Beiyang 1917

Chapter 515 Meeting step by step


"With regard to the review of the Ufa campaign, comrades from Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army have already made a detailed and careful analysis. The analysis of the situation of the enemy and ourselves, the combat characteristics of the Ufa coalition army, and the command method have all been discussed in detail.

Sverdlov, Kamenev, and Bukharin have all read this telegram. I think this telegram from Tsaritsyn is not a comprehensive summary of the Ufa campaign, but it is very well written. The first stage of work, especially how to deal with the Ufa coalition forces, has important reference value! "

Ulyanov was obviously an impatient master. He didn't have time for Sverdlov and Joseph to bicker over the matter of the two front armies, so he simply pushed the meeting forward, and his words were quite strategic. , at least after saying this, Comrade Joseph obviously felt a lot better. Look, Comrade Chairman praised our Tsaritsin summary in public!

The atmosphere of the meeting was obviously a lot more relaxed than the tense confrontation just now. Ulyanov turned to Sverdlov on the left, "Yakov Mikhailovich, let's talk about the situation of the Battle of Ufa first." That's it, what's next on the agenda?"

"The next agenda, in response to the situation after the Battle of Ufa, the comrades of Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army proposed that we should integrate our Soviet Red Army on the Eastern Front and establish a new Volga River Military Region and Front Army to resist The upcoming offensive of the Kolchak White Guards, that is to say, the establishment of the Volga River Military District and Front Army, is such an issue, what do you think?"

Sverdlov looked down at the meeting agenda, raised his head and turned the topic to the establishment of a new Volga Military Region and Front Army.

The zhong yang committee members present suddenly became lively, and many people turned their attention to Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, who was full of ambitions. Obviously, the so-called Tsaritsin and The thoughts of comrades in the Southern Front are actually the thoughts of the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front.

Joseph's nerves were quite tense before. From the words of Sverdlov and Trotsky who did not show weakness, this fellow seemed to smell a hint of conspiracy or ominous atmosphere, but Comrade Ulyanov came out to host When it is fair, Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army are still quite protective of what they say inside and outside.

And now, he quickly began to turn the theme of the meeting to his biggest appeal when he returned to Moscow - the establishment of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army, and the power to lead the new Military Region and Front Army, which made Comrade Joseph's tense nerves relax. A tinge of joy naturally appeared on his face, and, judging from the frequent gazes of the central committee members present at him, once the new military region and front army were established, he would definitely be the best candidate.

"According to the ideas proposed by Tsaritsin and comrades of the Southern Front, if a new Russian Volga Military Region and Front Army are established, the remaining main forces of the Eastern Front and Southern Front Army must be incorporated into it. Regions and administrative regions such as cities and villages, while the Volga Front will undertake combat missions on the entire Eastern Front!" It was Trotsky, chairman of the Supreme Military Council, who spoke.

Originally, this was an errand for Sverdlov, the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council, but since Sverdlov was also the host of the meeting, it was Ulyanov and Trotsky who discussed the default Volga River Military Region and The new leader of the front army, in order to avoid suspicion, the chairman Trotsky had no choice but to personally come out to formulate the plan.

"Joseph Vissarionovich, you and your comrades from the Tsaritsyn and Southern Fronts propose to merge the Eastern and Southern Fronts into a new Volga Military District and Front?" Sverdlov He planned to trap Comrade Joseph with his words at every step.

"Indeed, the defeat in the Battle of Ufa has something to do with the fact that the Southern Group was composed of two front armies. Originally, the command systems of the two sides were not the same, and the combat styles were also different. The understanding between the group army and the division commanders And communication is not enough, now with the defeat of the Battle of Ufa, the Eastern Front has suffered heavy losses, and the Southern Front has also lost one-third of the main force.

Under such circumstances, combining the main forces preserved from the two front armies into one, unified organization, arming, logistics support and command, and implementing the administrative and military management model of military and political integration in the Volga River Basin are our next steps. Therefore, we suggest that the Eastern and Southern Fronts be merged into the Volga Front to undertake all combat tasks on the Eastern Front! "

Comrade Joseph was also unambiguous. While lighting the poplar cigarette butt in his hand, he squinted his eyes and clearly confirmed that the plan was proposed by Tsaritsin.

"Chairmen, members of the Central Committee, how likely is it that the enemy on the other side of the Volga River will launch an attack? When will Kolchak and the Ufa coalition forces cross the river? Will the establishment of the Volga River Military Region and the Front Army be able to stop the enemy? ?”

The person who asked this question was G. Ya Sokolnikov, a member of the central government, the People's Commissar of Education of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union, and a veteran Bolshevik leader. In addition, Sokolnikov can be regarded as a guy that Ulyanov trusts. Of course, his ranking in the Central Committee of Soviet Russia is behind Kamenev and Zinoviev.

"The enemy will definitely launch an attack, and very soon, that's why we summoned the emergency central committee members to come back for a meeting. We don't have much time left!" Sverdlov quickly replied.

"Then let's set up the Volga River Military Region and the Front Army. What's so difficult about it? We still need a meeting of the Central Yang Committee to discuss it? Isn't it enough for the Supreme Military Council to make a decision and issue an order? The Soviet Red Army was originally a revolution under the leadership of the Bolsheviks Aren’t the troops and the army on any front to defend the Soviets and the red regime!” This time it was Stasova, the central committee member in charge of women and mass work and secretary of the secretariat, who spoke.

