Beiyang 1917

Chapter 510 After the Armistice

At 1918:7 on July 15, 0, Moscow and Ufa reached an agreement on armistice and demarcation. Of course, it was confirmed through the telegram exchange between the two parties. This is more like a gentleman's agreement. On one side is the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, which has not yet been formally established.

During the whole Battle of Ufa, the Russian Central Committee of the Soviet Union in Moscow, Ulyanov and Trotsky were of course also muttering in private, and this two telegrams alone can confirm that the two sides have ceased fighting and demarcated each other. Admitting it seems too childish, but for Ufa, such things will happen in the future, and the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Wang Wang, is the resolute tune.

Representatives of the two parties formally signed the agreement and exchanged documents at the designated place. This kind of red tape is a small matter that can be done at any time after the matter settles down. , If you say that you have a truce between Moscow and the Soviet Red Army to demarcate the border, then cease the war and demarcate the border.

If Kolchak and his interim all-Russian government don’t accept it, then ask him to stand aside, and the Ufa coalition forces will re-support the establishment of a self-governing government of the Volga Federation. The south of Saratov Kursk went to Tsaritsyn, handed over and left, and the truce and demarcation of the border were settled.

If you don't believe it, the Ufa coalition forces will cross the river from Samara tomorrow. The Russian railway network on the left bank of the Volga River is well-developed. It has passed Samara and the reservoir dam at the mouth of the Volga River. It is all the way from Syzran on the opposite bank of Samara. Going north to Moscow, going west to Penza and heading southeast to Saratov, going west from Saratov to Borisogrebsk and turning southeast to Tsaritsyn, and Samara and The railway between the Urals was also opened to traffic before the European War.

At this moment in 1918, the river transport in the Volga River Basin was quite developed, while the railway construction in the Tsarist Russia era was basically centered on Moscow and diverged around, such as Moscow to Tsaritsyn, Moscow to Saratov, Moscow to Samara Ural Such a main railway line has been built long ago, but the branch railway is more developed as it gets closer to Moscow. After crossing the Volga River to the right bank, there is basically nothing but a few main lines.

At this time, the railway between Samara and Ufa has not been built at all. The east-west railway artery, the Siberian Railway in the north, the Moscow-Samara-Ural Railway in the middle, and the Moscow-Borisogleb in the south. Sketsaritsyn, the railway line extends from Tsaritsyn to Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea in the southeast, and from Tsaritsyn to Rostov-on-Don in the west.

Rostov is also known as Rostov Veliki, meaning the great Rostov; Rostov is 190 kilometers away from Moscow.In Wang Geng's previous life, this place was the tenth largest city in Russia in the future, and it was also one of the oldest cities.

The earliest record of the history of Rostov city was in 862. In the 12th century, it became the capital of the small principality of du li and the seat of the Orthodox bishop. It became a center in northwestern Russia in the 13th century, but was destroyed by the Mongol invasion. After being incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Moscow in 1474, business developed rapidly, and it became a commercial port between the Russian Black Sea in 15891788-[-], and it is the largest and richest metropolis in Russia.

Of course, at this moment, the Don River Basin and the North Caucasus are actually controlled by Krasnov and Denikin's White Guards, while Ukraine in the west and Georgia and Azerbaijan in the south have already declared du li, and in Moscow and Germany and Austria After the Allies signed an armistice and recognized the du li of these countries, the Bolsheviks withdrew from the said areas.

At the moment, the local temporary governments of these emerging countries are mainly controlled by the local bourgeoisie, landlords, and nobles. Of course, the fundamental reason why they can declare du li is the support of the German and Austrian Allies. In fact, it is only for the time being. The buffer zone and satellite slave countries between Germany, Austria, Turkey and other allies and Russia, but Ukraine and Belarus have developed industry and agriculture, and are a little richer than other small countries, so they have become new granaries and industrial product bases of the allies.


"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the First Army Command in Ufa received a call. The Soviet Red Army in the swamp north of Milna has put down its weapons and surrendered. The leaders are the First Army Political Commissar Yankov Ivanovich Gayi and The political commissar of the Fourth Army, Giovanni Blumwich Hewissing, including more than 6000 remnants of the Soviet Red Army, has persisted in the swamp until now by killing horses to feed their hunger." A combat staff officer came in to report.

"The sky has also cleared up. Our planes dropped the leaflets. As soon as the report of the Battle of Ufa and the news of the armistice with Moscow were released, the political commissars of the Soviet Red Army no longer wanted to commit suicide. Commander-in-Chief Your Excellency, is this the perfect end to our Ufa campaign?" Utsunomiya Taro, deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, said with a smile.

"The Battle of Ufa has come to an end. The fly in the ointment is that Tukhachevsky ran away, and Budyonny and Xia Boyang, two outstanding cavalry generals of the Soviet Red Army, also ran away. Sooner or later we have to get them back, and when the time comes to lead the Russian troops in the coalition to fight against Germany and Austria, these generals will be of great use.”

Wang Geng struck the match in his hand, lit a cigar, and said with a smile. The expression on his face was a little tired and melancholy. Last night, the telegram negotiation with Moscow was completed after midnight. The Battle of France made Wang Geng, who was commanding hundreds of thousands of people to fight the enemy on an unfamiliar land for the first time, also feel that his energy was exhausted.

