [-] rifle and American machine gun, and three Russian infantry divisions wearing coalition uniforms, the shock caused many people to cry again. They did not expect the enemy's attack. The strength is so powerful. These three Russian infantry divisions are obviously very different from the White Guard infantry divisions that they have competed with before. Although many soldiers in the entire army look immature, their discipline is obviously much stronger, and their morale is even higher. The Russian version of the military song of the three major disciplines and nine points of attention is so loud that the captured Soviet Red Army soldiers seem to have entered the world of fairy tales!

Wu Peifu, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces and the commander of the Third Army of China, took the title of commander-in-chief of the former enemy in the Battle of Ufa. The two cavalry divisions of the Ural Second Cavalry Army and the four White Guards of the Ufa First Army started from Ufa The infantry division and the three Russian recruit divisions of the First Siberian Army were temporarily organized into the Ufa Zhongyang Group, with Wu Peifu as the group commander.

The task Wang Geng gave Wu Peifu was to command more than 9 people in the entire central yang group in Ufa, and start the second phase of the campaign to encircle the Soviet Red Army from the east. Wang Geng sent a brigade-owned armored battalion of Xiong Shihui's division to Wu Peifu as a guard Battalion, follow the action of the group command.

Utsunomiya Taro, who is also the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, yelled to quit and wanted to lead troops to attack, but was stopped by Wang Geng. It’s up to the people to do it, we should drink and play chess and chess, and it’s your and my duty to strategize! No matter how we fight this battle, no one will be able to take your credit and contribution in the future!”

"But Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, the honor of the Imperial Japanese Army cannot be lost from my hand, Utsunomiya Taro. Why do you have to let me or my people perform on their own? Look at the many troops we have sent out, we The Imperial Japanese Army is basically supporting and serving as subordinates, so I won’t be able to explain to my subordinates and the country in Japan if it continues like this!” Utsunomiya complained bitterly.

"Your Excellency Taro, the big battle is still to come. In this way, the next batch of troops to be dispatched must let the Japanese general be the enemy commander. Is this okay?" Wang Geng said with a smile.

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