Beiyang 1917

Chapter 509 The Truce and Demarcation Is Finally Reached


The telegram of the Ufa Allied Forces put the Soviet Russian Central Committee in the Kremlin's large conference room in a state of rampage, and the opinions of optimism and pessimism were evenly divided. Kamenev and Sverdlov insisted that Gore Chak and the Ufa coalition forces broke up. This is a good opportunity for Moscow to seize the opportunity to sign an armistice agreement with the Ufa coalition forces and free up its hands to beat up Kolchak and the White Guards.

Pessimists such as Bukharin and Zinoviev believe that the possibility that the Ufa coalition forces and Kolchak will join hands to sing a double reed and fool Moscow together cannot be ruled out. , whoever is the commander of the Ufa coalition forces, there is no reason why they would rather pay the risk of breaking up with Kolchak and armistice with Moscow alone. This is completely unscientific!

Of course, what Bukharin said was that the Ufa Allied Forces Command did not have the authorization of the governments of the Allied Powers and had no right to decide to abandon the Kolchak regime without authorization, which was refuted by Zinoviev. From my husband's point of view, Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the Ufa coalition, has in fact become the uncrowned king of Asia after he single-handedly created the Sino-Japanese Alliance.

In the Allied Powers, except for the US government and President Wilson who can exert a little influence on the king of China, the governments of Britain and France are not in the eyes of the king of China at all, and the governments of China and Japan actually have no opposition at all. Wang Geng, the new warlord's ability to check and balance.

Who dares to come out and challenge this young man who has been rated as a Chinese national hero by Time Magazine?Who dares?There is even news from the United States that this Chinese Wang Geng is the unmarried son-in-law of the Chinese Cabinet Prime Minister Duan Qirui!Maybe before the end of the year, he will officially marry a girl from Duan Qirui's family and become the visiting son-in-law of Duan's mansion.

The final problem is for Ulyanov and Trotsky, the two big men of the Soviet Russian Central Committee to decide. Ulyanov couldn't help but vent his temper on Derzhins again. base body,

"Felix Edmondovich, I'm not talking about you. Cheka's intelligence work, especially foreign intelligence work, needs to be strengthened. If you can get some real information from Kazan or Ufa right now When the information comes back, do we need to spend most of the night here guessing riddles?"

Dzerzhinsky smiled wryly, spread his hands and murmured in a low voice, "Vladimir Ilyich, there are only a few people in the Cheka, and the coalition forces here in Ufa took the common people and Kolchak's all-Russian temporary government. All the personnel were evacuated to the east of the Ural Mountains. My people sent no less than [-] groups to the east of the Ural Mountains, and almost the entire army was wiped out. The ghost knows how the military police of the coalition army has such a sharp nose, and it is almost impossible. Successfully transported the radio station there."

"Isn't there someone who instigated your rebellion in Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government? Why can't the news come back? Our eyes are dark, which has a lot to do with the Cheka's unfavorable intelligence collection work. I How many times have I told you, don’t be afraid to spend money, the tsar’s rubles are not like waste paper, we have a lot of them, the bourgeoisie have a lot of people who are blind to money, and if they have money, they will not bow their heads ?”

Ulyanov's thinking was jumping very fast, and he didn't realize that there was less than half an hour left before 12 midnight stipulated in the coalition telegram, but here he was holding on to Dzerzhinsky as if he was angry, as if as long as he If Dzerzhinsky's intelligence collection is effective, Moscow and the Central Committee of Soviet Russia will not be in the current dilemma at all!

"Vladimir Ilyich, I know about this, and I really can't blame Dzerzhinsky. The tsar's ruble is as rotten as waste paper, and no one wants it. I heard that Kolchak's All-Russian Temporary In zheng fu, the Chinese banknotes that are popular now, Zhongyuan, are the strongest. In addition, there are gold bonds and food stamps. Our new ruble and the old ruble of the tsar are not wanted on the right bank of the Volga, but on the left bank , we ordinary people don’t want it either!”

It was Zinoviev who spoke, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and the deputy editor-in-chief of "Pravda". As an expert in Asian intelligence analysis, he has a good friendship with Dzerzhinsky. At this time, he stood up and said something fair.

"Vladimir Ilyich, the Cheka was established according to your instructions. I remember that you only asked me to create an institution that could "struggle against all counter-revolutionaries with extraordinary means."

, and later I summarized the tasks of the Cheka as:

"Eliminate and stop counter-revolutionaries and sabotage behaviors nationwide, and hand over their activists to the courts. At the same time, they also conduct preliminary investigations and pre-trials. The main functions of the Cheka also include arresting counter-revolutionaries in the country, and are responsible for managing prisons, searches, arrest, detention"

These were all agreed by you and the Zhongyang Committee at the beginning. Our intelligence work was originally focused on internal reporting and reconnaissance, and it was still beyond the reach of the enemy's camp for the time being. Moreover, although you ordered a part of the funds to be allocated, it will In order to eradicate counter-revolutionaries and form various branches of the Cheka and internal guards, I used seven or eight early.

Apart from gold, silver and jewelry, Kolchak does not recognize rubles at all. Besides, where do you want me to buy gold bonds issued by the Chinese and their banknotes? Dzerzhinsky complained, spreading his hands.

