Beiyang 1917

Chapter 508 The Allied Army Can't Be Really That Bad, Can It?


"What is the Volga Federal Autonomous Government? What kind of tricks is the Chinese king playing? The right bank of the Volga River is not controlled by Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government. Where did this Volga Federal Autonomous Government come from? This It's all messed up, who can tell me what's going on?" Ulyanov yelled, frowning and waving his arms.

"Vladimir Ilyich, from the literal understanding of the telegram, it seems that the Ufa coalition forces want to establish a new autonomous government on the right bank of the Volga River, just like the West Siberian autonomous government they established east of the Ural Mountains Zinoviev, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and an expert on Asian issues, expressed his views.

"Are you kidding? Didn't the Ufa coalition support Kolchak's White Guards? In the Ufa battle, more than half of the opponent's ground troops were White Guards and Russian troops. Could it be that Kolchak broke up with the Chinese king?" Bukharin, member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and editor-in-chief of "Pravda", just finished reading the telegram, and at the moment he was a little confused, and didn't understand what was going on with the coalition forces.

"There is such a possibility, just as Joseph and Tsaritsyn's southern army refused to negotiate a truce with the Ufa coalition forces, maybe Kolchak and his White Guards in Kazan also refused to truce with us, so Ufa The King of China of the French Allied Forces abandoned Kolchak and his regime, and planned to create some kind of self-government of the Volga Federation!" Kamenev frowned and analyzed.

"Kamenev is right. We just suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Ufa and lost almost 30 main Red Army troops. Kolchak's main force has been fighting in the direction of Kazan, and now it is he who is marching westward. Good timing, if it were me, I wouldn’t want to stop the war at this time, so it must be that the king and Kolchak of the Ufa coalition army broke up, and the two sides went their own way. This is great news for us! "

Sverdlov, member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and vice-chairman of the Supreme Military Council, waved his fist with excitement on his face. Obviously, this guy keenly saw Kolchak's dissatisfaction with the Soviet regime and the Soviet Union after he lost the support of the coalition forces. That's a plus for the Red Army.

"It's really as good as you said? Yakov Mikhailovich, hearing you say that, the people who made it are very enthusiastic, but I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. How dare Kolchak put aside With the support of the Allied Powers and the Allied Forces, go it alone? How can the White Guards who go it alone be the opponent of our Soviet Red Army? There will be no traps here?"

The chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia is obviously more cautious at the moment. Moscow has always received bad news since the Battle of Ufa. The main group of the Soviet Russian Red Army beat the shit out of it, and almost maintained another line of defense in Ufa, the Soviet Red Army on the entire Eastern Front.

At such a juncture, Kolchak broke up with the coalition forces?Isn't this a pie from the sky?Is the King of China of the Ufa coalition really so kind?Is this going to remain neutral to the civil war between Soviet Russia and Kolchak?

A series of question marks popped up in Ulyanov's head, and this guy even grabbed Sverdlov's hand in desperation, trying to get some clues from his close partner's face to help Judge for yourself.

Bukharin here heard the words, but he muttered in his heart, Comrade Ulyanov, some of our central committee members are still hungry, you just poured a teacup of hot milk that Sverdlov gave you Eat it, don't you have to be warm in your heart.

Thinking of this, Bukharin's stomach growled with hunger again. The guy's legs softened, and he hurriedly found a chair and sat down. He picked up the teacup on the table and did not know whose it was. Suppress the hunger in my stomach with a cold cup of tea!

"Vladimir Ilyich, I don't think there will be any traps. The king of the Ufa coalition army seems to be an uncompromising master. He must be just as Sverdlov and Kamenev guessed. Kolchak and his White Guards refused to stop the war, and the king of the Ufa coalition army insisted on a cease-fire, the two sides could not reach an agreement, and each went their own way, going their own way, this is definitely an opportunity for us!"

Trotsky, the founder of the Soviet Red Army and the chairman of the Supreme Military Council, was obviously inspired by the news. As Sverdlov said, the coalition forces had just won a huge victory in the Battle of Ufa. At this time, Ken and the Soviet Russian Red Army ceased fighting. Only the King of China, the Ufa coalition army, could do such weird things.

Trotsky asked himself, if he was in Kolchak's position, he would never agree to a truce.

