Beiyang 1917

Chapter 451 Must retreat as soon as possible

During the more than an hour when Yegorov commanded the main force of the infantry division of the Ninth Army to attack the coalition forces in the town of Buzuluk and ended disastrously, the remaining 3000 people of the [-]st Brigade of the Budyonny Special Cavalry Division of the Soviet Red Army On the Domashika River, he played hide-and-seek with the first regiment of the fifth brigade of the third Ural cavalry division of the coalition army who was chasing behind.Fast update without pop-up windows

Rebalco, who was in charge of Budyonny's first cavalry brigade before, led the rear battalion to collide with the coalition's leading cavalry battalion. As a result, Rebalco used 50 cavalrymen tied to the dust raised by tree branches and sang an empty city plan to kill the opponent. A cavalry battalion was forced to retreat, but Rebalco, who played too hard, led 250 cavalry to chase too hard, and was dismounted to organize positions and counterattack. The machine guns and mortars of the coalition cavalry battalion knocked out more than 100 cavalry.

When the division commander Budyonny led the cavalry brigade back to support, the three follow-up battalions of the first regiment of the fifth brigade of the coalition army also arrived one after another.

On the one hand, 3000 cavalrymen of the Soviet Red Army walked away, exhausted and retreating all the way. Before crossing the river, they were severely beaten by Nenerikov’s divisional artillery company in Buzuluk town. Of course, the first regiment of the fifth brigade of the third division of the Ural cavalry who came over was exhausted and out of breath after driving 2200 kilometers in the afternoon.

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, commander of the Red Army and commander of the special cavalry division, participated in various battles on the Eastern Front in the Tsarist Russian cavalry unit in his early years and won three St. George medals. Dominik Mikhainovich Negev, Commander of the Fifth Brigade of the Third Division, was 18 years old and joined the Cossack Cavalry Regiment with his cousin Nerikov. He also won three St. George medals on the Eastern Front. Under Budyonny.

The two Mikhainovich each led the cavalry and started a stop-and-go cat-and-mouse game. Budyonny's cavalry had a lot of people, but compared with Negev's cavalry regiment, the equipment was not a star and a half, but Negev The cavalry regiment traveled 90 kilometers in one afternoon, and the passers-by and horses were all exhausted and exhausted.

Although Budyonny's cavalry brigade didn't sleep all night, they had run less than 30 kilometers by this time in the afternoon. In terms of physical strength and horse speed endurance, the mounts of Budyonny's cavalry brigade were better than Nejev's. God must know that the [-]rd Ural Cavalry Division was only one of the first three Russian cavalry divisions in the coalition army.

And Budyonny's special cavalry division is the earliest and only cavalry division of the entire Soviet Southern Front Army in the direction of Tsaritsin. The breed and quality of Budyonny's cavalry division are all carefully selected horses than Nejie The quality of the mounts of the husband's cavalry regiment is better than that.

After this ebb and flow, the coalition Nejev cavalry regiment is chasing behind, but in fact, if Budyonny really runs away, Negev's cavalry will chase further and further away, but every time he waits for Nejev to get off his horse and use a machine gun When bullying Budyonny in front of him with mortar fire, Budyonny raised his horse speed and ran further, which made Negev have to bite the bullet and chase after him.

The two sides played a cat-and-mouse game. For Budyonny, the cavalry commander of the Soviet Red Army, from crossing the Volga River to the Ufa Plain, the Soviet Red Army never took advantage of the opportunity to confront the coalition forces in field battles. The Soviet Red Army, which fights in positions and is always weak in firepower, is attacking, while the well-equipped coalition forces rely on positional defense instead.

It is an inevitable choice for every battlefield commander to make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses in war. In Budyonny’s view, the coalition’s style of play is deeply rooted in each other’s strengths and avoid weaknesses. On the brave and tenacious coalition, those Russian troops from the White Guards will never be better than the Bolshevism-armed Soviet Union. How strong is the Russian Red Army?

Moreover, the White Guards on the Ufa battlefield may not be stronger than the main forces of the Eastern and Southern Fronts of the Soviet Red Army, even in terms of training. The White Guards in the second-line army east of the Ural Mountains are even mobs with little combat experience.

The main components of the Eastern Front and Southern Front of the Soviet Red Army are the workers' divisions and the advanced Bolsheviks repatriated from the Tsarist Russian prisoner-of-war camps in Germany. Military training reserves, so compared with the individual quality of both sides, the Soviet Russian Red Army definitely does not have the upper hand.

Therefore, the Russian troops in the coalition army try to avoid field battles and melee battles, but blindly drag the battle into positional warfare, use trenches and light and heavy machine guns and mortars to make up for the lack of combat experience and the low quality of individual soldiers, and even fight the cavalry of the coalition army as soon as possible. The first thing to do is to retreat to a favorable terrain and organize the defense first. The machine guns and mortars are quickly set up, and they are desperately bombarded first, as if the ammunition is endless and free of money.

Budyonny is a wise and courageous general of the Soviet Russian Red Army. He made up his mind to win the battle and not let the enemy follow behind. This cavalry regiment hurts him. It is impossible for this brigade to retreat, so the two sides have to grind it out. And so began the game of cat and mouse.


The 700 cavalry brought by Budyonny himself and Rebalko was a bait. Before that, he sent Timoshenko to take 1000 cavalry to the west. Tyurenev took 1000 cavalry to the south. The location of the battlefield has also been selected. Five kilometers away from the southwest, there is a small lake with a radius of ten kilometers. The small forest by the lake is suitable for concealing troops.