When the Central Yang Committee was elected at the Sixth Congress of the Bolshevik Party in August 1917, Stasova and Yuefei were only alternate members of the Central Yang Committee. However, as the situation continued to change after the October Revolution, the Sixth Central Committee Among the yang committees, several central yang committee members died or were assassinated by the enemy, and some were pulled over by the enemy, or they declared their separation from the Bolshevik Party.

Therefore, at the Seventh Emergency Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) held in March 1918, Stasova was resigned from the sixth alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

叶莲娜·德米特里耶夫娜·斯塔索娃1873年10月3ri生于彼得堡一个律师家庭,中学毕业后在彼得堡参加社会主义运动。1898年俄国社会min zhu工党建立时入党。是乌里扬诺夫创办的《火星报》的代办员。1903年俄国社会民min zhu工党分裂后是布尔什维克。

Before 1905, he worked in the underground revolution of the Bolshevik Party in Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Orel, Smolensk, Yalta and Moscow. and other leadership positions.

1905年8月到1906年1月,受党zhong yang委员会的委托在ri内瓦工作,1907-1912年在第比利斯做党的工作。1912年1月出席俄国社会min zhu工党第六次代表会议,被选为布尔什维克党zhong yang委员会候补委员。1913年被捕并被流放到西伯利亚。1917年2月到1920年3月任俄国社会min zhu工党(布)zhong yang委员会书记。1918年3月在俄共(布)第七次代表-大会上被选为俄共(布)zhong yang委员。

In Wang Geng's previous life, this outstanding female Bolshevik leader lived longer than Joseph, and lived until she died at the age of 94. Neither the Great Purge nor the Great Patriotic War in the 30s affected her presence in the Bolshevik Party.

Of course, at this moment, the 45-year-old Yelena Dmitrievna Stasova is the eldest sister of the Bolshevik party. impressive.

"Then, the first proposal of today's meeting is to merge the Eastern Front and Southern Front of the Soviet Red Army into the new Volga Front, abolish the original Eastern Front and Southern Front, and at the same time combine the North Caucasus Military District and the Nizhny Novgorod Army Districts merged into the new Volga River Military District, all members of the Zhong Yang Committee who agree, please raise your hands!"

As the secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Soviet Union, Sverdlov has long been familiar with controlling the meetings of the Central Committee. With a few words at this moment, he pushed the process to the vote on the first proposal.

Before the guy finished speaking, he raised his hand first, and then the two big men beside him, Ulyanov and Trotsky, also raised their hands casually. There was no disagreement among the actual leaders of the Yang Committee. Under such circumstances, other Zhong Yang members, including Comrade Joseph, the initiator of the plan, also raised their hands one after another.

"The bill on the establishment of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army was unanimously approved by all the central committee members!" Sverdlov nodded with a relaxed expression, while writing down something in his notebook, he turned his gaze to the Soviet Russian Central Committee beside him. The chairman of the Yang Committee is obviously seeking the opinions of the other party.

"Unanimously passed! Very good, no problem, Yakov Mikhailovich, hurry up, whose turn is it next?" Ulyanov closed the notebook in front of him, and said to his close comrade-in-arms .

"The following is about you, Vladimir Ilyich, Comrade Chairman, it is up to you to analyze the diplomatic situation and make recommendations for the next step, oh, no, before you, first listen to what the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin gave Let's make a report on the results of the negotiations with the German-Austrian Allies." Sverdlov said, looking at the agenda.

"Okay, please let the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs tell you first. We have brought back some dry goods from Hindenburg and Ludendorff. The price we paid is not small, but it is really not small. I hope it is worth the money. , Georgy Vasilyevich, please report to everyone!" Ulyanov said kindly to Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

"Chairmen, members of the Central Committee, appointed by the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, this time I went to Berlin and mainly discussed with Germany the issue of prisoners of war and arms assistance. Of course, there is also the issue of food. Regarding prisoners of war, the German prisoners of war camp The last time we got back 80 Tsarist Russian prisoners of war, there are about 260 million left.

The 80 people last time were released after negotiating with Ludendorff when the other party did not pay special attention to the issue of prisoners of war and wanted to unload the burden earlier. Of course, our people did preliminary work in the prison camp. The screening and selection of the Tsarist Russian prisoners of war who sympathize with or support the Bolsheviks as much as possible.

We all know that Russia developed industrialization relatively late, and the number of working class is much smaller than that of peasants. Therefore, the main components of the Tsarist Russian army are peasants, and most of the non-commissioned officers and officers are from nobles, big bourgeoisie, landlords and rich peasants. Therefore, it is quite difficult to select Bolsheviks from the Tsarist Russian prisoners of war. "

Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Soviet Russia, was born in a declining noble family near Moscow in 1872. He is a distant relative of the famous poet Pushkin. , a veteran Bolshevik member, Chicherin was Trotsky's deputy during the negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany in Brest.

Later, Trotsky resigned, and he took over the position of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. This fellow showed an elegant taste of intellectuals in his gestures, and he was regarded as a representative of the moderate faction in the Central Committee of the Soviet Union.

Originally, this guy was not even an alternate member of Zhong Yang, but because of his outstanding performance in the complicated diplomatic negotiations with Germany, he was elected as a member of Zhong Yang at the Party Congress in March 1918. Instead, he had a very high voice Yue Fei, an alternate central yang member, failed to go any further and instead served as his deputy.

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