Beiyang 1917

Chapter 413 Don't Bow to Reality


"Report! Comrade Ulyanov, Comrade Maxim Gorky has come to see you and is waiting in your office. Do you want him to go back first or invite him here?" Vasily, the captain of Ulyanov's guard, said in Report outside the meeting room.Internet without pop-up window update fast

Ulyanov was circling in the conference room with his hands behind his back, surrounded by several members of the Central Committee with deep frowns, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, everyone frowning The lock was closed and the clouds were clouded. At this time, Trotsky went to the telecommunications room again. Although the coalition radio station in Ufa had been contacted, the other party's reply never came. This made the Soviet Russian Central Committee members feel a little nervous Up and down.

"Maxim? Ask him to come here... oh... no, no, I'll go back to the office to see him." Ulyanov was taken aback, wondering why Maxim, an old friend of the Bolsheviks, came today. .

Since the bloody events in Petrograd in January this year, after the Bolsheviks dispersed the Constituent Assembly elected by Min Zhu, a large number of intellectuals and artists who originally sympathized with and supported the Bolshevik movement were deeply disappointed with the revolution and gradually alienated, Maxi Although Mgorky was an old friend of Ulyanov's and had also campaigned for the cause of the Bolsheviks, after the bloodshed in January, Gorky almost broke with the Bolsheviks.

"I'll come whenever I go, Dzerzhinsky, you must tell me as soon as there is a response from the Ufa coalition forces... By the way... Do you know why Maxim came to see me today? Cheka Haven't caught any professors or intellectuals who are closely related to Maxim in the past few days?" Ulyanov walked out of the door, and turned back to ask Dzerzhinsky in the middle of the walk.

"I don't know. The Cheka's anti-revolutionary work has been going on. It is the decision of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union to cleanly eliminate our hidden enemies within us. It is also you who must be ruthless against the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party and Mensheviks. The command

Of course, according to your order, our people did not touch Maxim himself, but many of his colleagues and students are leftist Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. You know!" Dzerzhinsky said with a guilty conscience.

"I'm asking, have you caught Maxim's old acquaintances or something in the past two days?" Ulyanov frowned.

"There will be no one in these two days, I can guarantee that!" Dzerzhinsky stood upright and said.

Ulyanov made up his mind, and hurried out, and saw his captain of the guard, Vasily, was still waiting at the door, but with just such a little effort, the tall Vasily fell asleep while leaning against the corridor.Fortunately, the young man was very awake, and he woke up immediately when he heard the door opening.

"Comrade Ulyanov, I'm back. Maxim Gorky has been waiting in your office for a long time, and I can't even leave, so I have to call you for him!" Vasily's eyes were sunken, his face was pale, obviously Not only lack of sleep, but also malnutrition, the whole person is a bit thin and out of shape.

"You came back, why are you so thin? You got all the food back? Are you safe along the way?" Ulyanov shook hands with his guard captain tightly, then put his arms around Vasily's shoulders, and walked towards the corridor He walked to his own office at the end, and asked with concern while turning his head.

"Almost all the grain in the Volga River Basin was collected and scraped by the Southern Front. This time I went to Tsaritsyn and only dug up [-] tons of wheat from Comrade Joseph, and transported it to Moscow by train. The journey was fine. Well, the Don Cossack White Guards seem to have lost their vitality after being repulsed last time, and it is estimated that they will not be able to make a comeback at this time!" Vasily rubbed his face to dispel the exhaustion on his face, and said beside Ulyanov.

"Only 300 tons of wheat? That's not enough. Moscow and its surrounding suburbs have a population of at least 5 million. The current food reserves are only enough for a week. The [-] tons are divided into everyone's hands with an average of [-] kilograms of grain. The rations for two weeks are not enough!" Ulyanov stopped and looked at Vasily seriously.

"No way, Comrade Joseph Tsaritsyn collected part of the grain that was taken away by the Tenth Army, saying that it was going to the right bank of the Volga River to reinforce the Eastern Army. As soon as I got off the train, I heard some rumors spreading in Moscow!" Vasily spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"Rumors, what rumors? Are the Chekas asleep? Moscow must be under martial law. Anyone who dares to spread rumors on the streets should be arrested and interrogated severely. Let them explain the source and accomplices. They should be shot. There will be no tolerance at all, revolution is a life-and-death struggle, revolution is not a dinner party, any tolerance we have for the enemy today will become a noose around our necks tomorrow!"

Ulyanov waved his fist and yelled at his captain of the guard. The sound resounded through the corridor of the Kremlin. Fortunately, all the guards on duty kept their eyes on him and pretended not to hear it. Although the corridor was brightly lit at the moment. But it is an important office of Su Russiayang, and there are not many idlers waiting to hear it.

"This... Comrade Ulyanov, I don't know where the rumors came from. It seems that the Red Army was defeated on the right bank of the Volga River. Tukhachevsky's Southern Group was wiped out. Yego Rove also disappeared, and said that Kolchak will cross the Volga River and go straight to Moscow soon... Of course, these are all rumors, and I personally will never believe it!..."

Vasilika stood at attention and reported the rumors he had heard in a low voice, and said that he absolutely did not believe these rumors!Under Ulyanov's sharp eyes, the captain of the guard, who is usually trusted by the chairman, felt a chill down his spine.

"Just don't believe it! Never believe the enemy's propaganda. You must have 100% confidence in our cause. Vasily, you are too tired to go to Tsaritsyn this time. In this way, you can go to Kamenev. Say I said so, from now on Moscow will be under martial law at night!

