Beiyang 1917

Chapter 404


"If the coalition's battle report is true... then the main force of Yegorov's Second Army has not failed, Tukhachevsky is still fighting, and there are no prisoners of Heveshin or Yankovgay name, then it is very likely that the coalition forces have not been able to encircle them, and they still have hope of breaking through." Trotsky ignored Comrade Ulyanov's roar, but went to the map to look at it for a while, and turned around to analyze road.

"Egorov and Tukhachevsky's Army Headquarters haven't responded yet?" Kamenev asked with concern.

Trotsky shook his head lightly. Apparently, the Moscow radio station hadn't been able to get in touch with Yegorov and Tukhachevsky's radio stations.However, Trotsky's answer immediately made people laugh and cry.

The founder of the Soviet Red Army had a tinge of shame on his thin cheeks, and murmured, "In order to confirm the truth of the battle reports issued by the coalition forces, I ordered the radio station in Moscow headquarters to broadcast to the first, second, fourth, and fifth troops at the same time." Initiated a call with the [-]rd Army, but the radio stations of Yegorov's [-]rd Army and Tukhachevsky's [-]st Army remained silent and did not respond."

"What?! Could it be that the radio stations of several other armies actually answered?" Ulyanov, who was still pacing back and forth in the meeting room just now, stopped and asked suspiciously.

"No? Didn't the coalition claim that they had wiped out the Fourth, Second, and Fifth Armies? Why did they answer our radio calls!" Bukharin said in a trembling voice.

"The coalition forces in Ufa answered our call. The fourth, second, and fifth armies were completely annihilated. The radio station, translators, and transmitters, including the codebook, all fell into the enemy's hands!" Dzerzhinsky said in Said dejectedly.

"Damned! Do they think it's funny? Or are they trying to mislead us?" Ulyanov yelled, spitting.

"Who knows, Ufa's coalition commander is the young king. No one knows his true thoughts and intentions. For example, the truce on the battlefield asked us to withdraw the wounded, and he said that the prisoners were treated preferentially. As a result, the air force bombed and When the cannon bombarded, he was not soft at all!


This man is simply incomprehensible. After returning to China from the United States, he created the National War Army with one hand, established the steel, oil, and military industry systems, and led the conclusion of the Japanese Alliance with one hand. The status is simply the Washington of the United States back then! "

These central committee members of Zinoviev in the Central Committee of the Soviet Union have done the most research on Asian issues, so they know the king who came out of the country very well.

"These group armies fell into the hands of the Ufa coalition army and what did they say when the radio station replied?" Ulyanov asked this again for some reason.

"...They want us to order all the Soviet Red Army to lay down their arms, stop splitting the country and the nation, and stop being the thugs and accomplices of Germany and Austria..." Trotsky replied with a pale face.

"Bastard! I'm going to tear apart the king of the coalition with my own hands! Comrade Trotsky! The Supreme Revolutionary Military Council must form more Red Army infantry divisions and army groups. We must fight them to the end!" Ulyanov roared on the road.

"The first priority is how to eliminate the negative impact of the coalition battle reports on us as soon as possible. The great Soviet Red Army suffered such heavy losses on the right bank of the Volga River. This will inevitably arouse suspicion and suspicion of our cause in all walks of life throughout Russia. Many people who originally supported us The people here may be shaken, and the White Guards and local self-government regimes everywhere will take the opportunity to launch a new round of attacks against us!" Kamenev interjected.

"Comrade Joseph from Tsaritsyn urgently telegraphs!" A communications officer rushed in and handed a telegram to Trotsky. Sdrviyov was away, and the Supreme Military Council gradually returned to Trotsky's control. Of.

"What did Comrade Joseph say? Did the enemy launch a new offensive against Tsaritsyn so soon?" Zinoviev asked in surprise.

Ulyanov couldn't help but walk up to Trotsky a few steps, and read the telegram from Joseph together with him. Here Trotsky quickly read the telegram in his hand, and handed the telegram to the In the hands of Ulyanov next to him, he raised his head and said to the Central Committee members such as Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Dzerzhinsky who were looking at him nervously,

"Comrade Joseph also saw the Ufa battle report of the coalition forces. He asked the Supreme Military Council to mobilize all the Red Army troops that could be mobilized on the left bank of the Volga River, open a gap from the Setherland line, and rescue the main force of the Yegorovdi Army of the Southern Front. ! And Egorov’s 15st Army turned on the radio [-] minutes ago and notified the Southern Front of their current position!” Trotsky’s tone was a little helpless.

"Where is Yegorov? How many people are left in the First Army?" Bukharin asked nervously.

"Why didn't Yegorov answer the radio call from the Moscow Supreme Military Council, but instead sent a report to the Southern Front alone?" Ulyano asked with an ugly face after reading the telegram in his hand.

