Beiyang 1917

Chapter 450 If you can't beat it, when will you wait if you don't leave?


"Pass my order to all the medical soldiers and medical carriages of the whole group army to stay and enter the battlefield to rescue the wounded. Don't carry weapons, and don't try to pick up the guns and ammunition thrown on the ground! Leave another division behind and which division will volunteer?" Ye Geluo The husband said in a low and hoarse voice.Fast update without pop-up windows


"Queen? Did Comrade Commander retreat without waiting for the wounded?" Inza was the first to react and couldn't help asking.

"How can the wounded be left behind? The Bolsheviks must not betray and abandon the wounded comrades! It was Tukhachevsky who left Rzhevsky and the wounded in the first place to make the situation out of control."

Although the political commissar Kniagnitsky was eager to withdraw as soon as possible and run as far as possible, but as a political cadre's instinct, he opened his mouth and sang the opposite tune first.

A few division commanders and political commissars remained silent and withdrew if they could not fight. The main force regiments of the five divisions of the Ninth Army added up to 2000 main force infantry. The power of the tiger failed to capture the position defended by more than [-] coalition forces on the opposite side, and continued to fight down is purely chaotic!

"I am the commander of the group army, I have the final decision-making power, and I take all responsibility for it! Send a report to Tsaritsyn that the Ninth Army encountered coalition forces in Buzuluk and failed to break through the opponent's position. Now it is decided to break through the siege!"

"I'll ask again which division voluntarily stayed behind with the wounded medical soldiers?!"

Yegorov's neck was bruised, his face flushed red, and he roared in a low voice.

Obviously, the retreat is quite easy to shake the morale of the army, especially when the medical soldiers are about to enter the battlefield to rescue the wounded.

At this time, the medics and the medical carriages received orders, and they came out of the hidden woods behind the position and began to enter the battlefield to treat their own wounded. Most of the original medics of the Ninth Army joined the staff with the wounded in Bavley. Commander Stepin retreated westward, so at this moment in Buzuluk, although the main force of the group army is five infantry divisions, there are only 200 serious medical soldiers and medical carriages left, and only 5 carriages, half of them are female medical soldiers, and military doctors are still there. [-].

Political commissar Kniagnitsky's face turns green for a while, and then turns pale. As the political commissar of the group army, he should take the initiative to take on this burden, but firstly, this fellow was frightened by the coalition forces on the opposite side, and secondly, he still dare not imagine himself as the political commissar in case If he becomes a prisoner, Moscow will easily let his family go?

Usti, the commander of the 23rd Infantry Division, kept his eyes on his nose, his nose, his nose, and his heart. He lowered his head and said nothing, but he was thinking about retreating. Should he follow Yegorov all the way or lead his remaining two regiments and run away by himself?

Follow Yegorov under the big tree so that he can enjoy the shade. If he can really run out at that time, it will be regarded as protecting the army headquarters' smooth retreat. It is no small credit!

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious. Yegorov, the commander of Shuda Zhaofeng Group Army, must be the most eye-catching coalition force's first target. When the time comes, the chasing troops will definitely not let go. The probability of successfully escaping may be the smallest. He refused to speak easily.

Inza and Kikweize looked at each other and didn't speak. Inza's meaning is also obvious. Now most of the five infantry divisions only have more than 4000 people left. Speaking of which, the most powerful combat force is still the 4500-strong infantry. Lao Tzu of the 15th Division is the ace of the group army. In such a miserable situation just now, the 15th Division rushed the farthest and retreated the most. Who is the important task of protecting the group army headquarters to retreat?

Kikweize is thinking that if the Ninth Army wants to get ahead, Inza and his division must be squeezed out. Now the division that remains in this situation is better said to bring medics and the wounded. If you have 4000 people left in your division to survive, if you bring more than 5000 wounded, how can you get out except to eat and wait for death or surrender?


