Beiyang 1917

Chapter 486 Sverdlov


In the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, the taciturn Dzerzhinsky seldom opened his mouth, but at the critical moment in front of him sitting in rows eating fruits and vegetables, this man almost fainted Ulyanov by opening his mouth. The chairman of the Soviet Russian Central Committee snorted, his face was ashen and he did not speak.

Here Trotsky couldn't help but said, "Felix Edmondovich, I am not very clear about the situation you reported, Comrade Sverdlov, you are the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council and in charge of organizing Work, do you understand what Dzerzhinsky said?"

All the Soviet Russian central committee members present turned their attention to Sverdlov, and watched closely this central committee member who had strong organizational skills and was most familiar with cadres and personnel arrangements in the Soviet Russian central committee. Dzerzhinsky's future in front of Comrade Ulyanov and the Central Committee of Soviet Russia depended on Sverdlov's answer.

Ulyanov turned around and looked at his most trusted comrade-in-arms with a serious face. As long as Sverdlov gave half an answer that was unfavorable to Dzerzhinsky, Ulyanov would It is planned to change the leader of the Cheka.

No matter how good the eagle dog is, if it is in the hands of your opponents and competitors, it will become a time bomb buried around you. It is absolutely intolerable. When you think of your trust in Cheka and Dzerzhinsky and the Connivance, Ulyanov felt a dull pain in his heart. If Dzerzhinsky and Joseph colluded in private, then neither of them can be used anymore. This would be a great loss to the Bolshevik Party.

The price is so high that even the weak Soviet Central Committee may not be able to bear it. Ulyanov looked back and forth between Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky, but he hoped that what Sverdlov said Dzerzhinsky will not be thrown into the abyss.

雅可夫·米哈依诺维奇·斯维尔德洛夫,于1885年俄历5月23ri(公历6月4ri)诞生在下诺夫哥罗德(现在的高尔基市)一户破产的手工业家庭里。在苏俄zhong yang委员会里,33岁的斯维尔德洛夫是年轻而位高权重的一位zhong yang委员。

In the 80s of the 1900th century, the Russian labor movement was on the rise. Therefore, Sverdlov was influenced by the revolution when he was very young, and he longed to devote himself to the revolutionary struggle to eradicate the arbitrary and unfair phenomena around him. In 15 When Ya. M. Sverdlov was [-] years old, due to his mother's death, his life changed a lot. He went out to make a living in order to share the burden of the family, and worked in Kanavino and Chistopoli successively. Pharmacy apprentice.

In 1901, with the continuous development of the Russian labor movement, Sverdlov returned to his hometown and joined the movement, and became an underground member of the Socialist Labor Party.After Lenin founded "Iskra", he took the purpose of "Iskra" as his maxim to guide his own practice.Therefore, his activities have been "Iskra" attention and praise.


After the Second Congress of the Russian Social Minzhu Labor Party in 1903, he fought to maintain Ulyanov's program and the Bolshevik organizational principles. In just a few years, he was imprisoned many times by the Tsarist authorities and suffered After receiving the baptism of battle, he gradually grew up in the struggle.

The revolution broke out in Russia in 1905, and at the end of that year, the 21-year-old Sverdlov was sent to the Urals to strengthen the work there in order to unify the scattered forces of the party.Thanks to his outstanding activities, not only did the organization and propaganda work of the Ekaterinburg Committee rapidly improve, but he himself became a well-known organizer and speaker to the workers there.

Ulyanov once spoke highly of Sverdlov's early revolutionary activities and his dedication, saying that when he was still a young man, he "wholeheartedly engaged in the revolution."

Sverdlov is also a tenacious guy. During the long-term underground secret work in the Tsarist era, he was arrested fourteen times and spent twelve years in prison and exile.

Yakov Mikhainovich Sverdlov's organizational skills are extremely strong. During the October Revolution, he was in contact with all parties. It was he who ensured that Ulyanov's line was carried out throughout Russia, so that Soviets everywhere Act in unison.

After the success of the revolution, this guy served as the "chairman of the central yang executive committee" and was the first nominal head of state in Soviet Russia.In the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, Sverdlov can almost rank in the top three, at least not lower than the top five, whether it is Joseph who is far away from Tsaritsyn or Dzerzhinsky who is close by, The status in the party is far inferior to this fellow.

In Wang Geng's previous life, after Lenin was assassinated in August 1918, Sverdlov personally practiced the policy of "red-terror". The meeting said: "Sverdlov's absence is an immeasurable loss to the Soviet. In the future, we will have to organize another organization with dozens of people to complete his work alone."

