Beiyang 1917

Chapter 519 The Dust Settles


"As the chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, I am responsible for the leadership of Joseph who slipped down the wrong path to the present bottom, but one point I want to emphasize is that Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvi Comrade Li committed the mistakes of liberalism, hilltopism, and local scattered ideas within the party, Comrade Joseph is not an enemy who has sneaked into the party, he is still our comrade!"

Ulyanov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, looked at Joseph with reproach and sadness. The scene of Joseph volunteering to clean up the mess in Tsaritsyn seemed to reappear before his eyes. It is only due to Joseph alone.Free eBook Download

Both Trotsky and Sverdlov used to ride armored trains day and night on the battlefields of the southern and eastern fronts, but it cannot be denied that Joseph's personal passion and ambitions are not ordinary. Strong, and in order to check and balance the increasing prestige of Trotsky, the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army, at some point he connived at Joseph's mistakes against his will.

This made Joseph more and more defiant, self-inflated to the point of looking down on everyone, and even swelled to the point where he dared to challenge the authority of the central government in Moscow with local power. If we don’t stop this unhealthy trend today, our Soviet Red Army will appear in the future The second, the third new warlords in the party like Joseph, this is absolutely intolerable for our cause.

The central yang of the Bolshevik Party must have 100% leadership over the Soviet Russian Red Army and the Soviets. There is no doubt about this, and no individual or place is allowed to challenge this. In fact, the reason why Ulyanov recently and the Supreme Military Council Chairman Trotsky's cooperation entered the second honeymoon period after the October Revolution.

The reason is that the two sides were horrified by the Joseph incident and saw how much harm the seedlings of localism in the party would bring to the entire party and the Soviet Red Army in the future. After so many years of struggle and sacrifice, the Bolshevik party and their The central yang committee should and must lead everything. This is the consensus reached by the two big men, Ulyanov and Trotsky, and it is not just for the sake of uniting to solve Joseph's problem at the lowest cost.

"Vladimir Ilyich, although I am the chairman of the Petersburg Cheka, I am also first and foremost an old Bolshevik, and I am glad to hear that you still call Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili Our comrades, I have a suggestion that the Cheka is an organization and a tool for the enemies of the other side and those hidden within us."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes with Dzerzhinsky. There is still a huge gap between Cheka's current mission and the quality of our team. In other words, some of our people are of low quality. I suggest that since Joseph is sure If he is still our comrade, then his mistakes should not be treated as conflicts between ourselves and the enemy, and the review of his mistakes should be handed over to the party’s organizational department, not a dictatorial tool like the Cheka!”

Uritsky, member of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, Chairman of the Petersburg Cheka, and Military Commissar of the Petrograd Military District, boldly expressed his views.

At this stage in 1918, the central production style of min zhu in Soviet Russia still wanted to be solid. The members of the central yang were all from old Bolshevik backgrounds. They trusted and loved such outstanding people as Ulyanov and Trotsky. The leader of the Bolsheviks, but it doesn't mean that he dares not express his views.

In particular, Uritsky and his partner, Krestinsky, chairman of the Petersburg Soviet, were both sent by Moscow as central committee members to lead a local party, government, and army to take charge of the overall situation.It is quite comparable to the previous jobs of Joseph and Bubnov.

In the view of Krestinsky and Uritsky, it is not possible for Moscow to point the finger at Petersburg next time because of Joseph's mistakes of personal heroism, decentralism, and localism. Who doesn't have the paternalistic style of paternalism among the leaders who rule a place?If Moscow really wants to catch the pigtails, it may not be able to clean itself up on its own side.

Heart to heart, if Moscow says at this moment that for peace, Petersburg and the Baltic coast must be ceded to the enemy, then Krestinsky and Uritsky will never agree to it, just kidding, in order to defend Peter How many Bolshevik fighters have been sacrificed in a revolutionary holy place like Fortress, it is absolutely impossible to hand it over!

Of course, if it were Tsaritsin and the Southern Front Army who would suffer this knife, although Krestinsky and Uritsky would inevitably feel a little bit sad, but for Ulyanov and Trotsky, they were as good as each other. The trust of the two leaders made them support Zhong Yang's move to clean up Joseph without hesitation.

What's more, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Sverdlov, Kamenev, and Zinoviev, the five diamond-level powerful factions, all support the two leaders Uzbekistan and Tuo, and they really want to do it for others. These two people are also unwilling to do the shitty thing of mantis' arms being used as a cart.

Uritsky's proposal won the approval of many central and yang committee members. When everyone voted just now, they were scrambling without hesitation. No one was afraid that Comrades Ulyanov and Trotsky would misunderstand that they were wearing a pair of pants with Joseph. After a while, Ulyanov said that Joseph was still a comrade rather than an enemy, and Uritsky, the regional leader of the Cheka, took the initiative to propose that the Cheka should not be allowed to examine Joseph.

The dignified atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly relaxed a lot. Here, Stasova held a cigarette, took a deep look at Joseph, and turned her head to suggest,

"Dear members of the Central Committee, since Vladimir Ilyich also believes that Joseph is still our comrade, he is not afraid of making mistakes if he is a comrade, and if he makes mistakes, he will encourage them. I believe that after a period of calm thinking, Comrade Joseph You must be able to recognize your mistakes, come out of them, and play a role for the party and our cause again!"

"I agree with Comrade Yelena Dmitrievna's suggestion. Although Joseph made a mistake, he is still our comrade. Vladimir Ilyich. Look at this. Comrade Joseph will stay in Moscow first. His problem can be further reviewed by the organization department, and Comrade Sverdlov is asked to send someone from the Zhong Yang Organization Bureau, and the safety and security, living conditions, and ration standards can continue to be implemented in accordance with the standards of the Zhong Yang Committee.”

