Beiyang 1917

Chapter 484


"Have you heard that? Comrade Joseph and the Southern Front not only refused to give up the south of Saratov and Tsaritsyn, but also demanded the establishment of the Volga River Military District, unified command of all party, government, military, civilian and troops in the Volga River Basin, as well as diplomatic autonomy. Quan! Be good, this is going to be a big fight!"

Ulyanov's tone was full of unpredictable sourness. Obviously, the authority of the Soviet Russian Central Committee in Moscow was challenged by Tsaritsin, which made Ulyanov, the Soviet Russian Central Committee, The chairman lost his composure for a moment.

The huge conference room was silent for a while. Although the Zhongyang committee members present were not all the Soviet Russian Zhongyang committee members, basically all the Zhongyang committee members who were in Moscow and could talk were there. They just went to find a room to supplement themselves. Sdrviyov felt that he had already rushed over at this time, sitting in the corner and rubbing his face vigorously, trying to drive away the drowsiness.

"Let's talk about it. I think this telegram from Tsaritsin can be recorded in the annals of Bolshevik history. Why, members of the Central Committee, are you all dumb?" Ulyanov was obviously a little anxious.

In the Soviet Russian Central Committee and the Bolshevik Party, Ulyanov was the unyielding leader and helm, while Trotsky was the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army, and civil wars broke out throughout Russia. In 1918, Trotsky and his Red Army were present on every battlefield needed to fend off the White Guard advances.

This makes Trotsky, chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Union, the undoubted second-in-command of the Soviet Russian regime and the party. With the support of Husband’s proposition, our little leader did not reach the highest position in Soviet Russia so easily.

However, as a leader, Ulyanov has a natural sensitivity and reaction to factional struggles and power checks and balances within the organization. Grass, crowded with milk, can be overturned by the leading masses at any time in a critical moment.

The fundamental reason is that the second leader is often the position that poses the greatest threat to the position of the first leader and is the position that is most likely to form challenges and internal strife. Ulyanov is not immune, so he favored Joseph in the battle of defending Tsaritsyn and suppressed the highest position. Trotsky, Chairman of the Military Council.

It must be said that Comrade Ulyanov is still quite far-sighted. At this time, his health is not a problem, and the assassination incident in Wang Geng's previous life did not happen. The appearance on the Internet made Comrade Ulyanov's close comrade-in-arms, Sdrviev escaped the invasion of Spanish flu.

Comrade Ulyanov's health in 1918 was very good. Except for the front line and the food that made this guy swollen, nothing else stood in his way, whether it was Dzerzhinsky's Cheka or Tsarry Neither Jin's Southern Front nor Joseph could challenge Ulyanov's position in turn. They should only be the most effective fighters under Comrade Chairman.

Of course, Ulyanov did not expect that in just a few days, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili would be able to challenge the Soviet Russian central yang in Moscow, and establish the Volga Military Region and the Volga Front Army to unify Command the Soviet Red Army in the Volga River Valley against Kolchak and Ufa coalition forces.

This is barely plausible, but if all the power of the party, government, army, engineers and soldiers belongs to the Volga Military Region, where will the Soviets go?Where does Moscow put the power to negotiate with foreign countries?Where does the central government of Soviet Russia go?

No wonder Comrade Ulyanov looked a little out of breath, paced back and forth in the conference room with his waist pinched, while looking at every central committee member around him, thinking about their positions and directions , Will he stand on his side, or will he support Tsaritsin and Joseph's bid to Zhong Yang!

At the Seventh Representative-Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) held in March 1918, after the Min Zhu election, the Soviet Russian Central Committee produced a total of 3 official central yang members, namely Ulyanov, Tom Lotsky, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Joseph, Chicherin, Stasova, Sverdlov, Bubnov, Lomo Fu, Klestinsky, Dzerzhinsky, Uritsky, in addition to 15 alternate central committee members.

At the beginning, the fifteen members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia could be roughly divided into three categories. Ulyanov’s previous die-hard supporters were Sdrviyov, Dzerzhinsky, Joseph, Chicherin, and Staso Kamenev, Zinoviev, Uritsky, Bubnov, and Krestinsky were on Trotsky’s side most of the time, and Bukharin’s followers were only A Lomov.