"Hawkeye 1, 2, 3, and 4 pre-warning planes have all been released. If you find traces of Tukhachevsky and Budyonny Xia Boyang, should you let the air force launch an attack on them? Completely wiped out? The boys in the aviation team were screaming and screaming. The weather in the Battle of Ufa has been so bad since the Soviet Red Army began to retreat.

The coalition aviation team was stunned to find no chance to fight, and watched the coalition ground troops eat up the opponent like a duck in vain. It's no wonder the pilots were not in a hurry! " Utsunomiya Taro said with a smile.

"That's not necessary. The planes of the air force can't land to catch the prisoners. It's not a problem to force these Red Army generals to do something. Everything will come naturally, but the propaganda leaflets can be scattered, and the bombs don't need to be dropped. There is no need for machine gun sweeps!" Wang Geng stopped Utsunomiya Taro's plan to fight for the pilots.

"Report, His Excellency Pepelyaev, commander of the Ufa Second Army, please see me!" A combat staff officer reported outside the door.

"Please come in!" Wang Geng said flatly.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, are you sure that this Pepelyaev will stay and not go back to Kazan with Kolchak? His Ufa Second Army alone is the strength of four infantry divisions, and has experienced After the training of the Ufa battle, the combat effectiveness and morale have also improved, can Kolchak take him away? This guy was previously the prime minister of Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government!"

Utsunomiya Taro obviously lacked confidence in Pepelyaev, but after the entire Ufa battle, Pepelyaev was born as a son of a Russian nobleman, and he studied at the Royal Military Academy in St. Petersburg. Utsunomiya Taro, who looked down on the old man with his eyes above the top, looked at him with admiration.

In Utsunomiya Taro's view, Pepelyaev has inherited the boldness, luxury, exquisiteness, sophistication, and tactfulness of a noble dude, but in fact he can be regarded as a talented student of the Royal Military Academy with both civil and military skills. Pushing cups, talking about swords, and studying the looks and dances of beauties from various countries and ethnic groups in their spare time, the personal relationship between the two parties is already very good. At least the two people's tastes and hobbies in women are quite close, Pepeliaye The only shortcoming of the husband is that he can't play Go, and he has no research on the history of the Japanese Warring States Period. Apart from that, he can be regarded as a perfect Russian friend.

However, after Kolchak came to Ufa last night, Utsunomiya Taro sniffed Pepelyaev in private, but this guy had a bitter face at the time, and he was embarrassed, and even turned Utsu in reverse. For Miya Taro's work, I hope he can find a way to make some effort in front of Wang Geng given that the friendship between the two parties is good.

Try to persuade the King of China not to cease war with Moscow and demarcate the border, let alone break up with Kolchak because of this. Difficult, do not know how to deal with.

Kolchak took a special train early in the morning and rushed back to the direction of Kazan. It seemed that he wanted to make a time difference. When the Soviet Russian Red Army had not recovered from the defeat in the Battle of Ufa, he led his main White Guards from the direction of Kazan. Attack to the west, and try to take Nizhny Novgorod, the industrial city of Soviet Russia, in one go. This city is the largest gateway to Moscow in the east. As long as it is taken down, Moscow will basically have no danger in the east.

"Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, the Supreme Consul Kolchak called me urgently before taking the train back to Kazan in the morning, and asked me to bring all the Russian troops of the Ufa First Army and Second Army to Kazan as much as possible. , and asked me to go back to Kazan to continue to lead the cabinet of the All-Russian Interim Government, how did this happen? Is it true that the Allied Forces are really planning to give up their support for us?"

b. Pepelyaev broke into the large meeting room of the Allied Forces Headquarters sweating profusely. While wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, he saluted Wang Geng and Utsunomiya Taro. The spurs on his military boots clicked It clicked, he didn't expect Kolchak to go back to Kazan so soon, and his face was obviously serious when he left. Originally, he thought that if his supreme consul came to Ufa to reward the labor force, he would have to stay at least a few days Let's hold a few dances to celebrate the victory of the Battle of Ufa.

Of course, although he is still the commander of the Ufa Garrison Command in name, the Coalition Command has taken over the defense command of the entire Ufa region after it entered Ufa. The coalition military police of law and order, those guys in beautiful black military uniforms with red armbands.

b. Pepelyaev's role in the Ufa coalition forces at this moment has been simplified to that of a Russian army commander in the coalition forces. Of course, he is also the representative of the Kolchak government in the coalition forces, nothing more.

"Your Excellency Kolchak is right. The Allied Forces want to cease fighting with Moscow and demarcate the border, so that they can free up their hands to march to the south of Ukraine as soon as possible. The target is of course the German-Austrian Allies, but His Excellency Kolchak insists that they must be captured first. Moscow eliminated the Bolsheviks, we could not reach an agreement, we could only go our separate ways and work hard for our own goals!"

"Pepe, your good friend, Your Excellency Utsunomiya, should have let you know about this before, how are you thinking now?" Wang Geng smiled and invited Pepelyaev to take a seat, while pouring him a glass champagne.

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