Beiyang 1917

Chapter 514 Undercurrent Surge


"Comrades, members of the Central Committee, as Vladimir Ilyich said, the situation is indeed very serious, but today there is not so much time to discuss secondary issues in secondary directions!"

Sverdlov looked around the conference table at the central committee members who were concentrating on him, and continued,

"Today, the main discussion is the situation and problems on the Eastern Front. Entrusted by Zhong Yang, I will first make a report on the current situation on the Eastern Front. If there are any mistakes or omissions, you are welcome to add them. Of course, Tsaritsyn's Comrade Joseph may have a better grasp of some situations."

The members of the central yang turned their attention to Joseph, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Army, and the actual person in charge of the Tsaritsyn direction.

"Comrades, I know that everyone is very concerned about the situation of the Battle of Ufa. At the beginning of July, with the approval of the Supreme Military Council, the Eastern Front of the Soviet Red Army organized the Southern Group, and successively mobilized the first, second, fourth and fourth troops of the Eastern Front. The Fifth Army, and the Ninth Army of the Southern Front, formed the Southern Group, crossed the Volga River, and launched the Battle of Ufa to the east!

"The goal of the Battle of Ufa is to take Ufa and cut off the retreat of Kolchak's White Guards in the direction of Kazan! Eliminate Kolchak once and for all!"

"Comrades, the Moscow Central Committee and the Supreme Military Council have made up their minds this time. After the Eastern Front quelled the rebellion of the leftist revolutionary Muravyov, the strength and weaponry of each group army have been greatly improved. enhancements and supplements!

After we negotiated an armistice with the Allies, the Bolshevik prisoners of war brought back from the German prisoner-of-war camps, the veterans of these Tsarist Russian troops who had experienced the test of the Eastern Front, were basically added to the rebuilt Soviet Red Army. "

"Five group armies before and after the Southern Group joined, with a total strength of 30 divisions, more than 30 people, nearly 50 artillery companies and almost the same number of heavy machine gun battalions, accounting for 70% of the total strength of the Eastern Front Army and the Southern Front Army. With 80% of the number of machine guns, the Soviet Russian Central Committee is full of confidence in the victory of the Southern Group in the Battle of Ufa!"

What Sverdlov said made the central yang committee members speechless. Obviously, 30 main forces were used to launch a campaign at a time. This was the first time after the establishment of the Soviet Russian Red Army. The Battle of Ufa was lost, but it was not expected that it would be lost with such a heavy force group.

"Perhaps in your respective positions, you have also heard the news released by some Allied news agencies and media. Many people thought it was the enemy's propaganda. Yes, the enemies of the Soviet Union are used to spreading rumors and exaggerating. But this time, about The situation of the Battle of Ufa and the news released by the media of the Allied Powers are absolutely inseparable!"

There was another burst of exclamation and buzzing in the conference room. The members of the Zhongyang Committee were obviously digesting this amazing news among themselves. Unexpectedly, they had always thought it was a rumor spread by the media of the Allied Powers. It was confirmed in the mouth that the rumors about the defeat and complete annihilation of the Soviet Red Army in Ufa were actually true.

Ulyanov exchanged glances with Trotsky, who was sitting on his right, and then turned to whisper a few words in Sverdlov's ear. At this time, a central committee member raised his hand and demanded to speak. Before the host of the meeting nodded, he rushed to ask,

"So the news that the five armies of the South Group were wiped out is true? The main force of the 30 Soviet Russian Red Army, more than 300 cannons and 1000 Maxim heavy machine guns, were wiped out just like that? Who is the opponent? Is the coalition army that appeared on the battlefield in Ufa really so powerful? How many troops have been dispatched by the other side! I think this is simply incredible, it is unbelievable!"

The person who spoke was Mo. S. Uritsky, member of the Central Yang Committee and chairman of the Petersburg Cheka. This guy was an old friend of Trotsky and had a good relationship with Dzerzhinsky. Based on the fact that on August 1918, 8, he was assassinated and killed by assassins dispatched by the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and Constitutionalists.

