Beiyang 1917

Chapter 406 Can't win, so I have to sue for peace

"Okay! Then it's settled. Hurry up and send a report to Comrade Chicherin, asking him to talk to Ludendorff in person, asking Germany to provide us with a large number of anti-aircraft weapons, artillery and heavy machine guns as soon as possible. The price is negotiable. After the Limlin Palace was sold, I also pooled up the money for him, by the way, asked Chicherin to tell the other party that if Germany intends to sit back and watch the Soviet Russian regime fail..."

Ulyanov glanced at the Central Committee members in the conference room with a gloomy face, and then quickly said, "If Germany intends to sit back and watch the Soviet Russian regime fail, then we will have to return to the embrace of the Allied Powers. I believe that as long as we are willing to make concessions, the United States, Britain and France will never reject us!"

As soon as Ulyanov's words came out, several core members of the central committee in the conference room were taken aback. Kamenev and Zinoviev looked at each other for a while and remained silent for a while. Ki and Dzerzhinsky also opened their eyes wide. They didn't know whether the little mentor was just giving Chicherin a few bargaining chips for Chicherin who was far away in Germany, or whether he really had plans to surrender to the Allied Powers. !

Bukharin was the first to lose his composure, and jumped out to ask Ai Ai, "Comrade Chairman, you just said that casually... or you really mean it... If this is the case, wouldn't it be that we are going to betray ourselves A cause and a cause that has been fought for for 20 years? This is no joke!"

Ulyanov glared at Bukharin, and said nonchalantly, "You are a deadhead, Bukharin, you are still the editor-in-chief of "Pravda". Because we have made peace with Germany and the all-Russian interim government is still in the framework of the Allied Powers to continue the war!"

"That's not the case, Comrade Ulyanov, the Entente countries are hostile to and opposed to our Soviet regime, more because of our doctrine and policy, not as simple as a peace alliance with Germany, we Bolsheviks represent the working class and the toiling masses , the Allied Powers are all representatives of the big bourgeoisie and big landlords, and class conflicts are the root cause of life and death!"

Bukharin, a Bolshevik theorist in the Soviet Union, was definitely not inferior to Ulyanov when he played with concepts. At this time, he instinctively pointed out the core of the problem. This is the struggle between the Soviet Russian regime and the Entente. , It is not as simple as a simple conflict of interests and a game between countries.

Ulyanov's face was pale and white, and he secretly scolded Bukharin for being so stubborn. Whether it is against Germany and Austria or the Entente, imperialism and the exploiting class are fundamentally our enemies. Isn't the situation unfavorable now? Why can't this guy turn the corner when it comes to saving the country with a curve?

"Comrade Bukharin, there is often a long distance between ideals and reality. The Bolsheviks are the goal that we Bolsheviks strive for all our lives. There is no contradiction between the space for survival and the time for development and growth, not to mention that there are no eternal friends or enemies between countries, only eternal interests!"

Unexpectedly, it was Trotsky, the potential biggest contender for the top leader of the party, who stood up to rescue Ulyanov.

Bukharin snorted, and finally did not continue to entangle on this issue of principle. Obviously, now is not the time to challenge Ulyanov and Trotsky at the same time.

"Comrade Ulyanov, since you and Comrade Trotsky are both flexible enough on this issue, and in view of the current difficult situation, then I have a suggestion..." Zinoviev considered road.

"Oh? That's a good relationship, why don't you talk about it quickly!" Kamenev watched from the side without losing the opportunity and shouted. The relationship between this guy and Zinoviev is like that between Ulyanov and Sder. Viyov is almost the same, and he always sings and harmonizes with each other.

Ulyanov and Trotsky looked at each other, and motioned Zinoviev to continue. In Ulyanov's view, Kamenev and Zinoviev, if they If it's not that the taste of intellectuals is too strong, he is actually a very capable talent, but he is easy to waver and lean to the right. Now let's hear what this guy can come up with!

