Beiyang 1917

Chapter 511 Pepe's Choice


"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, we fought so well in the Battle of Ufa, nearly annihilating nearly 30 Soviet Red Army soldiers. Although the soldiers were exhausted in the wind and rain, and the logistical pressure was quite heavy, but right now Is it too early to end the war with the Soviet Red Army? The division commanders and brigade commanders below have not enjoyed fighting at all! Are we just taking advantage of Moscow and the Bolsheviks for nothing?"

b. In front of the young commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, Pepelyaev is much more cautious and nervous than in front of the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Army, Utsunomiya Taro. Looking at the entire Allied Forces, the supreme majesty of this young commander-in-chief can be seen from the bottom of his heart The one who came out was Wu Peifu, the Chinese deputy chief of staff with eyes above the top, who didn't dare to speak casually in front of Wang Geng.high-speed update

The entire coalition army, that is Utsunomiya Taro, the commander of the Japanese army, can only chat and laugh happily with Wang Geng, and no one else can. Overwhelmed by his eyes and momentum, of course, there is also admiration. The victory of the coalition forces in the Battle of Ufa convinced everyone. The wounded and captives were treated too well.

On the battlefield, the captives were released at every turn, and the captives were brought back by the truce at every turn. For the Russian troops from the White Guards who had been smitten with the Soviet Red Army before, it was simply too soft-hearted and even a bit like an old lady. Pai, of course, most of these words are hidden in the heart, no one dares to quarrel indiscriminately in public, one of the military disciplines of the coalition army is to resolutely obey orders, random comments and criticisms of the boss can be whipped to clean the toilet, and the serious one should be locked up and squatted in a small room The room is dark, and this is still a punishment for the soldier's inadvertent mistake.

If it is maliciously spreading rumors in the army to shake the morale of the army and confuse the public, it is common for them to be caught and shot by the military police. The number of White Guard troops in the coalition army shot by the military police because of this is not hundreds, but dozens. The morale of the troops not only did not collapse, but improved a lot. As the battle progressed, digging fortifications, fighting positions, setting up camps, guarding patrols, and looking like a regular army in all aspects.

"Your Excellency Pepe, you have to eat one bite at a time. Of course, I can understand the feelings of your Russian troops and generals, but the opponents of the Allied Powers are not the Soviet Russian Red Army and Moscow. Our real opponent is the German and Austrian Allies. Russia is so vast. , the human and material resources of the Allies are limited.

On the French battlefield on the western front, the pressure from Germany and Austria on the Allied Powers is increasing. In this case, on the Eastern Front and in Russia, we can only concentrate our limited resources and troops to fight for the knife edge. Opening up the southern front is the Allies first choice! "

Wang Geng took a sip of the cigar in his hand, and the unique sweet aroma of Cuban cigars permeated the air in the meeting room. Pepelyaev accompanied him carefully and said,

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, even if we want to use our troops in the direction of Tsaritsyn on the lower reaches of the Volga River in the next step, we don't necessarily have to cease fighting with Moscow. In less than a week, we will be able to advance to the city of Tsaritsyn!"

Wang Geng smiled and shook his head, he didn't intend to explain so much, there are so many Russian generals in the coalition army, if Pepelyaev was not the talent he wanted to use, this fellow would not bother to say so much, here Yudu Seeing this, Miyataro interjected,

"Your Excellency Pepe, an autonomous government of the Volga Federation under the full support of the Allied Forces will be established on the great plain of Ufa. Our commander-in-chief would like to recommend you to lead this new government as the prime minister of the autonomous government. Your approval How?" The deputy chief of staff of the coalition extended an olive branch to Pepelyaev on behalf of his boss.

In fact, when Taro Utsunomiya was drinking flower wine at Pepelyaev's house last night, he had already revealed Wang Geng's idea to this guy during the dinner, regardless of whether Kolchak and his All-Russian temporary government are It is not willing to accept the truce. It is clear that the establishment of a new autonomous government in Ufa is a certainty. The coalition forces will not easily occupy other people's territory, but it is even more impossible to easily send back the places they have conquered.

Pepelyaev smiled wryly when he heard the words, and Kolchak's silent eyes at the train station appeared in front of his eyes. Obviously, the highest consul had already made up his mind about whether he would defect to the coalition army or go back to Kazan and follow him. predict.

Last night in Wang Geng’s reception room, Pepelyayev made it clear that the Russian troops below were unwilling to leave the formation and command of the coalition forces because the logistical support and treatment in all aspects were better than those of the precarious White Guards. I don't know how much.

