Beiyang 1917

Chapter 392 Playing with Heartbeats

"What's going on? Where did you find it? Is he the only one? Military doctor! Call the military doctor!" Chekov anxiously stepped forward to check, while directing people to carry the Russian Red Army soldier into his tent.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, he staggered into our security area on a horse, without a weapon in his hand, and his shoulder was injured. When he saw us, he fell off the horse, as if he was exhausted. After working hard, the horse looked as if it had been washed all over, so it must have been running a lot! Before he fainted, he said that he was a soldier of the 48th Division of the Second Army Infantry!" The battalion commander reported nervously.

Soon, the military doctors who came from other tents gave first aid to the Red Army soldier who claimed to be the messenger of the Second Army. He strangled him, fed him sugar water, and finally used smelling salts. The guy woke up.

"Quick! Hurry up and rescue Comrade Ma Xin, we are surrounded... there are only three battalions left, and the enemy is a cavalry regiment that surrounds us... Commander Comrade Ma Xin commanded us to resist desperately, we persist It won't be long, the soldiers are tired and have been marching all night, and now they can't run anymore! Quick... quick!" Said the soldier who broke out from the encirclement and was about to faint again.

"Davarish, what's your name, what's your unit number, what's your commander's name, where did you come from, and how did you know we're here?" Chekov squatted in front of the wounded man, holding onto the wounded man tightly. The servant's shoulders kept shaking, and he asked anxiously, obviously afraid that the servant would faint again.

"I... My name is Styunov. I am a platoon of soldiers from the 48rd Battalion, 96nd Company, and 2th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Second Army Infantry. Our division commander's name is Paslovsky, and our regiment commander's name is Liubayev, our battalion commander... Our battalion commander has changed twice. The former one was called Kadov, and the latest one was called Morrisdorf, but they were all killed. The firepower of the coalition cavalry was too fierce. . Hurry up... One of our cavalry platoons broke out to find the main force of the First Army, and I was the only one who broke through the blockade and rushed out alive..." The guy who called himself Steyunov tilted his head Passed out again.

The military doctor who was hugging this guy hastily put smelling salts under this guy's nose again. The pungent smell forced Styunov to wake up again, but his expression was quite tired.

Chekov brought a bowl of water to him himself, and the military doctor fed the guy a few more mouthfuls of hot water, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Here Chekov and Berklov looked at each other, their faces were very solemn, and Berklov continued to ask,

"Didn't Comrade Ma Xin go west with the four divisions of the [-]nd and [-]th Army Groups with Hervey Xin? Why did he appear here?" They broke through the siege smoothly, but Chekov and Berklov, the division commanders of the First Army, never expected that the rest of Ma Xin's troops would come to him from the southeast, so they had to ask clearly.

In the eyes of the two division commanders, the decent-looking Russian in front of him, Steyunov, also had a Simbirsk accent. The name is also good, it should not be impersonated by the enemy, but for the sake of prudence, I have to ask more carefully!

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, where is Comrade Ma Xin surrounded by so many enemies, where are the four divisions of the Second Army, how come there are only three battalions left, and how did you get here From somewhere!" Bocroft stared at the messenger in front of him and said word by word.

Seeing Bocroft's question, Chekov nodded secretly, thinking that this matter is of great importance, and Bocroft is more careful than himself. It seems that this kid has not spent less time after becoming the commander of the 20th Division. Both Chekov and Berklov were Bolshevik generals from Simbirsk. Although they belonged to Tukhachevsky's First Army, they were fellow villagers with Ma Xin of the Second Army, and their relationship had always been very good.

When Chekov heard that Ma Xin was besieged just now, his brain buzzed, and he was anxious to send troops to rescue him, but he didn't ask as carefully as Bocroft. Fortunately, Bercroft Careful, asking such a question is obviously afraid that the other party is a spy sent by the coalition forces.

The guy named Styunov stood up full of righteous indignation, but his legs and feet were limp, and he sat back on the ground, but his face was flushed, and he yelled,

"What? You think I'm a spy? I'm desperately trying to get out of the siege to rescue soldiers. You actually think I'm a spy? I've seen you before. Your name is Chekov. You are the commander of the 15th Infantry Division. You are... 20 The commander of the division, Berklov, when you were guests of our commander Ma Xin, I stood guard for you! I didn’t expect that I would risk my life and you would not believe me?

Why did we break through if we knew earlier?Commander Ma Xin fought to the death without surrendering, and only three battalions were left from three divisions. If we want to lay down our arms like Rzhevski, our commander would have already become a guest of the Ufa coalition army!You shoot me!Blame our commander for being blind and sending me for help!Blame myself for being blind and thinking that the Second Army and the First Army are brothers and both are members of the Soviet Russian Red Army family! "

Steyunov yelled in grief and anger, and stretched out his hand to snatch the penis from the military doctor's waist and was about to pin it on his forehead, which frightened the people around him for a moment. Grabbing the barrel of the pistol and snatching the revolver from the fellow, Steyunov struggled frantically to break free from the military doctor who came back to his senses and hugged him tightly.

"Davalisi! What's your name, yes, Davalisistyunov, if you want to save your Commander Maxin, you have to tell the story of how the Second Army and Comrade Maxin came all the way here Let's make it clear that we are responsible for the safety of the Red Army soldiers of the entire division. Of course we will rescue Commander Ma Xin, but you must make things clear, do you understand? Don't waste any more time, hurry up and save your two days Experience makes it clear, the sooner the better!" Chekov grabbed Styunov by the collar and growled as he shook it.

