Beiyang 1917

Chapter 412 The Future of Russia

"Dream of his big head! The right bank of the Volga is already in our hands, so why should the Soviet Union cede it to us? If so, we would ignore each other and just fight across the river to bring it down! Ah... I lost my composure for a moment Commander-in-Chief, please don't blame me..." Utsunomiya Taro couldn't help jumping up and yelling, and then realized that he was a bit out of control when he yelled in front of Wang Geng, so he was embarrassed and quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter, if we don't intend to completely destroy Russia, ceding the right bank of the Volga River may not be unacceptable to us. In fact, although Japan has concluded an alliance and has become the most powerful presence in Asia and the East, the Allied Powers, the United States, Britain and France, will not sit by and watch us Unscrupulously carve up the entire European part of Russia..." Wang Geng flicked the ash into the ashtray, and said flatly.

"Soga,'s true...we won the Far East and Siberia, and the Western countries in the Allied Powers have seen their eyes turn red with jealousy, and now West Siberia has actually become ours The sphere of influence of the Japanese alliance, if we swallow all the west of the Ural Mountains in one go, the United States, Britain and France will never agree!" Utsunomiya Taro suddenly came to his senses, and said a little disappointed.

"Your Excellency Taro, even though we are soldiers, we have to share the country's worries, right? Diplomacy and politics without the support of the military are nothing but flowers without roots. Soldiers have an inescapable responsibility for the well-being and future of the nation. Don't you think so?" Wang Geng said while looking at his assistant with a smile.

"Sodisney! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, you are so right. The army is the backbone of a country. The military expenditure of the poor Imperial Army has been taken up by the Navy Department, making our Imperial Army almost inferior to the Soviet Red Army in equipment. If there is no Your support from the Allied Forces and Commander-in-Chief, the Imperial Army is simply... shameless to the elders of Jiangdong... I only look forward to it, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief."

Utsunomiya Taro stepped forward and held Wang Geng's hand tightly, almost running out with so much emotion.

"Haha, of course, domestic and foreign affairs must also respect the propositions of the governments of the two countries, but as model soldiers who command the coalition forces to fight for the life and death of the country in this foreign country, we should not belittle ourselves and shirk our responsibilities. Your Excellency Taro, what do you think if If the other party proposes to draw the Volga River as a boundary, can we agree to this condition?" Wang Geng asked with a smile and patted Utsunomiya on the shoulder.

"This... As your deputy, the Commander-in-Chief is the only one who will follow the lead, no matter what!" Utsunomiya Taro kicked the ball back, Nima, who doesn't know that the person in front of you who speaks the most in Asia now is the one in front of you The king, how can I say no to him in front of him.

"Hey... What a headache... This problem is really difficult to deal with. Kolchak has been clamoring all day long to fight back to his hometown. To be honest, without the support of the Allied Forces and the Allied Powers, he and his White Guards would definitely not be Soviet Union. Rivals of the Russian Red Army!

Of course, the issue of land is due to the promulgation of the "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and the "All-Russia Temporary Land Management Regulations" that we insist on implementing. This is not enough. The pillar of the Soviet Russian regime is the working class. Unlike farmers, these people do not have such a strong desire for land. They are more concerned about being the masters of Russia! "

Wang Geng walked around in the war room and said unhurriedly.

"Yes... That doctrine and class struggle are the big killers in the hands of Soviet Russia. I heard that they have killed a lot of their own people in the past six months... These old men started the red terror It's unreasonable!" Utsunomiya Taro echoed.

"However, since the Soviet Russian regime suffered a loss in the Battle of Ufa and was beaten up and is willing to give in, I think we will give them another chance, but the truce talks will require them to pay a sufficient price!" Wang Geng said firmly.

"No! That's right, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, what conditions do you plan to make with the other party?" Utsunomiya Taro asked quickly with his eyes brightened.

