Beiyang 1917

Chapter 391


"Chief of Staff, didn't Li Fugui's telegram say that Tukhachevsky who surrounded the town had already retreated to the south? I guess they won't be able to come here in a while, otherwise, we will come out to lure the snake out How is it?" Kaganov, the Chief of Staff of the Fifth Cavalry Division, had been with Sergey for a long time, and he was a bit of a wise general under his influence, and he had another idea when he rolled his eyes.

"Lead the snake out? Are you talking about how to lead the snake out of the hole?" Sergey was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked anxiously, grabbing Kaganov's hand.

"Look, Chief of Staff, Wuyi Town is a full 32 kilometers away from here, so Tukhachevsky must not have known about the news that we had annihilated the Soviet Russian Second Army earlier. Since Ma Xin originally planned to He brought people to vote for Tukhachevsky's main force, tell me, if we play a scene for him to trick the opponent's infantry division out and eat him, what do you think of this method?" Kaganov laughed road.

Sergey was taken aback when he heard the words, then rolled his eyes, and asked, "According to what you mean, we sent someone to pretend to be a member of the Second Army, and rushed to the camp of the two infantry divisions opposite to ask for help, saying that the Second Army The remaining 1500 troops were surrounded by coalition cavalry somewhere in the north, and they urgently needed rescue! Tricked the other party into sending troops to the north to rescue the rest of the Second Army of Ma Xin? Is that what you mean?"

Kaganov nodded, and continued, "Let's set up a pocket formation, use our people to pretend to be the rest of the besieged Second Army, and surround them with a cavalry regiment to pretend to be more lively. That Ma Xin is a Soviet Russian army. The commander of the Second Army of the Eastern Front of the Red Army, who wears a pair of pants with Tukhachevsky, do you think the two infantry divisions of the First Army will die? They certainly dare not, but Tukhachevsky Ki is still a few kilometers south of the town of Sterlitamak, and it would be very early to rush here. At most, the commanders of the two infantry divisions sent someone to deliver a letter to Tukhachevsky, and at the same time Send troops first to rescue Ma Xin."

Sergey held his chin and pondered for a while. The idea of ​​Kaganov, the chief of staff of the division, was obviously in line with the tactical principle of each defeat. If the enemy's two infantry divisions were gathered together, the strength of his three regiments would be a bit bad. Come on, if you can mobilize the opponent and send only one division out, then you are quite sure that your three cavalry regiments will ambush him and deal with his understaffed infantry division!Well, that's a good idea!

But after thinking about it, the problem came again, what if the opponent's two divisions piled up and headed north to rescue the "surrounded Ma Xin Second Army Remnant"?Sergey told Kaganov his concerns.

"Hey! Chief of Staff, we are not afraid of the opponent even if two divisions come. The ambush will remain the same. When we beat the opponent hard, at least one regiment of the opponent can be killed. Then we will use the same method. We will chase him when he runs, and we will chase after him. We ran, and we beat him when he stopped. When Tukhachevsky turned over the cavalry regiment far away in the town of Sterlitamak, the two divisions were already exhausted and unable to move. We slept through last night, but the other party didn't sleep all night!" Kaganov said with a chuckle.

"Hmm! You're right. Tukhachevsky's divisions are at the end of their strength. When we disable these two infantry divisions, if his cavalry regiment comes after him, we'll go around in circles to the south to clean them up. Go to Tukhachevsky's infantry division! Who told them to separate into two piles? At the worst, we can build a position against the town and fight against Tukhachevsky. I don't think he has the strength. It's so exhausting with us, if he withdraws again, ha, can a two-legged man run without sleep overnight than our four-legged war horse!"

With the help of Chief of Staff Kaganov, Sergey sorted out his thoughts, regained his spirit all of a sudden, and ordered, "Call Ufa and that Li Fugui's cavalry battalion to inform us of our style of play, and call that As long as the cavalry battalion guards the town well, don’t attack casually, Tukhachevsky’s two troops look at our cavalry division! I don’t believe that without the support of the air force’s planes and heavy artillery, I, Sergey, would not be able to win the battle!”


These two people are going to implement the plan of "leading the snake out" decided by Tukhachevsky. As long as the cavalry battalion of the opponent sends troops to chase Tukhachevsky and the 31st Infantry Division, more than 15 infantry divisions of the 20th and 16000th Infantry Divisions will be killed. They swarmed up from the northwest to the town of Sterlitamak, and used real crowd tactics to submerge the opponent's position. If the battalion of the coalition army sticks to the town and does not fall for it or pursue it, then the 15th and 20th infantry divisions will be on an armed parade. After the demonstration in front of the town, go after Tukhachevsky and retreat together.

The man was able to bend and stretch, and Tukhachevsky finally made a compromise. If the plan to lure the snake out was not successful, he planned to continue to retreat south during the day, but he would leave Fumanov's cavalry regiment at the end. Tukhachevsky wants the cavalry regiment to play tricks and return the carbine to see if the night battle can take the town!

As for the main force of Tukhachevsky, if the 15th and 20th infantry divisions have no chance, they will follow their army headquarters and continue to retreat southward. Going to the left bank of the Volga River, even the young commander of the Red Army Group is ready to go to the Alash Autonomous Republic in the Kazakh grassland to collect food and travel expenses.

In short, the First Army must stay away from the Great Plains of Ufa, which is now the territory of the coalition forces. Before the Soviet Red Army has air supremacy and is equipped with enough cannons, it must try to avoid fighting with the Allied forces, otherwise there is no hope of winning.

Tukhachevsky still did not dare to turn on the radio station of the group army. First, he was afraid that the radio signal would be detected by the reconnaissance plane of the coalition forces to find his position. He had an ominous premonition, and he was even worried that once he turned on the phone and received a telegram from another army group, he would not know whether he could believe it was from the Soviet Russian Red Army, or whether a group army that had already been destroyed was borrowed by the coalition forces. The station and code would have been misleading myself.

As for Moscow, it is obvious that the dire situation on the Ufa Great Plain is beyond its reach. At this time, there is no need to hand over the independent command of its First Army troops to Moscow. Anyway, before the breakout from Bavley, Moscow had already sent a final message. Telegram, informing the armies that they will keep radio silent during the breakout period to avoid leaking the wind and exposing the target!


"Report to Comrade Division Commander, our sentinel found a soldier from the Northwest who broke out from the encirclement to report!" A Red Army battalion commander who was in charge of guarding the camp rushed to report outside the tent of the 15th Division headquarters.

Chekov, the commander of the 15th Division, and Boklov, the commander of the 20th Division, were discussing in the tent when to go to the town of Sterlitamak for an armed parade. By this time, the police post on the edge of the town had not returned to report. Obviously, the cavalry battalion of the coalition guarding the town showed no signs of mobilizing, and the trick of "leading the snake out of the hole" seemed to be in vain.

Hearing the report of shading outside the tent, both Chekov and Boklov were taken aback, and hurriedly snatched out the tent. A battalion commander of the Red Army on duty outside the tent led a few people, holding a man in ragged clothes covered in blood. The Soviet Russian Red Army soldier seemed to have passed out.

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