Beiyang 1917

Chapter 430 Yegorov's Villagers and Elders

One of the basic principles of artillery combat is that when one cannot confirm that one's own long-range artillery indeed has an overwhelming advantage, the opponent's artillery counterattack is a high probability event. The reason why Kulik's two artillery companies were almost wiped out.The core reason is that they opened fire first and exposed their position. At the same time, the target of the shelling was not the long-range artillery of the coalition forces.

In response to the possible counterattack and counterattack of the enemy's artillery, the artillery should instinctively move their positions after the first round of shooting, especially in the absence of aerial observation and aiming methods, and judge the opponent's artillery simply by whether the opponent's artillery fire has quieted down. The loss is obviously not very accurate.

The coalition artillery company defending the town of Buzuluk has achieved brilliant results under Division Commander Nerikov's late-strike strategy. Of course, except for judging that there are no artillery fires on the opponent's artillery position, and it is very likely that the coalition artillery Apart from the extended shooting that detonated part of the opponent's artillery shells, the two artillery companies of the [-]rd Brigade of the Ural Cavalry Division had no time to think about anything else. It was their most urgent and priority action to evacuate the original artillery positions as soon as possible.

After 3 minutes of shooting, Nerikov's two artillery companies evacuated their original positions in 5 minutes, splitting the square between the towns into two, and came to the east and west sides of the town. On these two sides, the distance from the original position is about 700 meters, and then rearrange the position, measure the elements, and prepare to wait for the enemy's artillery counterattack and counterattack. Although the opponent's artillery may have suffered heavy losses, the coalition artillery does not rely on imagination to make any judgments .

In other words, even the Third Ural Cavalry Division, which joined the coalition system not long ago, is still instilled all the time to prepare for the worst on the battlefield and work for the best. Although more than 2000 permanent residents of [-] households were not used as cannon fodder to block the bullets of the Soviet Red Army, most of the local people who were pro-Kolchak had migrated to the east of the Ural Mountains when the White Guards retreated and evacuated earlier. , Those who stay are either widowed old people and children who can't walk, or are supporters or sympathizers of the Soviet Russian regime.

Landlords and rich peasants have almost become a historical term in the area once controlled by the Soviet Russian Red Army in July 1918. As a class or class, landlords and rich peasants have been spiritually and politically controlled in places once controlled by the Soviet regime. To achieve double annihilation, for the Bolsheviks, to defend the nascent Soviet Russian regime and to feed the working class and the Soviet Russian Red Army, someone must sacrifice.

When the barrel of the gun is on our side, only our enemies can pay the sacrifices, and the landlords and rich peasants, including the big bourgeoisie and the nobles, in Russia in 1918 were obviously on the opposite side of the Soviet regime and the Soviet Red Army. An uncompromising enemy!

The chief of staff of the 24rd Division of the Ural Cavalry of the Allied Forces and the commander of the 60st Brigade, Mavsky, was naturally overwhelmed by his own division commander's clever calculations, but as long as there is a battle, there will be casualties, not to mention that the opponent's artillery firepower is prepared and ready to fight. Ruthless, even though Nerikov repeatedly ordered the [-] [-]mm-caliber platoon mortars on the second battalion of the first regiment to move immediately after firing three rounds, the counterattack speed of the opposite Budyonny Kulik artillery company The accuracy and accuracy still exceeded the expectations of all the coalition soldiers on this side.

In the shelling of 12 cannons from the two artillery companies of the opposing side, 12 platoon mortars were lost on the second battalion's position, and the mortar soldiers suffered more than 30 casualties!This made the brigade commander Livsky feel a little embarrassed. If the light and heavy machine guns also entered the position and fired according to his previous suggestion, the casualties would be hard to say!

The face of the division commander Nerikov is naturally not good-looking, and he repeatedly warned him to move his position after the fight, but he was still beaten up indiscriminately with a blue nose and swollen eyes. There are still factors that the fortifications and the shelter are not well repaired. Of course, underestimating the enemy and being carried away are also important reasons.

The Soviet Red Army on the opposite side is not easy to deal with. First, they use fake horse-drawn machine guns to charge themselves to fire, and then use long-range artillery to attack and destroy their own mortars. Well, it might be his two artillery companies that were knocked out at this moment.

