Beiyang 1917

Chapter 387 Sergey's wishful thinking


"Reporting to the Chief of Staff, the Ufa Coalition Army Headquarters sent an urgent telegram. The main force of Tukhachevsky's First Army appeared near the town of Skirlitamak in the south, and was surrounded by a cavalry battalion of the coalition forces. The headquarters asked us to rush to the ground within three hours Relieve the cavalry battalion in the town of Skirli Tamak. If you can't wipe out Tukhachevsky's main force, at least you can hold him back! The [-]rd Infantry Division of the Ufa First Army will follow us to Skirli Tamac Town!" Kaganov, commander of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Cavalry Division, hurried in from the door, holding a crumpled telegram in his hand.

One night, the wind and rain blocked Sergey's troops from pursuing southward. In the middle of the night, his three cavalry regiments had to camp around the Red Star Village. Li was resting and still hadn't gotten up. He was surprised when he heard that Tukhachevsky had gone as far as the town of Sterlitamak. He sat up hastily, rubbing his face, confused asked,

"When did you receive the telegram, where are the army commander and the others?"

"Report to the Chief of Staff, the Army Commander, they should stay and set up camp about 30 kilometers northwest of us. The wind and rain were too heavy last night, and almost all the ground troops of the coalition forces stopped. Commander Wu of the Ufayang Group brought two infantry The division was unable to move even after they arrived at Bavley in a car. I heard that the two car regiments were stuck on the road from October Town to Milna. Nove is also the Chief of Staff of the Fifth Cavalry Division, and the preparations before he came in to wake up his Chief of Staff were obviously very thorough.

"Uh, this guy Tukhachevsky can really run. In such bad weather, he actually rushed to the town of Sterlitamak!" Sergey Mikhainovich got up with his clothes on. , came to the table in the center of the room and sat down, where the orderly had delivered hot towels and toothbrushes and water cups, Sergey wiped his face with the hot towels, and ordered, "Bring the map, tell the brothers to get up and have some warm Eat and eat, the troops will leave in 20 minutes!"

The orderly hurriedly took out the map from his purse, and Kaganov stepped forward to take it and spread it out on the table, while saying to the orderly, "Boshka, hurry up and deliver the order, 20 minutes is tight enough, here are And me!"

At this time, another older orderly came in from outside the house with a plate, obviously just went to the kitchen to get food for his chief.

The food on the dinner plate is also very simple, a large piece of brown bread, a small dish of butter, a cup of black coffee, two cubes of sugar on the spoon in the plate, and a steaming baked potato in the other plate.

Sergey looked up at Kaganov, and the guy smiled and said, "I've already eaten it, and no commoner can find it, even if you want to get two chickens to refresh your spirits." Got it!"

"Damn you, don't say there are no chickens here. After half a year of food shortage, neither Ufa nor Kazan can find a chicken. People have no food to eat. How can I raise chickens?" Sergey said. After quickly brushing his teeth and washing his face, he cut a piece of black bread with a knife, spread butter on it, stuffed it in his mouth, and walked over to look at the map.

"Chief of Staff, we are here. Red Star Village and the town of Sterlitamak are in the southeast direction. The straight-line distance is about 60 kilometers. However, it rained all night, and many small rivers have swelled. The water is choppy and the water is wide, I really don't know how Tukhachevsky's main force can run so far at night!"

Sergey picked up the coffee while nibbling on the bread, looked at the map carefully, and asked abruptly, "Kaganov, yesterday the army commander said that only about three regiments of the Soviet Second Army Ma Xin were captured. Yu Bu, there are at least three remaining regiments missing, including Ma Xin, the commander of the group army, do you think they turned to the southeast instead of going southwest?"

Kaganov froze for a moment, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "It's possible, maybe they're going southeast to chase the main force of Tukhachevsky's First Army to seek a rendezvous!"

Sergey moved his gaze westward from the Red Star Village where he was stationed. Thirty kilometers to the west, if Petrovich caught up with and wiped out the opponent's three regiments yesterday, or the remaining three regiments of the opponent did not run southeast , if you want to come in this direction, then it is likely to nest somewhere not far from the south of you. If Ma Xin, the commander of the Second Army, is here, it is a big fish and you can't easily miss it!

