Beiyang 1917

Chapter 504 One wave of the big hand and that's it


"Gun, according to you, are you and your coalition forces going to abandon me and my government?" Kolchak's face was livid, and his left hand unconsciously grasped the hilt of the saber at his waist, his eyes both Terrified and disappointed.

"Alexander Vasilyevich, I am personally willing to continue to support you in your struggle for Russia and the Russian people, but the task entrusted to me by the Allied Powers is to open up the Eastern Front, fight against Germany and Austria, and catch the bull. The tail brought it back from the Western Front.

This is my first and highest mission. I came all the way from China to fight side by side with you, not just to eliminate the Bolsheviks. Germany and Austria are the Allied Powers and my goal. Now you and your zhengfu If you insist on breaking away from the structure of the Allied Powers and doing things on your own, in the short term, at least on the bright side, we cannot continue to openly support you and the Soviet Union to continue fighting! "

What Wang Geng said was also quite sincere, and there were a lot of thought-provoking thoughts inside and outside the words. Obviously, if Kolchak really succeeded in overthrowing the Soviet Russian regime, maybe the Allied Powers would have to stand up at that time. Said, we have been silently supporting Kolchak and his government, otherwise where would he get the weapons, ammunition and food to carry on the war?

Kolchak murmured in his stomach when he heard the words, Nima, who doesn’t know that your Sino-Japanese alliance is under the banner of the Allied Powers, but what you actually do is to carve up Russia’s thoughts. The Chinese have taken it back, and West Siberia has become a trusteeship for the coalition forces. Now even Ufa is going to be taken over. Who believes that next time you will have such a big appetite that you will also take the left bank of the Volga River into your own hands?

In fact, Wang Geng really didn't have that kind of thought. Britain, France and the United States among the Allied Powers would never sit back and watch the Sino-Japanese alliance encroach and carve up Russia's European core. The Volga River is almost the bottom line. But even the hegemony of Asia is not enough. It stands to reason that the Ural Mountains are the bottom line of the Allied Powers.

Eurasia was originally bounded by the Ural Mountains, so the Sino-Japanese Alliance swallowed West Siberia to the east of the Ural Mountains in one go. If you want China and Japan to travel thousands of miles to Europe to compete with Germany and Austria, who will do it for you if you don't give me some sweets?

According to the results of the secret consultations between the governments of China and Japan under the leadership of Wang Geng, the first goal of the Sino-Japanese alliance in the west is to consolidate the east of the Ural Mountains and ensure that the land from West Siberia to the west of Lake Baikal will be owned from then on. The Sino-Japanese alliance, as for how to divide the spoils between the two countries, will be discussed later.

Anyway, this newly developed territory of the Sino-Japanese Alliance in the north is a mess. Even if West Siberia is assigned to Japan, it is still far away from the mainland of Japan. Stuck in the middle, if one is unhappy in the future and the two countries have a dispute, the artery of the Siberian Railway will be cut off by China.

The enclave of West Siberia cannot continue to stay in Japan's territory. Of course, since China and Japan have an all-round alliance, few people still think about it, what if the two countries turn their faces in the future?

This problem is not a problem for the Chinese at all. We are used to being a big country in China. Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty was rotten and we were bullied by the West and Little Japan for decades, aren’t we revived now? Regardless of how the various factions in the country engage in parliamentary politics-the struggle has not yet seen the final resolution, but foreign policy is a certainty and will not change drastically.

Although China's national strength is still weak, there is a modern army armed to the teeth under the Xianjun politics-the Chinese participating army is a strong backing, especially Japan has lowered its head and joined the Sino-Japanese Alliance like a little daughter-in-law. Big family, who dares to mess with the Sino-Japanese Alliance right now?

In the future, only Europe and the United States can really challenge the Sino-Japanese alliance, but Europe itself has never been unified. The history of a few warships firing a few guns to invade China is completely gone forever. As for the United States?The United States has completely given up territorial expansion after the Spanish-American War, and the China-Ri alliance is a close partner and the largest potential market for the United States against European forces in Asia.

Even if the United States really becomes the enemy of the Sino-Japanese alliance at sea one day, it will have to be said in 20 years. At this moment, no one dares to mess with the Sino-Japanese alliance, so the Chinese do not think that Japan will get bored with life one day and will talk to China again Flip.

Because Japan is not a mainland country, after seeing millions of people in mainland countries mobilize tens of millions of troops to fight for so many years in the European War, the China-Japan Alliance opened a window for Japan that Japan has never seen or even thought about. , Before the China-ri alliance, Japan has always regarded China as its imaginary enemy and the biggest potential enemy, as well as the object of carve-up.

Under Wang Geng's oppression and leadership, after Japan and China established an all-round alliance, it was terrible. Japan found that the world was too big for itself. Now let alone Britain, the United States, Germany and Austria, even the Americans are not Dare to tell yourself that you can't easily say that China's continuous supply of low-priced oil, as well as China's huge demand and market for railways, mines, highways, factories, equipment, and rich strategic resources in the process of industrialization, make Japan simply overwhelmed. The poor guy who has been living in a tight belt for thousands of years has suddenly become an upstart.

