Beiyang 1917

Chapter 428 Preemptive Strike


"Pass my order, the heavy machine guns and battalion mortars should be concealed and not open fire without permission. The platoon mortars on the second battalion's position are ready to fire and destroy the enemy's 1200 horse-drawn machine guns when they approach 12 meters. Each mortar fires 3 times quickly and then quickly shifts its position to prevent the enemy's artillery from counterattacking. Call the artillery observation post to observe the movement of the artillery behind the enemy. Once you find the enemy firing, knock out the enemy's artillery within 2 minutes!"

Although Nerikov did not see through the binoculars the actuality of the horse-drawn machine guns that the other party rushed to the front, but since the other party also made a fortune in silence and refused to fire first, then I have no choice but to throw a brick for you. fire!

"Master! The cavalry behind the enemy is rushing up. Our battalion's mortars and heavy machine guns won't fire?" Chief of Staff Vladimir Kevsky couldn't help reminding.

"Chong Chong, rush at you, there are more than 4 enemies on the opposite side, if you send these 500 people just thinking about rushing to our position, then I wonder if the commander of the other side is really an idiot, waiting for the 5000 people on the opposite side to charge together At that time, it was called charging, and these 500 people were the bait to attract us to expose our firepower!

You, the chief of staff, give me a good lesson. The chief of staff of Petrovich, Sergei, commanded three cavalry regiments to kill Tukhachevsky’s two infantry divisions. You can't even deal with two infantry regiments! "Nerikov angrily trained his chief of staff.

**Virginsky is actually very brave in battle, but he doesn't like to use his brain very much. After half a month in the crash course of the officers of the coalition army, he only remembers the point of killing chickens and hammering people with knives and knives, and completely forgets when to make a move. The battlefield commander must be able to hold his breath and must retain sufficient reserve forces.

Of course, Nerikov can also understand the impatience and anxiety of his subordinates. After all, Sergei, the chief of staff of the Petrovich cavalry division who created a legend of defensive warfare under the city of Ufa, was in command of the three An infantry division, a cavalry division, and a large number of coalition artillery support, it is not surprising that they won the battle. On their own side, there is a lone army of 5000 people behind them, and the nearest reinforcements are also 60 kilometers away.

The enemy facing the Soviet Union's southern front with more than 40000 people is the main force of the Soviet Russian Southern Front's ace main force, the Yegorov Army. Although the opponent's strength has been weakened by air strikes and falling behind before and after the retreat from Bavley, its strength is sufficient. It is 8 times as much as his own, and I heard, Nima, this Yegorov's hometown is Buzuluk Town, and he is more familiar with the terrain here than he is a foreigner!

"Pass my order, the enemy's cavalry are not allowed to fire until they rush within 500 meters, and the heavy machine guns and battalion mortars are not allowed to be exposed. First, ask the second battalion to knock down the opponent's twelve horse-drawn horses with platoon mortars. The machine gun boosts morale and refreshes!"

Nerikov gritted his teeth. His command position was in a solid stone house in the north of the town, with a wide field of vision and a suitable height. Behind him, a bunch of communications staff officers and combat staff officers stood at their posts, waiting in front of the telephone.

Soon, the characteristic "boom-boom-boom" sound of mortar shells and the "chirp" sound produced by mortar shells flying in the air sounded from the northern line positions in Buzuluk Town. The coalition forces shot out from the rear of the position, and fell straight towards the formation of 1200 horse-drawn machine guns of the Soviet Russian Red Army, which was already close to 12 meters away.

Finally fired!The soldiers on both sides of the battlefield breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. The death-like suffocation on the battlefield just now was swept away except for the sound of rumbling horseshoes and horses roaring.

The distance between the twelve carriages distributed on the 3000-meter lot has reached nearly 300 meters. In fact, although the firing level of the platoon mortars of the coalition forces is quite good, they must be accurate one-on-one with the Budyonny heavy machine gun The carriages of the battalion were never easy. Fortunately, there were a total of 60 24mm platoon mortars fired on the second battalion's position. Therefore, under the cover of three consecutive waves of rapid bullet rain, twelve carriages were shot one after another. The mortar shell that came to explode hit and overturned to the ground, and the head was broken and bloody.

