Beiyang 1917

Chapter 518 One way to the end


"Joseph Vissarionovich, the cause of the Soviet is not just about chanting slogans. The Central Committee of Soviet Russia has overall consideration for the overall situation, and each central committee member can express and reserve his own opinions!

But the central government of Soviet Russia implements a collective leadership system, not the leadership of a few individuals. Individuals cannot represent the organization, let alone the vast Soviet Red Army and local cadres!Your opinion is your opinion, don't mess with the comrades of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front! "It was Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council, who was pounding on the table and roaring likewise.

"Comrade Lev Davidovich, my opinion is the opinion of the comrades in Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army. All comrades in the South are determined to give up the south of Saratov and the Tsaritsyn area!" Joseph said nothing Without showing any weakness, he thumped the table and challenged Trotsky. Obviously, on this issue, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council could not convince the Central Committee member Yang and the military commissioner of the North Caucasus Military Region.

"Dear members of the Central Committee, I would like to remind everyone that in the recent period, some comrades have made some achievements because of certain work in a certain area, regardless of whether these achievements were made by the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and the Supreme Military Council in Moscow. Under the joint leadership, zhong yang and local comrades, the Russian Red Army and the working class worked together to obtain it, and zhong yang never denies that certain comrades have made some achievements for our cause!"

"However, the Central Committee of Soviet Russia will never tolerate any ambition or attempt of any individual overriding the organization or any locality over the Central Committee. I am as heavy-hearted as everyone else, but at this moment, as the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Chairman, I have to bring Comrade Joseph's issue to our meeting of the Central Committee today for discussion!"

"We feel that Comrade Joseph's personal hero chairmanship and local hilltopism have seriously affected his correct judgment on the current situation. Therefore, as the chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia, I file a motion with the Central Yang Committee requesting the removal of Joseph Wisa Leonovich Dzhugashvili is a member of the Central Committee of the Russian Central Committee and a member of the National People's Committee of the Soviet People's Committee!

At the same time, the Supreme Military Council of the Soviet Union is requested to remove him from the post of military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Army, and conduct further review of his mistakes! Ulyanov stood up and waved his hand cleanly, and went through all of Joseph's duties from top to bottom.

In fact, this treatment is not much different from when Kamenev and Zinoviev were expelled from the Central Committee of Soviet Russia twice before and after the October Revolution. The two guys wanted to be expelled from the party, but Sverdlov and Joseph stopped them on the grounds that the central committee had no right to expel party members.

Of course, the Zhongyang Committee has 100% qualifications to exempt its members from being a Zhongyang member, as long as more than half of them pass it, but in fact, the Soviet People's Committee is the highest authority of the Soviet government, but the Bolsheviks have now become a single ruling party Therefore, the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) is the real core of power, and most of the members of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) concurrently hold positions in the Russian People's Committee of the Soviet Union.

For example, Chicherin is the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, Joseph is the People's Commissar of Nationalities, and Ulyanov is basically the chairman of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party and the Chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet government.

Ulyanov and Trotsky made it easy for the so-called sharp knife to cut through the mess. The chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia hadn’t finished speaking yet. Chairman Sverdlov said,

"The following is a vote on the motion of Comrade Vladimir Ilyich, Chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia. Joseph, as a party involved, is not allowed to vote. The other fourteen Central Committee members, please carefully consider the motion proposed by Comrade Chairman, and express your attitude. If you support the removal of Joseph from various positions inside and outside the party, and continue to review his issues, please raise your hand!"

Speaking of which, Sverdlov was the first to raise his hand, "I agree with Vladimir Ilyich's proposal. If Comrade Joseph's mistakes continue to develop, no matter for him personally or for the Bolsheviks and the Soviets, , will cause greater losses, so it is better to solve this problem now than to drag it later!"

"This is betrayal! This is deceit! I want to appeal to all the central committee members here, and I want to appeal to all the representatives of the Seventh National Congress. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers and revolutionary masses of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army will not agree to your actions. , you are using deceitful means to engage in a surprise attack, do you have any basis for doing so? You have no right to do so!"

Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front, was pounding on the table vigorously, while subconsciously reaching for the weapon at his waist, only then did he realize that he was entering the Kremlin In front of the palace meeting room, all the Zhong Yang members carrying weapons handed over their weapons in the duty room, and Joseph was no exception.

Although he hesitated a little at the time, Trotsky before him and Sverdlov after him, including Dzerzhinsky, handed over their weapons without hesitation. How could this guy think that he would come to participate today? It was actually a Hongmen banquet?

"Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich, please pay attention to your attitude and measure. This was at the meeting of the Central Committee of the Party. Until now, you are still a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Even if you wait for the next meeting to pass The resolution temporarily removes you from positions inside and outside the party, you are still a Bolshevik party member, and you must also accept the supervision and leadership of the party!"

The speaker was the host of the meeting, Sverdlov. As the third in command of the Bolshevik Party, the secretary of the Zhongyang Secretariat, and the Zhongyang member in charge of party affairs such as organization and personnel, his words were just right.

Although the members of Zhong Yang who didn’t know beforehand in the conference room felt very sudden, but to be honest, Comrade Joseph’s vulgar and domineering style made many people feel uncomfortable in their previous relationship and work, but since entering the conference room until now , Comrade Joseph must call Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army, both inside and outside the words mean that Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army are self-respecting. The members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia are all veteran Bolshevik leaders, so how can they listen? Can't you come out with this bit of mystery?