"Chief of Staff, the command of the Ufa coalition forces commanded us to quickly rush to the town of Sterlitamak to rescue the cavalry battalion left by Li Mingzhong, and then seize Tukhachevsky's main force and wait for the coalition aviation The third infantry division of the Ufa First Army and the Ufa First Army Rifle Division come up and deal with each other! Are you planning to go after the three remnants of the Second Army that may not appear here?" Kaganov understood what Sergei meant. .

"Cut! Say you are a pig brain. There are only three regiments left in the Soviet Russian Second Army Ma Xin. Yesterday, the commander used three cavalry regiments to chase and annihilate the three regiments that fled the other side, but he didn't catch the horse. Xin, I reckoned that the army commander was chasing to the southwest. If Ma Xin came to our direction, we would have three cavalry regiments in our hands. They have been running around since the battle of Acehkovo. He chased after the Red Army, but he didn't get any money, unlike the commander who has fought several battles!

Nainai, yesterday Turkin's cavalry regiment actually made an emergency landing on the opponent's 7000-man Kharchenko team. The results of our division are a bit inferior to others!I, the chief of staff and division commander, feel blushing, but don't you, the division chief of staff and brigade commander, feel blushing? Sergey drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp, picked up the still steaming baked potatoes from the plate, and asked Kaganov if he would like one?

Kaganov shook his hand, blushing and said, "Chief of staff, we have traveled a lot this way, brothers are exhausted, besides, the army commander and the fourth division are always rushing to take the lead. Of course, we are lagging behind, and the results of the battle cannot be compared with others. We are not bad in terms of combat effectiveness. Of course, we are not under the city of Ufa at the moment, and the artillery is much less than when we were defending the city! But if you meet Ma Xin and the others For those three regiments, our travel bag will definitely win!"

"Well, it's fine, as long as you say it, I estimate that Li Mingzhong's National Cavalry Battalion in Stellitamak Town will not be able to resist the attack of Tukhachevsky's three infantry divisions and one cavalry brigade. So no matter how we hurry, even if we arrive before 10 o'clock, most of the cavalry battalion has been wiped out or evacuated from the town. If our three cavalry regiments deal with the opponent's three infantry divisions and one cavalry brigade, this battle will be difficult. It's easy to fight, do you understand? It's not easy to fight!" Sergey said while gnawing on baked potatoes, looking at Kaganov meaningfully.

"Don't we go to rescue the cavalry battalion? When the time comes, the Ufa coalition army command will blame it. What can we do? Although the king, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, is young, I don't dare to look at him more. His eyes are sharp. Really, it seems that I can see through your mind casually." Kaganov said in embarrassment while rubbing his hands.

"Of course we will go to the rescue. The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, His Excellency Kolchak and His Excellency Pepelyaev, must be careful to talk with him in front of him. Didn't you see that the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army looked up to everyone else?" With his head shy and a big belly, he looks arrogant, but as soon as the king appears, this guy immediately flatters and fawns like a servant! To put it bluntly, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is the most powerful man in this land at the moment. The guy with the right to speak, we can't afford to offend him!" Sergey smacked his mouth.

"If we delay the rescue, if the national cavalry battalion of the coalition army is eaten by Tukhachevsky in the town of Sterlitamak, I'm afraid we won't be able to explain to the Ufa coalition army headquarters that the Chinese are on the Ufa battlefield. Not a single battalion has ever been wiped out!" Kaganov said carefully to his chief of staff and division commander.

"That's not the case. As long as we arrive at the town of Stellitamak before 10 o'clock, it will not be considered a violation of the military order. Obviously, the Ufa coalition army command also knows that the strength of our three cavalry regiments alone will eliminate Tukhachev. It is simply impossible for the main force of the Sky, so as long as we arrive on time and stick to each other, the mission will be considered complete, as for how long the cavalry battalion can last, it depends on whether the Ufa Air Force can provide air support!" Sergey said He stepped out of the house, looked up, smiled and said,

"How could the air team be dispatched in this terrible weather? They barely dispatched light to fight against the dark clouds and strong winds in the sky. They might not be able to find the ground targets at all, and they might not even be able to find the town of Sterlitamak. Pass my order, The whole division will set off in 20 minutes, and we will head south all the way, and then turn east when we reach the town of Sterlitamak!" Sergey made up his mind, and instead of rushing to die with Tukhachevsky To gnaw at the bones, why don't you see if you can grab the grass and hit the rabbit to catch Ma Xin's fish that slipped through the net.

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