Beiyang 1917

Chapter 479

"Of course the Soviet Red Army needs to be rebuilt. The Eastern Front and the Southern Front must reorganize themselves and equip themselves with new weapons and advanced minds. Only then can they become a reliance on the defense of the Soviet regime. However, Comrade Chairman, the question now is, how do we answer Ufa? An ultimatum from the coalition forces? Is it to agree to the armistice conditions proposed by the other party last time?"

Trotsky frowned deeply, and directly brought the topic to the ultimatum of the coalition forces. In his opinion, the coalition forces might be offering an olive branch to Moscow for the last time. After completely annihilating the main force of the Soviet Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River, especially the Yegorov Group Army of the Southern Front, there is no reason not to impose more stringent conditions on the other side.Visit download txt novel

"Comrade Trotsky, I still suspect that the coalition forces are playing tricks. How likely is it that Yegorov's army will be wiped out in half a day? Even if you put 42000 pigs there, it will not be easy to catch them, and The weather on the right bank of the Volga River is always bad, and the air force of the Ufa coalition army can't be dispatched at all, how did they fight this battle?"

Bukharin stopped circling around in the conference room, panting heavily.

At this time, Sdrviev also stood up and said, "Just now I asked Comrade Dzerzhinsky, is it possible that the Ufa coalition forces only cracked the code for the first-level configuration of the Soviet Russian Red Army Army, let alone the communication between the various armies. Both know the wavelength and call sign of each other's radio station.

Has there ever been such a situation that the coalition forces learned the wavelength call sign and password used by the Ninth Army from other captured radio stations, radio transmitters, and translators, and then pretended to be the Ninth Army's radio station and sent us this final report? An ultimatum to convince us that Yegorov and his main force have been wiped out? "

Seeing this, Dzerzhinsky quickly stood up and continued, "The situation Comrade Sderviyov said is possible. The other party may have just borrowed the wavelength call sign of the Ninth Army. Of course, it depends. , When I received this telegram just now, did the telegrapher on the other side use the usual fingering method of the telegrapher of the Ninth Army that we are familiar with?"

"Didn't it say that the telegram was sent by the Ufa Allied Forces Command? Buzuluk is at least 400 kilometers away from Ufa. Even if Yegorov's Ninth Army was completely wiped out in Buzuluk, the radio and code sender and receiver would translate the telegram." All the members fell into the hands of the coalition forces, and they have no reason to go around and send a report from Buzuluk to use our captured people? So there is no way to listen to the way the other party sent the report!"

Kamenev obviously had a quick brain and pointed out the flaws in Dzerzhinsky's method.

Dzerzhinsky was taken aback when he heard the words, patted his forehead and said, "Comrade Kamenev is right. If this is the case, the truth cannot be judged by the fingering of the telegrapher alone. It is very likely that this telegram is a U.S. It was sent by the French Allied Forces with their own radio and transmitter."

"What's this all about, Sdrviyov, hurry up and send a report to Tsaritsin, asking the Southern Army to find out the whereabouts of Yegorov's army as soon as possible. The ultimatum told Joseph, I don't care about the rest, just ask Joseph and the Southern Front Army Front Enemy Committee to answer me a question!"

Ulyanov's brow was covered with sweat, and he paced back and forth in front of the crowd with his hands behind his back, yelling. Several central committee members were taken aback when they heard this, and Trotsky couldn't help asking,

"Comrade Ulyanov, what questions do you want Tsaritsyn to answer?"

"Well, that's it. The telegram sent to the Tsaritsyn Southern Front must emphasize that if the Ufa coalition forces start crossing the river tomorrow, who will guard the Volga River? Who will defend Tsaritsyn? Who will surround Moscow? That's it, limit them to 1 Reply within an hour!" Ulyanov stretched out his right hand, drew a circle in the air with his index finger, and said firmly.

"Comrade Chairman, you are not asking one question, are you asking three questions?" Bukharin muttered in a low voice.

"Does it matter? Does it matter? Bukharin, I think your brain is flooded. Is this a matter of several issues? In the final analysis, it is a matter of constant war and peace talks. Who will defend the Soviet tomorrow? Send a telegram like this, and give them an hour to answer!" Ulyanov couldn't help but waved his hands in a gaffe and roared.


"Comrade Joseph, Comrade Sergin, just received a telegram from Moscow, and the tone was very severe. The Ufa Allied Forces Command has already passed the news of the annihilation of the Yegorov Army to Moscow as soon as possible, and has slammed the Russian Central Committee. Ultimatum, if we are not prepared to negotiate a truce, the Ufa coalition forces will cross the Volga River tomorrow!"