"We started to break out the night before, and the cavalry of the coalition army caught up with us not long after. A division of the Fourth Army stayed behind to fight against it. Commander Ma Xin led our remaining three divisions to retreat southward. We retreated to a place overnight. It was good to evacuate and hide near Lake Alga, but unfortunately, it was blown out by a bomb dropped by a coalition reconnaissance plane during the day. As a result, it attracted intensive bombing from the coalition air force, and the blood flowed into a river. The 48th Division suffered more than one-third of the casualties!"

Steyunov said in one breath, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the half bowl of sugar water in the military doctor's hand, and gulped it down. Chekov, Berklov, and the surrounding Soviet Red Army soldiers waited nervously. Let this fellow continue to talk.

"Later, seeing that the ground troops of the coalition forces were about to come after them, Commander Ma Xin made a decisive decision and sent political commissar Kharchenko to lead the lightly wounded to stay behind to fight against them. Our regiment was led by Commander Ma Xin himself, and our 48th division commander Paslovsky was also with our regiment. The coalition cavalry behind us was chasing fiercely. I got rid of the enemy's pursuit!" Steyunov was still articulate, and his words were clearly organized, no wonder he was sent out to carry out this important task of asking for help.

"What happened later! Where are your regiment and Commander Ma Xin now? How did you bump into the enemy? How many people are there?" Berklov asked a series of questions, and what Styunov said was obviously meaningless Flaws, but I didn't expect that the strength of Ma Xin's four divisions had collapsed to the point where only three battalions remained and were surrounded by the enemy. The first group army now only has three divisions left. Not necessarily better than Ma Xin.

"Quickly tell me, what kind of enemy did you encounter in which position and was surrounded, and what kind of army did the opponent have?!" Chekov urged with a dignified expression, and he believed what the messenger in front of him said. The point of the question is where is Ma Xin?How many enemies have caught up!Should he turn around to rescue Ma Xin or retreat quickly to avoid being surrounded by his two divisions.

"I don't know. We drove all night last night. Many of the brothers were exhausted and fell behind. This morning we encountered the coalition forces chasing up from the north about five kilometers away. The opponent had about one regiment of troops. We only had 1500 people left, and a fight broke out. The coalition army on the opposite side seemed to be rushing to the south to chase your army, but I don’t know why there is only one regiment. It seems that the opponent has also traveled a lot. We are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and weapons, and we have not slept all night, and the brothers are too tired to lift their hands! We are surrounded by our opponents!"

Steyunov tried his best to blink his eyes to avoid falling asleep. Obviously, he was a little tired after talking so much.

"Five kilometers away from here? Which direction? Northwest? The enemy really only has one regiment?!" Bocroft asked. He should be able to hear the gunshots five kilometers away, but the southeast wind is blowing today. It is also possible that the gunshots from the north cannot be heard.

Steyunov tried his best to raise his head, looked at the sky and the surrounding woods, and pointed to the northwest direction,

"It should be in this direction. The enemy has only one regiment. Otherwise, our 1500 people would not be able to defend at all. However, the enemy seems to be tired now, so although they surrounded us, they couldn't eat us in one go. Commander Ma Xin Resolutely not to surrender, saying that the First Army will not do nothing, so they sent a platoon to look for your main force! This is the situation, please rescue Commander Ma Xin and the soldiers no matter what, the other party only has one regiment , but we were surrounded by each other because we were too physically exhausted to run!" The guy tilted his head and passed out again.

The military doctor rolled Styunov's eyelids, listened to his heartbeat again, raised his head and said, "I was exhausted and fainted. I can recover after a while. The injury on my shoulder is fine. It’s just a skin break! No bones are hurt!”

"Bercroft! What do you think? The enemy has a regiment's strength, how should we fight?" Chekov made up his mind to rescue Ma Xin, otherwise it would be difficult to explain this matter, let alone Ma Xin. Xin, himself and Boklov are all fellow villagers of Simbirsk, and this relationship is much deeper than others.

"Should I ask the Army Group Command for instructions? It's unreasonable for the enemy to chase so far with only one cavalry regiment!" Bocroft said hesitantly.

"Davalissibercroft! What time is this? I can only collect Ma Xin's body when I go late. Tukhachevsky is ten kilometers away. How can I ask for instructions now? The day lily is cold Comrade my division commander!" Chekov couldn't help jumping up and yelling!

"You're right! The opponent has only one cavalry regiment. How many people do you think we should go to clear the siege? The entire army of the two divisions is dispatched?" Bocroft asked in a deep voice.

After being yelled at by Chekov, Berklov felt that what the other party said was right. If the opportunity to break through the siege was delayed, in case Ma Xin was killed in battle, who would bear the responsibility?Even Tukhachevsky couldn't explain it to Moscow. Everyone knew that Maxin was a close friend of Comrade Sdrviyov, and Sdrviyov was a member of the Central Committee and a close friend of Comrade Ulyanov!Therefore, Berklov no longer insisted on consulting Tukhachevsky first, although he always felt that something was wrong in his heart.

"The whole army is dispatched? I don't think it is necessary. The soldiers are tired all night and now they can't wake up. I think it is enough for our two divisions to send a brigade to rescue Ma Xin! The rest of the troops will rest for a while Prepare to pack up the tents and camps, and continue retreating south as soon as Ma Xin is rescued!" Chekov said nonchalantly, in his opinion, it would be impossible to use two brigades to deal with a coalition cavalry regiment that had traveled a long distance across the lake. It is definitely more than enough to wipe out the opponent and rescue Ma Xin!

"Okay! I'll lead the team myself, and you stay at the camp to respond!" The commander of the 20th Division, Boklov, took the initiative to provoke the burden of breaking the siege and saving lives!

"Success! I hand over the 15st Brigade of the [-]th Division to you. They are all staunch Bolshevik fighters who came from Simbirsk workers!" Chekov said while holding Bokrov's hand tightly.

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