Beiyang 1917

Chapter 409 Uncrowned King

"Okay, comrades, today our compromise is to preserve our strength so that we can make a comeback, but even if we are willing to bow our heads and beg for peace, Zinoviev, you said that the coalition forces will definitely cross the river, so how can we stop the war and talk about peace? Do we open the door and say goodbye? The bandits can only talk about peace if they put the coalition forces all the way to Moscow?" Ulyanov said bitterly.

Zinoviev threw up his hands when he heard the words, and said helplessly, "Comrade Chairman, the enemy has gained the upper hand now. No matter how good our wishes are, the reality is so cruel and time is so urgent. Every day the war lasts, Volga Yegorov and the rest of the Tukhachevsky troops on the right bank of the river have one less chance of being able to withdraw! I suggest formally contacting the Ufa coalition forces as soon as possible to demand a truce and peace talks!"

"It's just a dream, Zinoviev, the coalition forces are relatives of your family? You said that the armistice has ceased the war? If you say let them go, let them go? Don't forget that we still have 15 prisoners of war in the other side's prison camps. If we really want to talk about peace, we can abandon the right bank of the Volga River and promise not to provoke a war to the east, but the other party must release all the captured Red Army soldiers!"

Bukharin suddenly jumped out from the sidelines. The fight was about the idea of ​​exorcising the price and repaying the money on the spot. Immediately afterwards, the guy rolled his eyes and said,

"Recognizing the Kolchak regime and negotiating an armistice with the Allied Forces with the Volga River as the border is a major national event. I suggest that we must listen to the opinions of several other members of the Central Committee and vote on it. Can Comrade Joseph agree, Sdelvijo Comrade Husband, can you agree?" Bukharin's words were not without reason.

At this time, as the highest leadership of the Soviet Russian regime, until July 1918, the Central Committee of the Soviet Union had a total of 7 official members of the Central Committee, namely Ulyanov, Trotsky, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Joseph, Artyom, Stasova, Sverdlov, Bubnov, Lomov, Krestinsky , Dzerzhinsky, Uritsky, and 15 alternate Central Committee members.

In fact, if Kamenev and Zinoviev hadn’t announced their withdrawal from the Central Committee during the October Revolution because they opposed the uprising, Kamenev and Zinoviev would have ranked next to Ulyanov and Trotsky, and Comrade Joseph would not have Just an inconspicuous person.

However, it was precisely because of Joseph's insistence that Ulyanov's attempt to permanently and completely expel Kamenev and Zinoviev from the Central Committee and the Bolshevik Party failed, although Kamenev was Ulyanov before. Nove's most loyal and steadfast assistant and partner.

Obviously, after experiencing the historical event of the October Revolution, the two Central Committee members, Kamenev and Zinoviev, seemed unable to restore the previous harmonious relationship with Comrade Ulyanov. It was Sdrviyov who quickly became Comrade Chairman's most reliable partner. Of course, there was also the Cheka leader Dzerzhinsky who always endured humiliation and almost never said no to Ulyanov.

At this time, the troika of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union gradually evolved into a situation where Ulyanov and Trotsky stood side by side. After Ulyanov resigned and left in anger, Bukharin served as a The Chairman of the Central Committee not only did not increase his prestige, but exposed the Achilles' heel of this guy who is too talkative but lacks inclusiveness and the ability to actually control the overall situation.

The fifteen members of the Russian Central Committee of the Soviet Union can be roughly divided into three categories. Ulyanov's hardcore supporters are Sdrviyov, Dzerzhinsky, Joseph, Chicherin, Stasova, and Kamene Bukharin, Zinoviev, Uritsky, Bubnov, and Krestinsky sided with Trotsky most of the time, and there was only one Romov left in Bukharin's entourage.

Since there are only 15 members of the Central Committee formally, any resolution can be passed as long as 8 members of the Central Committee can reach a consensus.

At this moment, Joseph was still tossing his own one-acre three-point land in the duli kingdom of Tsaritsyn, and Bubolov was his deputy who also went to the line of the Tsaritsin-Don River, while Uritsky and Klein Stinsky presided over the work in Petrograd together, while Stasova worked on the labor movement and women's work in Moscow, and Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, stayed in Berlin to negotiate and did not return.

"Is there any resolution to be voted on before the negotiations have started? Just to withdraw Yegorov's main force on the right bank of the Volga River, Comrade Joseph will not object to the idea of ​​negotiating with the coalition forces!" Although Kamenev and Joseph's political views Different, but the personal relationship is very good, so I have a good understanding of Joseph's temper and character.