What this guy didn't actually say was that due to the expansion of anti-counteraction and the implementation of the red-terrorist policy, it would be even more difficult to instigate the generals of the White Guards or the officials of the Kolchak All-Russia Temporary Government as they did in the early days. As long as the family members and relatives of the people stayed in the Soviet-controlled areas and did not follow them, they were basically suppressed by the Soviets or sent to concentration camps.

Under such circumstances, how likely is it that they survived and followed Kolchak and the children of the White Guards, and then secretly betrayed their own class and defected to Soviet Russia to serve the Red regime?Moreover, whether it is in Kazan or Ufa, the radio monitoring of the coalition air reconnaissance aircraft is very intensive and efficient. The lurking radio stations on the Soviet side basically exposed their targets and were eliminated after a few times.

"Yakov Mikhailovich, if you collect some gold and jewels for Dzerzhinsky later, you must place our eyeliner at the coalition headquarters, otherwise we will always follow the other party's baton once our eyes are blackened." , What, isn’t forging documents your strong point, train more apprentices later, the Chekary can’t just be a bunch of reckless people, you have to use your brain to know?”

Ulyanov turned to his close comrade-in-arms Sverdlov, waved his hands and gave instructions. Sverdlov nodded slightly when he heard the words,

"Okay, Comrade Chairman, I will find a way to get some money for the Chekas. There are not many gold jewels left by the Tsar in the Kremlin. It is a pity that the gold in the Kazan treasury fell to Kolchak. Otherwise, the White Guards would not be able to persist until now. However, Comrade Dzerzhinsky's Cheka should have gained a lot in the process of eliminating nobles, bourgeois elements, landlords and rich peasants. The problem of funding depends solely on Moscow No, the big heads have to figure out their own way!"

Sverdlov’s father is an expert in document forgery. There are rumors that after the victory of the October Revolution, Comrade Ulyanov handed over all the gold and jewelry copied from the Kremlin to Sverdlov It was kept in the husband’s collection, and prepared fake passports for the main leaders of the Bolsheviks so that they could withdraw to exile abroad when the situation was unfavorable. Of course, the Soviet Russian regime has grown stronger at this time, and such a pessimistic prospect is almost impossible. .

Of course, Ulyanov and Sverdlov's self-confidence would have been stronger if it hadn't been for the emergence of the new but troublesome enemy of the Ufa coalition.

"Lev Davidovich, no matter how difficult things are, we have to do what we have to do? We have decided to go south, and we have to make a decision. What do you think, we can reach an agreement with the king of the Ufa coalition army on the truce and delimitation What? The most important thing at the moment is obviously the military, and you are the chairman of the Supreme Military Council, I want to hear your real thoughts!"

The Chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, was really at a loss this time. Seeing that it was getting closer to 12 o'clock at midnight, Comrade Chairman looked eagerly at the tortoise in front of him. Lotsky, I hope to hear his opinion.

Trotsky had listened to the debates of the crowd before, and of course he did not dare to guarantee that the armistice agreement was a trap by the Ufa coalition forces at the moment. In order to buy time, we have to stop the war with the Ufa coalition first. As for the next step, we can only raise our vigilance and play it by ear.

Thinking of this, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council cleared his throat, raised his eyebrows and said,

"Vladimir Ilyich, comrades, members of the Central Committee, I think that no matter what tricks the coalition forces are playing, or whether the Ufa coalition forces have really broken up with Kolchak, we should stick to it. Go at your own pace, the truce is our best choice at present, at least after the truce, we can seize the time to integrate the Soviet Red Army, establish the Volga Military Region and Front Army, obtain weapons, ammunition, anti-aircraft guns and machine guns from Germany, etc.

Only by a truce can we buy time. If Kolchak wants to attack, no matter when he is always zealous, he will also attack if he does not stop fighting. Since the truce with the Ufa coalition forces still exists to weaken Kolchak and contain it Follow the footsteps of the coalition forces crossing the river, what do we have to worry about! "

"It's a big deal. When the time comes, tear your face off and continue fighting. If we give up Tsaritsyn now, we can shrink the front line and squeeze the two fists of the Southern Front Army and the Eastern Front Army into one. Moreover, Sara Bracket, which is under the control of the coalition forces- The land of Kursk and Tsaritsyn also cut off the Don River and the North Caucasus White Guards from attacking us!

I believe that if Kolchak moves westward alone in the direction of Kazan, he will definitely not be able to hit Moscow, even. . .even. . .After the truce with the coalition forces, we can buy weapons, ammunition and food from the Ufa coalition forces!Why not do it? "

The more Trotsky said, the more confident he became. Obviously, no matter what the coalition forces' idea is, the Soviet Russian Red Army and Moscow must strive for any chance to cease fighting with the coalition forces!

The words of the chairman of the Supreme Military Council deeply moved all the central and yang members present. What is the backbone? At this time, the person who said these words can boost morale and point out the interests and direction of everyone is the backbone and the leader. At this moment, Trotsky played such a crucial role.

"Lev Davidovich, that's very good! Very good, I believe that everyone's opinions are unified, let's do this, Kamenev, it's up to you to draft a reply, we accept the Ufa coalition's truce and delimitation The agreement, that's it!" Ulyanov waved his hand fiercely, making the final decision!

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