In fact, everyone understands that Tsarist Russia was too big at the beginning, with a vast territory and many ethnic groups. Most of the White Guards in Ufa here were recruited from the local Bashkirs. In addition to the former Tsarist Russian troops and generals who came over, most of the newly recruited local soldiers are Tatars.

In this case, when Ufa’s troops arrive in Kazan, they will be the first or second-line troops. Regardless of the level of equipment and logistical support, they are worse than the White Guards in the direction of Kazan. Kazan worked for the Tatars?

There is a problem of morale here. If the troops can fight for their hometown and the government, then the difference in morale between the two is self-evident. Of course, the Tatars in the Kazan White Guards are actually fighting for the Tsarist Russia in St. Petersburg. Nobles, big capitalists, landlords, and rich peasants are working hard. It is natural to defend Kazan and defend the country. If they really want to fight all the way to Moscow, not everyone is so high-minded.

Fortunately, Kolchak’s charisma of a professional soldier is still on the other side. If he leads everyone to fight against the Bolsheviks, the cohesion is always higher than other people’s leadership. In Wang Geng’s previous life, suddenly The White Guards in Hehe and the North Caucasus, including the White Guards in the direction of the Urals and the White Guards in the direction of Kazan, have never been able to open up the front line and form a force. The selfish distractions caused by ethnic and geographical distinctions are also one of the important reasons.

Regarding the Volga Federation’s autonomous government that needs to be established urgently, Utsunomiya Taro originally suggested that the newly established temporary government be called Ufa or Bashkir’s autonomous government, but Wang Geng rejected it with a single sentence:

The coalition forces will go all the way to Ukraine and Poland in the future. The new government will be named Ufa and Bashkir, and the structure is too small. The two autonomous governments should form a confederacy or something, and we should take a longer view. How can we just call the Ufa and Bashkir autonomous governments!

At that time, Utsunomiya Taro, commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, trembled a little when he heard the words. This guy didn't expect that he would be almost 60 years old. .There is actually a chance to expand the territory of the empire and go all the way to the heart of Europe. This guy nodded fiercely, held the hand of the commander-in-chief of the coalition with tears in his eyes and said, "Wang Sang, I didn't say anything. I'm relieved to follow you, we won't be finished until we hit Berlin!"

Now Utsunomiya Taro is formally recruiting Pepelyaev face-to-face on behalf of Wang Geng, and this fellow is not allowed to push back and forth to practice Taijiquan. The establishment of a new zhengfu is imminent. The thick legs of the Allied Forces, everyone knows how important and precious a strong backer is to these weak ethnic groups.

What's more, the Ufa coalition army is a force that is clearly different from the armies of most countries in this era. Strict military discipline is the first rule. Treating local people well and fair is the second rule. Preferential treatment for prisoners and wounded is the first rule. Three, with these three, at least the local people in the occupied areas will not have great resistance.

When the White Guards came, they wanted to requisition food and labor. When the Soviet Red Army came, they also wanted to collect food and shoot people. Only when the coalition army came, not only did they not rob food, but they also opened granaries to the common people. No matter whether the White Guards or the Soviet Red Army, the soldiers were in chaos. There are endless incidents of corruption in the Chinese military and harm to the common people. Only this coalition army is an alternative. The military uniforms are neat and well-armed, and the military songs are loud.

These gendarmes have the best military style in the entire coalition army. They have black lapel uniforms, military ranks on the collar badges and armbands, and medals on their chests. The armbands with the word "model" written in the middle of a white circle on a red background are also rolled in gold. With black and blue sides, and shiny boots, they are not close to the common people, at least they are kind.

But the scum who maintain law and order and kill rebels, disrupt law and order, rob and kill people are merciless, and they don’t discriminate against ethnicity or skin color at all. They violate regulations or martial law and curfew. If caught, they will enforce the law to the end. The coalition forces themselves did not even blink their eyes when they came.

It was the first time for many Russian ordinary people who had traveled a little bit of knowledge to see yellow-skinned soldiers, who could be so confident in front of Caucasians, or with a hint of arrogance from the bottom of their hearts.

"Your Excellency Pepe, the establishment of the autonomous government of the Volga Federation is imminent. Your Excellency Kolchak and I have made this clear. I promise to allocate ten divisions of the Soviet Red Army weapons captured in the Battle of Ufa." Give him the Sinagan rifle and the Maxim machine gun. In addition, the Russian soldiers and generals in the First Army and the Second Army in Ufa can choose to stay or stay! Would you like to stay and lead the Volga Federation’s self-governing government?”

Wang Geng looked into B. Pepelyaev's eyes, expecting his answer.


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