The Chief of Staff of the Southern Army, Gidis, was sweating profusely, holding the telegram that he had just received, and broke into the meeting room. One and a half hours ago, Yegorov sent the last secret telegram: The main force of the army has run out of ammunition, food and casualties Nearly half of them were encircled by the enemy's superior forces, and there was no hope of breaking through. In order to preserve the vitality, the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Front Enemy of the Group Army held an emergency meeting, and voted to pass the resolution of all laying down their arms and surrendering to the coalition forces. We hereby inform you.

After receiving the telegram, the leaders of the Southern Front Army couldn't believe their eyes. Just in the morning, Yegorov sent a telegram with high spirits, saying that the main force of the group army, with more than 42000 infantry and six divisions, had successfully crossed the border. After crossing the Buzuluk River, they were not blocked by the coalition forces. After preparing to take Buzuluk, they jumped out of the encirclement of the coalition forces and fought back to the left bank of the Volga River!

But no matter how much I called the radio station of the Ninth Army, there was no answer. I don’t know whether Yegorov destroyed the radio station or what happened to the sender and translator. Anyway, no matter how I made the call request, the other party’s radio station was no longer there. Movement, 42000 people ran out of ammunition and food in one day, were surrounded, put down their weapons and surrendered?

Is this something Yegorov can do?Comrade Joseph broke the pipe in his hand angrily. The commander of the Southern Front, Sergin, felt shuddering. The chief of staff, Gidis, was obviously at a loss. Yegorov was a popular man single-handedly promoted by Trotsky. , and the Ninth Army can indeed be regarded as the main army of the Southern Front.

This is gone?The Southern Front Army Command then quarreled for a long time over the authenticity of this telegram. The signature of this telegram was the Ninth Army Front Enemy Military Committee, not the usual Ninth Army Yegorov. The Southern Army and others had a basis to doubt the authenticity of the telegram.

Eighth Army Commander Chernawin and Political Commissar Lyubimov, Tenth Army Commander Voroshilov and Political Commissar Kliuyev, as well as Zhong Yang, Chairman of the Tsaritsin Soviet, Military Council of the North Caucasus Military District Commissar Bubnov was soon called back to the headquarters of the Southern Front.

At this time, telegrams from Moscow came one after another. The telegrams from the Ufa coalition confirmed that Yegorov's Ninth Army had been wiped out. Not only that, but the rest of the Eastern Front Tukhachevsky's First Army was also completely wiped out. Annihilation, and it should be mentioned in the telegram that the last crossing of the Soviet Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River, Bolgar on the opposite bank of Tetyushi, has also fallen. At this moment, the main force of the Soviet Russian Red Army on the right bank of the Volga River is almost lost.

"Comrade Joseph, Moscow wants us to confirm whether Yegorov's Ninth Army has been encircled and wiped out in the town of Buzuluk, as the Ufa coalition forces said. They also asked us, who will come tomorrow if we don't stop the war and talk about peace?" Guard the Volga River? Who will defend Tsaritsyn, and who will defend Moscow?" the Chief of Staff of the Southern Front Army Gidis said in a low voice.

"What kind of parallels are you talking about? It's all nonsense. In the final analysis, there is only one question: who will defend the Soviet tomorrow! I said, Comrade Sekin, why didn't you report to Moscow earlier, but now Moscow knows about Yegoro from the enemy of the Ufa coalition forces. This is a slap in the face for the Southern Front and our Tsaritsin!"

Central Committee member Bubnov said grumpily on the side. Although this guy was not mentally prepared for the main force of Yegorov's army to be wiped out in one day, he was even more disgusted with Joseph and Sergin's attempt to hide the bad news from Moscow. , did not report Moscow's decentralism and hilltopism for the first time.

"Comrade Bubnov, the situation is changing too fast. Yegorov's troops are not bad in terms of strength and combat effectiveness. It's amazing how they couldn't hold on for a day! We were still arguing about whether It was a trick played by the Ufa coalition forces, so I didn't dare to believe it for a while, and I didn't dare to report it to Moscow!" Sekin, the commander of the Southern Front, blushed and took the responsibility for Joseph.

In fact, after receiving the last telegram from Yegorov, Serkin insisted on reporting to Moscow as soon as possible, and suggested that the Southern Front and Tsaritsyn should re-examine the decision made the night before not to abandon Tsaritsyn. , and the strategy of fighting with the coalition forces.

But Joseph obviously couldn't turn the corner for a while. Yesterday, the Southern Front Army and Tsaritsin still swear by their chests that they could hold the Volga River, the south of Saratov and Tsaritsin, but they suffered such a blow in less than 24 hours. If you want to turn 180 degrees to Joseph, you feel that you can't save face.

The result of losing face is that Joseph, Sergin, and Gidis are entangled in the authenticity of Yegorov's telegram, which delays time. Now that the telegram from Moscow arrives, everyone completely gave up, Yegorov The destruction of the group army is beyond doubt.

For Tsaritsyn, the Southern Front and Joseph, the most critical question now is, what to do next?How to answer Moscow's questioning!

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