Beiyang 1917

Chapter 449 Ceasefire on the battlefield?


"Master! Cousin! Did you give the order to stop the shooting? I led the Jingwei Company to fight in the first battalion. Why did the enemy stop shooting when they were defeated? The battalion and company commanders below But I can't figure it out!"

The chief of staff of the division and the commander of the [-]th brigade, Kevsky rushed into the headquarters of the [-]rd Cavalry Division of the Allied Forces with his head sweating and his arms open. He complained and yelled at his division commander and cousin Nerikov.Fast update without pop-up windows

"The order is like a mountain telling you to stop shooting, so stop shooting. You are still a Russian. The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, the King of China, has forgotten what he said in the crash training course for battlefield commanders? Those who died fighting the Soviet Red Army were Russians behind their backs. The German-Austrian invaders who got a cheap laugh are our mission is to hold Yegorov and stick to him, wait for the main force to encircle and destroy it!"

Nerikov, the supreme commander of the coalition forces in the town of Buzuluk and commander of the [-]rd Ural Cavalry Division, calmly turned around to appease and enlighten his deputy, and then ordered:

"In the position, use the loudspeaker of the Soviet Red Army on the opposite side to inform the other side of the temporary truce and ask their medical soldiers and medical carriages to rush into the battlefield to treat their wounded! I saw that the Soviet Red Army lying in at least half of the sea area was only injured and still breathing. It's too late to bleed out, it's really a corpse! Hurry up and shout!"

"I said Master! We can't be so heartless in war! You just saw that when the opponent charged we were in a life-and-death battle with us. The first battalion killed more than 30 people and injured nearly a hundred people. The machine gunners have changed. How can we be like this? Cheap each other?!

As the chief of staff of the division, I have the right to make suggestions. I firmly oppose the truce now. Isn’t there an allusion to the Chinese that calls it right? "***evsky drank a large bowl of water and wiped his mouth and couldn't help shouting.

"The objection is invalid! It can be implemented!" Nerikov was angry and funny, waved his hands and asked the division staff to call to the position to convey the order, and walked over to pull his cousin aside.

"Didn't I say that you need to use your brain to fight Boshka? You didn't see how the coalition fought in the early defense of the Battle of Ufa? You didn't see it in the headquarters' battle report? I told you again and again that our mission is to hold back Yegorov. The footsteps of the Ninth Army, so during the sniper battle early in the morning, I paid special attention to being able to injure and not kill. One more wounded soldier will increase the burden of the wounded, and one more corpse will reduce the burden of the opponent!"

Nerikov kind of hated iron and steel, and the master thought that if Negev was here, why would he have to spend so much time explaining it?How could Boshka, this cousin, know how to fight and kill, but he can't turn the corner!

"I said my cousin, the Soviet Russian Red Army, is full of those political commissars and Bolsheviks. They are determined to fight us to the end. Let me tell you, or if we can eliminate one once and for all, we will eliminate one more. Is there anyone in Russia? Now put them back, and when they recover, they have to grit their teeth with us, so why bother!"

**Kevsky spread his hands and still can't turn the corner. In fact, this guy also knows that the coalition command's "preferential treatment of prisoners" is to win people's hearts and release the wounded. The opponent's burden drags the opponent's footsteps, but seeing the enemy's wounded lying on the ground under the muzzle of the gun is a living target, but they are not allowed to fire. This fellow always feels too hypocritical!

Nerikov ignored his cousin and turned to look at the battlefield with binoculars. The northern battlefield, which is four kilometers wide and one kilometer deep, lay nearly ten thousand Soviet Red Army soldiers, half of them dead, and half of the wounded still tossing and turning, moaning, struggling and going. On the opposite side of the Soviet Red Army's position, the absolute blood flowed into a river, which was horrible.

Yegorov, the commanding position of the Soviet Red Army here, his face was livid, his mouth was pursed, his cheeks were biting, and he groaned, political commissar Kniagnitsky and several division commanders were also livid and speechless. The 2000-strong main regiment of a division not only failed to break through the opponent's position defended by at most [-] people, but also suffered such huge casualties.

