Beiyang 1917

Chapter 478


"Comrades, the situation is very serious. It is indeed very serious. I just received a telegram from the Ufa Allied Forces Command, and we have to reply to their previous conditions before midnight!" Trotsky was sweating profusely holding the newly received The telegram draft entered the large meeting room of the Soviet Russian Central Committee. 78xs .

"This is impossible at all. It will take time for us to re-coordinate with Tsaritsyn. Besides, the Volga River, which is thousands of kilometers long, is so easy to get over? The other party is blackmailing, Comrade Trotsky, please don't Let defeatist sentiments blind us!"

The first person to jump up and yell was Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, the propaganda committee member of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia and the editor-in-chief of Pravda. It took a total of seven or eight days, but the eyes of the whole of Russia and Europe seemed to be focused on the Great Plain of Ufa on the right bank of the Volga River.

The Soviet Russian Central Committee has a total of 15 central committee members, staying in Moscow in front of the two Soviet Russian central tycoons, Ulyanov and Trotsky, the few central committee members who can really talk are almost The offices and conference rooms of the Kremlin Palace are now home, and almost all food and accommodation are here.

Ulyanov, Trotsky, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Sdelviyo who had just returned from the left bank of the Volga River in a dusty train. In addition to handling some necessary official duties in his own office, the husband spends most of his time in the magnificent conference room of the Kremlin.

And a corner of the large meeting room of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union has long been transformed into a war room layout. The large map of the Volga River Basin on the wall shows the situation of the enemy and the enemy. Each army group and each division can be found on the map to represent their small red flags and arrows in the direction of action.

But on this night, the eighth day of the Battle of Ufa, the small red flag of the Soviet Red Army on the Ufa Plain on the right bank of the Volga River on the original combat map has almost been pulled clean, while the small blue flag representing the Ufa coalition army But it is scattered all over the world, and it is clearly marked on the map.

"The fall of Bolgar has just been confirmed. The 26th Division of the Simbirsk Infantry of the Fifth Army Army stationed there was completely annihilated. The battle was fierce. However, Bolgar fell, and the opponent first occupied the ferry. Encirclement and general attack, our men swam across the Volga River with life buoys in their arms, Tetyushi’s defenders on the left bank only had the strength of an infantry battalion, if the opponent crossed the river, they would not be able to defend anyway!”

Followed by him was Sdrviyov, the military commissar of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia who had just rushed back to Moscow in the afternoon. The position of commander of the Eastern Front Army South Group.

Unexpectedly, I just arrived at Simbirsk on the left bank of the Volga River by train. The situation of the Soviet Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River has deteriorated to an unbelievable level. Moscow made the decision to disband the Southern Group and all armies to retreat independently.

In this way, Sdrviyov, the new commander of the Southern Group, was terminated before he took office. Ulyanov originally planned to let Sdrviyov cross the river to Ufa to negotiate with the coalition forces as the negotiator of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Regarding the ceasefire, the former enemy military committee of the Soviet Russian Southern Front refused to give up Tsaritsyn.

Sdrviyov has now become at a loss. Although he has the title and identity of the central commissioner, he is completely useless in Simbirsk, and the coalition forces on the opposite side look like they will cross the river at any time. Last night, he just took a special train overnight. Back to Moscow, I took a nap on the train, and returned to Moscow in the afternoon.

At this moment, the military commissar with a haggard face and livid face followed Trotsky closely, and gave bad news to the central yang committee members in the conference room. Bolgar, the last ferry controlled by the Soviet Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River, was captured by the coalition forces The cavalry fell.

Trotsky was clearly prepared for Bolgar's fall, and he just frowned and said, "Bolgar is hanging alone on the right bank of the Volga River. The Red Army has reserved a ferry, and the Simbirsk 26th Division stationed there should have withdrawn to the left bank long ago!"

"The situation is indeed grim, but Bukharin is right. The Volga River is a natural line of defense. Besides, we have a Volga River fleet that can cruise and block the Volga River. The coalition forces may not be able to cross the river so easily. Comrade Trotsky, You had a bad face just now, what new things did you not mention in the telegram sent by the Ufa coalition forces?"

The small mentor and leader who was walking in front of the map with his hands behind his back turned around and asked, after two days of dealing with the coalition telegrams, Ulyanov obviously also felt a little bit of the style of the Ufa coalition army, that is, pressing at every step Aggressive but likely to bring bad news is the most reliable and true status quo.