Wang Geng walked to the large map on the wall of the war room, picked up a red and blue pencil, and drew a parallel line from Saratov on the Volga River to the west, extending to the Voronezh-Kursk line, until the Ukrainian border The location was drawn from Saratov along the Volga River all the way to Kazan, and from Kazan to the north to the Arctic Ocean.

"How about taking this as the dividing line for the time being? The south and east of Saratov belong to us, and the west and north are left to the Soviet Russian regime!" Wang Geng finally decided to ask the Soviet Russian government for a price.

Utsunomiya Taro hissed between his teeth and sucked in the cold air. After looking at it for a long time, the fellow murmured, "You just cut Tsaritsyn on the lower reaches of the Volga River to our side all of a sudden. Can the Soviet Russian government agree? That is the breadbasket and lifeblood of Russia!"

"What I want is to hold their lives, otherwise why do I want that place? Hold the throat of Moscow in the north, so that the other party will not have a chance to play tricks in the future!" Wang Geng laughed so much that he punched Tsaritsyn on the map. district road.

"This...can the other party agree? In this way, the Volga River will no longer be a dangerous river defense for Moscow. If we fight northward from Tsaritsyn and Saratov in the future, they will have no danger at all!" Utsunomiya Taro looked at the map and muttered.

"If you don't agree, I will send troops directly from Kazan to attack Moscow. There is no problem in taking Moscow before winter!" Wang Geng said confidently.

"Really? Then let's draw a border with them. We don't agree to negotiate peace. We can go directly from Kazan to Moscow!" Utsunomiya said with bright eyes.

"Hey...Your Excellency Taro, even if we can fight to Moscow, the land that we hit will have to be returned to the future Russian government. If this is the case, why should we fight to Moscow?" Wang Geng explained helplessly.

Utsunomiya Taro was confused at first, and stared at the map for a long time, then he came back to his senses and said hesitantly, "What do you mean, the line to the west of Saratov is drawn so that the south and east sides will not return Was it given to the Russian government? Soga! I understand what you mean, if this is the case! This deal is worth it!" The eyes of the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces suddenly brightened!

"If we take Saratov and Tsaritsyn, the North Caucasus and the Don River Basin will be included in the bag, and then we can go west from Tsaritsyn and directly enter Ukraine and Belarus, and then Poland, otherwise How can we fight against Germany and Austria on the Eastern Front to reduce the pressure on the Western Front? There are so many places that we can’t get through!” Wang Geng laughed and continued to instruct his deputy.

"Nani? Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, you don't really want to lead the coalition forces to fight against Germany and Austria? Then our strength and army are far from enough. We need at least one million troops to fight against Germany. , Even that may not be enough! And how can we provide logistical support when we are thousands of miles away?" Utsunomiya Taro was frightened by Wang Geng's grand plan this time.

"Logistics is indeed a headache. Fortunately, this fertile land in Russia is not short of manpower and resources. By then, we will not only be self-sufficient in food on the Ufa Great Plain and Tsaritsyn, but we will also build Tsaritsyn into steel. , energy and ordnance bases, when the time comes this will be the base of the coalition forces on the European Eastern Front, what do you think?" Wang Geng said unhurriedly.

"Soga Soga..." Utsunomiya Taro touched his bright forehead and praised again and again, "What you said belongs to us, didn't you say it to Kolchak and his All-Russia Autonomous Government?"

"Of course not! The left bank of the Volga River is our private land for the future Russian government. Kolchak will kill him across the river and fight to Moscow if he has the ability. Your Excellency, do you have any relatives of Russian descent in your family, it would be even better if they were born in princes and aristocrats!" Wang Geng said with a chuckle.

"Now I understand everything! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I admire your strategic concept very much. I have nothing to say. I am more than 30 years older than you. The gap is not even one or two points. I hope you will continue to do so in the future." Take care, you have been taught!"

Utsunomiya Taro was completely overwhelmed by Wang Geng's grand plan.

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