Everyone just didn't expect the situation to change to such an extent at the meeting. In the first 5 minutes, Ulyanov was still introducing the situation and difficulties, seeking solutions, and in the next 1 minute, the two sides were debating whether to abandon the south of Saratov Including Tsaritsin jacked up the cow.

Moreover, as soon as the top cow situation appeared, the chairman of the Soviet Russian Central Committee here threw out a motion to dismiss Joseph, and, almost to the end, he continued to review Joseph's problem. The conflict between the two sides could actually intensify to the point where the enemy The degree of contradiction?The anti-revolutionary work of the Cheka organization has always been criticized, but not to mention the censorship of cadres at the central committee level of Soviet Russia, even the cadres of the alternate central committee members have not been reviewed.

Could it be that Joseph will be handed over to Dzerzhinsky's Cheka to be responsible for the review? If that is the case, Joseph is afraid that in his early fives, the Cheka gang will deny their relatives when interrogated, and the tricks of extorting confessions are very good. If it fell into the hands of the Cheka, with Joseph's violent and upright character, he might not be able to survive.

However, under the auspices of the host Sverdlov, the meeting progressed very quickly, and the central committee members present were not allowed to think too much. Following Sverdlov's criticism, Joseph sat down in the chair panting heavily. Covering their heads, the top three central committee members in the party, Sverdlov, Ulyanov and Trotsky, all raised their hands in favor of the motion against Joseph.

Immediately afterwards, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Kamenev, and Zinoviev also silently but without hesitation raised their hands to express their agreement. When half of the seven votes were reached, another central committee member raised his hand in favor, and Joseph's fate tonight would be determined.

In fact, if the three big bosses in the party have obtained a joint decision, if the situation of the entire central committee meeting cannot be controlled, this is a contempt for the leaders of the Bolshevik party. Of course, such a situation will not happen. Then the zhong yang committee members who raised their hands in agreement were a bit scrambling and did not maintain a good formation.

No one wants to be the last one to raise their hands in approval. It will make people feel hesitant unconsciously. What is there to hesitate?Ulyanov is the leader of the party unanimously recognized by everyone, and Comrade Trotsky, the founder of the Soviet Red Army, has made no less contribution to the revolution than any of the central yang members present, including his prestige!

Even a guy like Bukharin who is often vacillating has stood on the side of Comrade Chairman for the first time this time. Who will stand up and be the first bird who is bound to fail? Joseph is destined to be the loser tonight. Of course, raise your hand After the vote is over, someone will naturally have something to say!

Seven central committee members, Sokolnikov, Chicherin, Stasova, Bubnov, Lomov, Krestinsky, and Uritsky, also raised their hands successively and voted. The result was a one-sided 14:0. Bubnov was the last one to raise his hand hesitantly, which attracted a burst of dissatisfied comments and eyes.

In fact, this guy is acting for no other reason. As a member of the central government who came back from Tsaritsyn with Joseph, this guy used to argue with Joseph about power and words in Tsaritsyn in order to uphold Trotsky's intentions. However, the two guys, Voroshilov and Chernavin, had a grudge with their boss in Ukraine, so they were determined to support Joseph.

As a result, I only got the chairman of the Tsaritsin Soviet who was in charge of logistics and the short-term military commissar of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District, but the military power was not in his hands. The central yang committee responsible for leading the local area has turned around a lot. If Joseph is taken down, who else in the central yang committee will be more familiar with the situation of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army than himself?

Obviously only himself, Bubnov's first judgment result is that he has the opportunity to serve as the representative of the central government to appease Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army, and be responsible for taking over the vacancy left by Joseph's resignation, so this guy's heart is pounding Jumping, while begging for wealth and danger, he planned to make a gesture to show that he did it out of necessity, and against his will, he agreed with Zhong Yang's request to deal with Joseph's appeal.

It cannot be said that Bubnov is not capable or thinks too much. In fact, it is not easy for this guy to move so many ideas in such a short period of time to obtain more capital for himself. The water in the bowl is flat, so the localism problem in Tsaritsyn is to blame for the two central committee members working in Tsaritsyn. Bubnov actually became a victim of being tied up with Joseph.

Of course, this only means that Bubnov lost the opportunity to succeed Joseph as the leader of the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front, and it does not affect the identity and position of the central committee member here. Trotsky once thought about letting Bubnov Bonov went to the Volga River Military District and continued to play a role in the front army, but after careful consideration, the personal relationship between this guy and Ukrainian generals such as Voroshilov and Chernavin was in dire straits, so this year was cut off. Leave this guy to work in Zhong Yang.

"The result of the vote came out, 14:0. It is clear that everyone has made the right choice. The motion to remove Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili from both inside and outside the party was passed. As the Soviet Union The resolution of the Russian Central Committee has officially come into force and will be communicated to cadres at the middle level and above in the party starting tomorrow. I believe today's result is something that all central committee members, including Comrade Ulyanov, do not want to see!" Sverdlov looked at Joseph opposite with a heavy heart.

When things got to this point, Joseph smiled instead of anger. Of course, this fellow will not be so stupid as to continue pounding on the table with his throat. His own performance was over, so this guy bit his cheeks tightly, although he didn't hide the raging anger in his chest, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

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