Beiyang 1917

Chapter 388 The Encounter in Town 51


Ma Xin, the Second Army of the Eastern Front of the Soviet Union, was lucky. The young Bolshevik general whose hometown was in Simbirsk took the route of Ulyanov and Sdrviyov, and became the second largest army in the Eastern Front of the Soviet Union. As the most trusted general of Tukhachevsky, the second army only governed two divisions but got the formation of the army is a clear proof. Of course, the second army did not have the ability to stand alone most of the time. La's Fifth Army in reserve, or Tukhachevsky's First Army in reserve.

It can be said that from the beginning when the Second Army followed the First Army across the Volga River and marched towards Ufa, Ma Xin and the two infantry divisions of the Second Army hardly suffered any hardships until they retreated across the board in Bafrey and stayed behind. What was broken was still a division of the Fourth Army led by Heveshin. Except for the loss of the artillery company and heavy machine gun battalion under the city of Ufa, Ma Xin’s Second Army was almost intact, and there was an additional infantry in the Fourth Army. The teacher followed suit.

Of course, good luck will not always follow the Second Army and Ma Xin, hiding on the shore of Lake Alga, and being discovered by coalition reconnaissance planes with firepower reconnaissance. Everything that follows is like a nightmare. If the heavy rain last night could have come earlier After a long time, the ending will not be like this. The stormy air strike of the coalition air force suddenly blows up the three divisions in Ma Xin's hands. This is not a war, this is a one-sided massacre!

Deep down in Ma Xin's heart, he felt a little guilty about leaving Kharchenko, the political commissar of the group army, and 7000 lightly and seriously wounded on the shore of Lake Alga. Kharchenko took the wounded, and either died in battle or was captured. There was no third way out. But in order for the remaining 18000 people in his hands to break through, necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

And it was a last resort to disperse the six regiments in my hands to break through the encirclement. Who knows when the next wave of air strikes by the coalition air force will come. The farther the better!The Second Army was already frightened, with low morale and no fighting spirit. Apart from boosting morale by retreating, any other decision to stay and resist or fight to the death would be difficult to get the response and support of the soldiers.

When Petrovich's cavalry division caught up with the Second Army and its three troops, the road led by Ma Xin himself was only a few kilometers away from the battlefield. Surrounded by them, they desperately ran to the southeast.

After finally staying up late last night, Ma Xin counted the number of people. There were more than 3000 people when he left the shore of Lake Alga, but now there are only more than 2000 people left, and the remaining 1000 people have run away and left behind. Ma Xin didn't dare to stay longer, he gritted his teeth and led the team to fight against the wind and rain. He stopped and stopped all night, and he even walked out more than 50 kilometers for him. When the sky was bright, Ma Xin's team stopped in Wuyi Town After coming down to camp for a rest, there were still more than 1500 people in the team, and there were more than 80 cavalry companies in the army guards, and 48 battalions in the main regiment of the 3th Infantry Division. The whole army was exhausted, so they rested in Wuyi Town. down.

At dawn, the rain that had rained all night finally stopped, but the sky was still cloudy and windy. How could the coalition air force not be dispatched in such bad weather?Moreover, Ma Xin was confident that his overnight retreat to the southeast had thrown off the trail of the pursuers. Perhaps the coalition forces had already chased after the two regiments retreating to the southwest, so Ma Xin did not let the troops hide in the woods outside the town. , but broke into Wuyi Town to rest.

Like most villages and towns on the Ufa Plain, Kolchak’s All-Russian Autonomous Government almost evacuated all the people on the Ufa Plain under the strategy of the coalition forces insisting on clearing the walls. They were all evacuated to the east of the Ural Mountains. Although it is nominally owned by the West Siberia Autonomous Government, everyone knows that it is the territory of the coalition forces. At the turn of the summer of the West Siberia Autonomous Government, during the terrible food shortage and the surplus grain collection system of the Soviet Russian Government , All products under the threat of government fu, the evacuation of the Russian people under the rule of the All-Russian self-government government is much easier than imagined. In the direction of fleeing famine with the mouth, everything is for survival. In front of food and bread, the so-called folks who cannot leave their homeland can only take second place!

Ma Xinyu, who had been fighting against the wind and rain for a whole night, was exhausted. He went into the town and set up the police hastily. Most of them fell asleep. Even the horse broth cooked in the kitchen was hard More than 1500 people from Ma Xinyu's department who were sleeping soundly woke up. They were really tired.

Just after 8:15, there were several clear gunshots outside Wuyi Town. It was the police sentry sent by the rest of the Soviet Russian Second Army that encountered the vanguard of the Sergei Cavalry Division who rushed over from 20 kilometers from the north. The gunshots woke up most of the Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers who were sleeping. Ma Xin and his guards had just rushed out of the house in disheveled clothes. , yelling at Ma Xin,

"Comrade Commander, a large number of coalition Cossack cavalry are coming from the north. The security troops are almost finished fighting. You must lead the troops to retreat immediately!" There was a hint of panic on the company commander's face, and his voice trembled.

"What are you panicking about! Assemble the troops quickly! Pass my order, the first battalion left cover, and the rest of the troops retreated to the southeast!" Ma Xin turned his head and ordered the orderly while tying the armed belt around his waist!

Before the words fell, gunshots were heard from the west and east of the town at the same time, and mortar shells had already landed directly in the center of the town, while the gunshots from the north became less and less, and the sound of horseshoes sounded deafeningly!At this time, the police sentry that Ma Xin had placed on the roof stood on the roof and yelled into the yard,

"The coalition cavalry from the north has rushed into the town, and large groups of cavalry have appeared from the east and west at the same time. It's over! The south seems to have been detoured! We are surrounded! Comrade Commander! What can we do!" There were several clear gunshots in the distance, and the bullets whizzed past the roof. One of the bullets shot through the chest of the Red Army soldier on the roof, and a flower of blood bloomed on the uniform. Showing an expression of astonishment, then lowered his head, the whole person fell down, rolled and fell along the roof, and hit the yard straight, seeing that he was dead!

"Assemble the team! Come with me, all the Bolsheviks will follow me!" Ma Xin was furious, as he stepped on the mount led by the groom, he waved the revolver in his hand, and his legs clamped the horse's belly, and the mount pushed away the cavalry company commander. The horses rushed out from the courtyard gate, and a group of guards hurriedly got on their horses to keep up with them, and the cavalry company commander was the second to rush out of the courtyard.

At this time, the gunshots around Wuyi Town had become one with each other, countless panicked Russian Red Army soldiers in disheveled clothes rushed out of the house with rifles in their hands, and the streets were full of gray Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers everywhere. Running around, the troops have been disrupted by the sudden attack and out of control.

Ma Xin was riding around in the middle of the street, surrounded by crowds of Soviet Red Army soldiers who were crying and fleeing. Although the gunshots around the town were dense, it seemed that not all the enemy cavalry rushed into the town. He couldn't be panicked, but his face was ashen and calm. The guy held up the pistol and fired a few shots in the air, almost roaring angrily,

"No chaos! Listen to my command, all rush north out of the town! All go north out of the town! Paulus! You lead the cavalry company to clear the way, and you will be attacked. Anyone who blocks the way and does not obey the order will be killed! "Ma Xin turned his head and shouted at his company commander of the guard cavalry.

The cavalry company commander Paulus waved his pistol in his hand when he heard the words, turned his head and shouted at the dozens of cavalry soldiers who had gathered behind him, "Bolsheviks come with me! Ulla!"

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