Beiyang 1917

Chapter 410

"Okay, there is no time to argue about this issue now. Anyway, it is necessary to negotiate with the governments of Japan and Japan. It would be effective if the king of the Ufa coalition forces is willing to implement it. Who should we send as a representative to negotiate? Is it better to go to Kazan? What is the bottom line of the negotiation?" Ulyanov waved his hands and gave in. (.69zw. release)

"The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin is still in Berlin talking with Ludendorff about the issue of military and food support. Comrade Yue Fei, the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, is now the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin. Whichever of the two of them will come back to preside over the negotiations How about work?" suggested Trotsky.

"No, no, no, Comrade Trotsky, what's going on here, wait until they come back from Germany and rush to the right bank of the Volga River, I'm afraid the coalition forces will have crossed the river long ago, it's not too late, we should send representatives directly from Moscow Negotiations on the Eastern Front, didn’t Sdrviyov just arrive in Syzran by train, I don’t think it’s necessary to call him back, and let him directly contact the coalition forces that occupied Togliatti on the opposite bank and ask for negotiations!” Kamenev said got an idea.

"I think we can use a two-pronged approach. At the same time, we can use the radio call sign of the southern group of the Eastern Front Army to obtain radio contact from the Ufa coalition army and request negotiations. Of course, the location can be determined by the other party. We can send people there when the time comes. The Soviet Red Army bought time, and whether an agreement can be reached in the end depends on the asking price of the other party and the bargaining chips we can offer!" Zinoviev suggested.

"Dzerzhinsky, you go to the telecommunications room to handle this matter yourself. Be sure to establish radio contact with the Ufa coalition forces, and say that Moscow is seeking negotiations with the Allied forces. , we demand that both sides stop all military operations on the right bank of the Volga during the negotiations!" Ulyanov discussed with Trotsky in a low voice, and when he saw the guy nodding, he directly ordered the Cheka leader to say.

Dzerzhinsky nodded upon hearing this, and quickly left the conference room without saying a word.

Here Bukharin murmured, "Pinning the hope of victory on the enemy's mercy is completely empty. Even if we make concessions and recognize the Kolchak regime and the Volga River as the border between the two sides, Kolchak will be able to Agree? Can the coalition fully control Kolchak to accept this agreement?"

And Zinoviev, didn’t you also say that the purpose of the Allied Forces sending troops to the west of the Ural Mountains is to fight against the German-Austrian Allies on the Eastern Front, so they will definitely ask to cross the Volga River. What shall we do then?After opening the door and stealing, who has the ability to be alone?

And once the coalition forces cross the river, can the Kolchak gang not follow?In my opinion, this is a life-and-death class struggle, and there is no room for reconciliation and peace. Once we make a concession now, it is likely that we will not be able to stop the enemy's footsteps, but will also shake the internal determination and will. The Bolsheviks and the Soviet regime Both are in danger of collapsing and being subverted from within!

Comrades!Members of the Central Committee, I know that you think I am sometimes extreme and only know how to shout slogans, but I think this time I really think that Comrades Ulyanov and Trotsky made the wrong choice. We negotiated peace with Germany and Austria. Now everyone has seen the result of seeking skin from a tiger.

Once we make peace with the coalition forces, even if we are persuaded within the Bolsheviks, can the German-Austrian Allies agree?If they set off a huge wave to attack us from the east again, who will resist?I'm not scaremongering, but everyone knows that the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers have fought for four years to the point where no one can afford to lose! "The more Bukharin spoke, the more agitated his tone became, and... he was plausible!

Bukharin's words once again aroused the deep thinking of the members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and Russia in the conference room. It must be said that Russia's life is really difficult when it is sandwiched between the Allies Germany and Austria and the Entente United States, Britain and France. Relying on anyone depends on imperialism , cannot escape the suspicion of the capitulation faction making peace.

