Beiyang 1917

Chapter 507 Compromise is to continue fighting


But in the end it was really a false alarm. Matveyev Yenisevich Bodley, the captain of the Kremlin guard, was an old Bolshevik member from the working class, and his loyalty to the Soviet and the Bolshevik Party was undeniable. Doubt.

The Kremlin Guard is the first internal guard of the Bolshevik Party, and the personnel review is extremely strict. Matveyev patted his chest and assured Ulyanov that the large conference room of the Soviet Russian Central Committee was usually a Flies can't fly in, let alone get out.

"Please rest assured, Comrade Chairman, the boys in the guard are all revolutionary fighters from the working class, and will never mix with hostile elements with malicious intentions. I am in charge of the guard and I am directly responsible to Comrade Sverdlov, soldier There is absolutely no need to worry about their loyalty and reliability!"

Guard Captain Matveyev stood in front of a group of central committee members with his chest upright, his eyes firm and confident.

"Vladimir Ilyich, fellow central committee members, Matveyev and his subordinates are absolutely loyal Bolshevik fighters and will never collude with outsiders to endanger our party and central yang. I respect him for this There is 100% trust!" Sverdlov, the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council, now believes that even if someone leaks the news tonight, it will definitely not be done by the Kremlin guards under his control.

"That's good, that's good! Comrade Matveyev, tell the boys to be vigilant, sometimes the enemy does not come from outside, but hides among us, right next to us, the Kremlin The safety and security work needs to be strengthened, understand? Well, you can go about your own business!" Ulyanov patted the shoulder of the captain of the guard and gave a few instructions. After getting a positive answer from the other party, he waved Waved this fellow to leave.

"It seems to be a false alarm. It's nothing. It's all messed up. Dzerzhinsky, your Cheka is not only a dictatorship team to eliminate counter-revolutionaries. Don't go to the Cheka. It is also an intelligence organization. It needs to be strengthened." Intelligence gathering work, you know what I mean? Enemies are not only from outside, but also hidden within us, even yesterday’s comrades will become tomorrow’s traitors, there are no exceptions because of high or low rank, do you understand? ?”

The chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia stood in front of the leader of the Cheka, looking up into his eyes while poking the other's chest with his finger.

Dzerzhinsky breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly, knowing that he had escaped a catastrophe. If he really lost the trust of Comrade Ulyanov, he would establish a solid foundation in the work of leading the Cheka to eliminate counter-revolutionaries. His iron-blooded and ruthless image is likely to become the target of public criticism, not to mention continuing to be a member of the central yang, he may become a victim of the leader's appeasement of various factions to quell the complaints brought about by the expansion of counter-revolutionaries.

"Then let's do this. According to what Comrade Trotsky said just now, send another telegram to Tsaritsin. If Joseph does not come this time, then don't blame Moscow for not believing in tears. Tomorrow the Central Committee will Call an emergency meeting to remove Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili from all positions inside and outside the party! And hand over to the Cheka to arrest and examine his problems and mistakes! What do you all think? "

Ulyanov waved his hand fiercely, venting his aggrieved and depressed heart, while scanning the central committee members in the conference room with sharp eyes.


"Let's do it!" Trotsky and several other central committee members expressed their views one after another. Moscow has done its best to Joseph and Tsaritsin. If the other party insists on going its own way, it will not hesitate to split.

Of course, neither Ulyanov nor Trotsky really thought that Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army would really follow Joseph in raising the anti-banner against Soviet Russia, or launch a rebellion or even join the Socialist Revolutionaries and In the arms of the Mensheviks, Joseph is a careerist, and also a careerist of the Bolsheviks, and he will never stand in the enemy's camp.

The Bolsheviks in Tsaritsin and the Southern Front will not all defect to the enemy's camp. Both Ulyanov and Trotsky have enough confidence in this.

Dzerzhinsky went out to send a telegram, and the silence of the Kremlin conference room could hear a needle drop, of course, because the floor was covered with a Bohemian hand-woven plush carpet. Dropping a piece of chalk on the carpet was also silent, the night wind gently blowing the curtains by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and in the distance outside the window was the sound of the orderly footsteps of the guards patrolling.

The members of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union worked hard all day, and they felt a little tired at the moment. Sverdlov simply got up and walked out, and came back after a while with a hot tea mug. The steaming milk, this man handed it to Ulyanov while explaining to other central committee members,

"This is my share of milk. I was so busy that I almost forgot to drink it. I just went to warm it up and moisten Comrade Ulyanov's throat. Anyway, I drank it on the train back."

Trotsky, Kamenev, and Zinoviev were silent when they heard the words. Although the food supply in Moscow has been quite tight, the milk and bread of the central committee members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia The rationing of sugar, tea and coffee can still be guaranteed, but there are too many people who come to Ulyanov every day to ask for instructions, so Comrade Chairman’s rationing is often given to the comrades below by him as a favor. real.

But Bukharin swallowed his saliva, feeling a bit hungry growling for a while, this guy got up and wanted to go out to find something to eat, walked to the door and came back. These days, let alone the landlords and rich peasants have no surplus food, Even the central committee members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, food is also rationed, but there is not a piece of bread for many, unless comrades from other places come to Moscow to report on work or something, maybe they can bring some local specialties as a supper or something.