However, in order to buy time for Timoshenko and Tyurenev, they rushed to the predetermined location to ambush Budyonny and ran to the southwest with 700 cavalry. After a while, they started to stop and go, and ran south for a while, and then went west for a while. Allied forces pursued behind them in an armed parade.

Not long after, Rebalco next to him couldn't hold back his anger, and couldn't help but put his horse's belly on his back and hurried a few steps to Budyonny.

"Comrade Budyonny, did the opponent see through our plan? You see, there are more than 500 cavalry chasing in front of them, but there are more than 1700 cavalry behind them. How can we fight his ambush? Timoshenko and Tyurenev attacked and bit The mortars and machine guns of the 500 coalition cavalry behind the 1700 people living on the other side swept over, and we can't help but reveal our intentions!"

Budyonny didn't hesitate, rode his horse up a small hill, turned the horse's head and looked through the binoculars, and saw that the opponent was chasing at a leisurely pace, and as soon as his team stopped, the opponent's cavalry began to dismount, ready to seize the powerful terrain. The way the firepower is defending, I really don't seem to be able to use my knife trick.

"It's a bit difficult. The commander of the coalition army seems to be seeking no merit but no fault. You see, the brigade behind the opponent always keeps the team in an open area with a good line of sight. Maybe you really saw that we planned to fight him. Ambush Rybalko, do you think Timoshenko and Tyurenev's 2000 men can eat up the opponent's 1700 cavalry if they go from behind?"

Budyonny frowned and asked the commander of the second regiment of the first cavalry brigade beside him.

"If the cavalry charge against the machete, I think it's possible, but the posture of the opponent seems to be ready to dismount and fight at any time. The cavalry of the coalition army is equipped with that Browning squad machine gun. A single cao can fire even while riding a horse. And as long as the opponent dismounts and deploys machine guns and mortar positions, let alone 2000 people rushing at him with 1700 people, even 10000 people rushing at him may not be able to eat the opponent in one bite!"

Rebalco honestly expressed his thoughts while wiping his sweat. The density and intensity of the coalition forces' firepower obviously left a deep impression on Budyonny's generals. The artillery beat me up and down and killed my 3 companies. If it weren't for the fast running, half of the 700 people around me would have been thrown there.

"The commander of the coalition cavalry is very vigilant. How can he approach the opponent unexpectedly and chop them with a saber!" Budyonny murmured while looking through the binoculars.

"Comrade Budyonny, I have an idea!" Rybalko had been thinking about how to turn around and bite the opponent. The fight is too old to reach the opponent, how can he just be beaten by himself.

"It's not your style to be shy and talk about Rebalco. If you have something to say, talk and fart, let the other party go. If the horses are not tired and can't run, they should chase us with mortars and bombard us now!" Budyonny was annoyed the way.

"I think it's too difficult for such a cat and mouse in broad daylight to get close to the opponent without being noticed. The opponent doesn't lean towards the woods at all. I suggest that I lead 700 cavalry to take the opponent's brigade away. Commander, you take the guard company. to join Timoshenko and Tyurenev"

As Rebalco spoke, his voice softened, and the sweat on his forehead came out again. This guy has a thick, short and fat face, and he is usually a master who can sweat.

"I'm going to join the brigade's main force? What's next?" Budyonny, the division commander, obviously realized something from Rebalko's expression and asked in a deep voice.

"After that, sir, it's just the two of us. I'm going to talk nonsense. If you've heard it, treat it like fart. Don't judge me like that," Rybalco said with a slightly unnatural expression.

"You tell me to listen!" Budyonny waved away the cavalry soldiers of the Jingwei Company a dozen steps away, "Spread away a little and pay attention to alert!" Budyonny got off his horse and took the reins to spin He turned and looked at Rybalco.

Seeing this, Rebalco quickly jumped off his horse, took the reins and walked over, the two mounts rubbed against each other, snorted and snorted, Rebalco leaned over and whispered in Budyonny's ear

"Master, Rybalko, I am by no means a person who is greedy for life and fears death, but why did Comrade Yegorov suppress the telegram from the Tsaritsyn Southern Front Army to prevent the people below from knowing it!"

"Huh? Where did you hear the rumors? Who told you? Comrade Yegorov didn't want to make a statement, but he was afraid of the enemy's propaganda, saying that our troops on the right bank of the Volga River are divided by tens of thousands of us. The rest of the army was wiped out, 10,000+ people were captured, tens of thousands died in Mahinsla, and they were all taken prisoners. Can you believe this?"

Budyonny squinted his eyes and looked at Rybalko in front of him. Didn't he expect this guy to be quite sharp? The Ufa coalition army's battle report from Tsaritsin Yegorov strictly limited it to the division commander and the division political commissar. The higher level knows that it is not allowed to leak to the lower levels.

Although Budyonny didn't think so, he only communicated with Timoshenko and Gorodovikov, the two brigade commanders. The regimental and battalion commanders below didn't reveal anything. I didn't expect Rybalko to know about it. I can't hide it!

"Master, don't worry about who told me the propaganda of the Ufa coalition army, of course I can't believe it all We have been entangled on the right bank of the Volga River, we should continue to retreat as soon as possible while the opponent's horse is a little bit weak!"

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