It was Trotsky who was speaking. Although this guy didn’t need to buy people’s hearts or try to subdue Joseph, who had always been at odds with him, in order to avoid the split of the Soviet Red Army, it was necessary to be cautious and humane in dealing with Joseph’s issue. He and Ulyanov also reached a consensus on this point before.

At the very least, the 12 main force of the Southern Front Army is still waiting for Moscow to consider how to appease it, and the guard division brought by Joseph who was stationed in the barracks near Moscow University, without Joseph himself coming forward to write a note or something, it would cause internal strife Let outsiders see the joke of the Soviet Russian Red Army.

Of course, if you want Joseph to bow his head completely at this moment, then he is not the familiar Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. People bow their heads, and the Soviet Russian Central Committee is fully prepared for this.

Here, Ulyanov saw that the central committee members were pleading for mercy, and even Trotsky communicated with him according to the realization. Although Joseph was dismissed, his salary was lowered if he could not. The so-called problem was handed over to Sverdlo The husband's organizational department review is nothing more than a symbolic excuse.

According to the tone set by Ulyanov and Trotsky, Joseph's mistakes are obvious. The position is a typical hilltop decentralism style, but that's all.

Ulyanov and Trotsky did not give Joseph the hat of splitting the Soviet Russian Red Army. After calming down, Joseph could understand this. If he wears this hat, it will be difficult to become a comrade. , the central government of Soviet Russia has always had a zero-tolerance attitude towards rebellion in the army.

In fact, due to the fact that there were various factions in the initial composition of the Soviet Union, and when the Soviet Red Army was formed, all kinds of forces were included in it, so since the outbreak of the full-scale civil war after March, the original Soviet Red Army It is common for the generals of the White Guard to lead their troops to mutiny one after another.

Basically, the generals of the Soviet Red Army who rebelled basically had no chance to turn back. They could only go all the way on the opposite side of the Bolsheviks. Of course, these former Tsarist Russian generals rarely turned back. After the Constituent Assembly was dispersed , the leftist forces other than the Bolsheviks have no choice but to choose civil war, and the constitutional min zhu has become a dictatorship of the Bolsheviks. How can the left Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and constitutional min zhu accept it?

Joseph, who had calmed down, watched Trotsky and Ulyanov express their positions with cold eyes. Obviously, not only would he continue to be regarded as a comrade, he would still have the security and living conditions of a central committee member, and he would be able to watch As far as the various documents in Zhongyang are concerned, of course, 100% personal freedom is out of the question. The so-called review by the organization department will mostly use disguised house arrest with better living conditions as the bottom line, let’s wait and see.

Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, who has lost all his positions inside and outside the party, is of course no longer a member of the Soviet Russian Central Committee, so he cannot continue to participate in the meetings of the Soviet Russian Central Committee. Under Sverdlov's arrangement, Vasily, the deputy captain of the Klimt Palace Guard, personally came in and invited Joseph out to be resettled elsewhere. Of course, there will be limited free will. If you want to act alone or meet someone, or even leave Moscow, definitely not.

After Joseph left, the plenary meeting of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia went quite smoothly. First of all, everyone accepted the idea of ​​negotiating peace with the Ufa coalition forces. The armistice and demarcation of the French coalition forces will not only prevent the Ufa coalition forces from becoming their own face-to-face enemies.

At the same time, it also objectively caused the coalition forces to give up their support for Kolchak and his all-Russian interim government, the White Guard regime. Chak started internal strife, but no matter how powerful Kolchak was, how could he compare with the ferocity of the Ufa coalition forces.

If it is said that the cession of Saratov Kursk and Tsaritsyn made the central and yang committee members here feel deeply concerned, then the Ufa coalition forces will give up their open support for the Kolchak regime, especially the Kolchak regime. Any military operations west of the Volga River, and Kolchak's actual control area north of the Volga Kamala River, does not assume any obligations.

Such an exchange of conditions made all the members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union present feel that Joseph, who was as smart as Joseph, failed to understand the pros and cons of making peace with the coalition forces before. This is simply puzzling, and the only possibility is this Li Ling was stunned, thinking that he could challenge Moscow Zhongyang on his own.

The emergency meeting of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union on the night of July 7th finally passed the following resolutions:

1. The Volga River Military District and Front Army were established. The Eastern Front Army of the former Nizhny Novgorod Military District and the Southern Front Army of the North Caucasus Military District merged with their respective military districts into the Volga River Military District and Front Army. Sverdlov was newly established The Chairman of the Military District Military Committee and the Commander of the Front Army, with Kamenev as the Military Committee Member of the Military District Revolutionary Military Committee and the Front Army Front Enemy Military Committee.

2. The military commissar of the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front of Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was dismissed, and the National People's Commissar of the Soviet People's Committee was also dismissed. The mistakes made by the organization department Conduct a review, and during the review period to make new conclusions, retain the relevant policy treatment of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union.

3. The truce and demarcation agreement reached by the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union and the Ufa coalition forces was adopted. The two sides took the Volga River as the boundary to truce and recognize each other. Soviet Russia ceded the south of Saratov Kursk and Tsaritsyn, and recognized Volga The Federal Autonomous Government's sovereignty over the above-mentioned areas, of course, the Volga Federal Autonomous Government promised not to support and not to participate in any military operations of the Kolchak regime west of the Volga River.

4. The Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union added Yuefei, Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, as a member of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union, and appointed Bubnov to replace the People's Commissar of Nationalities left by Joseph.


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