Beiyang 1917

Chapter 513 The meeting has begun


The emergency plenary meeting of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia was held in the resplendent conference room, and those who rushed back to Moscow, except for the two central committee members Joseph and Bubnov, who came out of Tsaritsyn after long-awaited calls, also had The two central committee members, Klestinsky and Uritsky, rushed back from Petersburg.

In addition, the three central committee members Sokolnikov, Stasova and Lomov who were originally in Moscow also rarely appeared in the big conference room.

At the Seventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) held in March 1918, after the Min Zhu election, the Soviet Russian Central Committee produced a total of 3 official Central Committee members, namely Ulyanov, Trotsky Ki, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Joseph, Chicherin, Stasova, Sverdlov, Bubnov, Lomov, Krestinsky, Dzerzhinsky, Uritsky.

At this moment, even Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs who was sent to Berlin before, rushed back, and the Kremlin's large conference room was full of people. If the food and the situation were not as tense, there should have been a grand reception. It is suitable for today's scene.

Many winds that have not met each other for a long time, the victory of the three defenses of Tsaritsyn, the formation of the Southern Front Army, and the transfer of a large amount of food from Tsaritsyn and the lower reaches of the Volga River to Moscow.

With all these achievements, many central committee members who were still kept in the dark enthusiastically stepped forward and hugged Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, who was holding the heavy troops of the Southern Front Army. Greetings, the whole meeting room is full of joy and harmony

Of course, many members of the central committee have sunken cheeks and discolored faces, which are obviously sequelae of malnutrition or long-term hunger. Committee member Yang came, quite bitter and desolate.

Fortunately, in addition to flowers, some rare fruits brought by Comrade Joseph from the south were placed on the large conference table in the conference room. In addition, in the small restaurant of the Kremlin, everyone had butter bread, potato and tomato soup After a half-filled dinner, the atmosphere in the meeting room is still quite peaceful and relaxed.

Because of the meeting, there was no wine at the previous dinner. No matter how scarce food is in Moscow, there is still no shortage of good wine in the Kremlin wine cellar, but Comrade Ulyanov was not allowed. Tonight's meeting is very important , must be when everyone stays awake.

The entire Kremlin has been in a state of alert since 18:[-]. Guard Captain Matveyev and his deputy Vasily personally lead the team on duty. At this time, the Cheka's internal guards are still brewing And in the planning stage, the Central Security Bureau of Soviet Russia was not established either, and the Kremlin Guards were responsible for the security of the entire central government.

In the areas under the control of the Soviet Russian regime, the Cheka has the weakest power, but the Kremlin. Of course, although Matveyev is the captain of the guard, his deputy, Comrade Ulyanov Vasily, who was born as a bodyguard chief, has the title of chairman of the Kremlin Cheka.

The infantry division that Comrade Joseph brought from Tsaritsyn was placed in a temporary barracks next to Moscow University. Not many people knew the news that there were three elite Moscow worker garrison divisions stationed in the camp.

"Comrades! Since the election of the Central Committee at the Seventh Congress in March, many of you have not seen each other for a long time. You are fighting on the front line for the sacred cause of the Soviets and Bolsheviks. On behalf of the comrades who stayed in Moscow , welcome your return and thank you for your great contribution to the defense of the Soviets!"

Comrade Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, received warm applause from the members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union present. In the two critical years of 1917 and 1918, and countless critical junctures, it was Comrade Ulyanov who insisted on the correct direction.

Especially on the issue of signing the Brest Contract with Germany, although the small leader at the time gave up because he could not realize his proposition, in the end Soviet Russia turned around and signed the contract with Germany again. Of course, the price was huge. However, the gains in exchange for the truce with Germany are equally huge.

The Russian government of the Soviet Union withdrew from the war with the Allies and was able to free up its hands to consolidate its own red regime. If it hadn't been for the allied forces of the Allied Powers to get in on the Battle of Ufa, Kolchak and his All-Russia The temporary zheng fu had already been rushed to the east of the Ural Mountains.

As for Tsaritsyn, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili and his comrades held the granary of Moscow under extremely difficult circumstances and protected the two revolutionary centers of Moscow and Petrograd. food supply, and the establishment of a combat-capable Soviet Red Army, all of these are remarkable achievements.

"Vladimir Ilyich, what are the main issues to be discussed in this emergency meeting of the Central Yang Committee? There are still a lot of things in Petersburg. If Uritsky and I are not here, I am afraid that the people below will not be able to control the scene. You also know that the situation there is quite complicated. The Chekas have made great achievements in eradicating counter-revolutionaries, but there are more enemies hidden inside us than we imagined! Of course, we have to be cautious. If we don’t pay attention, we may die Injured our comrade-in-arms by mistake!"