If it weren't for the fact that the coalition forces stopped shooting and shelling in the later period, the remaining 1000 people might not have been able to withdraw. At least 5000 Red Army wounded were stranded in the middle of the positions of the two armies. The machine gun battalion was completely wiped out by the bombardment of the opponent's 4 artillery companies.

The only consolation is that Kulik, commander of the Du Li artillery regiment, and Malikov, commander of the heavy machine gun battalion, are the treasures left by the Budyonny cavalry division. The trenches and heavy machine gun positions outside no longer exist. This battle cannot continue to be fought.

"Comrade Egorov, I suggest retreating as soon as possible, or the enemy will rush out! Their artillery is very powerful, and our position is actually within range of the opponent! I suggest moving quickly," the voice of Kniagnitsky, political commissar of the Army Group trembling.


At this moment, the horn of the coalition camp on the opposite side sounded:

"The commander of the Soviet Red Army on the opposite side, pay attention to Yegorov, according to the order of our commander, Lieutenant General Nerikov, now we cease fire across the board for half an hour to give you time to rescue and evacuate the wounded. Give you time to evacuate and rescue the wounded. Only medical treatment is allowed. Personnel and medical carriages enter the battlefield to rescue the wounded. All are not allowed to carry weapons and wear eye-catching red cross marks. All weapons and equipment on the battlefield are considered to be captured by the coalition forces and trophies are not allowed to be taken out of the battlefield!"

"Repeat, according to the order of the commander of the coalition forces, Lieutenant General Nerikov, the coalition forces are now cease fire for half an hour so that you can send medical personnel into the battlefield to rescue and evacuate the wounded. Only medical personnel and medical carriages are allowed to enter the battlefield to rescue the wounded. The eye-catching red cross marks the battlefield. All weapons and equipment are regarded as captured by the coalition forces and spoils of war are not allowed to be taken out of the battlefield! All violations of the above regulations will be regarded as tearing up the armistice agreement and we will punish them resolutely and mercilessly Strike!"

The sound of proficient Russian announcements echoed and circled around the position. Every soldier, commander, and political commissar in the Soviet Russian Red Army position could hear it clearly. The sound was like a sledgehammer hitting the commander of the Soviet Russian Ninth Army. Yegorov and the hearts of all the Red Army division commanders and political commissars.

The Soviet Red Army in almost all positions blushed while they breathed a sigh of relief, especially the nearly [-] commanders and fighters of the attacking troops who were withdrawn after the disaster. The Russian Red Army failed completely. Many Red Army soldiers out of control roared and wanted to charge back with their guns, but were hugged tightly by comrades who were still awake.

At this time, if anyone in the Soviet Russian Red Army position makes any rash moves, don't forget that the cannons of the artillery company of the coalition army on the opposite side can shoot four kilometers behind them. The red army will be blasted into scum when it runs out of the range of the opponent's cannon, just like what happened to the heavy machine gun battalion and mountain artillery positions just now.

"Comrade Yegorov, be careful. This is not Ufa. The commander on the opposite side is a Tsarist general from the White Guards. This Nerikov once heard that he was the head of the Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment. He is a murderous butcher!" Usti, the commander of the 23rd division, reminded with a bearded face.

"Butcher? I don't look like it doesn't matter what this Nerikov used to do. Now he is serious about the coalition forces. Treating prisoners preferentially, the battlefield ceases fire and let us rescue the wounded. It is completely like Tukhachevsky and the others in Ufa city. If the same happens, I see nothing to hesitate, so hurry up and remove the wounded first!"

When Inza's main force retreated, the opponent stopped shooting, so that his regiment commander and political commissar were injured but retreated alive, and more than 500 backbones remained. This made this brave general in the Ninth Army command the coalition forces. At the same time that the official made people puzzled, the hostility also inadvertently faded a lot.

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