Beiyang 1917

Chapter 429 Waterloo, God of Artillery

The preemptive strike between the artillery duels is an undeniable truth. The artillery fire of the Du Li Artillery Regiment of the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division of the Soviet Red Army was urgent and fierce. In less than 2 minutes, the continuous wave of bullets hit Buzuluk On the northern mortar positions of the Allied Forces in the town, two old-fashioned Russian mountain artillery batteries can be used to produce such beautiful shelling effects, which has to make people look at Kulik and his artillery with admiration!

Yegorov and the division commanders around him obviously admired the quick and accurate shooting of Budyonny's artillery. Inza, the commander of the 15th Infantry Division, was also a guy with artillery background. This guy obviously admired the artillery commanded by Kulik It is also impressive. A group of Soviet Russian Red Army generals looked through the binoculars. The mortars on the opposite coalition position had long been silently silenced under the attack of the Red Army artillery. The heavy damage on the mortars was clearly expected and conclusive. ====

Because the remaining horse-drawn carriages that were rushing all the way to retreat were intact and retreated to the vicinity of the heavy machine gun bunker and position at 1800 meters, and the cavalry battalion that turned its horse's head to both sides at 1500 meters and retreated in a detour did not encounter enemy artillery and fire. The heavy machine gun fire pursued, and it seemed that the coalition forces on the opposite position were stunned by the sudden Red Army artillery fire!

Accompanied by the rumble of guns behind the Soviet Russian positions, there were uncontrollable cheers and groans from the soldiers of the Budyonny Cavalry Division in front of the position. Semyon Konstantinovich, commander of the [-]st Brigade of the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division Brother Timoshen couldn't help but rode forward, begging his teacher to fight,

"Comrade Budyonny, look at how well our artillery is fighting. Kulik is really a god of artillery. Taking this opportunity, let me take the first brigade up. With artillery support, I will guarantee the enemy's position. You rush away!"

Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko was born on February 1895, 2 in the town of Furmanka, Ukraine, Russia. In 6, at the age of 1915, Timoshenko was drafted into the army.During the European War, he served as a private soldier in the Western Front on the Eastern Front and participated in various battles on the Eastern Front. After the outbreak of the February Revolution in Russia in 20, he participated in the battle to quell the Kornilov counter-revolutionary rebellion and the Kaledin rebellion with the uprising troops. After the establishment of the Red Army in 1917, he joined the Red Army and became the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division A member of the army, he became the commander of the first brigade at the age of 1918!

Budyonny glanced at the young brigade commander who was eager to try, and shook his head slightly, "The enemy's heavy machine guns on the opposite side have never fired, and the cannons of our two artillery companies can suppress the opponent's firepower." Live? I don’t think it’s that simple!”

The artillery regiment commander Kulik looked at the coalition position opposite with his brows tightly furrowed. He felt a sense of weakness for no reason. Apart from the exploding and roaring shells thrown by his own cannon, there was no one in sight on the enemy's position. What kind of results did the rapid fire attack of the two artillery companies achieve, and how much damage was done to the enemy? As an artillery commander, Kulik was far inferior to Yegorov and the commanders of the infantry division on the small high ground 200 meters behind him. optimism.

The guy frowned, turned around and said to the messenger, "Notify the artillery company to stop shooting, and the mountain artillery company will move forward! The field artillery company will move to the two sides! Move quickly!"

Before the voice fell, a burst of coalition artillery roared suddenly on the high ground in Buzuluk Town opposite the position, and then swarms of artillery shells roared and rushed over the heads of the Budyonnys, heading straight for the Red Army artillery position behind the position. Then, it exploded into a piece in the rear two kilometers away, and then wave after wave of artillery batteries deployed by the coalition forces on the town square of Buzuluk launched continuous rounds of shelling, and the shells fell straight on the ground just now as if they had eyes. Still on the roaring Red Army artillery positions.

The soldiers of the Budyonny Cavalry Division, who were still shouting Ulla just now, were silent. They could only hear the roar of the cannons in the other side's town, the screams of the artillery shells whizzing past overhead piercing the air, and the two kilometers of artillery positions. There were shell explosions one after another.

The counterattack and counterattack of the coalition artillery made the expressions of the Soviet Red Army commander Yegorov down to the infantry division commanders below all changed. My boy, the cavalry brigade on the other side is indeed equipped with cannons. Not many, but at least there are two artillery companies, and they can swallow their breath and hide until now, which is too bad!

It is true that the artillery fights first to strike first, but that is to attack the opponent's artillery. The two artillery companies of the Soviet Red Army fired first, but they beat the mortars on the coalition positions. No matter how many coalition troops were wiped out mortars, but now the target is exposed and has become the counterattack target of the opponent's field artillery. ,but. . .

The Soviet Russian artillery who were exposed to the enemy's field artillery was obviously left behind. Although Kulik's sense of smell made him immediately issue an order to his artillery battery to move their positions, the deployed horse-drawn artillery regrouped. Getting into marching mode and moving to a new location will definitely take time.

Time is life. It must be said that the shooting accuracy of the artillery of the [-]rd Ural Cavalry Division of the Allied Forces in Buzuluk may not be as accurate as the two artillery companies brought by Kulik on the opposite side. Attacking later and firing first, this posed a huge threat to Kulik's artillery.

