Beiyang 1917

Chapter 517 Showdown with Joseph


"Comrades, Bolsheviks, and members of the Central Committee, the situation facing the Soviets is very serious. The defeat in the Battle of Ufa has caused our new red regime to undergo another huge test. The situation is so severe. The current situation, More serious than when the Constituent Assembly was dissolved in January 1918, and more severe than when the Brest Treaty was negotiated with Germany in March 1."

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, waved his arms, with a dignified expression and frowning, telling the central committee members about the current situation.

"Vladimir Ilyich is right. It is more severe than when the leftist revolutionary Muravyov rebelled in May. The enemies we are facing now are not only Kolchak, Krasnov, Deng Nikin's White Guards, but the Allied Forces are more cunning and more powerful than the White Guards and even the German Army!" Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council next to him, interjected.

"The Ufa coalition army is the most vicious enemy we have ever encountered. This is true. Yegorov's Ninth Army is a steel division tempered in three battles to defend Tsaritsyn, but when it arrived in Ufa On the Great Plains, I have to admit that the Soviet Red Army is not yet the opponent of the Ufa coalition army. This point was explained in the telegram sent by the Southern Front Army to Zhong Yang. Of course, I also agree with this point of view!"

This time it was Joseph who was speaking, and he wanted to remind the central committee members not to forget that the Soviet Russian Central Committee included Ulyanov and Trotsky. The analysis and judgment made by the generals of the Southern Front.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, brought back some arms, weapons and ammunition from Germany, but it was far from enough. We lost 30 main forces of the Red Army in the Battle of Ufa, and even if [-] new prisoners of war were repatriated in a short time Come back, the Germans will give ten infantry divisions weapons, that is far from enough, our first step is at least to restore the strength of the Eastern Front to the previous number!"

"In the second step, we must also improve the quality of the Soviet Red Army. The newly formed Volga Front needs at least 50 troops to hold the Eastern Front, and must be equipped with enough machine guns, cannons and anti-aircraft guns. Don’t think about it blindly, even if there are airplanes, it’s too late to train pilots now!”

"Comrades, members of the Central Committee, the Kolchak White Guards in the direction of Kazan are elite troops. At this moment, they already have at least 20 recharged troops ready to move around. The military strength, according to the most conservative estimate, will not be less than 20!"

"And us, how many people are left in our Soviet Red Army on the Eastern Front? Lev Davidovich, you are the chairman of the Supreme Military Council. Tell me!" Ulyanov sat down and drank water to moisten his throat , while letting Trotsky beside him introduce the situation.

"The main military force of the Soviet Red Army on the Eastern Front is the Eastern Front Army, which is left with the Third Army plus two divisions of the Fifth Army. There are many people, the Tenth Army has more than 8 people, if this is added up, the newly formed Volga Front Army has at most 4 main troops!" Trotsky's tone was also very dignified.

"In this case, even if we add the 30 prisoners of war who will be repatriated from Germany, we will only have 30 troops. This number is equivalent to the total number of the Soviet Red Army that participated in the Battle of Ufa, but the combat effectiveness will definitely not recover so quickly in the short term, so It is quite difficult to defend the Volga River with only [-] people!" Sverdlov, the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council, spoke.

"Comrade Lev Davidovich, what's the situation west of Moscow? Can you send troops from the direction of Petersburg to strengthen the Volga Front Army on the eastern front?" Joseph, the military commissar who returned from Tsaritsyn, obviously had his idea west of Moscow. to the troops!

"The formation of the Northern Front Army is still in the exploratory stage. The basic organization has not yet been set up. The commanders of the Front Army and the Army Group have not yet been determined. Besides, there are only a few divisions in the west? Unless all the workers' divisions in Moscow are transferred to the Eastern Front Go, it is absolutely impossible to mobilize a large number of troops from the direction of Petersburg right now!" Trotsky frowned.

Before the chairman of the Supreme Military Council finished speaking, Klestinsky, the chairman of the Petersburg Soviet and the commander of the military region, was the first to jump up, slapping the table and shouting, "Joseph Vissarionovich, what will happen?" In order to defend Petersburg, my people have exhausted all their strength, and the troops are simply insufficient, and the defense line along the Baltic Sea cannot be erected. At this time, Petersburg is unable to transfer a single soldier to the east!"

Krestinsky's partner beside him, Uritsky, chairman of the Petersburg Cheka and member of the military committee of the military region, also yelled,

"From the October Revolution to now, the sailors of the Baltic Fleet have mobilized 70% of the Bolshevik backbone of the sailors to enrich the Eastern and Southern Fronts on the Eastern Front. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to transfer a single soldier. , Now the fleet warships parked at the base don’t even have enough gunners!”

"Those small forces in Finland and Lithuania will not pose a real threat to Petersburg. Now that the Germans have ceased war with us, the Allied Powers' navy can't stretch so far, and the west will be relatively calm. I suggest that Zhong Yang consider it. At that time, transfer troops from the west to reinforce the Volga Front Army!" Joseph is now in a state of complacency, and he doesn't pay attention to Krestinsky and Uritsky at all.