The remaining carriages ran diagonally towards their positions, and the two carriages equipped with real Maxim heavy machine guns that were lucky enough not to be overturned by the shells started to shoot backwards while running, 1200 meters The heavy machine gun bullets flying from outside in vain smashed the empty positions of the coalition forces, and the mud splashed everywhere.

The mortar positions of the coalition forces are all arranged in the specially dug recessed positions behind the positions. The characteristics of curved weapons have been instilled in the minds of every artilleryman and artillery commander during the crash training course for mortars of the coalition forces. A must-have for mortar artillerymen.

"Damn it! Sure enough, I was fooled. The opponent only had two real Maxim machine guns, and the rest were half pieces of wood painted with color. I ordered the platoon mortars of the first regiment and the second battalion to stop shooting and transfer positions, and called the artillery observation post. Prepare to capture the position of the opponent's artillery position!"

Nerikov saw clearly through the binoculars that the carriages that were blown up were not equipped with wheeled Maxim heavy machine guns at all. The guy was so angry that he ordered the shelling to be stopped and the mortar positions shifted, while stroking Roll up your sleeves and prepare to pack the opponent's cannon.

"Hey! The other party has finally been fooled! Kulik, what are you waiting for, the other party has more than 20 mortars shooting, hurry up and knock them out! Hurry up! Make a semaphore and order the cavalry battalion to withdraw The rear of the machine gun battalion!" Budyonny turned his head and shouted at the artillery commander from his own position!

Kulik grinned and muttered, "Comrade Commander, from discovering the position of the enemy's target to adjusting the angle of our cannon to shooting, there must be a process. Flying over like eyes? There are not many shells in the first place, if it is not wasted, whose responsibility is it?"

That being said, the artillery observation team behind Artillery Commander Kulik has quickly determined the location of the mortar fire on the coalition position, and reported back to the artillery position two kilometers behind by wired phone. It was too late, At that time, less than 3 minutes after the mortars of the coalition forces fired, the cannons of the Soviet Red Army, which had been silent for a long time, finally let out a rumbling roar on the artillery position in the hidden place behind the position.

The two artillery companies of the Kulik Artillery Regiment have a total of twelve 76mm cannons, four of which are mountain cannons and eight are field cannons. The use of artillery and command skills are inseparable. For example, it is his unique trick to raise the angle of the mountain gun with a low trajectory and then shoot a curved attack shell like a field gun.

In fact, no matter in the past or present, the real artillery that relies on direct visual shooting is mainly mountain cannons and cannons, with low trajectory and short range. Tank guns and naval guns are theoretically in the category of cannons, while howitzers are warped weapons and surface destruction weapons, relying on the shrapnel exploded by the grenade to kill surface targets. The trajectory of the mortar is similar to that of the howitzer, but because of the low initial velocity of the charge , so the range and power are still far behind the field artillery howitzer.

Kulik's 12 76mm caliber mountain artillery were obviously well-trained. Within 3 minutes, the first batch of shells fell on the mortar positions of the coalition forces. There was a deafening "Ula~~~" sound from the position, and almost all of the 12 shells hit the coalition position, and the soil exploded by the bombs splashed and sawdust.

The mountain cannons equipped by the Kulik Artillery Regiment are four 4-style 1904mm mountain cannons and eight 76-style 8mm field cannons. However, the output of the new m1902 mountain artillery was small, and it was almost lost in the four years of the Eastern Front. Therefore, the artillery in the hands of the Soviet Russian Red Army is only the old-fashioned 76 and 190609.

The maximum range of the Russian 1904 76mm mountain gun is only 5500 meters, while the 1902 76mm field gun is better, and can hit 8000 meters. The theoretical firing speed of these two types of mountain guns can reach 6-8 rounds per minute. , but this is closely related to the maintenance of the artillery and the training level of the artillery. It is not a skilled and well-trained artillery. If you want to hit the theoretical shooting speed, you basically have to rely on bragging.

For the artillery combat theory of this era, preemptive strike is an undeniable truth!

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