Beiyang 1917

Chapter 505 Tsaritsin Unbelievable


"The Ufa coalition army is not doing things properly. They are anxious to ask us to reply before midnight. As a result, our reply has been sent, but the other party's reply will not come through? Could it be that they are playing some tricks?" It's Bukharin, these bigwigs of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union in Moscow have almost lived and boarded in the Kremlin recently. Wasn't it caused by the Battle of Ufa and the coalition forces?

Although there are only two and a half real bosses in the Soviet Russian Central Committee, one is Ulyanov, the chairman of the Soviet Russian Central Committee, and the other is Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council, and the remaining half are A close comrade-in-arms of the little leader, Sverdlov, a 33-year-old member of the Central Committee and vice-chairman of the Supreme Military Council.

But who is worried that if Zhong Yang makes a decision related to himself when he is away, there is no place to complain. At this moment, he has been appointed as the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the newly formed Volga Military Region and the commander of the Volga Front Army Sverdlov, a member of the committee, and Kamenev, who was appointed to be his political commissar, were discussing how to proceed with the next step in a corner of the conference room.

Dzerzhinsky went to the telecommunications room to guard the radio station again. It took at least an hour for the reply to the Ufa coalition army and the reply to Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army to be sent out. As a result, both parties were silent. There was no reply at all, and both Ulyanov and Trotsky were a little restless. Seeing this, Dzerzhinsky stood up and went to the telecommunications room to wait for the telegram in obscurity.

Zinoviev was very energetic at the moment, and he leaned next to Sverdlov and Kamenev, helping out ideas together, and the three whispered and argued from time to time.

Obviously, the future Volga Military Region and Front Army will become the pillars of the Red regime in the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front. How to knead and organize the team, arm and develop it, defend the banks of the Volga River, and block the enemy's possible attack at any time Offensive, and when the time is right, there are still many ways to launch a counter-offensive. For Sverdlov and Kamenev, this challenge is actually astonishing.

"Lev Davidovich, why did Tsaritsyn take so long to call back? Did Comrade Joseph dare to be bold and refuse the transfer order of the Central Committee?" Ulyanov walked to Tolo with his hands behind his back. Tsky stepped forward and couldn't help asking.

"Well, I don't think so. After all, we sent him and Bubnov back to Moscow to report on his work and attend the meeting in the name of holding a plenary meeting of the Central Committee. In order for him to leave smoothly, we fully affirmed in the telegram that The analysis and research on the combat methods of the coalition forces in the previous Tsaritsin telegram!

Not only that, we also said in the telegram that Zhong Yang admired Tsaritsin and comrades of the Southern Front Army for their precious qualities of never being intimidated by difficulties and always maintaining a strong fighting spirit and a brave spirit! "Trotsky shook his head slightly, apparently not thinking that Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili could smell a trace of ominousness when he received such a telegram praising himself.\\.\\

"That's right, we made a formal statement in the telegram, how did you say it specifically?" Ulyanov murmured.

"We expressed our position in the telegram that we believe that the proposals put forward by Comrades Tsaritsin and Joseph to establish the Volga Military District and the Volga Front Army as soon as possible are very timely and very important. Zhong Yang believes that this matter is urgent and urgent. This time, an emergency meeting of the Zhong Yang Committee is held We will formally discuss and make a decision on this proposal at that time, so all members of the Central Committee are requested to rush back to Moscow to attend the meeting as soon as possible!"

The telegram sent to Tsaritsin and Joseph was drafted by Trotsky, and this guy recounted it casually. In order to coax Joseph back to Moscow, this telegram almost beat the drums and knocked Joseph and Tsaritsin together. It's a boast, if this can't coax the little Georgian man back, then he can only send Dzerzhinsky to take Cheka on a trip himself.

"Tsaritsyn has called back!" Dzerzhinsky hurried in with the telegram draft, sweating profusely. If you say this guy is so thin, in the night of Moscow in mid-July, the temperature is below 7 degrees. Next, sweating all over, obviously the weight of this telegram is not light.

"How do you say it?" The members of Zhong Yang in the conference room immediately raised their heads and asked almost in unison.

"I'll read it!" Bukharin strode forward and snatched the telegram draft from Dzerzhinsky's hand. This action obviously hurt Bukharin, the People's Commissar of Propaganda and the editor-in-chief of "Pravda". It is said that those who have already practiced it are handy.