The Chinese have a saying, yes, "It is advisable to chase the poor with the remaining courage, not to be famous and learn to be the overlord". This is the truth. In fact, like Ulyanov, he will never admit that he and the Soviet Red Army have degenerated into poor bandits in front of the Ufa coalition forces.

"Lev Davidovich, this is not necessarily the case. Kolchak and his all-Russian interim government have always been the targets of the support of the Allied Powers. Even Krasnov and Denikin in the Don River Basin and the North Caucasus also They all recognized the leadership of Kolchak and his regime over themselves, and accepted the appointment letter of the All-Russia Provisional Government.

At this time, the king of China is only a mere soldier, and he can arbitrarily decide on behalf of the Allied Powers that he will no longer support the Kolchak regime?This is a bit unbelievable. It stands to reason that this matter can only be decided after at least consultations with the governments of the Allied countries. How can a battlefield commander be able to make decisions by himself? "

It was Bukharin who stood up to oppose it. It is not unreasonable to say what this fellow said. Otherwise, Trotsky and his people will steal all the limelight, and he will appear even more insignificant in front of the chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia.

Ulyanov frowned when he heard the words. Bukharin's words just hit the heart of his worries. If Kolchak and the king of the Ufa coalition army were playing a ghost trick of building plank roads and crossing Chencang secretly, then what would happen? At that time, the Soviet Russian regime and the Soviet Russian Red Army were really being manipulated by others. We must be cautious about this matter and don't be blindly optimistic and hope for the best.

Trotsky frowned when he heard the words. Bukharin was actually a little bit dissatisfied. It seems plausible and convincing. Could it be that Kolchak and the Ufa coalition forces plan to sing a double reed?Don't tell me, it's really not impossible!

"Nikolai Ivanovich, according to you, the king of the Ufa coalition army is too cunning. This guy signed an armistice agreement with us with an autonomous government of the Volga Federation who doesn't know where it is. , took away Saratov-Kursk south and Tsaritsyn from us without firing a single shot, and then, will this guy continue to go from Kazakhstan in the name of the Kolchak White Guards? The mountain is attacking us?"

Zinoviev frowned while analyzing while thinking.

"Gregory Yevseyevich is so right! That's what I mean, comrades, think about it, it's definitely not impossible, if the truth is true, then we will lose a lot Got it, the king of China got cheap inside and out and acted like a good boy. He got all the benefits. At that time, he will use the name of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government to snatch the south of Saratov and Tsaritsyn from us. , and continue to march westward in the name of Kolchak’s White Guards, what shall we do?”

Bukharin danced and danced and talked more and more vigorously, while Ulyanov, Trotsky and other central committee members frowned deeply.

"If this is the case, then things will be difficult to handle? It's really difficult to handle. We have paid a huge price to hand over the south of Saratov and Tsaritsyn in exchange for an armistice. If the coalition forces are playing How can we explain to the whole party and the Soviet if this is a peddling business? It’s not going to work, absolutely not!”

While muttering to himself, Ulyanov turned around in the big conference room with his hands behind his back. This problem obviously made the central committee members in the room have a hard time, and no one could stand up and stand up for the enemy, especially Ufa A cunning and vicious enemy like the king of the coalition army slapped his chest for assurance?

At this moment, Kamenev and Sverdlov may not really think that the Ufa coalition forces will do this, but no one can open their mouths. Seeing that the negotiation and armistice will come to an impasse, if that optimistic estimate is The truth is that Kolchak and his White Guards, who have lost the support of the Allied Forces and the Allied Powers, will be isolated and helpless, and they are definitely not the opponents of the Soviet Red Army.

Taking advantage of the breakup between Kolchak and the Allied Forces, the Soviet Red Army regrouped and crossed the Volga River to take Kazan. There is great hope for the elimination of Kolchak and his regime.

If that pessimistic estimate is the truth, Kolchak just sang a double reed with the Chinese king of the Ufa coalition army. Every regime is in danger of collapsing.

Now the Kremlin conference room fell into a deathly silence, and the central committee members were silently tossing coins. Is the optimistic estimate the truth, or the pessimistic estimate the truth?Which one is the truth?Should the armistice agreement with the Ufa coalition be signed?If you don't sign it, what will happen if the Ufa coalition forces cross the Volga River tomorrow?

Such a huge problem is placed in front of every member of the Soviet Russian Central Committee present, making people at a loss as to what to do!

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