Beiyang 1917

Chapter 520 Surrounded?


Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, former chairman of the Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District, military member of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Southern Front, member of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, and National People's Commissar of the Soviet People's Committee, was exhausted , which could be regarded as the biggest earthquake in the Bolshevik party. :Reading novels

Joseph has worked in the North Caucasus for a long time and has made outstanding contributions to the Soviets on the southern battlefield. He has won three consecutive victories in defending Tsaritsyn. The former Ukrainian troops near Ritsin, the workers' pickets in Tsaritsyn, and the workers' detachment south of Saratov.

Through the integration and organization of three battles to defend Tsaritsyn, the Southern Front Army with the eighth, ninth, and tenth main armies was established, and it became half of the Soviet Russian Zheng Fu Eastern Front Army.

If Vatsitis, the commander of the Eastern Front Army, should bear the leadership responsibility for the destruction of the Southern Army Group in the Battle of Ufa, then the Southern Front Army, which suffered much smaller losses, shouldn’t be hit so hard. Of course, Comrade Joseph It's a bit arrogant and domineering, but is it too much for a veteran Bolshevik leader who is in charge of the party, government and military power?

Leading an infantry division of about 10000 people to escort the central yang committee member Joseph and Bubnov back to Moscow is Voroshilov's favorite general, the main division of the Tenth Army, and the division commander of the 1st Steel Infantry Division. Love.

Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov was born in November 1897 into a peasant family in Kostroma province. In 11, at the age of 1914, he joined the Tsarist Russian Army, fought in the Southwest Front Army, was unfortunately captured, and was imprisoned in the same concentration camp as Tukhachevsky of the Eastern Front Army.

Before the February Revolution in 1917, Pavlov escaped from the prisoner-of-war camp and joined the Bolsheviks. After that, he was sent by the Bolshevik party organization in Petrograd to work in the Izmailov Guards, while Voroshilov His military career or revolutionary career began with the successful instigation of the Izmailov Guards in the February Revolution of 1917.

During Voroshilov's instigation of the Izmailov Guards, the young Bolshevik Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov left a deep impression on him, Impressing him.

Due to the foreshadowing of Pavlov's early work, many Bolshevik soldiers have been developed in the middle and lower ranks of the Jingwei Regiment, so the uprising went very smoothly. Finally, the soldiers elected Voroshilov as the Petersburg Workers' Representative and the Bolshevik Party Committee committee member.

And the 20-year-old Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov also became Voroshilov's favorite and admired assistant. The guerrillas also developed miners' riots, and later followed Voroshilov back to Ukraine to form the Fifth Ukrainian Army.

In the civil war, Pavlov successively served as platoon commander, company commander, and regiment commander, and was promoted to brigade commander and division commander under Voroshilov's command in three battles to defend Tsaritsyn, the main division of the Tenth Army of the Southern Front The First Division of the Iron Infantry was also handed over to Pavlov.

The 1st Iron Infantry Division is a unit named by Joseph, the former chairman of the Military Committee of the North Caucasus Military District. It originated from Comrade Joseph’s March 1913 publication of the article "Isnism and National Issues" and the first use of "Shi Daling" (meaning " Man of Steel"), the 3st Division of the Iron Infantry was formed by drawing Bolsheviks of working class origin from the troops of Comrade Joseph's most trusted Voroshilov.

And Voroshilov handed over this division to his most trusted subordinate and follower Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov. It is the direct line of troops of the husband, and also the guard division of Comrade Joseph.

The 1st Iron and Steel Division has a full staff of nearly 10000 people, almost 100% of whom are soldiers from the working class or who have worked as workers. It is one of the most effective infantry divisions in the Southern Front Army. When Tsaritsyn headed north to Moscow, the 10000-strong team filled five trains alone. The first brigade cleared the way on the first two trains, and the second brigade served as the rear guard on the last two trains.

The special train for Joseph and Bubnov is an armored train equipped with machine guns and cannons. The armored train is a magic weapon in the defense of Tsaritsyn, and it is also a weapon often equipped by the main force of the Southern Front Army. Of course, the 21-year-old division commander Ba Vlov is a strong Bolshevik, so this guy didn't think about whether his troops would open fire on Moscow one day.

The officers and soldiers of the First Iron and Steel Division did not think so. Like their young division commander, in the eyes of the boys, Joseph was the representative of the Soviet Russian central yang and Moscow to Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front, representing the Soviet Russian central yang. The committee leads the work of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front. To the troops of the Southern Front, Joseph is the central yang of Moscow, the Bolshevik Party, and his own leader!

"Reporting to the division commander, there are many soldiers on the streets of our camp. They seem to be under martial law and mobilization! Do you want to call our troops to alert?" It was the first brigade commander Golb who rushed into the division headquarters to report Man, followed by two sentries on duty.

"What's going on? Calm down, this is Moscow, the heart of the motherland, where are the enemies? Could it be that some troops are going to mutiny and riot?" The division commander Pavlov jumped up when he heard this.