At this moment, several central committee members were thinking about it. Comrade Joseph often brought some food to comrades in Moscow from Tsaritsyn. No matter what name or quantity, everyone got Joseph. As for the benefits of Tsaritsin, at this moment, the two sides are at war with each other to the point where they are at odds. What a twist of fate. Do you think that this person is as ambitious as Comrade Joseph?

The surrounding enemies are still staring at each other. The Soviet Red Army just suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Ufa. At this moment, your Joseph’s selfishness is so inflated, and you play it in Tsaritsyn. Show it to the Soviet Russian Central Yang and the Bolshevik Party What a mess!

Not long after this time, Dzerzhinsky hurriedly pushed the door in, holding two telegram drafts in his hand, with a look of surprise and joy on his face, and shouted after entering the door,

"Tsaritsin called back. Comrade Joseph promised to take a special train with Comrade Bubnov to return to Moscow early tomorrow morning, and they will probably arrive tomorrow evening! There is also a telegram from the Ufa coalition forces, and I haven't had time to read it yet!"

Here Bukharin was at the door, and quickly snatched the draft telegram from Dzerzhinsky's hand, walked quickly to the bright place, and read anxiously:

Revolutionary Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District and Military Committee of the Front Enemy of the Southern Front

To Moscow Central Committee and Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia

To Ulyanov and Trotsky,

I received the call and everything is clear. In the early morning tomorrow, I myself and Comrade Bubnov, the central committee member, will go back to Moscow on my special train. For the sake of safety along the way, the Southern Army will send a division of troops to escort us along the way. When you arrive in Moscow, please arrange the troop camp and logistical support in advance.

At the same time, we will urgently transfer a batch of food back to Moscow together, and we will discuss everything after meeting.

Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili


When Bukharin read the reply from Tsaritsin Joseph, all the central committee members present breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became active. He also smiled. It is the best ending to avoid tearing up with Tsaritsin. As long as Joseph is willing to return to Moscow, everything will be easy to handle. Otherwise, the future of the Soviet Russian regime and the Bolshevik Party is really uncertain.

"It's easy to handle. Comrade Joseph finally hasn't forgotten that he is a Bolshevik. Bukharin, hurry up and read what the telegram from the Ufa coalition army said!" Go grab the draft telegram in Bukharin's hand, and just ask Bukharin to read it out quickly.

Bukharin brought up the following telegram, glanced at it hastily, but frowned, and the other central committee members here urged him to read it quickly, it was almost midnight, and he was tired all day and night in central yang The committee members are iron men, and sometimes their physical and mental strength are weak, but Bukharin is the youngest here, and his mental strength is still a little bit at the moment.

Bukharin cleared his throat, but read in a hoarse voice,

"Ufa Allied Forces Command to the Central Committee of the Soviet Union

Ulyanov and Trotsky and all Soviet Russian central committee members

Your last telegram has been received. Regarding the issue of prisoners of war and their families, you must have understood our position. Neither of us needs to waste time playing word games or face-saving projects. If the family members and friends of the captured Soviet Red Army suffer unfair treatment from your side, we will take what we think is necessary. This is the problem!

Regarding the issue of the truce between the two sides, we are happy to see that you have realized the current situation of the Soviet Red Army and Moscow. The truce is appropriate and necessary for both sides. The demarcation has reached the following agreement:

1. On the right bank of the Volga River, a new Volga Federal Autonomous Government protected by the Ufa Allied Forces will be established. This Volga Federal Autonomous Government will be bounded by the Volga River from the control area of ​​the Soviet Russian regime. To the south of the mountain, at the confluence of the center of the Kamala River and the Volga River channel, the southern end is [-] kilometers north of Saratov, and the border of the western section is [-] kilometers north of the Saratov-Kursk line.

2. The establishment of the above boundary is the basis for the truce between the two sides. If it is not acceptable, then this truce agreement will be terminated.

3. The Soviet Red Army is not allowed to garrison within [-] kilometers of the border. Of course, any Soviet soldiers crossing the border will be regarded as an act of war!

4. The Soviet Red Army and all military forces must withdraw within three days from the south of Saratov-Kursk, including the Tsaritsyn area. Local residents and ordinary people can continue to live where they are. Their lives and property Safety will be the same as the residents on the right bank of the Volga River, protected by the coalition forces and the newly established Volga Federal Autonomous Government. All Soviet Red Army, worker pickets, and paramilitary personnel who have laid down their arms will be treated as civilians and subject to the same treatment. Protect.

5. The Ufa coalition forces and the Volga Federal Autonomous Government maintain the same neutral attitude towards the Kolchak regime and the Soviet Russian regime, do not intervene in wars or peace talks between the two sides, and do not publicly support one of them to attack the other. In fact, We suggest that the two sides can also sit down and negotiate instead of resorting to force to resolve the dispute.

6. The Soviet Russian regime must abide by neutrality. Before or after the war between the Allied Forces and the German-Austrian Allies, any troops from the German-Austrian Allied Powers entering the area under the actual control of the Soviet Russian regime will be deemed to have broken the neutrality of the Soviet Russian regime and joined the Allied Powers to fight , then the ceasefire and demarcation agreement reached by the Ufa coalition forces and the Volga Federal Autonomous Government with the Soviet Russian regime before will become invalid.

Please reply to confirm acceptance of the above armistice and demarcation agreement before 24:[-] midnight, otherwise the negotiation will be terminated automatically!

God bless you!

Wang Geng, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of Ufa


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