"That's good! Since we can negotiate peace with Germany and Austria, in order to save Yegorov and Tukhachevsky's forces that were captured on the right bank of the Volga River, and to slow down the Allied forces' advance to the left bank of the Volga River, why do we Can’t we negotiate peace with the Allied Forces at the same time?”

Zinoviev’s suggestion was earth-shattering, and his words awakened the dreamer. There was a moment of silence in the conference room, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

"Negotiate for peace with the Allied Forces? With whom? The king of the Ufa coalition headquarters? Or with the US, Britain, and France? What are you talking about? How?" Bukharin was the first to lose his composure, and jumped out to ask road.

Ulyanov made a gesture to Dzerzhinsky. The thin Cheka leader understood what Ulyanov meant, and walked quickly to the door of the meeting room, opened the door and stretched out his head to look at it. , commanded the guards standing guard in the corridor, "Without my permission, no one is allowed to approach this conference room, and idlers are all kept out of the way. If there is an emergency, call the officer on duty to call in directly for instructions!"

When Dzerzhinsky came back after closing the door, Ulyanov signaled Zinoviev to continue talking.

"Yes! Negotiate directly with the king of the Ufa coalition forces to seek peace. The words of the United States, Britain, France, and even the governments of Japan and Japan are not as effective as that king. This time in the Ufa battle, this guy held up the sign of preferential treatment of prisoners to destroy our military spirit and fighting spirit. , while constantly asking us to remove the wounded on the battlefield to buy people's hearts, I think it might be possible to negotiate with this guy!"

Zinoviev obviously had high expectations for the king of the Ufa coalition forces.

"What are we talking about? Could it be that we asked for an armistice and he agreed? We asked Yegorov and Tukhachevsky to withdraw to the left bank of the Volga, and he agreed? Comrade Zinoviev, What do you think war is? Is it two neighbors’ children pretending to be a house? War is a life-and-death struggle. Now that the other side has won a huge victory in the Battle of Ufa, why can they promise us a truce?”

Bukharin pursed his lips in disdain and said disapprovingly.

"Comrade Trotsky, what do you think of Comrade Zinoviev's suggestion? The commander-in-chief of the Ufa coalition army... that guy who is called the king, can you agree?" Ulyanov thought hard while holding his chin For a long time, I felt that there was no hope of success in this matter, so I turned to ask the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council next to me.

"How can I say this? In fact, we have never regarded the Entente as the main enemy. We just made a unilateral peace with the German-Austrian Allies in order to withdraw from the war, fulfill our promise to the army and the masses, and give them "peace, land and bread." The truce is because the Allied Powers support the White Guards and the Kolchak gang to make things difficult for our red regime, and if we want to talk about it, it’s either impossible, or it seems that we have no bargaining chips in our hands!”

Trotsky spread his hands and told the truth. Now that the Soviet Russian regime is in turmoil, and the Ufa coalition forces have won a major victory on the battlefield, if they come to ask for peace talks at this time, let alone whether they can be successful, in case the wind leaks out However, Germany and Austria may not be able to agree, and there will be huge ideological confusion within the Soviet Russian regime itself.

As for the Soviet Red Army, I'm afraid it has no morale and fighting spirit. Don't delay the army and fail to succeed. On the contrary, no one inside and outside the regime will offend all the forces that can be offended. At that time, you can cry without tears Desperate to close down!

"Kamenev, what do you mean? Negotiate directly with the Ufa coalition forces. Can we come up with any bargaining chips they are interested in? If the other party really crosses the river, we really dare not say that we can stop the opponent at the moment! "

Ulyanov kicked the ball to Kamenev. He knew that Kamenev had his own capabilities and skills in the military, while Zinoviev had excellent research on the diplomatic and economic aspects of various countries.

"We can promise the king of the Ufa coalition army that with the Volga River as the border, the right bank of the Volga River will be owned by Kolchak's all-Russian interim government, and the left bank will be ours! In other words, we use the policy that recognizes the Kolchak regime. method, in exchange for the recognition of the Soviet regime on the left bank of the Volga by the coalition forces, the two sides will strike and cease fighting!" Kamenev narrowed his eyes and said his suggestion leisurely.

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