Then Comrade Ulyanov was also assassinated and seriously injured. All this was the reason why Sverdlov and Dzerzhinsky set off the second stage of anti-rebellion and red terror that swept across Russia afterwards.

"Comrade Uritsky, members of the Central Committee, regrettably, due to the fact that the Central-South Group was almost wiped out in the Battle of Ufa, the feedback information we have collected from the battlefield is still very incomplete. How many troops and so on!

However, one thing is certain. The enemy we faced in the Battle of Ufa was not the White Guards of the Kolchak regime at all, but the Allied Forces armed to the teeth. The opponent’s air force entered the Ufa battlefield with more than 300 fighters. Expect two to three times as many cannons as we have, and countless machine guns and mortars! "

Sverdlov said helplessly that the coalition air force dispatched more than 300 large-scale air strikes in the early stage of the Ufa Battle, which was rare on the Eastern Front in the Tsarist Russian era. The opponent's firepower is amazing, and there are a large number of cannons and machine guns and mortars, but Yunshan Mist has never figured out how many troops the Ufa coalition army has put into the battlefield.

"As for the situation of our opponent, according to the analysis of the coalition battle report released by the news media of the Allied Powers, the opponent invested at least eight to ten divisions of ground troops in the defense of Ufa, and the number of artillery and machine guns is twice as much as ours!"

Sverdlov avoids the important and ignores the trivial. He did not dare to say that the eight to ten divisions of the coalition ground forces are actually half of the second-line White Guard troops withdrawn from the right bank of the Volga River, and the remaining few divisions are simply militias temporarily formed by Ufa volunteers. division.

"Chairmen, members of the Central Committee, we in Tsaritsin may be more familiar with the situation of the Ufa coalition army. After all, the four armies of the Eastern Front Army were wiped out early, and the Southern Front Army Yegorov's first The Ninth Army fought until the last moment and broke through to the vicinity of Buzuluk. Due to the unfavorable terrain surrounded by the river on three sides and surrounded by the opponent's superior forces, it finally lost!"

"But even so! The Budyonny Cavalry Division of the Ninth Army broke through the encirclement in two ways after a bitter battle. Now they have more than 3000 cavalry left. After breaking through the enemy's encirclement, they are retreating by detour. In a few days can retreat to the left bank of the Volga"

"From the analysis of the battlefield intelligence sent back by Yegorov's Army, the Southern Front has concluded that the Ufa coalition has invested more than 20 troops on the entire battlefield, more than half of which are Russian troops, both infantry and cavalry. have!"

Although the symbolic one raised his hand first, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili obviously didn't take the meeting discipline mentioned by the host Sverdlov seriously, and went on his own Speaking of which, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front became the focus of attention of all the central committee members in the conference room.

Ulyanov and Trotsky in the middle of the conference table here, including the conference host Sverdlov, all scolded their mothers inwardly. It's all this time, and Joseph is still thinking about his own calculations. Why didn't the rest of the Nigerian cavalry division break out of the encirclement and report to Zhong Yang?

"Comrade Joseph's statement is inaccurate. Tukhachevsky, the commander of the First Army of the Eastern Front, also led some cavalry to protrude from the enemy's encirclement. At the moment, he is retreating back through the Kazakh steppe, and Ye Ge Rove and his chief of staff and political commissar are already enjoying the policy of preferential treatment of prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp of the Ufa coalition! Speaking of which, the Eastern Front can be regarded as a model of fighting to the end!"

The speaker was Sverdlov, the vice-chairman of the Supreme Military Council of the Soviet Union and the secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Although the Eastern Front Army is Trotsky's direct line of troops, the commander of the Front Army Vatsitis and the Fourth Army's Le Gé Levsky and Slavin of the Fifth Army are all ex-tsarist Russian generals who were single-handedly selected by Trotsky as a military expert.