Moreover, the situation is so complicated that although the United States participated in the war, Germany and Austria seized a large amount of land, population and resources from Russia on the Eastern Front, especially when negotiating an armistice with the Soviet Russian regime, which made Germany and Austria avoid After fighting on two fronts, the Allies' hopes of final victory in the war were greatly enhanced.

This is also one of the reasons why the Soviet Russian regime insisted on a truce with Germany. Although it knew that Germany was unreliable, as long as the Germans stopped attacking Soviet Russia, the Soviet Russian regime could buy time to recover. Once the regime was consolidated from within , Judging from Russia's territory, population and resource strength, no country can make Mother Russia succumb again.

"Comrade Bukharin's opinion is not unreasonable. Once we negotiate an armistice with the Allied Powers and recognize the Kolchak regime, the Allied Powers will not stop marching westward. Germany and Austria are their ultimate goal, and it is likely that when the time comes The Entente is trying to pull us into the water and re-launch the war against Germany!" Ulyanov said in a heavy tone after being awakened by Bukharin's words.

The members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and Russia present here were all heavy-hearted when they heard the words, and they didn't know what to say for a while. The German army beat the main forces of the United States, Britain and France on the western front. With the confidence to challenge the board, it is now unthinkable to start a war with Germany again.

"Peace talks with the Allied Forces, except for the difficult to explain on the side of the German-Austrian Allies, Kolchak's all-Russian temporary government is also a hurdle. How can the bourgeois landlords reconcile with our proletarian regime? Even if we recognize the east of the Volga River Return to them, can Kolchak and the White Guard generals, capitalists, and landowners who followed him promise to return the west bank of the Volga to us? Most of the land and houses of these landowners are on this side of the river!

Those followers of Kolchak are always thinking about going back to their hometown. When the time comes, Kolchak agrees to draw the border and rule. Can Krasnov and Denikin in the south agree?Moreover, both Saratov and Tsaritsin straddle the Volga River, especially Tsaritsin. Can the other party agree to us to hand over Tsaritsin? "When Bukharin was sober, his mind was still working very well, and this did not raise the possible sequelae of the peace talks.

"Zinoviev, didn't you say that the king of the Ufa coalition forces west of the Ural Mountains has the final say. Without the support of the Allied Powers, Kolchak's regime would have been wiped out long ago. The truce and peace talks, can the king settle the matter? Kolchak and his regime?" Ulyanov turned around and kicked the ball at Zinoviev's feet.

"This issue doesn't matter, it's fine if it's not balanced!" Trotsky, who had been circling in the conference room with his hands behind his back, stopped and said surprisingly.

"How do you say this? Comrade Trotsky, don't half-talk. When is this time? Hurry up, why can't it be settled?" Ulyanov's mind was in a mess at the moment, and he almost lost his normalcy The ability to think, he said in a daze.

"No matter how elite the White Guards of Kolchak's gang are, they can at most be evenly matched with our Soviet Red Army. As long as the Ufa coalition forces agree to a truce, we can free up our hands to lick our wounds, rebuild and supplement the Eastern and Southern Fronts. If Kolchak does not accept the truce arranged by the Allied Forces, then we will definitely not be able to obtain the support of the Allied Powers and the Allied Forces, and we will just recover from Kolchak the losses we suffered from the Allied Forces!" Trotsky said coldly road.

"Yes! And as long as there is internal strife between the Kolchak gang and the Allied Forces, maybe either they fight over or we fight over! Why not do it, the more chaotic they are, the better, and the less they can't reach a consensus! " Kamenev's eyes lit up and he spoke beside him.

"Can it really be that simple? Don't the Ufa coalition army promise us a truce, and then say that they can't deal with Kolchak's troops, and then just like in Orenburg, the Urals, and Samara, it is obviously the main force of the coalition army. The flag of the Kazakh Ashra Autonomous Republic with that bullshit suddenly appeared on the battlefield and gave us a fatal blow?"

Ulyanov was a little restless at this time. In his opinion, the coalition forces in Ufa were the most cunning enemy the Soviet Red Army had ever faced. It would be better to be more careful.

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