Of course, in this time and space of 1918, Ulyanov has not been assassinated, and he may not even be assassinated, and our young comrade Sverdlov will not fall into the claws of Spanish flu under the protection of penicillin .

In fact, in March 1918, Sverdlov had already had Spanish flu and recovered with the help of penicillin. After the recovery, the presence of Spanish flu antibodies in his body meant that Spanish flu would not affect Uri in most cases. Yanov, a close comrade in arms, poses a new threat.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Dzerzhinsky pursed his mouth tightly and said nothing, but there was a trace of hope in his eyes, Sverdlov scratched his head and said in a bit of embarrassment,

"I also understand the situation that Comrade Dzerzhinsky has mastered. Comrade Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov is an excellent party cadre. In his early years, Comrade Bubnov was in Moscow, I had many contacts with him when doing party work in Nizhny Novgorod, Petersburg, Samara and other cities, he is a very capable leader.”

"Comrade Sverdlov, what everyone is concerned about now is whether Bubnov is qualified for the post of military leader in a region. He and those outstanding Red Army generals from Ukraine, such as Voroshilov and Cher Can comrades like Navin get along well, do they have grievances or feuds, so that they cannot get the support of these Ukrainian Red Army generals?"

Trotsky obviously brought the topic back to the point. What time is it? I don’t have time to listen to Sverdlov talk about his own contacts with Bubnov and his early experiences. There are too many things to decide before midnight, Ugh If the French coalition forces are not fed enough, tomorrow the Soviet Russian Red Army and workers' pickets should risk their lives and prepare to defend Moscow.

In fact, both Sverdlov and Bubnov were members of the Revolutionary Military Headquarters that led the October Armed Uprising. During the October Revolution, they cooperated well and deepened mutual understanding. Of course, Sverdlov’s party The status in the country and the ranking in the central yang committee are much higher than Bubnov's.

After the victory of the October Revolution, although Bubnov was elected as a member of the central yang, he only served as a member of the Petersburg Revolutionary Military Committee and a political commissar of the city railway station. At the party plenary session, he and Ulyanov became members of the five-member bureau of the representative-congress, and were re-elected as members of the central yang, responsible for the secretariat and organizational work of the central yang.

十月革命后,在第二次全俄苏维埃代表-大会上,斯维尔德洛夫被选为苏维埃全俄zhong yang执行委员会主席团成员。1917年11月8ri(公历11月21ri)当选为苏维埃全俄zhong yang执行委员会主席。

As for the intersection of Comrades Sverdlov and Joseph, it was because Sverdlov participated in the preparations for the Sixth Congress of the Russian Social Minzhu Labor Party and made an organizational work report at the meeting. In August 1917, he was selected into the central yang core group together with Joseph.Then, he formed an organizational bureau with Dzerzhinsky and others.

So Comrade Joseph and Dzerzhinsky actually have a closer relationship with Sverdlov than with the party leader Ulyanov. Therefore, today Kamenev and Zinov When Yefu took advantage of Ulyanov being dizzy by Tsaritsin's challenge, he proposed to replace Joseph with Bubnov.

Although Dzerzhinsky was the last to speak, he bit the bullet and put forward different opinions. These were all mixed up by previous sources. Without communication or tacit understanding, it can only be regarded as a pertinent opinion based on the facts.

In fact, it reminded Sverdlov that this Bublov was in the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, and he was a supporter of Trotsky. How could he be easily promoted to Tsaritsyn? When Bonov was presiding over the work in Ukraine, he had a feud with Voroshilov and the others.

Of course, Sverdlov could see that Comrade Joseph's achievements in Tsaritsyn, coupled with the catalysis of his personal self-expansion, led Joseph to take advantage of the Soviet Russian Red Army's disastrous defeat in the Battle of Ufa to try to provoke a war. The questioning of the central yang of Soviet Russia brought a huge challenge to the authority of Ulyanov and the central yang of Soviet Russia.

However, Sverdlov has been engaged in organizational work for a long time. He knows that at this critical and difficult juncture, the Soviet Russian Central Committee can maintain unity as the first choice. For example, replacing Joseph with Bubnov, this method is obviously not a good method for Ulyanov and Sverdlov's faction.

"Then let me just say that Comrade Bubnov is very capable, but there are indeed some problems with the coordination and coordination with the generals of the Ukrainian local army. I think that even if the leadership of Tsaritsin and the Southern Front should be adjusted, Bubnov Comrade Nove is not the best candidate!"

Sverdlov's succinct words blocked the possibility of Soviet Russian Central Committee member Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov's success in Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front.

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