Since the disbandment of the Southern Group and the retreat of the various armies, the Soviet Russian central yang in Moscow watched as the Soviet Red Army armies were encircled and annihilated one by one on the Ufa Great Plain, but these local turtles were stunned until they were annihilated. In the state of radio silence, if you send a telegram to report the funeral, you will die, so that the Soviet Russian central yang in Moscow here has to learn about the movement and ending of his troops from the enemy.

Thinking of this, Ulyanov grinned in dissatisfaction, but walked over to let his close comrade Sdrviyov, who looked haggard and thin, sit down and drink a glass of water, while turning around and waiting for Trotsky's answer.

"There is indeed worse news. The latest ultimatum of the coalition forces is very strong. The reason is that they informed us that the main force of the Yegorov Department of the Ninth Army of the Southern Front of the Soviet Red Army has been encircled near Buzuluk. Annihilation, the 31st Infantry Division of the remaining Tukhachevsky Division of the Eastern Front and the main force of the Chapoyang Cavalry Division were also encircled and wiped out near Saravat Melieuz at the same time, so they only asked us to reply to the terms of the armistice peace talks before midnight!"

Trotsky's complexion was very bad, but he explained the contents of the latest telegram sent by the Ufa coalition forces to everyone present. Kamenev, Zinoviev and Dzerzhinsky Hearing this, everyone was shocked and pale, and couldn't believe their ears, and Bukharin even jumped up waving his hands and shouted:

"The soldiers are not tired of cheating. This must be a trick played by the Ufa coalition army. Didn't the telegram sent by the Tsaritsyn Southern Front in the morning say that more than 42000 people from the Yegorov Army's main force have successfully crossed the Buzuluk River and are about to advance south? Why? It was planted in the north of Buzuluk Town! Didn’t it mean that there are only a few thousand Russian cavalry guards from the coalition army over there!”

"Comrade Trotsky, isn't the Allied Forces bragging? We have to send a report to Tsaritsin and Yegorov's Ninth Army. Damn the Southern Army, who allows them to set up a radio code system What? Even the Moscow Central Yang was unable to get in touch with Yegorov’s Ninth Army, this is a typical hilltopism and unorganized and undisciplined behavior!” Kamenev also jumped out and yelled.

Zinoviev couldn't hold back anymore, and went to snatch the telegram in Trotsky's hand with Bukharin, trying to find out the truth of the matter. The Yegorov Ninth Army of the Southern Front was almost Soviet The only hope for the Russian Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River. As for Tukhachevsky's First Army, there were not many people left, and it was far away at the western foot of the Ural Mountains. It is not surprising that they could not escape.

But the 42000 main force of Yegorov's six cavalry divisions, the telegram from Tsaritsin's southern front army in the morning said happily that Yegorov's troops had crossed the Buzuluk River and were about to encircle the town of Buzuluk A brigade of the coalition forces has a strength of about 5000 people. After taking down the town of Buzuluk, they jumped out of the encirclement of the coalition forces when they went straight to Uralsk.

When the time comes, turn from the Urals to Saratov in the west and cross the Volga River, and then withdraw safely. Why, after half a day, the coalition forces were encircled and wiped out?How can anyone believe this!

Several central yang committee members surrounded Trotsky and quarreled in a ball, trying to grab the telegram that this guy was holding high in his hand, but Trotsky refused to give it to him, and planned to hand it directly to Ulyan, who was pinching his waist outside the crowd. Nove.

"Comrades, members of the Central Committee! Be careful, how decent this is! The sky hasn't fallen yet, so please be quiet! Shut up, and let Comrade Trotsky speak alone!" Ulyanov He is small but has a loud voice. Originally, this guy tends to swell his forehead when he is overworked. Now seeing everyone rushing into a ball, he couldn't help shouting.

After Ulyanov yelled, the conference room fell silent, but Trotsky in the crowd had a strange expression and murmured,

"This time, I'm afraid we can make a judgment without checking with Tsaritsin. This time, the Ufa coalition forces called us with the original wavelength and call sign of the Soviet Ninth Army. Even the password was the original Moscow Supreme Revolutionary Army The committee uniformly distributes them to all the armies!"

As soon as Trotsky's words came out, all the central committee members present below Ulyanov were speechless. Kamenev and Zinoviev sat back in their chairs with dull expressions, Harlem kept walking around the room, murmuring something in his mouth.

Sdrviyov and Dzerzhinsky were arguing quietly and quickly, Ulyanov stared blankly at Trotsky and said,

"So, Yegorov's radio station has also fallen into the enemy's hands? This is really a ghost, Trotsky. Could it be that there are so many armies and so many troops of the Soviet Red Army's Eastern Front Army and Southern Front Army? A team that can defeat the Ufa coalition army is here?!"


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