The speaker was Nikolai Nikolaevich Krestinsky, a very old Bolshevik member, a member of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, and the chairman of the Petersburg Soviet at this time. Together they engaged in underground work in Petersburg, and were regarded as conscientious intellectuals among the Bolsheviks.

Krestinsky joined the Russian Socialist Minzhu Labor Party in 1903. In Wang Geng's previous life, after Sverdlov's death, this guy returned to Moscow to take over the post of Sverdlov's central secretary. Became one of Comrade Ulyanov's trusted assistants, and played a huge role in the financial field, serving as the People's Commissar of Finance, which enabled the Soviet Russian regime to survive the weakest years of its establishment and the early days of the Civil War.

But abroad, Krestinsky was known above all as a capable diplomat.As the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Soviet Union, he lived in Germany for ten years, and later returned to China to serve as the Deputy People's Commissar of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and became the assistant of the later Maxim Litvinov.

At this moment, in July 1918, Comrade Adolf Abramovich Yuefei, Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Soviet Russia and alternate Central Committee member, was serving as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Representative to Germany in Berlin.

Of course, no one can escape the great purges of Soviet Russia in the 30s, even Krestinsky, who had already fought side by side with Joseph in Petersburg in 1911, fortunately, everything in this time and space may be the same Wang Geng's previous life was different.

The 35-year-old Krestinsky is still in his prime at the moment, and Comrade Joseph may not have the opportunity to climb to the throne of the leader. At least in this emergency meeting of the Central Committee, Joseph, who was full of smiles at the moment, quickly I'm about to stop laughing.

"Nikolai Nikolaevich, don't worry. There are not many issues to be discussed at the meeting, but they are very important. It concerns the future of the Soviet regime, the future of the cause of the Bolshevik Party, and everyone here. The future of the committee members, so everyone must listen carefully, think carefully, and speak carefully!"

Ulyanov waved his hand to let the chairman of the Petersburg Soviet sit down, while scanning the central committee members present, he cleared his throat and raised his voice,

"This meeting is presided over by Comrade Sverdlov, the secretary of the central government. Let's start! Yakov Mikhailovich!"

"Comrades, members of the central yang, entrusted by the chairman, as the secretary of the central yang, I will preside over today's meeting. Let me remind all members of the central yang that in order to maintain order, everyone must raise their hands before speaking. You can only speak after you get permission, otherwise I’m afraid it will become a vegetable market, of course, there is nothing to sell in the market in Moscow at the moment, everything has become a rationing system.”

Sverdlov is obviously very familiar with presiding over meetings. He is a member of the Central Committee with strong organizational skills, and at the same time the Organization People's Commissar of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union. Chairman, you know how to control the situation without making the atmosphere of the meeting seem oppressive or too dignified.

More than a dozen central yang committee members burst into laughter. The 33-year-old Sverdlov is extremely capable, capable, and responsible for party affairs and organizational work, so he is deeply trusted and loved by everyone. He discussed, after all, Trotsky himself is an easy-going guy, and Ulyanov's staring eyes are often so sharp that it makes people flustered.

"Dear members of the Central Committee, there are two topics for the emergency meeting of the Central Committee today. Of course, beforehand, I would like to inform you of the situation we are facing recently. Objectively speaking, the situation is not optimistic!" Sverdlov began host a meeting.

"Not only is it not optimistic, it's terrible! It's a mess!" Ulyanov, the chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, couldn't help but yelled. The lid of the lid fell off the table with a shock, and the water splashed everywhere, startling all the committee members at the conference table.

"Vladimir Ilyich, please pay attention to your image and the discipline of our meeting. You have to raise your hand before you can pound the table. Otherwise, every central committee member will do this. I can't preside over this meeting! "Sverdlov turned sideways and said to Comrade Chairman with a wry smile.

"Uh... ok... let's not take this as an example! But I still want to say! The situation is very bad and serious. Some comrades, regardless of the overall situation, have caused losses to our cause. This matter cannot just be settled like this! Okay, okay, Yakov Mikhailovich, you continue to host, I will talk about it later!"

Ulyanov looked at Sverdlov and frowned, and saw that the surrounding central committee members were all surprised. This guy raised his hands as if giving up, and let the host Sverdlov Husband can continue to chair the meeting.

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