Beiyang 1917

Chapter 403 The Public Battle Report of the Ufa Coalition Army


"It seems that the news has been confirmed. The Ufa Allied Forces Command issued a second press release to major media in various countries, and even our "Pravda" has received this release!" Trotsky's face was blue. He hurried in, holding a telegram draft in his hand. ()

"What did the press release say? Comrade Trotsky, I still doubt whether the enemy is spreading rumors to confuse the public, shake our will and determination, and confuse international public opinion and audiovisual! How come you are so credulous about the other party's propaganda?" Ulyanov did not try to snatch the telegram from Trotsky this time. First, Trotsky was not Dzerzhinsky and could do whatever he wanted. Second, Ulyanov was afraid of seeing more What terrible and unacceptable news.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. The Tsarist Russian army had more than 300 million prisoners of war in the German and Austrian prisoner-of-war camps. Now even if what the coalition forces said is true, we lost more than 20 Soviet Russian Red Army soldiers, and the course of history cannot be changed. , Those who support us will eventually be on our side, and those who do not belong to us will leave us sooner or later! The darkness before dawn is always only temporary. I believe that more Bolsheviks will join and strengthen our Soviet Russian Red Army. What we lost today, we will repay twice as much in the coming days!"

As Trotsky walked in, he comforted the Central Committee members in the conference room. Although he felt the same grief and palpitations in his heart, the more difficult the moment, the more he showed his leadership in front of the Central Committee members. When he was acting like a general, if even himself, the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army, was nervously roaring and hesitating in the face of crises and setbacks like Comrade Ulyanov, how could the cause of the Bolsheviks develop and grow to the point where it is now?

Sure enough, what Trotsky said was quite elegant and bold, the eyes of Kamenev and Zinoviev suddenly lit up, and Dzerzhinsky was even full of gratitude in his heart. Lotsky expressed his opinion that if the news is true, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Otherwise, no one can resist Comrade Ulyanov's sharp eyes and oppressive doubts. It's true that the propaganda of the coalition forces is not true. Wouldn't it be impossible for him to walk around?Thanks to Trotsky's statement, he unburdened himself.

Bukharin, who had been sitting in a chair in a daze and muttering to himself, heard that the "Pravda" he was the editor-in-chief also received such a telegram news bulletin. He jumped up from his chair and ran to Trotsky. He snatched the telegram from the front and read it:

"The battle report of the Ufa Command of the Allied Forces. During the battle to defend Ufa, which lasted for nearly a week, the Allied forces united to block the offensive launched by the Soviet Russian Eastern Front Army's Southern Group. In the first stage of the campaign, the Allied Forces were in a defensive posture. The enemy The troops and firepower of the Soviet Union were above the coalition forces defending Ufa. The Soviet Red Army surrounded Ufa and launched an offensive force of three group armies, 14 infantry divisions, 4 cavalry divisions, and 33 artillery companies with a total of 198 cannons. The total number exceeds 10 people."

"On the side of the coalition forces defending Ufa, there are two White Guard infantry divisions and two Ufa volunteers from the Northwest Group under the command of Ufa Garrison Commander, Prime Minister of the All-Russian Interim Government Cabinet, and Belarusian Army General Pepelyaev. The division has a total of more than 4 people and governs 8 artillery companies. The southeastern group commanded by Alexander Petrovich has two White Guard infantry divisions, a Ufa volunteer division and a Ural fourth cavalry division. There are also more than 4 people. Jurisdiction over 6 artillery companies.

Regardless of the number of troops or the number of artillery, the coalition forces guarding Ufa in the first phase of the defensive operation were at a huge disadvantage, but the coalition soldiers held their positions through bloody battles, and wiped out the first Soviet Russian army on the northwest line of defense on the first day of operations. The 24th Division of the Simbirsk Iron Army used by an army to launch an offensive!In the second day's battle, the three divisions launched by the Soviet Fourth Army were annihilated on the southeast line of defense, and nearly [-] Soviet Red Army soldiers were captured! "

"In the spirit of humanitarianism, the coalition forces voluntarily requested a temporary truce so that the Soviet Red Army could withdraw its wounded from the battlefield. The number of these wounded was as high as 24000. On the same day of the battle, the Ufa coalition defeated the Soviet Red Army cavalry The roundabout battle wiped out most of the three cavalry divisions sent by the opponent, and less than 5000 of the opponent's [-] cavalry successfully retreated!"

"The victory of the coalition forces boosted their morale and boosted their spirits, while the Soviet Red Army on the offensive side was in a slump. The main force of the Suonan Group was repelled to Chernigovka, 24000 kilometers southwest of Ufa. Immediately afterwards, Tuha Chevsky abandoned Rzhevsky and led a division guarding 10 wounded people to besiege Chernihivka. He led the remaining [-] people of the main force of the Southern Group to retreat to Milnayazkovo and wait for the left bank of Volga. Reinforcements from the Fifth Army and the Third Army!"

"While the coalition forces were repelling the enemy, their own strength was also constantly growing, and they quickly wiped out the three divisions of the Fifth Army's North Route Army in the southeast of Chistopol through roundabout tactics, and made the troops who had already arrived The Fifth Army and the First Army on the front line of Bavre Briguma retreated across the board. Of course, Tukhachevsky in the east once again dropped the rest of the Fourth and Second Army, and brought the main force of the First Army to the south. retreat!"