"The importance of Petersburg to the Soviet is self-evident. It is the cradle and stronghold of the revolution. Rest assured, Zhong Yang will not easily weaken the strength of the Soviet Red Army in the west, but will instead strengthen the strength of the Petersburg Military Region. Nikolaevich, the formation of the Northern Front must be accelerated, the leaders of the Front and the Army Group must be determined as soon as possible, and the troops must be gathered together into one fist. Moscow's Western Front is as important as the Eastern Front!"

The chairman of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union stood up again and took over the quarrel. Ulyanov’s attitude made the heads of Petersburg’s Krestinsky and Uritsky feel a stone on the ground, and the two couldn’t help themselves. He glanced at Joseph on the opposite side, and Comrade Joseph was obviously a bit embarrassed at Ulyanov's statement, and did not continue to speak with a sullen face.

"Next, I will continue to talk about the situation. The situation before us is so severe. The reconstruction and replenishment of the Soviet Red Army will take time, and it will take time to build the Volga River defense line. Let’s get in touch, we’re going to have a truce with the other party!” Ulyanov changed the subject and brought the issue to a major key point in this meeting!

As soon as this remark came out, it was far beyond the expectations of the central committee members present who had rushed back from Petersburg and Tsaritsyn. There was an explosion of tongues in the meeting room, and the most violent reaction was from the inspector Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Army who came back from Rizin, felt that he had been deceived by the Soviet Central Committee.

"Vladimir Ilyich, in the call back from Zhong Yang and the Supreme Military Council to Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army yesterday, they did not say that they wanted to cease fighting with the enemy and talk about peace. Come to an end, we formed the Volga River Military Region and the Volga River Front Army, isn’t it just to fight the enemy better, why is it suddenly necessary to negotiate peace? What’s going on?!”

Joseph stood up angrily and yelled, his face flushed red. Obviously, he felt very uncomfortable being deceived. If he had known it was like this, he would never agree to come back to Moscow. Fortunately, he brought a division of troops Come together, if things don't go your way at that time, I will go back to Tsaritsyn, and I will carry the Bolshevik cause to the end on my own.

"Yes, Vladimir Ilyich, this decision was too sudden. We always thought that we would fight the enemy to the end. Did everyone know this beforehand? The central committee members in Moscow discussed it? We and the German The losses in the two negotiations were huge, so don’t lose your energy when negotiating with the enemies of Ufa, it will be really difficult at that time!”

It was Bubnov who was rubbing his hands and talking. His mood was actually very contradictory. Seeing Joseph's angry look, this guy felt a little happy in his heart, but it was a big surprise that he suddenly had a truce with the enemy who was fighting to the death. He expected, like most of the central committee members who did not know beforehand, that it would not be easy to turn around this corner!

"Comrades! Please be quiet, the truce is to buy time, and time is now in the hands of the 40 enemies on the other side. The advantage is not on our side. Once the other side crosses the Volga River, there is no danger east of Moscow. The Soviet regime We will face the great challenge of life and death, and according to the result of our negotiation with the coalition forces, the other side agreed to stop the war with the Volga River as the boundary!" Ulyanov beat the table to stop the hustle and bustle in the conference room, and said the result in one breath!

"Stop on the Volga River? Is the commander of the coalition army crazy or stupid? Does the other party have no other conditions? It's a bit too easy to negotiate a truce?" Noviev, Bukharin, and Dzerzhinsky knew about it in advance, so today's meeting was basically listening, and it was not too late to speak out when it was time to vote or argue.

"The Ufa coalition forces are definitely not good people, Vladimir Ilyich, could it be that Zhong Yang agreed to cede these lands south of Saratov-Kursk, including Tsaritsyn, in exchange for peace?!" Joseph gritted his teeth and lowered his voice roared.

"Joseph Vissarionovich, I, Ulyanov, and several central committee members in Moscow, after careful consideration, felt that it was worth paying the price. With our strength on the Eastern Front, we couldn't defend At the same time, the Volga River will not be able to keep the south of Saratov-Kursk and Tsaritsyn. Instead of waiting for the opponent to fight over and we get nothing, it is better as an exchange condition, in exchange for the two sides to use the Volga River as the boundary to cease fighting and talk about peace!"

It was Trotsky who spoke. When he said this, Sverdlov, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin, and Dzerzhinsky all nodded one after another, indicating that this was a consensus after everyone discussed it. The agreed result, of course, must be formally voted at the plenary meeting of the Zhongyang Committee today.

"I firmly oppose it! On behalf of all the soldiers of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, I firmly oppose Zhong Yang sacrificing the homes of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army in exchange for the so-called armistice and peace talks with the Ufa coalition forces. What demarcation is going on? To lure wolves into the house, you are seeking skins from tigers!

How much food did the working class, peasants and Soviet Red Army soldiers in Tsaritsyn and the lower reaches of the Volga provide Moscow, and what a price they paid for defending Tsaritsyn and repelling Denikin's offensive!It is absolutely impossible for you to hand over to the enemy with a word today!I don't agree!Comrades from Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front will never agree! "

Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front, pounded the table and roared furiously. His angry eyes glanced at the central yang committee members, a feeling of being deceived and betrayed. The humiliation and anger of being abandoned made this guy completely go into a state of rampage!

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