"I guess it's because the Southern Front has its own code and radio call sign, so we didn't receive Yegorov's telegram, but Joseph received it at the Southern Front Command! Joseph didn't even say in the telegram that the Second Army is now The specific location!" Trotsky hummed.

"Comrade Trotsky! It is you who have always ensured that the entire Soviet Red Army and all fronts are under the leadership of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviets, and the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council is directly responsible to the Central Committee and myself. Now the Southern Front How do you explain the matter? Is Tsaritsyn the Kingdom of Duli?! Is there any organizational discipline? Isn’t the southern front of the Soviet Russian Red Army under the leadership of the Russian Central Committee!" Ulyanov slapped the table and shouted .

"Comrade Trotsky is obviously not familiar with the situation of the Southern Front, and his main focus is on building the Eastern Front!" Bukharin fanned the flames yinyin from the side.

Dzerzhinsky frowned when he heard the words, and wanted to defend Trotsky, but seeing Comrade Ulyanov's face was unkind, this guy finally didn't dare to speak.

Kamenev and Zinoviev looked at each other. Kamenev originally wanted to seek the position of commander of the Eastern Front, but Vatsitis and Trotsky had a very good relationship, so as long as Vatsitis Zedis is still in the position of the Eastern Front, so the others have no chance.

However, most of the main force of the Eastern Front has been lost on the right bank of the Volga River. The position of the commander of the Vatzetis Front Army may not be guaranteed, but at this time, the Eastern Front is a hot potato. Tukhachevsky and Yego Rove teamed up and was beaten to pieces by the Ufa coalition forces.

Who dares to say that he can deal with the coalition forces if he changes to another person?What's more, the Eastern Front only has the main force of the Third Army left, plus the two divisions left by the Fifth Army, the total strength is less than 10, and the coalition troops on the Ufa battlefield on the Eastern Front will not be less than 10. There are 15 main forces in the direction of Kolchak in Kazan. Whoever is the commander of the Eastern Front is a terrible job!

Not to mention resuming the offensive on the Eastern Front, whether the Soviet Red Army can hold the left bank of the Volga River is a huge question mark!So now whoever dares to serve in the Eastern Army has to weigh the stakes first!

"Comrade Trotsky! Why don't you answer my question? Isn't the Southern Front under the leadership of you, the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council? Why does the Second Army and the Southern Front Command have du li's radio code? How did this situation arise? What? It’s crazy that such an army can win battles!” Ulyanov yelled endlessly.

Trotsky was enraged by Ulyanov's questioning, and couldn't help shouting,

"Comrade Ulyanov! How many times did I telegraph you when I was at the front about the hills and small groups of the Southern Front? How many times did I quarrel with Comrade Joseph in the telegrams on such matters?

Every time you protect him and mediate between them, you are the one who encouraged the comrades in the Southern Front Army to become the kingdom of du li, and you are the one who indulged Comrade Joseph's arrogance and arrogance!You also suppressed my telegram requesting his transfer from Tsaritsyn?It is you, not me, who hinder the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council's command of the Southern Front Army!You are responsible for this, not me! "

Trotsky was also driven into a hurry, waving his arms and quarreling with Ulyanov!

Ulyanov was momentarily at a loss for words by Trotsky's rebuttal, and then he remembered that in order to suppress Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council, the increasing prestige in the party and the Soviet Russian Red Army, I knew that Comrade Joseph was running the Duli Kingdom in Tsaritsyn and regarded the Southern Front Army as his personal confinement, so I just held back and didn't nod in Trotsky's telegram requesting the adjustment of Comrade Joseph's position.

So it is a bit unreasonable to accuse Trotsky on this issue at this moment. When Ulyanov read this, his old face blushed slightly, his eyes rolled, and his tone softened a little.

"Of course, the Soviet Russian Central Committee and I, the chairman, are also responsible, but no matter what, the Soviet Russian Red Army must be completely and completely under the leadership of the Soviet Russian Central Committee and the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council. This must not be shaken. Discuss how to adjust and deal with it, the problem now is... what is the problem now?"

Ulyanov turned a bit sharply, and forgot the words for a moment, and Kamenev interjected next to him,

"Egorov and the Southern Front apparently have their own radio call signs and codes. Because of this, perhaps this is one of the reasons why they have not been encircled and wiped out by the coalition forces. The question now is whether to agree to Comrade Joseph's request Mobilize all the troops on the left bank of the Volga River to pass through the Togliatti ferry opposite Syzran, and take Yegorov's main force back to the left bank!"

Kamenev's words were obviously to the point. With the other Russian Red Army armies all wiped out, if there was not a communication code system different from Moscow's, if Yegorov and Moscow contacted at this moment, If so, the coalition forces may have deciphered the telegram through interception and captured codebooks, thus exposing the location and being encircled and wiped out by the coalition forces!

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