For the Soviet Red Army, the town was definitely a place where the coalition troops stationed and hid. Regardless of whether there were artillery deployed there, as long as they bombarded for a while, they would definitely be able to make money. Either the soldiers of the coalition army or the food and horses of the coalition army, why not do it.

Of course, what Nerikov, the commander of the 2000rd Ural Cavalry Division, did not expect was that Kulik, the commander of the artillery regiment of the opponent, did plan to launch such a burst of firepower on Buzuluk, but this battle plan was rejected by the division commander. Budyonny vetoed it softly, with good reasons. There are four to five hundred households with more than [-] folks in the town, and many of them are relatives of Comrade Yegorov, the commander of the group army.

Our Soviet Red Army came back not only did not drive away the enemy, but indiscriminately blew up the town to a mess. How can it be done? The fathers and folks who supported the Soviet regime, if their own artillery fire failed to hit the cavalry of the coalition army and turned the villagers who bombed them on their backs into rivers of blood, no one would be able to explain it.

It should be said that there is nothing wrong with Budyonny's approach. As the commander of the group army, Yegorov shouldn't blatantly tell his subordinates, hey, this is my hometown, brothers, you have to be gentle with me. I, Yegorov Husband has been in the army for so many years and hasn't had time to make any contribution to the folks and elders. Don't push yourself and the Soviet Red Army to the opposite of the folks as soon as you come back.

Perhaps it was because of the benevolence and hesitation of the other party that Kulik's Soviet Red Army long-range artillery suffered a catastrophe. Of course, in the round of shelling before the destruction, Kulik's artillery still achieved results after all, that is, annihilated about 12 The platoon mortars on the coalition positions caused the loss of 6 platoon mortar squads to the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]rd Brigade of the Nerikov Cavalry Division.

The chief of staff, Kevsky, scolded the commander of the second battalion, Hruski, on the phone, and threatened to cause losses due to untimely transfer, you, the battalion commander, will go directly to the company as a leader and prepare to charge as cannon fodder!

While Nerikov's artillery company moved its position and Kavsky reprimanded his subordinates, the generals of the Soviet Red Army on the opposite position felt much more bitter than them.

Yegorov didn't blame Budyonny and his artillery chief Kulik too much. In fact, when Kulik's plan to attack Buzuluk town with artillery fire was softly rejected by Budyonny, Yegorov actually heard During the quiet discussion between the two, Yegorov hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't hesitate. This directly caused the artillery position set up by the other party on the square in the center of the town to strike down Kulik's cannon.

"Comrade Budyonny, it's up to you to decide what to do next. Let me know when you need an infantry division! Don't worry, the weather is still on our side, organize well!" Yegorov turned the horse's head and led A group of division commanders returned to their army headquarters, leaving only Budyonny and his cavalry division generals to take full charge of the cavalry division's attack on the town of Buzuluk.

From a bad point of view, Yegorov, the commander of the [-]st Army, couldn't hold back his face and walked away. From a good point of view, it was to decompress Budyonny. Otherwise, the commander of the group army led a group of division commanders to stand behind to supervise the battle. , Putting too much pressure on the frontline commanders.

Before leaving, Inza, the commander of the 15th Infantry Division, came over to Budyonny and whispered in Budyonny's ear, "Comrade Budyonny, if you need my division to go into battle, just say what you want, and I will bring you a commando myself! Cavalry There is nothing wrong with the division's style of play, but it's just a little bit of luck, I am optimistic about you! Well, if you don't want that Kulik, give it to me, the artillery is a perfect match with the infantry division!"

Without waiting for Budyonny to react, Inza patted the arm of the commander of the Special Cavalry Division vigorously, laughed and got on his horse and chased Yegorov and his party.

"Hmph! Are you trying to poach me? There's no door!" Budyonny looked at the backs of Yegorov and Inza, stomped his feet fiercely, turned his head and shouted at the orderly, "Send my order, All the regiment leaders and political commissars of the cavalry division are here to hold a meeting of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the special cavalry division on the front line! Inform the heavy machine gun positions to quickly build bunkers and fortifications and pay attention to vigilance!"

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