Beiyang 1917

Chapter 485


"Comrade Nikolai Ivanovich, what you said just now is very good. There is no precedent for a [-]-kilometer-long front to be defended by a military region and a front army. Here, the core of the question is, is there such a precedent? A mere military region and front army can have the power to negotiate with foreign countries without authorization? Can it have the power to negotiate peace with the enemy it is facing without authorization?"

At the critical moment, it was Ulyanov's most intimate and closest comrade, Comrade Sderderov, who stepped forward and pointed out the problem of challenging Moscow in the Tsaritsyn telegram.

"Papa papa!" The one who applauded was Comrade Ulyanov. After all, gold is forged in fire, Bukharin's speech was at best scratching the surface, or at best, it was just finding a good reason for his refusal.

"Yakov Mikhailoch hit the nail on the head, and he hit the point of the problem. Most of the contents of Comrade Joseph's telegram seem to be very good. They can inspire people and boost morale. Didn't the central committee members just now Like me, you were inspired by Tsaritsin's heroism!"

Then Ulyanov waved his hand, his face darkened, and his voice became more severe, "The relationship between the central government and localities in Soviet Russia, the relationship between superiors and subordinates, organizational principles, these things, some of our comrades have all thrown them into their heads. Later, can a region handle diplomacy on behalf of Zhong Yang and the international community without authorization? It also needs to authorize the power to negotiate with the Ufa coalition forces, who can give such power?"

"I agree with Comrade Ulyanov's point of view that the Central Committee of the Soviet Russian Party in Moscow has absolute dominance over the Soviet Russian regime and the highest leadership over the Soviets in all regions of Russia. Ambition and local interests override the organization and the overall situation, and any reason or excuse is unacceptable!" It was actually Trotsky who said this.

Obviously, the chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council is completely standing at the height of Soviet Russia at the moment, looking at the shitty thing about Joseph and Tsaritsin bargaining with Moscow, Trotsky is still quite human Lord of charm.

If he does not express his position, then Kamenev and Zinoviev, who support him, will not be able to express their views easily. This will inevitably make Ulyanov more dissatisfied with the two of them. I intend to use this opportunity to test the support of the Geminis, Kamenev and Zinoviev.

In Trotsky's view, the loyalty of Kamenev and Zinoviev to the cause of the party is higher than that of Ulyanov or himself. Although they also have ambitions and shortcomings, they do not engage in Conspiracy and tricks, and dare to stick to the truth.

But don’t look at the October Revolution, Kamenev and Zinoviev were almost expelled from the party by Ulyanov because they leaked the news that the party was going to hold an armed uprising, and it was Joseph, Tolo who kept them both But Tsky saw from this matter that Kamenev and Zinoviev were persistent and independent guys.

The set of red-terror that Joseph carried out in Tsaritsyn, although due to the bloody fighting of the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army, seemed to cooperate with the Red Army to keep Tsaritsyn, but the legacy of eradicating the expansion of counter-revolutionaries and the blindness of not respecting objective facts Sooner or later, the conductor will let him fall into it and cannot extricate himself.

It is undeniable that, in Trotsky's view, the first half of Joseph's telegram from Tsaritsyn was quite knowledgeable in the analysis of the Ufa coalition forces. Obviously, Sergin and Voroshilov put a lot of effort into it. What is produced can become a reference for the targeted reconstruction of the Soviet Red Army and the battle against the Ufa coalition forces for a period of time in the future.

However, Trotsky, like Ulyanov, expanded Joseph's personal heroism so quickly and spoke so loudly, and his personal ambition of comparing Tsaritsyn with Moscow and Petersburg was undoubtedly exposed. The reference is quite disgusting and vigilant.

Trotsky himself may not fully accept some of Ulyanov's ultra-left ideas, but as the leader of the Bolshevik Party, in the era of 1918, no one could do better than Ulyanov. Keen insight, the appeal of his speeches, his ability to make correct judgments on things and choose the most effective method, including his ability to unite the central yang committee members and various factions, including his promotion of anti-revolutionary and red-terrorism toughness.

No one is stronger than Comrade Ulyanov, and the whole party is unrivaled. At this moment, Trotsky has no attempt to replace Ulyanov by using faction and power struggle. Absolutely not. Many times, Trotsky Lotsky was just trying to ease down on specific operations as much as possible under the iron-fisted policies of anti-revolutionary policy, wartime doctrine, and surplus food collection, so as to preserve a little more vitality for Russia.

Russian intellectuals, cultural elites, artists, and even capitalists and nobles, many people can be transformed and transformed to serve the Bolsheviks and the Soviet Russian regime. Talented people should not be suppressed indiscriminately as enemies just because they gouging out flesh and mending sores and eviscerating bones to heal wounds.

This is also the reason why Trotsky used a large number of former Tsarist generals who had defected to the Bolsheviks when he created the Soviet Red Army. Come on, how can there be such a severe situation now?

"Lev Davidovich, Comrade Chairman of the Military Council, you are right. The request made in the second half of Comrade Joseph's telegram this time is obviously inappropriate. I believe that the Central Committee can reach a consensus Opinions, reject this untimely request, and criticize and educate Tsaritsyn and Comrade Joseph!"

Kamenev spoke slowly. In his opinion, regarding the matter of Joseph and Tsaritsin, no one in the central committee in Moscow would dare to stand up and challenge Ulyanov and Trotsky at the same time. .

At this time, it is the choice of the vast majority of people to immediately express their support for the two big men in the Central Committee, and Kamenev is no exception. Commander, instead of the role of the logistics minister and firefighting captain as he is now, he only bears the titles of the chairman of the Moscow Soviet and the central committee member.

"I agree with Lev Borisovich that the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front should conduct a self-examination for the misconceptions and demands in the second half of this telegram, and I suggest that Soviet Russia Central Yang consider adjusting the North Caucasus I personally don’t think there is any need for two central yang committee members to stay in the south for the leadership of the Military Region and the Southern Front’s Front Enemy Military Committee!” Zinoviev spoke.

"Gregory Yevseyevich is right. Central Committee member Bubnov is also the chairman of the Soviet in Tsaritsyn. He did a good job in military command when he was in Ukraine. I think Comrade Joseph can be transferred back to Moscow, and Comrade Bubnov can take over his work in the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front, so that the work of the party, government and army in the North Caucasus will be straightened out!"

Bukharin didn't know when he jumped out again. Apparently, this guy was a little regretful that his initial statement was a bit indifferent and lacking in strength. Compared with Kamenev and Zinoviev's suggestions, it was obviously not flattering. I fell short, so I hope to make up for it as soon as possible.

"When Comrade Bubnov was in Ukraine, he didn't pay attention to methods and methods in his work, and his relationship with Ukrainian Red Army generals like Voroshilov and Chernavin was very tense. Now the leaders of the two remaining main army groups of the Southern Front The people are Voroshilov and Chernavin, I am afraid that if Bubnov succeeds Comrade Joseph, there will be some problems in unity, and the work will not be easy to carry out!"

Dzerzhinsky, who had been silent all this time, suddenly appeared.

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