Ask the garrison and the Cheka to step up the investigation of suspicious personnel, and arrest all hostile elements who spread failed speeches and rumors. Our food is not used to feed these enemies who sneaked into Moscow!Do you understand, then you go home and have a good sleep, and see how thin you have become, eh. . .this. . .You take this! "

As he said, Ulyanov rummaged left and right on his body, and finally found a roasted corn from his pocket. He didn't know how many days he had been carrying around here, so he stuffed it into Vasily. Holding it in his hand, he said, "I ate this on the way back. You are not allowed to give it to others. You must eat it yourself. I will bring you something else in two days. I have a small appetite!"

Vasily's eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears, but Ulyanov couldn't hold back when he went back to the fortress, so he could only hold it tightly in his hand, saluted again with a click, and said in a hoarse voice,

"I understand. After conveying the order, go home and go to bed. On the way, resolutely wipe out this corn and don't give it to others!"

"Ha, this is my good boy! Go!" Ulyanov watched Vasily salute and returned to the large conference room, sighed, turned and walked to his office. The food problem once again made him Feeling at a loss, Nima, why do the Germans have so much food, and why is the Ufa coalition army not short of food?But we can't find food anywhere in Soviet Russia!

"Maxim, my old friend, you are willing to come to see me at last! I am so happy! Come, sit here, guard, guard, and pour Maxim a cup of tea! Have you had your supper yet? Maxim Gorky, my old friend!" <Windly entered his office, hugged Maxim Gorky who was anxiously waiting around in the office, hugged him tightly, and called him to hurry up Sit down and order the guards outside the door to serve Comrade Gorky with tea.

"Comrade Ulyanov, I won't come to you if it's not urgent. Just an hour ago, the Cheka arrested my landlord, Vasily Kankinsky's family, and said they were imperialists who spread rumors. The bourgeois spies who came here are traitors or insiders. I just came here to find you. Please do me a favor and let them go. If there is any further delay, I'm afraid they might be shot overnight! "

The tall Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, born in 1868, marks the [-]th birthday of the Russian self-taught writer who was a loyal comrade to Ulyanov before the October Revolution Partners and old friends, but because of opposing the October Revolution, a huge rift appeared in the friendship between the two for more than ten years.

The symbolic event was the eve of the October Revolution when Kamenev and Zinoviev, members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, announced their withdrawal from the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks because they opposed holding an armed uprising, and published a statement in the non-party newspaper "New Life" , which in fact leaked the secret of the Bolsheviks' armed uprising to the bourgeois provisional government and Kerensky.

And the editor-in-chief of Novaya Zhizn was none other than Comrade Ulyanov's old friend Alexei Maximovich Peshkov. Of course, since 1892, people are more familiar with It is his pseudonym: Gorky, but people often call him Maxim Gorky.

Maxim Gorky was only opposed to holding the October Revolution, like Kamenev and Zinoviev, because he was worried that if the armed uprising failed, it would destroy the strength accumulated by the Bolsheviks since the 1905 revolution, and many people may not have Time and patience wait another 12 years.

Immediately after the October Revolution in Russia, Gorky organized a series of associations to prevent the decline of science and culture he feared. The "Committee for Improving the Living Standards of Scholars" was established to protect intellectuals who were particularly threatened by hunger, cold and political instability.He organized Novaya Zhizn against Ulyanov's Pravda and against "lynchings" and "poisons of power."

Gorky’s landlord is Vasily Kankinsky, a professor of fine arts at Moscow State University. This guy is two years older than Gorky. Although he studied law and economics at Moscow State University in his early years, he went to Munich to study painting. After the Revolution, he returned to Moscow and served as a professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Moscow University. Unexpectedly, he was arrested by the Cheka this afternoon!

"Vassily Kankinski? Is that your landlord Vasily Kankinski who paints abstract art all day long? Don't rush to speak slowly, I remember you said that his paintings are out of reality and ordinary people can't understand them at all So, how did you get arrested? What are the charges?" Ulyanov pushed Gorky to sit on the sofa, and took the teacup from the guard and brought it to the writer himself.

"Crime? It's nothing more than a traitor insider who sympathizes with the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Mensheviks, and spreads a mess of speeches and rumors about failure. Comrade Ulyanov, I know Vasily Kankinsky. He is a great Russian painter and artist. Although I can't quite understand his paintings, the hearts and souls of scholars and artists are connected, and my landlord Kanjinsky is definitely not a bad person! Please give Cheka an order to let him go!"

Maxim Gorky had high cheekbones, a broad but thin face, and a beard on his lips trembling with his voice, apparently in a state of disquiet.

"Don't worry, Aleksei Maximovich, gold is not afraid of fire, as long as your landlord does not do anything that violates Soviet laws, then there will be no problem, and it will be released sooner or later, but Cheka's anti-revolutionary work I have their own set of procedures, and I am the chairman of the Central Committee, so it is not good to interfere. In this way, I will ask Dzerzhinsky later to see if there is such a thing. If there is nothing wrong, I will order the release! How do you like this?"

While dealing with Gorky, Ulyanov picked up his teacup from the table, took a sip, and found that the taste was not right. He looked down and saw that it was not tea but milk. The little leader couldn't help but frowned. Press the calling bell on the desk.

Gorky couldn't help standing up from the sofa to speak at this time, Ulyanov waved his hand to signal him to wait, and then a guard in military uniform appeared at the door, "Comrade Chairman, what do you want?"

"Why is there milk in my teacup? The people of Moscow and Russia are starving. Didn't I say it a long time ago? Give all the milk rationed by the Kremlin staff to the children in the nursery Go, no one should be an exception, why did milk appear in my cup again? Tell me! What's going on?!" Ulyanov yelled as he knocked on the teapot in his hand with a livid face.

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