The insightful people in Japan are naturally worried. Originally, the cultures of China and Japan have a long history. If China and Japan continue to form an alliance all the way, only China will not have Japan in the future. What about Japan's cultural heritage? Is Ri himself still called Ri himself? After thinking about it, no one dares to stand up and speak out. Alliance with China is like taking drugs for Japan.

The Japanese army, which has always been ineffective, has completely stopped in front of the Chinese army. In addition to throwing [-] guns and stabbing individual soldiers, the Japanese veterans may be better than those soldiers who have less than a year of service in the Chinese army The marksmanship of the Japanese veterans is trained by long-term enlistment in the army, while the marksmanship of the Chinese participating army is fed by shooting a large number of live ammunition in a short period of time.

In terms of physical fitness, the two sides are on par, but the physical fitness and size of the Chinese soldiers are stronger than the Japanese soldiers, and the strength trained in flood fighting and rescue and water conservancy projects is not inferior to the Japanese in digging fortifications and bunkers This is a veteran, and the shooter has an m1911 Browning automatic pistol on his butt, so the shooter in hand-to-hand combat and hand-to-hand combat unless the rifle and pistol have all the bullets, otherwise they don't even bother to fight the bayonet with the enemy.

Japan must not do stupid things. Since China and Japan have made an all-round alliance with one heart and one mind, they will take the future road together step by step. Once the two sides turn against each other, it will be a question of whether Japan can continue to survive. This is the thinking of the vast majority of Japanese who really understand the background and strength of China and Japan.

When Wang Geng made such a statement, Kolchak knew that unless he bowed his head, the Ufa Great Plain would no longer be under the rule of his All-Russian Autonomous Government, so he could give up the great opportunity created by the victory of the Ufa Battle, and thus The strike and armistice with the Bolsheviks, morally speaking, is a betrayal of those who follow them. How can they compromise with the Bolsheviks? How many nobles, big capitalists, landlords and rich peasants were slaughtered by the other side like dogs. There are rumors that even the Tsar The entire family has been secretly murdered by the Bolsheviks!

Kolchak is a soldier, not a politician, otherwise he would never have done it alone without the support and approval of the Allied Powers. In Kolchak's view, it would be good to expect the coalition forces to wipe out the Bolsheviks, but now the other side refuses to , and even if the coalition forces are willing to send troops to continue fighting.

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak is still worried that it will be like the Great Plains of Ufa at that time. When the Soviet Red Army is driven away, this site will fall into the hands of the coalition forces again, regardless of the puppets they support What is the name of the self-governing government? In fact, it is still the allied forces of the Allied Powers.

This is a bit like seeking skin from a tiger and drinking poison to quench thirst. In the end, it may be nothing. Fortunately, the King of China is obviously quite good to himself personally. Really can win.

Thinking about it this way, Kolchak gradually understood Wang Geng's difficulties in standing on the position of the Allied forces. Since the Allies decided to grab the tail of the brute Germany and Austria in order to grab the time, they decided to temporarily make peace. The Moscow truce, then, on the surface, it is necessary to draw a clear line with its own All-Russian autonomous government and keep a distance, otherwise, how can Soviet Russia accept it?

Let the Allied Powers and the Allied Forces see that the Russian White Guards are also an unassailable force!Kolchak made up his mind, nodded, stretched out his hand to Wang Geng and said,

"As long as the Allies can help us when we are in danger, I will promise you that with the Kama River as the boundary, the south will belong to you. I don't care whether you plan to establish an autonomous government in Ufa or an autonomous government in Samara. Anyway, my troops will not come from the south, we will fight all the way west to Moscow! When will the food you promised and the weapons and equipment of the ten divisions be transported to Kazan?

Also, can all the Russian troops in the Ufa coalition army and the prisoners of the Soviet Russian Red Army be given to me? "Kolchak obviously wants to gain more strength, so he can earn more!

Wang Geng laughed loudly when he heard the words, stood up and patted the shoulder of the highest consul in Russia, and said, "Alexander Vasilyevich, I definitely can't give you the prisoners of the Soviet Russian Red Army. They surrendered to the coalition forces, not to you. The White Guards surrendered, and the two of you killed each other in the previous battle and formed a deep hatred, it will be difficult to digest for a while!"

"What about the Russian units of the Ufa First and Second Army in the eight divisions?" Kolchak did not mention Petrovich's cavalry units. In his opinion, too greedy people backfired.

"I want to solve this problem in this way. All the soldiers and generals in the Ufa First Army and Second Army can voluntarily choose to stay in the newly established Ufa Autonomous Zhengfu troops or go to the White Guards in Kazan. The same is true for Petrovich's cavalry army, allowing soldiers to choose voluntarily, come and go freely, but they can only choose once!" Wang Geng waved his hand.

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