This guy is discussing with his political commissar Djugashvili in the headquarters, whispering that the troops have entered Moscow, but how to control the discipline of the troops, this is the capital, and the people of Moscow are not country bumpkins in those villages and towns in the south. When you enter the capital, don't disturb the people and cause accidents. Comrade Voroshilov and Comrade Joseph don't look good when they come!

"Slow down, Comrade Golberman, did you issue a warning to us? Find out which part of the army it is?" Djugashvili, the division political commissar, said seriously.

"Reporting to the division commander and political commissar, the other party seems to be the Moscow garrison. The rifle in his hand has long stabs. The other party does not seem to be a riot or rebellion, but it seems to be coming for us. There are two near Moscow University. The intersections outside the street are all blocked, and no one is allowed to pass without a pass!"

Golberman replied in a low voice, in fact, if his troops stayed in the camp obediently, the 1st Steel Division from Tsaritsin, which was under martial law in Moscow, might not know about it, but the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds , Moscow's material supply is tight, especially food, but there is plenty of vodka.

Gorberman's adjutant brought two orderlies to get some food, and wanted to go to a nearby Muscovite's house to exchange for some good wine, but then he ran into martial law. I can't come back outside, this big black light is blind, how can the outsiders from the 1st Division of the Tsaritsyn Iron and Steel Infantry get a pass for Moscow?

Of course, Gorberman's adjutant and orderly sneaked back to the camp with a few bottles of good wine in exchange, so Gorberman did not intend to report to the division commander's political commissar about exchanging food for wine with the Muscovites. However, his camp was suddenly surrounded by martial law, which was of great importance. Golberman immediately rushed to the division headquarters to report, and pretended to bring two sentries on duty behind him.

Just like that, the phone rang in the division headquarters, and the division political commissar Djugashvili went over to answer the phone. It was the second brigade calling, and there were people half a street away from the east and north directions of the camp. The Moscow garrison was quite numerous, but the street traffic had been blocked, and then the two regiments of the first brigade reported successively that the Moscow garrison appeared in the west and south directions of the first division and was enforcing martial law.

"Operator, this is the First Division of the Tsaritsyn Iron and Steel Division of Moscow University, please connect me to the Moscow Garrison Command, no, please directly connect to the Krem Palace Central Committee or the duty room of the Supreme Military Council!" Division Commander Pavlov's face paled Stern, he ordered the political commissar to urgently notify the commanders and fighters of the division to get up and enter a state of alert, but they were not allowed to leave the camp and shoot without authorization from the division headquarters.

This guy picked up the only external phone at the division headquarters to answer the Kremlin!There were bursts of whistles and hurried footsteps in the entire camp, but the voices were not loud. Although the soldiers of the Iron and Steel First Division were nervous and didn't know what happened, they were obviously well-trained. It's not the one who ran around and shouted when he heard the whistle of emergency assembly in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, this outside line was not cut off, which means that the First Division of the Steel Infantry did not become a turtle in the urn. Although Pavlov was young, he had rich experience and knew that if the troops surrounding him were If you really want to fire and destroy yourself, you will never leave the phone on and let yourself go out to rescue soldiers.

While waiting for the nice female voice of the operator on the receiver to answer the phone, the guy covered the phone and turned to stare at the commander of the first brigade, "It's only been a few hours, Golberman, your people didn't go out to cause trouble ?”

Gorberman's brow was sweating, he stamped his feet and swore, "Commander, don't mention you before you come, even Comrade Voroshilov has repeatedly taken care of you. Our 1st Steel Infantry Division represents the Tsaritsyn working class and the South. The image of the front army, Moscow is the heart of the motherland, how dare we mess around, it is the fellow villagers who dropped by on the train along the way, and we let them get off before the train entered Moscow!"

"By the way fellows? Hmph, don't forget that you are the glorious First Steel Division, not White Guard Cossacks, you are glorious Soviet Red Army soldiers, not bandits! If any fellow villagers come to complain, then I will watch your brigade Do you still want to do it!" Pavlov said angrily when he heard the words.

"Master, don't worry, it's not easy for fellow countrymen. You can't buy train tickets these days, and there are not many fellow villagers in our carriages. You can rest assured about the discipline of the team. Iron will and steel discipline, but if fellow villagers and soldiers We can’t care too much if we have friendship in private, right, after all, we are going back to Moscow and not going to the front to fight.”

Gorberman and Pavlov are obviously two types of generals of the Soviet Red Army. In other words, Pavlov is a very motivated young division commander, while Gorberman, the brigade commander of his main brigade However, he is a master who has lived through today without thinking about tomorrow. He is brave in battle and has a good command, which is deeply loved by the soldiers of the first brigade.

The soldiers were in awe of their young commander Pavlov, but they loved Golberman who was like a brother who usually hangs out with everyone. The discipline of the first brigade is directly proportional to the combat effectiveness, and grasping the slightly human nature The best balance between a little military discipline and high combat effectiveness is Golberman's forte.


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