Beiyang 1917

Chapter 402 Thunderbolt


"The coalition forces of the Allied Powers announced that after a week of fierce fighting, the coalition forces had wiped out most of the Fifth Army, Fourth Army, Second Army, and First Army of the Eastern Front of the Soviet Red Army on the Ufa Plain, and captured more than 15 Russian Red Army troops. people, and severely damaged the headquarters of the Southern Front Army's [-]st Army, and is now chasing the retreat of the Soviet Red Army and the rest of Yegorov and Tukhachevsky!" Dzerzhinsky hurried in with the telegram he had just received !The voice trembled visibly.

"What!" The members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union in the conference room gasped when they heard the words, and the leader of the boy, Ulyanov, turned around in front of the battle map with a livid face, and rushed over to send the telegram from Terren Ski snatched it from his hand, and after reading it hastily, he smashed it into pieces in twos and threes, throwing down the shredded paper in his hand, waving his hands and shouting:

"This is imperialist propaganda, it's a lie! You can't believe it! Where did you get this telegram from Dzerzhinsky? What channel did you get the news from? Are you sure the source of the news is reliable! Do you want to Be responsible to the party and the Central Committee! Tell me! Where did this telegram come from!" Ulyanov almost roared on the verge of going berserk.

Trotsky couldn't believe his ears either, so he stepped forward to pick up the telegram manuscripts that had been torn apart by Ulyanov on the ground and put them together on the conference table. The husband and Bukharin swarmed around to watch. The content of the telegram was exactly what Dzerzhinsky said. The coalition announced that it had wiped out all the fifth, fourth, and second armies of the Soviet Red Army and most of the first army. , severely damaged the First Army, and captured at least 15 Russian Red Army prisoners.

Everyone gasped, and Bukharin sat back in his chair, murmuring what he was talking about, while Kamenev and Zinoviev looked at each other. His face was also quite ugly. At this time, Comrade Sdrviyov, who was originally planning to take over as the commander of the Southern Group, hadn't rushed back from the banks of the Volga River, and there were hardly any other sounds in the conference room except for Ulyanov's roar.

Dzerzhinsky finally broke free from the hands of the little mentor, and said with an aggrieved face, "This is the telegram news release from the Ufa Allied Forces Command that the major media of the Allied countries received at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The major evening papers probably made the headlines. It is estimated that major newspapers around the world will have this report tomorrow morning!

In fact, I can't believe this is true, so I checked with our intelligence personnel in Beijing, Japan, Tokyo, London, Paris, and Washington. The world told a big lie, either. . .This is true! " Dzerzhinsky, who was in charge of intelligence and counter-revolutionaries of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, was sweating profusely, and his face turned pale. Obviously, this guy had no doubts about the authenticity of the news.

"How could this happen! How could this happen! Even if 20 pigs were placed on the Great Plains of Ufa, 15 pigs would not be caught in a few days! Didn't they already order the various armies to retreat quickly! Didn't they already promise them? Can you choose the direction to break through independently! We even agreed to keep the radio silence required by the commanders of the various armies! To see his ghost, the radio was silent for three days and two nights in exchange for such a result? Order the radio to call the troops on the front line of Ufa! As soon as possible Call! We must know what happened on the right bank of the Volga?!"

Ulyanov spitting and waving his hands roared, waiting for three days and two nights for such a completely broken news, it still came from the enemy's announcement of the battle situation, which made Ulyanov's There was a throbbing pain in his heart, and the guy clutched his chest and fell into a chair. Seeing this, Dzerzhinsky hurriedly poured some brandy for his leader and helped him to drink it down. Pull away too, and let the humid night wind blow in some fresh air!

Trotsky was worried, and left the meeting room to direct the radio to call the armies. It was a joke to keep the radio silent at this time, and the enemy's propaganda would not be so outrageous?In other words, the situation on the front line has changed so much in just a few days.

Here, Kamenev went to the map and took a closer look at the situation of the enemy and the enemy on the map. It was almost the same as when he broke out three days ago. However, the three important ferries of Samara, Togliatti, and Meresk The fall of China has been confirmed, and it is an indisputable fact that the Orenburg and Ural lines have fallen into the hands of the coalition forces under the banner of the Kazakh Alash Autonomous Republic.

The coalition's roundabout operation was clearly planned long before the official start of the Battle of Ufa. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to take the line from Orenburg to the Urals in such a roundabout way, let alone sweep Samar from south to north in one go. Pull to the Ferry Line of Merrigens.

"The coalition army has a big appetite. I think our troops on the right bank of the Volga may have suffered major setbacks! The opponent has the advantage of artillery and aircraft, and they are fighting on the inner line of Ufajian City, Ye Ge Neither Rove nor Tukhachevsky were cowardly generals of the Red Army. At that time, they all demanded to retreat at the same time. It can be seen that the situation on the front line was already quite tense at that time! I think we should be prepared to lose the whole army on the right bank of the Volga River. Get ready!" Kamenev said with difficulty.

"If all this is not the propaganda and rumors of the coalition forces, but the real battle situation, the next step we have to consider is how to hold the left bank of the Volga after the Eastern Front has been hit hard. Kolchak in the direction of Kazan will not Such a powerful opportunity will be missed. The White Guards in the direction of Ufa are not the main force, the main force is the coalition forces, and Kolchak in the direction of Kazan has at least 15 elite main forces of the White Guards. Officer Corps, I think the Third Army in the east may not be able to stop the enemy's attack!" Zinoviev continued.

"How did all this happen! We managed to get prisoners from the German prisoner-of-war camps to join our Red Army. Who said that the Eastern Front is elite? We gave the best soldiers and rifles, machine guns and cannons to The Eastern Front gave Tukhachevsky and Rzhevsky, and we even dispatched the Second Army from the Southern Front to reinforce them for the second time! Three days and two nights of retreat and radio silence were exchanged for such a result? This Absolutely not allowed! This is absolutely not acceptable!"

Ulyanov breathed a sigh of relief after taking a few sips of brandy. Hearing the pessimistic tone of Kamenev and Zinoviev, the guy couldn't help but jumped up from the chair again, pinching his waist Going back and forth in the conference room, while continuing to growl and yell, Ulyanov was originally an emotional leader, and now his face was flushed, and he was panting and tossing back and forth!

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