Zinoviev cast a glance at Bukharin, who was not interested, and said in his heart that he did not look at the situation. Now Ulyanov and Trotsky have reached a consensus on negotiating with the coalition forces. Under such circumstances, the Central Committee does not need to vote at all. If there are no more than half of the Central Committee members who support these two big bosses, is this still the Central Committee of the Soviet Union with two heroes?

"There is no need to vote. Since everyone feels that we can no longer fight with the coalition forces at this moment, then we will start to seek ways to negotiate to solve the current predicament. People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin is still negotiating arms and food with Ludendorff in Berlin. As for the aid, do we have any channels and channels to get in touch with the Ufa coalition forces?" Trotsky glanced at the angry Bukharin and said to everyone in the room.

"Wait, comrades, are you sure that it is a wise move to go directly to the coalition king in Ufa instead of having private communication and consultation with the US, British and French governments?" Ulyanov asked this question suspiciously. In his opinion, the armistice negotiation is a diplomatic and political issue, not a military issue, and negotiating with the other side's battlefield commander is a bit out of place, even with a hint of humiliation.

"Well, although the coalition forces in Ufa are under the banner of the Allied Powers, it is China and Japan, the two countries that have signed the alliance, that dispatched the troops. Therefore, it is no use trying to find the United States, Britain and France now. I don’t know how much time it will take to keep looking back and forth, let alone Yegorov’s main force can’t be rescued, even Moscow may be taken by the opponent!” Zinoviev explained unhurriedly.

"If you want to negotiate, you should also talk to the other side? The commander of the coalition forces is just a soldier. Can he decide for the country and agree to the terms of the negotiation?" Bukharin saw that Soviet Russia's pursuit of peace negotiations with the coalition forces was irreversible, and once again I expressed my own opinion, speaking purely to show my existence.

"Bukharin is right. What was the name of the envoy of some country in Petrograd last time? Did he return to China or something? Do we still maintain this diplomatic relationship and channel with China? The Soviet Russian embassy Has Minister Hua ever sent out?"

Ulyanov turned to Trotsky and asked Trotsky, until the end of the Brest contract negotiations, Trotsky had been serving as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. So Ulyanov asked Trotsky directly.

"Comrade Chairman, now we have not been recognized by the main countries of the Allied Powers. What they recognize is Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government. I moved to Chelyabinsk with the all-Russian temporary government, the country’s former plenipotentiary envoy to Russia was named Liu Jingren, and now I’m probably in Chelyabinsk with the US, British, and French envoys to Russia.”

Trotsky helplessly spread his hands and explained that not being recognized by the governments of the world is the biggest dilemma facing the Soviet Russian government in terms of internal affairs and diplomacy. Only being recognized by Germany and Austria in the allies actually tied Soviet Russia to the On the chariot of the Allies, however, it was the target of Germany and Austria's carve-up and slaughter, and it was not treated by the Allies. For the Soviet Russian regime, it was an embarrassing situation that both inside and outside were human.

"Are you kidding? This is really a ghost. Then how do we start negotiations with the Ufa coalition forces? Will we send negotiators to Ufa or Kazan now? How long will the journey be? The day lily is cold!" Uri Yanov was greatly disappointed when he heard the words, and almost ran away again.

"This problem can be solved, or we can invent a coded telegram to the other party and ask for negotiation! Before the negotiation is over, the two sides will cease fighting and send representatives to each other for formal consultation and negotiation. We can even use the original call sign and password of the radio station of the South Cluster Send a telegram asking for a truce! Didn’t Trotsky get a response from the captured radio stations of the southern cluster armies just now?”

Kamenev thought quickly and came up with a practical solution!

"Zinoviev, you have done the most research on peace issues in Asia. Is it really effective for us to negotiate directly with the king of the Ufa coalition army? He is just a front-line commander and a soldier. He has to consult the Bei Jing cabinet for state affairs. And zheng fu? I heard that the prime minister surnamed Duan is in charge over there!" Ulyanov asked suspiciously.

"No no no, Comrade Chairman, don't underestimate this commander of the Ufa coalition army. His titles in the country are terrifying. On the surface, the Duan Qirui cabinet is currently in power in the country, relying on the Beiyang army , In fact, the king is the most critical figure in making plans and deciding major policies."

Zinoviev waved his hands hurriedly and explained, "Who is the uncrowned king of the country, neither Duan Qirui nor Feng Guozhang, nor that Sun Dapao who flirted with us, nor Xu Shuzheng, the deputy secretary of the Ministry of War. But this king!"

"I heard that although the king was young and the founder of the country's new army, he can become an uncrowned king? Anyway, the country is still a cabinet-made min zhuzheng fu?" Bukharin muttered disdainfully. .

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