In fact, Bukharin took advantage of the opportunity of Ulyanov's resignation and took the opportunity to temporarily become the chairman of the central yang committee. However, Bukharin, who was more ambitious than his ability, obviously did not have the ability to control the complex situation at home and abroad, as well as inside and outside the Bolshevik Party. ability, the attempt to challenge the Supreme Leader failed completely.

Fortunately, Ulyanov did not regard Bukharin as a serious party competitor at all, so he did not embarrass him. The positions of editor-in-chief of "Pravda" and the Central Propaganda People's Commissar were still reserved for him. Bukharin, on the other hand, has turned from an overreaching challenger to a pretentious swinger in the middle.

At this time, Bukharin can also be said to be a grass on the wall in the Central Committee of Soviet Russia. Of course, most of the time, this guy's position is closer to the chairman Comrade Ulyanov, because Trotsky I simply look down on this party theorist who can only play tricks.

Ulyanov was pacing in the conference room with his hands behind his back, while secretly looking at each of the central committee members in the conference room. It stands to reason that as long as Trotsky and him maintain a unified position, then Joseph's attempt to force the palace will never be possible. It will easily be passed by a majority vote in the zhong yang committee.

Then, even if Joseph jumps out to challenge himself, then in the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, the four votes of Sdrviev, Dzerzhinsky, Stasova and Chicherin are definitely his basic security votes.

But wait a minute, Dzerzhinsky and his Cheka’s anti-revolutionary work in the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front was said to have received full support from Joseph, and the cooperation between the two sides complemented each other very tacitly. Could it be that these two guys actually secretly What deal didn't work out?

Ulyanov's eyes quietly moved to the face of Dzerzhinsky in the corner of the conference room, trying to see the clues. Dzerzhinsky's thin and tall body was buried on the sofa chair, with a pair of long legs Stretched and spread out on the carpet in front of him, his body posture looks more casual, neither tense nor flustered, his face is as bitter as ever, and his brows are furrowed.

It doesn't look like there is any private agreement or deal with Joseph, let's just look at it, Ulyanov shifted his attention from Dzerzhinsky to Bukharin again, the editor-in-chief of "Pravda" obviously Reading such a long telegram just now was a bit exhausting, and now my spirits are a little weak, my eyes are dull and scattered, I am playing with a pencil in my hand, and I am muttering silently to myself, I don’t know where I am. mutter something.

Turned around and came back to look at Kamenev and Zinoviev. The two whispered together, not knowing what they were planning, and Sdrviev and Trotsky did not know when to get together. Together, they were also mumbling and discussing something.

"Comrades! Don't have a small meeting. If you have something to put on the table, the Bolsheviks must be aboveboard and not talk about those things. The demands made on Tsaritsin and Comrade Joseph, everyone talk about it. What is it? An opinion!" Ulyanov stopped and stood in the middle of the conference room, waving his arms and shouted.

The chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia shouted that the members of the Central Committee present could no longer hold their heads in suspense, especially Bukharin could not sit still under Ulyanov's many glances, so he had no choice but to One stood up and expressed his opinion,

"The establishment of the Volga Military District and the Volga Front Army sounds good. Our enemies to the east are the Kolchak and Ufa coalition forces. It seems that the other party does not have a unified command. I don't know what to think in the mountain nest. Looking at it this way, it seems that it is not so necessary for us to unify the command of the Volga River Basin.

The Volga River is 1500 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod in the upper reaches to Tsaritsyn in the lower reaches. It is not so easy to unify command in such a wide area. In fact, there is no precedent. I suggest that Zhong Yang carefully consider this issue. It's over. "

Speaking of which, Bukharin sat down sweating, picked up the water glass on the table and poured it again, his little face was flushed, obviously the first to express his opinion that this job is not easy to do, but fortunately, this guy spoke very smoothly, no matter what In the end, no matter what conclusion he came to, he could not be regarded as standing on the opposite side.

Bukharin's statement obviously did not surprise the other central committee members. After hearing this, Ulyanov's face softened a lot. At least Bukharin could see that he was quite disgusted with the conditions put forward by Joseph in the telegram. dissatisfied!

Nima, is this as simple as the establishment of a military region and a front army? This is Joseph relying on the strength of Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army to challenge Moscow's authority by taking advantage of the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Ufa!

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