Within 2 minutes of firing from the coalition artillery position, Nerikov's 12 cannons fired 12 consecutive rounds. The theoretical firing speed of the 75mm mountain artillery equipped by the coalition army was 8 rounds and 10 rounds per minute. The artillery of the third division is naturally not considered the elite artillery of the coalition army, but it is more than enough to fire 6 shells per minute.

Within 2 minutes, 144 rounds of high-explosive grenades weighing 2 kg were poured onto the positions of two artillery companies of the Soviet Red Army. Kulik's artillery positions within a radius of 300 meters were turned into a sea of ​​​​fire and hell!

If Kulik hadn't ordered the transfer of positions, maybe these 2 minutes would be enough for his artillery company to adjust the shooting angle and the elements to counterattack on the spot. Position is also a compulsory course for artillerymen after shooting, especially when the number of artillerymen of one's own may not have the advantage of the opponent.

So just as Budyonny and Kulik themselves have been worried about, the cavalry brigade of the coalition army really has mountain artillery. The loss of the Cavalry Division Du Li Artillery Regiment under the opponent's counterattack is inevitable.

Fortunately, the coalition forces did not seem to be doing too much for themselves, or the base number of shells was not high, so after the 2-minute artillery counterattack, as there was no cannon on the artillery positions of the Soviet Russian Red Army that could roar and counterattack, the artillery on the coalition side Also fell silent.

Of course, the cheers of "Ulla" also came from the coalition positions. Although the number of this voice was not as majestic as the thousands of people from Budyonny's cavalry division shouted just now, the joy and confidence of the cheers were fully revealed. .

Yegorov looked at the opponent's position with a binoculars on the hillside behind the position with a livid face. In the bright field of view of the captured White Guards 6 times legal 1915 military binoculars, the commander of the army group could even see the enemy jumping in the trenches. A few daring allied Russian cavalrymen came out, took off their pants and showed their white buttocks towards their position to humiliate themselves.

The commanders of several infantry divisions around him have changed from being elated just now to wilting like eggplants beaten by frost. The Kulik artillery company of the Budyonny cavalry division's originally beautiful style of play now seems to be on the opponent's coalition forces. Of course, attacking the opponent's mortars instead of the unexposed field artillery now looks like a complete misstep, although from the standpoint of consolation, there may be some hope that Kulik's artillery battery wiped out enough of the opponent's mortars. .

However, if Kulik's artillery company is lost under the counterattack of the opponent's mountain artillery, then what will be used to deal with the opponent's two newly displayed artillery companies?The power of the coalition's 12 cannons is not comparable to that of more than 20 small-caliber mortars. At this moment, the artillery battle is lost no matter what.

In the case of the loss of the artillery company, the original artillery position no longer existed because the telephone line was blown up by the enemy's artillery fire. Therefore, the messenger came to report on horseback:

The commander of the artillery battalion was killed, one of the two company commanders was killed and the other was seriously injured, 12 of the 10 cannons were destroyed by the opponent's artillery fire, and the artillerymen suffered more than 100 casualties. Only two mountain cannons remained in the two artillery companies because they were light in weight and moved quickly on the edge of the position , so escaped unharmed, but the artillery shells hoarded in the woods on both sides of the rear of the position were hit by the opponent's artillery fire and then exploded. Therefore, the two mountain cannons that were finally rescued had less than 20 shells left.

"Comrade commander, as the commander of the artillery, I have an inescapable responsibility. It was too late to issue the order to transfer the artillery!" Kulik stood in front of his commander with a face of shame and pleaded guilty. There were only 12 cannons in two artillery companies. , It’s because of all the hard work that I have been throwing it away after three days and three nights of retreat and wind and rain. In less than 3 minutes, it basically disappeared. What’s the use of two mountain cannons with 20 shells? ?

Kulik was very conflicted in his heart, Nima, it would be great if he gave the order to extend the shooting to the center of the enemy's town. Of course, due to the obstruction of the buildings and houses in Buzuluk Town, the Soviet Red Army could not Observing the position of the coalition artillery positions was the key to defeat, but why couldn't they guess it?Even if the town is not an artillery position, it is likely to be the place where the opponent's reserve team is stationed.

If I quickly ordered to extend the shooting to the town of Buzuluk after the opponent's mortar fire stopped, even if the opponent's artillery position could not be covered, even if the artillery shells fell into the opponent's cavalry crowd, it would be a profitable business. But it was all ruined. .

Grigory Ivanovich Kulik was born in a peasant family in Poltava in 1890. Like most subsequent Soviet Russian Red Army generals, Kulik was a junior officer in the Tsarist army during the European War. After the October Revolution in 1917, Kulik joined the Red Army and soon made his mark in Budyonny’s cavalry division. In fact, in Wang Geng’s previous life, the Russian T34 tank and Katyusha rocket launcher were all Soviet Russian artillerymen God's masterpiece.

Of course, Kulik, who is only 28 years old at the moment, is only a small artillery regiment commander of the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division. Got his first Waterloo as an artillery commander.

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