"The defeat of the Soviet Russian Red Army enabled the coalition forces to seize a favorable opportunity. After three days and two nights of pursuit and fighting, they successively wiped out three divisions of the Soviet Russian Fifth Army's South Route Army, and wiped out all of the Soviet Russian Second Army and the Fourth Army. Most of the group army captured the 3 Rzhevsky group trapped in Chernigovka. In the southeast, a cavalry battalion of the coalition army stood firm in the town of Sterlitamak, annihilating the intruders on the way to retreat. Hachevsky's main force was most of a cavalry regiment, and cooperated with the coalition cavalry to annihilate the 15th and 20th infantry divisions of the First Army."

"At the same time, the Stepin Group, which was retreating westward by the Soviet Russian Second Army, was also completely wiped out by the coalition armored forces. The Battle of Ufa has now come to an end, and the rest of the Soviet Red Army, which is still at large, will be completely surrounded by the brave and fearless coalition forces in a short time. And annihilation! The ending of the Battle of Ufa has confirmed the complete bankruptcy of the offensive launched by the Soviet Russian regime against the all-Russian provisional government and coalition forces!"

"The All-Russian Provisional Zheng Fu and the Allied Forces of the Allied Forces strictly abided by the Geneva POW Convention throughout the campaign and ceased fighting on the front line many times so that the Soviet Russian Red Army could withdraw its lightly and seriously wounded. The victory of the Allied Forces in the Battle of Ufa proved once again , the unjust party will be defeated and eliminated by the righteous party! No matter how fancy propaganda and disguise your doctrine is, it cannot cover up the fact that you are undermining social justice, plundering and killing people.”

"The Ufa Command of the Allied Forces appeals to all the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army who have not laid down their arms. Please lay down your arms. We love peace, but we are not afraid of war. As long as you are a member of the Soviet Red Army, as long as you continue Follow that regime that is anti-human and anti-justice, then you will inevitably suffer the fate of failure!"

"The coalition forces give preferential treatment to prisoners! The revitalization and future of Russia requires the support of all Russian people. As a member of the Allied Powers, the All-Russian Provisional Government is the natural representative of the land and people of Russia officially recognized by the international community! Your regime is apart from you I have no other country that admits that as long as you don’t lay down your arms, the All-Russian Provisional Government and the Allied Forces will carry the war to the end! One day you and the German-Austrian imperialism behind you will taste the bitter fruit you brewed!”

"As long as you lay down your arms, the Allied Forces can forget the past. No matter you are a political commissar or a military commander, we welcome you to lay down your arms. As long as you lay down your arms, you will be protected by us and have the right to become a member of free Russia. All Russia The interim zhengfu has promulgated the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and "Temporary Measures for Land Management". All peace-loving people will have the right to live. You are welcome to become a member of free Russia, and you will own your own land And get the protection of zheng fu, all personal property will be sacred and inviolable, you are welcome to go to the light!"

Bukharin read the long telegram news release in his hand tremblingly. Only his voice echoed in the huge conference room. Ulyanov squinted his eyes and stared at Bukharin, but he didn’t call. It was a miracle to stop Bukharin from reading the manuscript, while Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Dzerzhinsky all listened carefully in silence. Burning with raging anger and fighting spirit, but also did not make a sound to stop Bukharin from reading the manuscript.

Finally, after chanting, Bukharin stopped with sweat on his forehead, looked up at the eyes of everyone around him, swallowed hard and said,

"The following is a list of the senior commanders of the Soviet Russian Red Army captured in the Battle of Ufa..."

"The captured senior commander? Besides the two scum and traitors, Ekh and Lezhevsky, who else is there?!" Ulyanov asked through his teeth.

"Commander Sla of the Fifth Army, Chief of Staff Eich and Political Commissar Blumberg, and several division commissars, Commander Rzhevsky of the Fourth Army, several division commissars, Second Army Commander Ma Xin, political commissar Kharchenko and several divisional commissars, Chief of Staff of the First Army Stepin and several divisional commissars!" Bukharin glanced at the manuscript in his hand, raised his head and said.

"This is fucking hell! Not even a single army-level commander died in battle? They all put down their weapons and surrendered? Even Ma Xin surrendered?!" Ulyanov was furious when he heard the list roared again, turned and yelled at Trotsky again,

"Trotsky! This is the Eastern Front of the Soviet Red Army that you are so proud of? The commander, political commissar, and chief of staff of the Fifth Army all put down their weapons and surrendered! You have to take responsibility for this! Sla and the others sneaked into us Is it your insistence and advocacy to connive and appoint them to command the group army against spies and enemies? Isn't it?!" Ulyanov shouted completely out of composure.

"Comrade Ulyanov! After losing the conditions to continue fighting, laying down arms is one of the optional strategies to preserve strength and make a comeback. Both the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers have had countless senior generals and soldiers on both sides in the past four years of war. Being captured, laying down your arms and becoming a prisoner of war cannot simply be considered a traitor and a spy!" Trotsky couldn't help but counterattacked.

"The Bolsheviks and the Soviet Red Army should fight to the last breath. All actions to lay down arms against the enemy are considered a betrayal of our cause! It will not be tolerated!" Ulyanov walked up to Trotsky, tightly clenched his fist and shouted!

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