However, Tukhachevsky of the First Army and Ma Xin of the Second Army were both Bolshevik generals who were highly valued and promoted by Sverdlov and Ulyanov. As far as the front army is concerned, the Eastern Front Army is the direct line army and main force of Moscow Central Yang.

"Yakov Mikhailovich is right. In fact, we got news from the Ufa coalition that the remaining 7000 people of the First and Fourth Army who were besieged in the swamp persisted until this morning. When Yegorov ordered the Ninth Army to lay down their weapons, the number of coalition forces surrounding him was not as many as his troops!"

Trotsky refused to let go, jumped out at the right time, and sprinkled a handful of salt on the wounds of Joseph and the Southern Army. At this time, Joseph could not continue to expand his ego, and actually used the inability to attack the Eastern Army to affect her. The incompetence and dereliction of duty of Moscow central yang and the Supreme Military Council!

Speaking of which, Yegorov should have been regarded as a military expert general selected by Trotsky, but it is not worth doing. Joseph's scheming skills and the way he wins people's hearts should not be underestimated.

Not only did Voroshilov and Chernavin, the two army commanders who withdrew from Ukraine to Tsaritsyn, obediently follow Joseph, but Yegorov also became Comrade Joseph’s capable subordinate in the Southern Front Army. , What method did this guy use?

No, this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the emergency meeting of the Central Committee, he must be taken down, otherwise, the threat to the Soviet Central Committee and the authority of Moscow in the future will be too great, Trotsky thought to himself.

At this moment, the members of the central government attending the meeting were terrified. Obviously, Comrade Joseph, who came back from Tsaritsyn, was the chairman and vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council, and the focus was on the battle of Ufa, pointing at each other The troops were talking about something, and now several central committee members shut their mouths, ready to see where the situation would develop.

The small Georgian Joseph's ambition is directly proportional to his ability. This is known to everyone in the Bolshevik party, but there are many Zhongyang members in the party who are older than Joseph. This leader of the armed squad in the early revolutionary experience , to be honest, among the Bolshevik leaders who are theorists and intellectuals, they belong to the category of big bosses.

To put it bluntly, they belong to those who have never been to school and have not been able to teach themselves. They can't speak to all aspects of the theory of the party and the doctrine. High-achieving students of the law department of Moscow University like Kamenev and Bukharin have no idea at all. Having looked down on Joseph, in their opinion, the old man who has been engaged in kidnapping, extortion, robbery and assassination is not on the same level as himself.

Among the Bolshevik leaders, there are a lot of self-taught people, such as Zinoviev, Joseph's learning ability and theoretical ability are all in the middle and lower, but this guy's willpower and ambition are really outstanding, and his indomitable struggle is admirable.

"Lev Davidovich, without investigation, you have no right to speak. Although Yegorov commanded five divisions, there were only 28000 troops left. They were surrounded by two allied forces in Buzuluk. The fully staffed infantry division and one Cossack cavalry division surpassed the Ninth Army by a lot in terms of strength and weaponry! I think Yegorov is honored to be defeated!"

The Military Commissioner of the Southern Front was obviously angry. In his opinion, Moscow is now being led by the nose by the Ufa coalition forces. Trotsky and Sverdlov can only rely on the reports of the Ufa coalition forces to judge the situation on the battlefield. The situation, this is simply a joke, let your enemy tell you the truth of the battle, and only Moscow can admit it with the cheek!

"Okay, stop arguing. It is an indisputable fact that the Ufa battle was lost. The coalition forces dispatched 20 or 30. Obviously, the Soviet Red Army at this moment is not the opponent's opponent. Commissioner Yang rushed back to Moscow to make a decision on our next action and response!"

Ulyanov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and Chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union's government, thumped the table heavily, resolutely stopping the quarrel between the two sides!

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