"No one came out to kill the whole group army?! Good! Then I, Egorov, personally lead the group army's Jingwei Battalion to stay behind and insist on absorbing political commissars with the medical soldiers and the wounded. You brought these five people who were frightened by the coalition forces. Get rid of the bastard!" Yegorov gritted his teeth and roared.

Yegorov yelled at Inza and Kikweize, and both Inza and Kikweize couldn't hold back. Inza was the first to stand up and said, "Comrade Yegorov, it's okay to call my 15th Infantry Division a coward. Neither I nor the Red Army officers and soldiers of the whole division agreed, so why not our division was the rear guard for the whole group army? Since you said so, I will take the 15th Division and stay with the wounded to finish the rear line!"

"Comrade Commander, the strength of the 15th Division is the most preserved. Let the group army headquarters follow the 15th Division to break through and I will lead the 16th Division to stay behind! But you have to allow me to independently command the breakout." The 16th Division Commander Kikweize expressed his position with difficulty.

"I agree with Comrade Kikweize's opinion that the Ninth Army's burden of breaking through the encirclement needn't be lifted at all. Inza Division fought very bravely and tenaciously just now. I believe that the 15th Division can lead the Army Command to break through the encirclement. I am willing to lead the 23rd Division to divert the enemy. The pursuit creates conditions for the group army!" Usti, the commander of the 23rd Infantry Division, stepped forward.

Then Sami and Khadinyev expressed their opinion that it is better to let the headquarters of Egorov and political commissar Knyagnitsky follow the Inza Division to break through, leaving the Kikweize Division and the wounded to cut off the rear, while the 23rd Division can be in Uzbekistan. Under the leadership of Si Ji, he pretended to be the main force of the group army to divert the pursuers of the coalition army away.


Yegorov was quite satisfied with the performance of the division commanders later. Seeing that the breakout plan had been decided, the political commissars of the division commanders went to organize the team one after another. Yegorov called to stop Kikweize, pulled him aside and ordered in a low voice.

"Comrade Kikweize, your division and medical soldiers should try to delay the time as much as possible. The more than 5000 wounded can be bandaged and rescued first, and then slowly withdraw to the battlefield to buy more time for the main force of the group army to break through!"

"I understand! Comrade Yegorov, you and the political commissar, take care of your troops, take advantage of the other party's negligence, and the main force of the army must cross the river as soon as possible!" Although Kikweize's heart is heavy, since he has made a choice, the Bolsheviks must have this Courage in the face of the worst.

"Comrade Kikweize's coalition forces give preferential treatment to the prisoners and the wounded. The other side throws the wounded to us in order to slow down our pace. I only tell you that after the main force has withdrawn, you have bandaged the wounded and settled them... take them with you." Do you understand what I mean when the whole division and medical soldiers break through the encirclement?"

Yegorov lowered his voice and whispered in the ear of Kikweize, the commander of the 16th Infantry Division, his eyes were quite complicated but showed a trace of firmness.

"You mean to drop the wounded and lightly pack to break through?" Kikweize asked worriedly. He had this idea when he asked to command his division to break through on the fly, but of course he didn't dare to say it directly. He didn't expect the group army. The commander was so considerate and considerate of his own difficulties. For a moment, Kikweize couldn't help feeling a little ups and downs, and his nose was a little sore.

"Keep your voice down, Comrade Kikweize's army believes that you and your division will be able to complete the task of breaking out and breaking out of the encirclement. We will see you on the left bank of the Volga River. We will leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood. In order to ensure a smooth breakout, we can throw it away when the time comes. Throw away all the pots and pans, as long as I, Yegorov, are still alive, no one will dare to say anything about you!"

Yegorov didn't answer Kikweize's question directly, but gave the guy a hug and kissed his face fiercely while instructing him, then turned around without hesitation, turned around and waved the horse brought by the guards as farewell before leaving. The commander of the group army looked at the battlefield and the direction of Buzuluk Town in a complicated mood, then slammed the mount under his crotch, surrounded by the guard battalion, and chased the political commissar and Inza Division in the direction of retreat.

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