Bukharin took the telegram to the light, cleared his throat, and read:

Revolutionary Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District and Military Committee of the Front Enemy of the Southern Front

To the Moscow Central Committee and the Supreme Military Council

Ulyanov and Trotsky

The call from Moscow has been received, and the notice from Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front is very pleased with Moscow's praise, but it seems that there is no need to hold a plenary meeting of the Central Yang Committee if it is only to discuss the establishment of the Volga Military Region and the establishment of the Front Army.

The tasks and tasks of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army are quite heavy. If it is necessary to send someone back to Moscow to participate in the meeting, it is suggested that the chairman of the Tsaritsyn Soviet, Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov Back to Moscow first.

As for myself, due to the losses of Egorov's Ninth Army on the right bank of the Volga, the news seems to have reached the White Guards on the Don and the North Caucasus. Attacked Tsaritsyn four times.

Comrades from Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, including myself, believe that at this critical moment, my departure from Tsaritsyn will seriously shake the morale of the Southern Front Army and make the outcome of the next battle to defend Tsaritsyn unpredictable. Therefore, we suggested that Bubnov should represent me and go back to Moscow to attend that emergency meeting of the Central Committee.

In addition, comrades from Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, while fully supporting the establishment of the Volga River Military Region and the Volga River Front Army, based on our current situation and the situation of the two Soviet Red Army Front Armies on the Eastern Front, they proposed the following plan for Moscow For reference, of course, there are also my opinions here, as follows:

1. The Volga Military District will govern from Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Simbirsk, Syzran, Saratov, Tsaritsyn to Astrakhan all the cities of the Volga River Already their respective states and territories.

2. The Volga Front Army will be composed mainly of the Eighth and Tenth Army Groups of the Southern Front Army, absorb the Third Army Group of the Eastern Front Army, and other units of the former Eastern Front Army and Southern Front Army. Workers' divisions within the jurisdiction of the Volga River Military Region , Sailor Division, and Volunteer Division will also be included in the establishment of the Volga Front Army.

3. In order to hold the Volga River and fight back to the right bank of the Volga River when the conditions are ripe, the Volga Front Army should rebuild the Ninth Army as soon as possible on the basis of the original three army groups, and build at least three new army groups. We recommend Designation can be No.11, No.12 and No.13 Army.

4. In order to arm and build the Volga Front Army as soon as possible, we believe that Moscow should purchase or obtain the weapons and equipment of no less than 20 infantry divisions from the German-Austrian Allies in the shortest possible time. Priority access and available.

In addition, there are a large number of anti-aircraft guns. The new front army needs a large number of anti-aircraft weapons to offset the air superiority of the coalition forces on the other side of the river. Of course, if possible, we also need a large number of armored vehicles, if they can be obtained!

5. Regarding the selection of the leaders of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army, although I declined many times, the comrades of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army still believe that Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, a member of the Central Yang Committee, is the The best candidate for the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Volga Military Region, and he can also serve as the commander of the Volga Front Army!

In addition, the comrades here, including myself, unanimously recommend that Comrade Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov can be qualified as a military commissar of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Volga Military District, and at the same time as the Volga Military member of the former enemy military committee of the front army.

Of course, the comrades recommended that Comrade Sekin, the former commander of the Southern Front Army, be qualified as the chief of staff of the Volga Front Army. His military command experience will provide useful guidance and assistance to the new Front Army.

In addition, Comrade Voroshilov's political commissar can succeed him as the commander of the army group, and Comrade Gydis, the former chief of staff of the front army, can serve as the commander of a newly formed army group, as can Chernavin's political commissar. Commander of a newly formed army group.

In addition, if Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny and his political commissar Xia Tenko can successfully withdraw to the left bank of the Volga River, we suggest that a new cavalry army be formed under the Volga River Front Army, and Budyonny Comrade will be well qualified for this position. His bravery, fearlessness, and brainy combat and command style have left a deep impression on everyone!

6. We still believe that the leader of the newly formed Volga Military District should be authorized by the Moscow Central Yang Committee. Judging the situation and decisively making some external decisions or policies, this can maintain great flexibility.

All in all, we have made the above suggestions and recommendations based on a responsible attitude towards doctrine and cause, and hope to get your approval and acceptance, of course, under the overall consideration and arrangement of Moscow central yang!

In any case, we respect and obey the leadership of the Moscow Central Committee and the Supreme Revolutionary Military Council as always, there is no doubt about it!

Revolutionary Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District and Military Committee of the Front Enemy of the Southern Front

Chairman and Military Commissioner Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili

From Tsaritsyn to Moscow


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